gradle pass parameter to dependsOn task - gradle

I have 3 gradle tasks: A, B, C.
B dependsOn A.
C dependsOn A.
If have an if check in A that I want to be true when B runs, false when C runs.
How do I do that?
For clarity, the real tasks are:
war { // task A
webAppDirName = 'src/main/webapp'
if (flag) {
ospackage { // task B
buildRpm {
dependsOn war
task localTomcat { // task C
dependsOn war
I tried setting war.flag, war.ext.flag before dependsOn, in a doFirst action, but nothing...

I found a solution using a dependsOn chain and mustRunAfter.
task war4pkg {
doLast {
war {
webAppDirName = 'src/main/webapp'
ospackage {
buildRpm {
dependsOn war4pkg, war # order doesn't matter
war.mustRunAfter war4pkg # order set here
task localTomcat {
dependsOn war # nothing here.


Stop execution of finalizedBy task, or only execute follow-up task on a condition

I'm using the gradle plugin, which has a task appengineDeploy.
I have two tasks that configure the appengineDeploy task before executing it. My current solution looks something like that:
task deployTest() {
doFirst {
appengine.deploy {
version = 'test'
finalizedBy appengineDeploy
task deployProduction() {
doFirst {
appengine.deploy {
version = '7'
finalizedBy appengineDeploy
Now I wanted to add a security question before the deployProduction task is executed, like this:
println "Are you sure? (y/n)"
def response =
if (response != 'y') {
throw new GradleException('Task execution stopped')
The problem is, by defintion the finalizedBy task is executed even if my task throws an exception, and that is exactly the opposite of what I want.
I can't change it to appengineDeploy dependsOn deployTest and call appengineDeploy as I have two tasks with different configuration.
And I can't change the appengineDeploy task as it comes from a plugin.
Is there any other way I can either stop the execution of appengineDeploy, or use something other than finalizedBy to execute that task after my deploy task?
One option is to leverage onlyIf to decide whether to execute the task, for example by examining a project property.
Here's a litte demo, given that task appengineDeploy is a task contributed by a plugin (see comment for details):
plugins {
id 'base'
ext {
set('doDeploy', false)
appengineDeploy.configure {
onlyIf {
task deployTest() {
doFirst {
println 'deployTest()'
project.ext.doDeploy = true
finalizedBy appengineDeploy
task deployProduction() {
doFirst {
println 'deployProduction()'
println "Are you sure? (y/n)"
def response =
if (response == 'y') {
project.ext.doDeploy = true
finalizedBy appengineDeploy
Another option is to disable the task, which goes like this:
task deployProduction() {
doFirst {
println 'deployProduction()'
println "Are you sure? (y/n)"
def response =
if (response != 'y') {
project.tasks.appengineDeploy.enabled = false
finalizedBy appengineDeploy
I modified the answer from thokuest a bit (thanks for the help!), to prevent executing any tasks inbetween.
I created it as extension method since I needed it more than once:
ext.securityQuestion = { project, task ->
println "Are you sure you want to execute ${}:${}? (y/n)"
def response =
if (response != 'y') {
project.tasks.each {
if (it != task)
it.enabled = false
throw new GradleException("Execution of ${}:${} aborted")
and my task now looks like this:
task deployProduction() { task ->
doFirst {
securityQuestion(this, task)
finalizedBy appengineDeploy

Execute a task only if a particular task is run

I want the task setupDB to execute if and only if the task fatJar or slimJar is run.
But after adding gradle.taskGraph.whenReady, commandLine './scripts/' is never running for any task.
Here is my code for the setupDB task:
//download bigg.sqlite if not present
task setupDB {
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
if (!project.file("resources/edu/ucsd/sbrg/bigg/bigg.sqlite").exists()
&& (graph.hasTask(slimJar)|| graph.hasTask(fatJar))) {
doFirst {
exec {
println "Setup DB"
commandLine './scripts/'
You can also view the build.gradle file:
apply plugin: "java"
defaultTasks "clean", "fatJar"
// Java versions for compilation and output
sourceCompatibility = "1.8"
targetCompatibility = "1.8"
archivesBaseName = "ModelPolisher"
version = "1.7"
sourceSets { = ["src"]
main.resources.srcDirs = ["resources"]
main.resources.excludes = ["**/"] = ["test"]
repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
// local dependencies
flatDir {
dirs "lib/de/zbit/SysBio/1390"
dependencies {
compile "org.sbml.jsbml:jsbml:1.4"
compile "de.zbit:SysBio:1390"
compile "org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:3.21.0"
compile "org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.2"
compile "org.biojava:biojava-ontology:5.0.0"
compile "com.diffplug.matsim:matfilerw:3.0.1"
compile "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.9.9"
compile "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.9.9"
testCompile "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.1.0"
// config for all jar tasks
tasks.withType(Jar) {
dependsOn test
destinationDir = file("$rootDir/target")
manifest {
"Version": version,
"Implementation-Title": "ModelPolisher",
"Implementation-Version": version,
"Specification-Vendor": "University of California, San Diego",
"Specification-Title": "ModelPolisher",
"Implementation-Vendor-Id": "edu.ucsd.sbrg",
"Implementation-Vendor": "University of California, San Diego",
"Main-Class": "edu.ucsd.sbrg.bigg.ModelPolisher"
// with dependencies
task fatJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = + "-fat"
from {
configurations.compile.collect {
it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
with jar
//with dependencies, without bigg.sqlite
task lightJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = + "-noDB"
from {
configurations.compile.collect {
it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
with jar
// without dependencies and bigg.sqlite
task bareJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = + "-slim-noDB"
with jar
// without dependencies, bigg.sqlite included
// not included in release
task slimJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = + "-slim"
with jar
// zip lib folder for release
task zipLibs(type: Zip) {
from "lib"
into "lib"
include "**/**"
archiveName = ""
destinationDir = file("target/")
// zip script files for release
task zipScripts(type: Zip) {
from "scripts"
into "scripts"
include "**/**"
archiveName = ""
destinationDir = file("target/")
// create all three jars for release
task release() {
dependsOn fatJar
dependsOn bareJar
dependsOn lightJar
dependsOn tasks["zipLibs"]
dependsOn tasks["zipScripts"]
// necessary, as order is not defined by dependsOn
bareJar.mustRunAfter classes
// slimJar.mustRunAfter bareJar
lightJar.mustRunAfter slimJar
fatJar.mustRunAfter lightJar
// clean up target directory
clean.doFirst {
//download bigg.sqlite if not present
task setupDB {
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
if (!project.file("resources/edu/ucsd/sbrg/bigg/bigg.sqlite").exists()
&& (graph.hasTask(slimJar)|| graph.hasTask(fatJar))) {
doFirst {
exec {
println "Setup DB"
commandLine './scripts/'
// bump jar version in travis.yml
if (project.file(".travis.yml").exists()) {
task bumpVersionTravis() {
processResources.dependsOn bumpVersionTravis
// bump jar version in
if (project.file("./scripts/").exists()) {
task bumpVersionMP() {
processResources.dependsOn bumpVersionMP
def replaceVersion(path) {
ArrayList<String> content = new ArrayList<>()
File travisFile = new File(path)
String MPVersion = /ModelPolisher.*\d{1,2}(.\d{1,2}){1,2}.jar/
travisFile.eachLine {
line ->
content.add(line.replaceAll(MPVersion, "ModelPolisher-fat-" +
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(travisFile))
content.each {
line -> writer.writeLine(line)
You seem to have the wrong idea about gradle configuration. You shouldn't be changing task behavior based on inputs. You should be configuring dependencies between tasks and also configuring task inputs/outputs to control the "up-to-date" behaviour.
task slimJar(type:Jar) {
dependsOn 'setupDB'
task fatJar(type:Jar) {
dependsOn 'setupDB'
task setupDB {
outputs.upToDateWhen { file("resources/edu/ucsd/sbrg/bigg/bigg.sqlite").exists() }
doFirst {
println "Setup DB"
exec {
commandLine './scripts/'
The following is also bad practice
if (project.file(".travis.yml").exists()) {
task bumpVersionTravis() {
processResources.dependsOn bumpVersionTravis
The available tasks should NOT change based on files in your file system. They should always be there, regardless of your file system. You should instead set the "enabled" flag (or use task outputs) to control if the task executes or is skipped
task bumpVersionTravis {
enabled = project.file(".travis.yml").exists()
doLast {
processResources.dependsOn bumpVersionTravis

Why gradle runs all JavaExec tasks?

I defined two tasks in my build.gradle
task a(type: JavaExec) {
task b(type: JavaExec) {
When I execute task a, b also runs. Is this normal?
gradle a
I'm sharing my own experience for others.
I am a newbie on groovy/gradle.
What I tried to achieve was using a shared function for getting project properties.
def projectProperty = {
if (!project.hasProperty(it)) {
throw new Exception...
return project.getProperty(it);
task a(type: JavaExec) {
do some with projectProperty(a);
task b(type: JavaExec) {
do some with projectProperty(b);
And I changed like this.
task a(type: JavaExec) {
if (project.hasProperty('a')) {
do some with projectProperty('a');
task b(type: JavaExec) {
if (project.hasProperty('b')) {
do some with projectProperty('b');

Gradle: run pre and post tasks also when tasks are chained?

Assume the build.gradle at the end of this post.
If I run task WorkA or WorkB I get:
> Task :preTask
> Task :WorkB (or A)
WorkB (or A)
> Task :finishTask
However If run the task allWork, the pre and finish task is only executed once! How to fix this?
> Task :preTask
> Task :WorkA
> Task :WorkB
> Task :finishTask
> Task :AllWork
task preTask {
doFirst {
println "PreTask"
task finishTask {
doFirst {
println "FinishTask"
task WorkA {
dependsOn preTask
mustRunAfter preTask
finalizedBy finishTask
doFirst {
println "WorkA"
task WorkB {
dependsOn preTask
mustRunAfter preTask
finalizedBy finishTask
doFirst {
println "WorkB"
task AllWork {
dependsOn WorkA
dependsOn WorkB
WorkB.mustRunAfter WorkA
doFirst {
println "Combined"

gradle tasks.withType does not find tasks defined in other file

I have two gradle files, setup.gradle and tests.gradle; each having two gradle tasks of custom type 'EMTest';
test.gradle applies the 'setup.gradle' as apply from: 'setup.gradle'
I want to configure all tasks of type EMTest; For that I added below code at end of tests.gradle
tasks.withType(EMTest) {
But this only prints the name of tasks in the tests.gradle;
When I run
tasks.all {
println + " " + it.class
It however lists the tasks name defined in setup.gradle and the type as EMTest_Decorated (for all 4 types)
NOTE: I use gradle 1.11 (no control over upgrade); What is the issue here ?
UPDATE On 09/Jun
Here is the main file :
apply plugin: 'java';
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply from: 'emcpsrvs_3n_setup.gradle'
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url = "${artifactory_contextUrl}/repo" }
dependencies {
classpath group:"com.mycompany.myprod.mymodule", name: "TestInfraPlugin", version: "${testinfraVersion}", transitive: true
classpath group: 'org.codehaus.jackson', name: 'jackson-mapper-asl', version:'1.9.13'
classpath group: 'com.mycompany.myprod', name: 'common',version:'0.1'
classpath group: 'org.codehaus.jackson', name: 'jackson-core-asl', version:'1.9.13'
classpath group: '',name: 'jettison-1.1', version: '12.1.2-0-0'
repositories {
/* To check if the jar is available in local maven repository */
maven {
url = "${artifactory_contextUrl}/repo"
apply plugin: 'TestInfraPlugin'
import com.mycompany.myprod.gradle.testinfra.tasks.EMTest;
repositories {
maven {
url = "${artifactory_contextUrl}/repo"
dependencies {
testConfig group:'com.mycompany.myprod',name:'ui-integ-tests', version: '1.+'
testConfig group: 'com.mycompany.myprod', name: 'emaas-platform-tenant-sdk', version: '0.1+'
task unitTests(type: EMTest){
// Three tests are disabled due to JIRA-900
task tenantMgmtUITests(type: EMTest,dependsOn: [cleanSmall_deploy_3n_block,small_deploy_3n_block]) {
useWebdriver = true
small_deploy_3n_block.mustRunAfter ([cleanSmall_deploy_3n_block])
options.suiteXmlBuilder().suite('parallel': 'none','name': 'TenantManagementUI') {
test('name': 'TenantManagementUI') {
classes([:]) {
'class'('name': 'com.mycompany.package.MyTest')
small_deploy_3n_cleanup.mustRunAfter ([tenantMgmtUITests])
task emcpsrvs_tenant_mgmt_ui_3n(dependsOn: [tenantMgmtUITests,small_deploy_3n_cleanup])
Here is the 'emcpsrvs_3n_setup.gradle' which is being applied above
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url = "${artifactory_contextUrl}/repo"
dependencies {
classpath group: 'com.mycompany.myprod.emdi', name: 'TestInfraPlugin', version: "${testinfraVersion}", transitive: true
apply plugin: 'TestInfraPlugin'
repositories {
maven {
url = "${artifactory_contextUrl}/repo"
import com.mycompany.myprod.gradle.testinfra.tasks.EMTest;
dependencies {
testConfig group: 'com.mycompany.myprod.test', name: 'smalldeployment', version: "${integDeployVersion}"
/* Setup EMaaS Small Deployment */
task small_deploy_3n_block(type: EMTest) {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
options.suiteXmlBuilder().suite('name': 'setup_3n_env') {
test('name': 'emaas_setup_small_deploy') {
classes([:]) {
'class'('name': 'mycompany.sysman.test.emaas.integ.EmaasSmallDeploy3n') {
methods([:]) {
'include' ('name': 'setupEmaasSmallDeploy')
useWebdriver = true
useRestAssured = true
/* Cleanup EMaaS Small Deployment */
task small_deploy_3n_cleanup(type: EMTest) {
options.suiteXmlBuilder().suite('name': 'setup_3n_env') {
test('name': 'emaas_setup_small_deploy') {
classes([:]) {
'class'('name': 'mycompany.sysman.test.emaas.integ.EmaasSmallDeploy3n') {
methods([:]) {
'include' ('name': 'logCollectionAndPostCleanup')
mustRunAfter ([small_deploy_3n_block])
And finally here is the snippet from TestInfraPlugin.groovy (The gradle plugin):
logger.debug "Configuring the EMTest task with default values."
project.afterEvaluate {
project.ext.testClassesDir = new File(['emdi.T_WORK'] + '/testClasses')
def testTasks = project.tasks.withType(EMTest)
if (testTasks != null && testTasks.size() == 0) { "There are no tasks of type EMTest."
def extractTask = project.tasks.findByPath('extractTestClasses') ?:
project.task('extractTestClasses', type: ExtractConfiguration) {
configuration = project.configurations.testConfig
to = project.testClassesDir
* 1. Adding the 'extractTask' to all EMTest, to ensure that 'extractTask' is run before any 'EMTest'.
* 2. For lazy evaluation of lrgConfig, we are NOT running the task here, but just adding as dependent task.
testTasks.each { task ->
logger.debug "Adding dependsOn extractTask for task: ${}"
task.dependsOn extractTask
} // end afterEvaluate
What is afterEvaluate{} block doing:
It checks if there are any tasks of type EMTest and if there are creates a task to extract a configuration (named testConfig). This extract task is added as dependency on all the tasks of type EMTest such that the extract task run as first task before running any other task.
What is happening
The extractTestClasses task is added as dependency to ONLY the two tasks unitTests and tenantMgmtUITests and thus the small_deploy_3n_block is getting executed before extractTestClasses resulting setup to fail, which in turn results test to fail.
When you reference tasks with no object it is implicitly using project.tasks.
tasks.withType(EMTest) {
That is why you'll only get tasks from your current project.
To include all projects you can use:
allprojects {
tasks.withType(EMTest) { println }
In this closure you are referencing it.tasks, where it loops over every individual project.
This will not work as expected since Gradle will probably not have loaded all of your sub-projects at this point, and not have reached every task define found during the full configuration phase. Therefore you must define the closure to run after all the projects are fully evaluated:
allprojects {
afterEvaluate {
tasks.withType(EMTest) { println }
