MS-DOS how to get output of command as variable - dos

I've written a program that returns keycodes as integers for DOS
but i don't know how to get it's output as a variable.
Note: I'm using MS-DOS 7 / Windows 98, so i can't use FOR /F or SET /P
Does anyone know how i could do that?

A few solutions are described by Eric Pement here. However, for older versions of cmd the author was forced to use external tools.
For example, program tools like STRINGS by Douglas Boling, allows for following code:
echo Greetings! | STRINGS hi=ASK # puts "Greetings!" into %hi%
Same goes for ASET by Richard Breuer:
echo Greetings! | ASET hi=line # puts "Greetings!" into %hi%
One of alternative pure DOS solutions needs the program output to be redirected to the file (named ANSWER.DAT in example below) and then uses a specially prepared batch file. To cite the aforementioned page:
[I]n the batch file we need to be able to issue the command
set MYVAR={the contents of ANSWER.DAT go here}. This is a difficult task, since MS-DOS doesn't offer an easy way to prepend "set MYVAR=" to a file [...]
Normal DOS text files and batch files end all lines with two consecutive bytes: a carriage return (Ctrl-M, hex 0D, or ASCII 13) and a linefeed (Ctrl-J, hex 0A or ASCII 10). In the batch file, you must be able to embed a Ctrl-J in the middle of a line.
Many text editors have a way to do this: via a Ctrl-P followed by Ctrl-J (DOS EDIT with Win95/98, VDE), via a Ctrl-Q prefix (Emacs, PFE), via direct entry with ALT and the numeric keypad (QEdit, Multi-Edit), or via a designated function key (Boxer). Other editors absolutely will not support this (Notepad, Editpad, EDIT from MS-DOS 6.22 or earlier; VIM can insert a linefeed only in binary mode, but not in its normal text mode).
If you can do it, your batch file might look like this:
#echo off
:: assume that the datafile exists already in ANSWER.DAT
echo set myvar=^J | find "set" >PREFIX.DAT
echo Success! The value of myvar is: [%myvar%].
:: erase temp files ...
for %%f in (PREFIX.DAT ANSWER.DAT VARIAB.BAT) do del %%f >NUL
Where you see the ^J on line 3 above, the linefeed should be embedded at that point. Your editor may display it as a square box with an embedded circle.


set /p or alternative on MS-DOS (Windows ME) [duplicate]

I've written a program that returns keycodes as integers for DOS
but i don't know how to get it's output as a variable.
Note: I'm using MS-DOS 7 / Windows 98, so i can't use FOR /F or SET /P
Does anyone know how i could do that?
A few solutions are described by Eric Pement here. However, for older versions of cmd the author was forced to use external tools.
For example, program tools like STRINGS by Douglas Boling, allows for following code:
echo Greetings! | STRINGS hi=ASK # puts "Greetings!" into %hi%
Same goes for ASET by Richard Breuer:
echo Greetings! | ASET hi=line # puts "Greetings!" into %hi%
One of alternative pure DOS solutions needs the program output to be redirected to the file (named ANSWER.DAT in example below) and then uses a specially prepared batch file. To cite the aforementioned page:
[I]n the batch file we need to be able to issue the command
set MYVAR={the contents of ANSWER.DAT go here}. This is a difficult task, since MS-DOS doesn't offer an easy way to prepend "set MYVAR=" to a file [...]
Normal DOS text files and batch files end all lines with two consecutive bytes: a carriage return (Ctrl-M, hex 0D, or ASCII 13) and a linefeed (Ctrl-J, hex 0A or ASCII 10). In the batch file, you must be able to embed a Ctrl-J in the middle of a line.
Many text editors have a way to do this: via a Ctrl-P followed by Ctrl-J (DOS EDIT with Win95/98, VDE), via a Ctrl-Q prefix (Emacs, PFE), via direct entry with ALT and the numeric keypad (QEdit, Multi-Edit), or via a designated function key (Boxer). Other editors absolutely will not support this (Notepad, Editpad, EDIT from MS-DOS 6.22 or earlier; VIM can insert a linefeed only in binary mode, but not in its normal text mode).
If you can do it, your batch file might look like this:
#echo off
:: assume that the datafile exists already in ANSWER.DAT
echo set myvar=^J | find "set" >PREFIX.DAT
echo Success! The value of myvar is: [%myvar%].
:: erase temp files ...
for %%f in (PREFIX.DAT ANSWER.DAT VARIAB.BAT) do del %%f >NUL
Where you see the ^J on line 3 above, the linefeed should be embedded at that point. Your editor may display it as a square box with an embedded circle.

On windows, how would I detect the line ending of a file?

I've seen answers to the questions, but those answers are not from a windows perspective from what I can tell.
Windows uses CR LF, Unix uses LF, Mac uses LF and classic mac uses something else. I don't have the brainpower to tell that somehow, if a file is using a different line ending than what I am typing, I get errors when trying to run the script/program which frankly, don't make much sense. After conversion, the script works just fine.
Is there anyway to preemptively check what line endings a file uses, on Windows?
use a text editor like notepad++ that can help you with understanding the line ends.
It will show you the line end formats used as either Unix(LF) or Macintosh(CR) or Windows(CR LF) on the task bar of the tool.
you can also go to View->Show Symbol->Show End Of Line to display the line ends as LF/ CR LF/CR.
From the following link download binaries and dependencies zip files:
Extract their content under the same directory (merge existing directories).
e.g. under c:\gnuwin32
Then you can execute:
c:\gnuwin32\bin\file.exe my-lf-file.txt
my-lf-file.txt; ASCII text
c:\gnuwin32\bin\file.exe my-crlf-file.txt
my-crlf-file.txt; ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
Of course you can add c:\gnuwin32\bin to your %PATH% variable, to be able to access it without providing the full path.
If you have git installed you can launch git-bash and run file command from there.
Or you can install this subsystem, as described in the official Microsoft documentation, and get access to the file command.
I too am looking for a "native" windows scripting solution. So far, just have to read a line or 2 in VB in binary fashion and inspect the characters.
One tool to check "manually" is Notepad++. The status bar has a newline style indicator on the right end next to the file encoding indicator.
It looks like this in version 7.5.6
Other editors with Hex mode can show you also.
In Powershell, this command returns "True" for a Windows style file and "False" for a *nix style file.
(Get-Content '\\FILESERVER0001\Fshares\NETwork Shares\20181206179900.TXT' -Raw) -match "\r\n$"
This came from Matt over here:
In a batch file, you can try converting the file to CRLF and checking if its size increases:
rem check-crlf.bat
#echo off
call type "%~1" | c:\Windows\System32\find.exe "" /v > "%~1.temp"
set size1=%~z1
rem add 2 in case the file doesn't have a trailing newline, since find will add it
set /a size1plus2=%size1%+2
call :setsize2 "%~1.temp%"
for /f %%a in ('c:\Windows\System32\findstr /R /N "^" "%~1" ^| c:\Windows\System32\find /C ":"') do set lines=%%a
if %size1plus2% equ %size2% (
if %lines% equ 2 (
echo File uses LF line endings!
) else (
echo File uses CRLF or has no line endings!
) else (
if %size1% lss %size2% (
echo File uses LF line endings!
) else (
echo File uses CR+LF line endings!
del "%~1.temp"
exit /b
set size2=%~z1
exit /b
We're handling the special case of a file without a trailing newline, as well as a file with two LF-terminated newlines, which both lead to an increase of 2 bytes.
check-crlf.bat file-i-care-about.txt
So the main thing to remember, at least for a computer programmer working on modern software is that any combination of CR and LF, in sequence needs to be treated as a newline. You will almost never see the 'old' mac, which is CR with no LF - I prefer to ignore its relatively minuscule existence.. I tend to use 1-byte file processing, but that is a personal preference (a preference that pays a dividend in this scenario) Show proficiency as a programmer by making your code resilient to line ending format of text files.

Corruption when using certain batch variable names in custom build command

I have a VS2013 project with a custom build command. In the command script I set an environment variable, and read it out again in the same script. I can confirm by calling set that setting the variable works. However, depending on the variable name, I can't read it out again.
The following works as expected when run as a batch script:
set AVAR=xxx
set ABLAH=xxx
set BBLAH=xxx
set DEV=xxx
set #ABLAH=xxx
echo %AVAR%
echo %ABLAH%
echo %BBLAH%
echo %DEV%
echo %#ABLAH%
But produces the following output in the project:
1> xxx
1> «LAH
1> »LAH
1> ÞV
1> xxx
In this case, the name AVAR works, but many others don't. Also, variables starting with # seem to work. Any idea what is going on?
I've found the solution. Visual Studio (msbuild) converts %XX escape sequences like in URLs. I only expected it to so in URLs, like browsers do. However, it seems to replace them everywhere.
So when it encounters %ABCDE%, it recognizes %AB and inserts the character « = 0xAB, giving «CDE% to the batch interpreter. But if the code is not a valid hexadecimal number, it silently ignores it, and the interpreter sees the right characters. That's why variable names with # at the beginning always worked.
So the solution is to escape at least all % in front valid hex codes 00-FF, better even all of them, with %25.
An easy solution would be to just edit the corresponding commands in the GUI (via project properties), and not directly in the .vcxproj or .props file. This way, VS inserts the correct escape codes. In my case this was not possible since the commands were defined as user macros (Property Pages: Common Properties/User Macros). My commands span multiple lines, but the user macro editor only supports single lines.
Another thing to watch out for is that it not only replaces percent signs. Other symbols have special meaning and have to be replaced, too. (This goes beyond XML entities, like & -> &.) Here is a list of special characters from MSDN. The characters are: % $ # ' ; ? *. It doesn't seem to be necessary to replace all of them all the time, but if you notice funky behavior then this is a thing to look at. You can try to enter these characters through the GUI and see how and if VS escapes them in the project file.
On other character to note especially is the semicolon. If you define a property with unescaped semicolons, like <MyPaths>DirA;DirB</MyPaths>, msbuild/VS will internally convert them to newlines (well, or it splits the property into a list or something). But it will still show the paths as separated with semicolons in the property pages! Except when you click the dropdown button next to a property and select <Edit...>, then it will show the paths as a list or separated by newlines! This is completely invisible most of the time, except when you set a property not in XML or the GUI, but you are reading the output of a command into a property. In this case the command must output newlines, if you want the effect of a semicolon. Otherwise you don't get multiple paths, but one long path with semicolons in it.
Batch files are usually in North American and Western European countries "ASCII" files using an OEM code page like code page 850 (OEM multilingual Latin I) or code page 437 (OEM US) and not code page Windows-1252 as used usually for single byte encoded text files. The code page to use for a batch file depends on local settings for non Unicode files in console. The code page does not matter if just characters with a code value smaller 128 are used in batch file, i.e. the batch file is a real ASCII file.
Therefore make sure that you edit and save the batch file as ASCII file using the right code page and not as Unicode file using UTF-8, UTF-16 Little Endian or UTF-16 Big Endian. Editor of Visual Studio uses by default UTF-8 encoding for the files. This is the wrong encoding for batch files.
Character « has in table of code page 850 the code value 174 decimal (0xAB). In table of code page 1252 code value 174 is for character ® which is an indication that you want to output in batch file characters encoded in UTF-8 (also code value 174 for character ®) or Windows-1252.
A simple batch code for demonstration stored as ANSI file with code page Windows-1252.
#echo off
echo This batch file was saved as ANSI file using code page Windows-1252.
echo Registered trademark symbol ® has code value 174 in Windows-1252.
echo But active code page is not Windows 1252 in console window.
echo Therefore the left guillemet character is output instead of registered
echo trademark symbol as this character has in code page 850 code value 174.
echo Press any key to continue ...
And batch files are for DOS/Windows and should therefore use carriage return + line-feed as line terminator instead of just line-feed (UNIX) or just carriage return (old MAC).
Some text editors display line terminator type and encoding respectively code page somewhere in status bar at bottom of main application window for active file.

Batch file keeps adding special characters to file name?

This is the first time ive posted here so I apologise if im in the wrong place.
I have a batch file that reads a list of domains from a text file and then does an nslookup ls against them, posting the results in their own text file.
Ive never had a problem with this until recently and I cant for the life of me work out why this has started happening.
All the files are perfect except for the first one! The first file name is always proceeded with "" (without the quotes) These files get read by another program I have written so it tends to cause a problem.
Heres the code that creates the files...
del /s /q "D:\Profile\Desktop\New_folder\Records\*.*"
for /f %%a in (D:\Profile\Desktop\New_folder\Domains\Domains.txt) do (
echo ls %%a >temp\tempfile.txt
echo exit >>temp\tempfile.txt
nslookup < temp\tempfile.txt > records\%%a.txt
Any help is much appreciated.
According to IBM Extendend Characterset the characters you mentioned have the hex codes EF BB BF which is the UTF-8 byte order mark ("BOM"), see Wikipedia. This means that the file Domain.txt seems to have been saved using UTF-8 character encoding with BOM recently.
In order to get rid of the characters, simply edit the file and save it without a BOM. See e.g. to How to make Notepad to save text in UTF-8 without BOM? how to do that or search for "remove BOM"
Note that UTF-8 without BOM is compatible to printable ASCII, i.e. "normal" characters encoded as UTF-8 will show correctly in most common charactersets such as IBM Extended Characterset.
If you cannot or do not want to edit the input file then you might get rid of the prefix in your batch script, see Substrings in - eventually something like
set BOM_REMOVED=false
for ...
set X=%%a
if %BOM_REMOVED%==false set X=%X:~3%
set BOM_REMOVED=true
echo ls %X >temp\tempfile.txt

concatenating .txt files into a csv file with a tab delimiter

I am trying to concatenate a set of .txt files using windows command line, into a csv file.
so i use
type *.txt > me_new_file.csv
but a the fields of a given row, which is tab delimited, ends up in one column. How do I take advantage of tab separation in the original text file to create a csv file such that fields are aligned in columns correctly, using one or more command lines? I am thinking there might be something like...
type *.txt > me_new_file.csv delim= ' '
but haven't been able to find anything yet.
Thank You for your help. Would also appreciate if someone could direct me to a related answer.
From the command line you'd have a fairly complicated time of it. The Windows cmd.exe command processor is much, much simpler than dash, ash, or bash,
Best thing would be to concatenate all of your files into the .csv file, open it in a text editor, and do a global find and replace replacing with ,
Be careful that your other data doesn't have any commas in it.
If the source files are tab delimited, then the output file is also tab delimited. Depending on the software you are using, you should be able load the tab delimited data properly.
Suppose you are using Excel. If the output file has a .csv extension, then Excel will default to comma delimited columns when it opens the file. Of course that does not work for you. But if you rename the file to have some other extension like .txt, then when you open it with Excel, it will open a series of dialog boxes where you can specify the format, including tab delimited.
If you want to keep the .csv extension and have Excel automatically open it properly, then you need to transform the data. This can be done very easily with JREPL.BAT - a hybrid JScript/batch utility that performs a regular expression search and replace on text data. JREPL.BAT is pure script that runs natively on any Windows machine from XP onward.
The following encloses each value in quotes, just in case a value contains a comma literal.
type *.txt 2>nul | jrepl "\t" "\q,\q" /x /jendln "$txt='\x22'+$txt+'\x22'" /o output.csv
Beware: Your use of type *.txt will fail if the last line in any of your source .txt files does not end with a newline. In such a case, the first line of the next file will be appended to the last line of the previous file. Not good.
You can solve that problem by processing each file individually in a FOR loop.
(for %F in (*.txt) do jrepl "\t" "\q,\q" /x /jendln "$txt='\x22'+$txt+'\x22'" /f "%F") >output.csv
The above is designed to run on the command line. If used in a batch script, then a few changes are needed:
(for %%F in (*.txt) do call jrepl "\t" "\q,\q" /x /jendln "$txt='\x22'+$txt+'\x22'" /f "%%F") >output.csv
Note: My answer assumes none of the source files contain quotes. If they do contain quotes, then a more complicated search and replace is required. But it still can be done efficiently with JREPL.
