envsubst based on string - shell

I have the following two lines in my text file
I want to use envsubst to only replace the second occurence of MyEnv variable. How can I use the string "someText" to distinguish between the first and second occurrence of the variable and substitute in env variable?
so envsubst < file1 >file2
file 2
How is this possible

The following code will substitute all environment variables on the second line of the input. The requested envsubst command is the only non-builtin that is used.
while read line; do
if [ $L = 2 ]; then
echo "$line" |envsubst
echo "$line"
done < file1 > file2
Start reading with the last line since it dictates the inputs and outputs; the contents of file1 are read line by line, populating $line for each iteration of the while loop. The echo lines are piped into file2.
We have a line counter $L which increments at the beginning of the loop. If we're on line 2, we send the line through envsubst. Otherwise, we just report it.
You also asked how you could use the string "someText" to distinguish between occurrences. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this, but consider this:
while read line; do
# $line contains the string 'someText$MyEnv'
# (literally: $line does not match itself when removing that string)
if [ "$line" != "${line#*someText\$MyEnv}" ]; then
echo "$line" |envsubst
echo "$line"
done < file1 > file2
Note: envsubst will only substitute exported variables. The envsubst command is not portable; it's part of GNU gettext and it is not a part of either the POSIX standard utilities or the Linux Standard Base commands (LSB).
To be fully portable (and fully using sh builtins!), you'd need to use eval, which is unsafe without lots of extra checks.


Can't add a new element to an array in bash [duplicate]

In the following program, if I set the variable $foo to the value 1 inside the first if statement, it works in the sense that its value is remembered after the if statement. However, when I set the same variable to the value 2 inside an if which is inside a while statement, it's forgotten after the while loop. It's behaving like I'm using some sort of copy of the variable $foo inside the while loop and I am modifying only that particular copy. Here's a complete test program:
set -e
set -u
if [[ "$bar" == "hello" ]]
echo "Setting \$foo to 1: $foo"
echo "Variable \$foo after if statement: $foo"
lines="first line\nsecond line\nthird line"
echo -e $lines | while read line
if [[ "$line" == "second line" ]]
echo "Variable \$foo updated to $foo inside if inside while loop"
echo "Value of \$foo in while loop body: $foo"
echo "Variable \$foo after while loop: $foo"
# Output:
# $ ./testbash.sh
# Setting $foo to 1: 1
# Variable $foo after if statement: 1
# Value of $foo in while loop body: 1
# Variable $foo updated to 2 inside if inside while loop
# Value of $foo in while loop body: 2
# Value of $foo in while loop body: 2
# Variable $foo after while loop: 1
# bash --version
# GNU bash, version 4.1.10(4)-release (i686-pc-cygwin)
echo -e $lines | while read line
The while loop is executed in a subshell. So any changes you do to the variable will not be available once the subshell exits.
Instead you can use a here string to re-write the while loop to be in the main shell process; only echo -e $lines will run in a subshell:
while read line
if [[ "$line" == "second line" ]]
echo "Variable \$foo updated to $foo inside if inside while loop"
echo "Value of \$foo in while loop body: $foo"
done <<< "$(echo -e "$lines")"
You can get rid of the rather ugly echo in the here-string above by expanding the backslash sequences immediately when assigning lines. The $'...' form of quoting can be used there:
lines=$'first line\nsecond line\nthird line'
while read line; do
done <<< "$lines"
Explanation is in Blue Moons's answer.
Alternative solutions:
Eliminate echo
while read line; do
done <<EOT
first line
second line
third line
Add the echo inside the here-is-the-document
while read line; do
done <<EOT
$(echo -e $lines)
Run echo in background:
coproc echo -e $lines
while read -u ${COPROC[0]} line; do
Redirect to a file handle explicitly (Mind the space in < <!):
exec 3< <(echo -e $lines)
while read -u 3 line; do
Or just redirect to the stdin:
while read line; do
done < <(echo -e $lines)
And one for chepner (eliminating echo):
arr=("first line" "second line" "third line");
for((i=0;i<${#arr[*]};++i)) { line=${arr[i]};
Variable $lines can be converted to an array without starting a new sub-shell. The characters \ and n has to be converted to some character (e.g. a real new line character) and use the IFS (Internal Field Separator) variable to split the string into array elements. This can be done like:
lines="first line\nsecond line\nthird line"
echo "$lines"
IFS=$'\n' arr=(${lines//\\n/$'\n'}) # Conversion
echo "${arr[#]}", Length: ${#arr[*]}
set|grep ^arr
Result is
first line\nsecond line\nthird line
first line second line third line, Length: 3
arr=([0]="first line" [1]="second line" [2]="third line")
You are asking this bash FAQ. The answer also describes the general case of variables set in subshells created by pipes:
E4) If I pipe the output of a command into read variable, why
doesn't the output show up in $variable when the read command finishes?
This has to do with the parent-child relationship between Unix
processes. It affects all commands run in pipelines, not just
simple calls to read. For example, piping a command's output
into a while loop that repeatedly calls read will result in
the same behavior.
Each element of a pipeline, even a builtin or shell function,
runs in a separate process, a child of the shell running the
pipeline. A subprocess cannot affect its parent's environment.
When the read command sets the variable to the input, that
variable is set only in the subshell, not the parent shell. When
the subshell exits, the value of the variable is lost.
Many pipelines that end with read variable can be converted
into command substitutions, which will capture the output of
a specified command. The output can then be assigned to a
grep ^gnu /usr/lib/news/active | wc -l | read ngroup
can be converted into
ngroup=$(grep ^gnu /usr/lib/news/active | wc -l)
This does not, unfortunately, work to split the text among
multiple variables, as read does when given multiple variable
arguments. If you need to do this, you can either use the
command substitution above to read the output into a variable
and chop up the variable using the bash pattern removal
expansion operators or use some variant of the following
Say /usr/local/bin/ipaddr is the following shell script:
#! /bin/sh
host `hostname` | awk '/address/ {print $NF}'
Instead of using
/usr/local/bin/ipaddr | read A B C D
to break the local machine's IP address into separate octets, use
set -- $(/usr/local/bin/ipaddr)
A="$1" B="$2" C="$3" D="$4"
Beware, however, that this will change the shell's positional
parameters. If you need them, you should save them before doing
This is the general approach -- in most cases you will not need to
set $IFS to a different value.
Some other user-supplied alternatives include:
read A B C D << HERE
$(IFS=.; echo $(/usr/local/bin/ipaddr))
and, where process substitution is available,
read A B C D < <(IFS=.; echo $(/usr/local/bin/ipaddr))
Hmmm... I would almost swear that this worked for the original Bourne shell, but don't have access to a running copy just now to check.
There is, however, a very trivial workaround to the problem.
Change the first line of the script from:
Et voila! A read at the end of a pipeline works just fine, assuming you have the Korn shell installed.
This is an interesting question and touches on a very basic concept in Bourne shell and subshell. Here I provide a solution that is different from the previous solutions by doing some kind of filtering. I will give an example that may be useful in real life. This is a fragment for checking that downloaded files conform to a known checksum. The checksum file look like the following (Showing just 3 lines):
49174 36326 dna_align_feature.txt.gz
54757 1 dna.txt.gz
55409 9971 exon_transcript.txt.gz
The shell script:
failcnt=0 # this variable is only valid in the parent shell
#variable xx captures all the outputs from the while loop
xx=$(cat ${checkfile} | while read -r line; do
num1=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}')
num2=$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}')
fname=$(echo $line | awk '{print $3}')
if [ -f "$fname" ]; then
res=$(sum $fname)
filegood=$(sum $fname | awk -v na=$num1 -v nb=$num2 -v fn=$fname '{ if (na == $1 && nb == $2) { print "TRUE"; } else { print "FALSE"; }}')
if [ "$filegood" = "FALSE" ]; then
failcnt=$(expr $failcnt + 1) # only in subshell
echo "$fname BAD $failcnt"
done | tail -1) # I am only interested in the final result
# you can capture a whole bunch of texts and do further filtering
failcnt=${xx#* BAD } # I am only interested in the number
# this variable is in the parent shell
echo failcnt $failcnt
if [ $failcnt -gt 0 ]; then
echo $failcnt files failed
echo download successful
The parent and subshell communicate through the echo command. You can pick some easy to parse text for the parent shell. This method does not break your normal way of thinking, just that you have to do some post processing. You can use grep, sed, awk, and more for doing so.
I use stderr to store within a loop, and read from it outside.
Here var i is initially set and read inside the loop as 1.
# reading lines of content from 2 files concatenated
# inside loop: write value of var i to stderr (before iteration)
# outside: read var i from stderr, has last iterative value
cat $f $g | \
while read -r s;
echo $s > /dev/null; # some work
echo $i > 2
let i++
read -r i < 2
echo $i
Or use the heredoc method to reduce the amount of code in a subshell.
Note the iterative i value can be read outside the while loop.
while read -r s;
echo $s > /dev/null
let i++
done <<EOT
$(cat $f $g)
let i--
echo $i
How about a very simple method
+call your while loop in a function
- set your value inside (nonsense, but shows the example)
- return your value inside
+capture your value outside
+set outside
+display outside
# set -e
# set -u
# No idea why you need this, not using here
if [[ "$bar" == "hello" ]]
echo "Setting \$foo to $foo"
echo "Variable \$foo after if statement: $foo"
lines="first line\nsecond line\nthird line"
function my_while_loop
echo -e $lines | while read line
if [[ "$line" == "second line" ]]
foo=2; return 2;
echo "Variable \$foo updated to $foo inside if inside while loop"
echo -e $lines | while read line
if [[ "$line" == "second line" ]]
echo "Variable \$foo updated to $foo inside if inside while loop"
return 2;
# Code below won't be executed since we returned from function in 'if' statement
# We aready reported the $foo var beint set to 2 anyway
echo "Value of \$foo in while loop body: $foo"
my_while_loop; foo="$?"
echo "Variable \$foo after while loop: $foo"
Setting $foo 1
Variable $foo after if statement: 1
Value of $foo in while loop body: 1
Variable $foo after while loop: 2
bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.51(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin13)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Though this is an old question and asked several times, here's what I'm doing after hours fidgeting with here strings, and the only option that worked for me is to store the value in a file during while loop sub-shells and then retrieve it. Simple.
Use echo statement to store and cat statement to retrieve. And the bash user must chown the directory or have read-write chmod access.
#write to file
echo "1" > foo.txt
while condition; do
if (condition); then
#write again to file
echo "2" > foo.txt
#read from file
echo "Value of \$foo in while loop body: $(cat foo.txt)"

Copy number of line composed by special character in bash

I have an exercise where I have a file and at the begin of it I have something like
# tototata
Hello world
Test test
#this is it
And I have to take each first line starting with a # until the line where I don't have one and stock it in a variable. In case of a shebang, it has to skip it and if there's blank space between lines, it has to skip them too. We just want the comment between the shebang and the next character.
I'm new to bash and I would like to know if there's a way to do it please ?
Expected output:
# tototata
Try in this easy way to better understand.
sed 1d your_input_file | while read line;
check=$( echo $line | grep ^"[#;]" )
if ([ ! -z "$check" ] || [ -z "$line" ])
echo $line;
exit 1;
This may be more correct, although your question was unclear about weather the input file had a script shebang, if the shebang had to be skipped to match your sample output, or if the input file shebang was just bogus.
It is also unclear for what to do, if the first lines of the input file are not starting with #.
You should really post your assignment's text as a reference.
Anyway here is a script that does collects first set of consecutive lines starting with a sharp # into the arr array variable.
It may not be an exact solution to your assignment (witch you should be able to solve with what your previous lessons taught you), but will get you some clues and keys to iterate reading lines from a file and testing that lines starts with a #.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Our variable to store parsed lines
# Is an array of strings with an entry per line
declare -a arr=()
# Iterate reading lines from the file
# while it matches Regex: ^[#]
# mean while lines starts with a sharp #
while IFS=$'\n' read -r line && [[ "$line" =~ ^[#] ]]; do
# Add line to the arr array variable
done <a.txt
# Print each array entries with a newline
printf '%s\n' "${arr[#]}"
How about this (not tested, so you may have to debug it a bit, but my comments in the code should explain what is going on):
while read line
# initial is 1 one the first line, and 0 after this. When the script starts,
# the variable is undefined.
: ${initial:=1}
# Test for lines starting with #. Need to quote the hash
# so that it is not taken as comment.
if [[ $line == '#'* ]]
# Test for initial #!
if (( initial == 1 )) && [[ $line == '#!'* ]]
: # ignore it
echo $line # or do whatever you want to do with it
# stop on non-blank, non-comment line
if [[ $line != *[^\ ]* ]]
initial=0 # Next line won't be an initial line
done < your_file

Parsing a config file in bash

Here's my config file (dansguardian-config):
banned-phrase duck
banned-site allaboutbirds.org
I want to write a bash script that will read this config file and create some other files for me. Here's what I have so far, it's mostly pseudo-code:
while read line
# if line starts with "banned-phrase"
# add rest of line to file bannedphraselist
# fi
# if line starts with "banned-site"
# add rest of line to file bannedsitelist
# fi
done < dansguardian-config
I'm not sure if I need to use grep, sed, awk, or what.
Hope that makes sense. I just really hate DansGuardian lists.
With awk:
$ cat config
banned-phrase duck frog bird
banned-phrase horse
banned-site allaboutbirds.org duckduckgoose.net
banned-site froggingbirds.gov
$ awk '$1=="banned-phrase"{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)print $i >"bannedphraselist"}
$1=="banned-site"{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)print $i >"bannedsitelist"}' config
$ cat bannedphraselist
$ cat bannedsitelist
In awk by default each line is separated into fields by whitespace and each field is handled by $i where i is the ith field i.e. the first field on each line is $1, the second field on each line is $2 upto $NF where NF is the variable that contains the number of fields on the given line.
So the script is simple:
Check the first field against our required strings $1=="banned-phrase"
If the first field matched then loop over all the other fields for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) and print each field print $i and redirect the output to the file >"bannedphraselist".
You could do
sed -n 's/^banned-phrase *//p' dansguardian-config > bannedphraselist
sed -n 's/^banned-site *//p' dansguardian-config > bannedsitelist
Although that means reading the file twice. I doubt that the possible performance loss matters though.
You can read multiple variables at once; by default they're split on whitespace.
while read command target; do
case "$command" in
banned-phrase) echo "$target" >>bannedphraselist;;
banned-site) echo "$target" >>bannedsitelist;;
"") ;; # blank line
*) echo >&2 "$0: unrecognized config directive '$command'";;
done < dansguardian-config
Just as an example. A smarter implementation would read the list files first, make sure things weren't already banned, etc.
What is the problem with all the solutions which uses echo text >> file? It can be checked with strace that in every such step the file is opened, then positioned to the end, then text is written and file is closed. So if there is 1000 times echo text >> file then there will be 1000 open, lseek, write, close. The number of open, lseek and close can be reduced a lot on the following way:
while read key val; do
case $key in
banned-phrase) echo $val>&2;;
banned-site) echo $val;;
done >bannedsitelist 2>bannedphraselist <dansguardian-config
The stdout and stderr is redirected to files and kept open while the loop is alive. So the files are opened once and closed once. No need of lseek. Also the file caching is used more in this way as the unnecessary calls to close will not flush the buffers each time.
while read name value
if [ $name = banned-phrase ]
echo $value >> bannedphraselist
elif [ $name = banned-site ]
echo $value >> bannedsitelist
done < dansguardian-config
Better to use awk:
awk '$1 ~ /^banned-phrase/{print $2 >> "bannedphraselist"}
$1 ~ /^banned-site/{print $2 >> "bannedsitelist"}' dansguardian-config

Parsing .csv file in bash, not reading final line

I'm trying to parse a csv file I made with Google Spreadsheet. It's very simple for testing purposes, and is basically:
The problem is that the csv doesn't end in a newline character so when I cat the file in BASH, I get
MacBook-Pro:Desktop kkSlider$ cat test.csv
5,6MacBook-Pro:Desktop kkSlider$
I just want to read line by line in a BASH script using a while loop that every guide suggests, and my script looks like this:
while IFS=',' read -r last first
echo "$last $first"
done < test.csv
The output is:
MacBook-Pro:Desktop kkSlider$ ./test.sh
1 2
3 4
Any ideas on how I could have it read that last line and echo it?
Thanks in advance.
You can force the input to your loop to end with a newline thus:
(cat test.csv ; echo) | while IFS=',' read -r last first
echo "$last $first"
Unfortunately, this may result in an empty line at the end of your output if the input already has a newline at the end. You can fix that with a little addition:
(cat test.csv ; echo) | while IFS=',' read -r last first
if [[ $last != "" ]] ; then
echo "$last $first"
Another method relies on the fact that the values are being placed into the variables by the read but they're just not being output because of the while statement:
while IFS=',' read -r last first
echo "$last $first"
done <test.csv
if [[ $last != "" ]] ; then
echo "$last $first"
That one works without creating another subshell to modify the input to the while statement.
Of course, I'm assuming here that you want to do more inside the loop that just output the values with a space rather than a comma. If that's all you wanted to do, there are other tools better suited than a bash read loop, such as:
tr "," " " <test.csv
cat file |sed -e '${/^$/!s/$/\n/;}'| while IFS=',' read -r last first; do echo "$last $first"; done
If the last (unterminated) line needs to be processed differently from the rest, #paxdiablo's version with the extra if statement is the way to go; but if it's going to be handled like all the others, it's cleaner to process it in the main loop.
You can roll the "if there was an unterminated last line" into the main loop condition like this:
while IFS=',' read -r last first || [ -n "$last" ]
echo "$last $first"
done < test.csv

How to extract values from a string on ksh (korn shell)

I have the following input
MyComposite[2.1], partition=default, mode=active, state=on, isDefault=true, deployedTime=2012-05-07T15:35:22.473-07:00
MessageManager[1.0], partition=default, mode=active, state=on, isDefault=true, deployedTime=2012-05-07T15:37:14.137-07:00
SimpleApproval[1.0], partition=default, mode=active, state=on, isDefault=true, deployedTime=2012-05-07T15:28:39.599-07:00
and I have a script that parses the input line by line from a file but I don't have a clue on how I could extract individual parameters from each line into local variables so I can perform additional processes
So far I'm trying the following:
compositeName="foo" ci=0
# while loop while read line do
# display line or do somthing on $line
if echo "$line" | egrep -q '\[[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\].*?(mode=active).*?
(state=on)' then compositeName=$( echo "$line" | egrep '[0-9]*' )
echo "$compositeName"
#echo "$line"
done <"$file"
I'm somwhow lookint to extract only two values from this string, the first word and the float between brackets
name = MyComposite
version = 2.1
any ideas?
I'm not sure if those line numbers are in the file or not. If not, you can do this:
#!/usr/bin/env ksh
while IFS="," read nameVersion line; do
print "name=$name version=$version"
done < "$file"
If the line numbers are in the file, change the name assignment in the above script to name="${nameVersion//+([0-9]).+( )+(*)\[*/\3}"
