VLCJ EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent player still shows old video image after preparing a new video - vlcj

The following is the way I load a video (in the actual code, the variables are member variables of the player class). I do not want the video to be played right away which is the reason I use prepareMedia(). When the application is ready to play the video, I call player.play().
However, my player view (I add EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent to JPanel which is set as ContentPane of a JFrame) still shows the old video after running the following code with a new "videoPath" value. The player view shows the new video only after I call player.play().
EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent mediaPlayerComponent = new EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent();
MediaPlayer player = mediaPlayerComponent.getMediaPlayer();
Is there any way I can get the player to show the new video image (or at least removing the old video image) without starting to play it? I tried calling methods such as repaint() from mediaPlayerComponent, stop() from player, in the overrided MediaPlayerEventAdpater methods such as mediaFreed(), but nothing I tried so far work.

It is a feature of VLC/LibVLC that the final frame of the video is displayed when the video ends, so you have to find a workaround.
A good solution is to use a CardLayout with two views, one for the media player component (or the Canvas used for the video surface) and another view simply with a blank (black) JPanel.
The idea then is to listen for the video starting/stopping/finishing and show the appropriate view in your card layout.
If you add a MediaPlayerEventListener and implement the playing, stopped, finished and error events you should cover all cases.
For example: in the "playing" event you switch your card layout to show the video view, in the "stopped", "finished" and "error" events you switch your card layout to show the blank view.
The view doesn't have to be black of course, you can do whatever you want like show an image.
Also note that the media player events will NOT be delivered on the Swing Event Dispatch Thread, so you will need to use SwingUtilities#invokeLater to properly switch your view.


How does soundcloud play music on multiple players?

If you look in soundcloud you'll notice that when you play a song it plays in the main content of the page as well as a 'footer' player. I'm trying to achieve something similar, with jplayer or soundmanager. My main content of my pages are ajaxed while the footer stays consistent to support the continious player of the website.
But my question is, how do you play music from the ajaxed footer player while animating the main content player and having seek functions on both?
With jPlayer I assume you would need to listen for $.jPlayer.event.play, $.jPlayer.event.pause, $.jPlayer.event.ended, $.jPlayer.event.seeked in your main player and update secondary interface.
You may need to create secondary interface yourself (play/pause buttons, seek bar, etc) and add event handlers for them passing corresponding parameters to the main player.

Cocoa video playback control delegates

I have a subclass of CAOpenGLLayer that is using, manipulating and displaying frames from an AVPlayer. I want to add playback controls to this layer, but I need to forward events from the playback controls to the AVPlayer. I have found a few examples of how to add familiar playback controls, like AVPlayerView, but all of them require me to pass in an actual movie file when what I want is just the interface that I can write custom delegates for. Any ideas?
There are currently no built in, ready to use, playback controls that you can attach your own targets and actions to. You'll need to roll out your own UI if you are rendering things by yourself.
If you are feeling sneaky though, you might be able to add your layer (in a view) to the AVPlayerView, remove the output that AVPlayerView adds from your player item, add your own video output, and let the AVPlayerLayer take control of the playback.

Displaying AVPlayer content on two views simultaneously

I am creating an HTTP Live Streaming Client for Mac that will control video playback on a large screen. My goal is to have a control UI on the main screen, and full screen video on the secondary screen.
Using AVFoundation, I have successfully been able to open the stream and control all aspects of it from my control UI, and I am now attempting to duplicate the video on a secondary screen. This is proving more difficult than I imagined...
On the control screen, I have an AVPlayerLayer that is displaying the video content from an AVPlayer. My goal was to create another AVPlayerLayer, and send it the same player so that both players are playing the same video at the same time in two different views. However, that is not working.
Digging deeper, I found this in the AVFoundation docs:
You can create arbitrary numbers of player layers with the same AVPlayer object. Only the most-recently-created player layer will actually display the video content on-screen.
This is actually useless to me, because I need the video showing correctly in both views.
I can create a new instance of AVPlayerItem from the same AVAsset, then create a new AVPlayer and add it to a new AVPlayerLayer and have video show up, but they are no longer in sync because they are two different players generating two different audio streams playing different parts of the same stream.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the same AVPlayer content into two different views? Perhaps some sort of CALayer mirroring trick?
AVSyncronizedLayer may help. I'm using it differently (to syncronize two different media objects rather than the same one) but in principle it should be possible to load the same item twice and then use an AvSyncronized layer to keep them synced.
I see that this topic got very old, but I think it still would be helpful. You wrote that
I have an AVPlayerLayer that is displaying the video content from an AVPlayer. My goal was to create another AVPlayerLayer, and send it the same player so that both players are playing the same video at the same time in two different views. However, that is not working.
But, it's working. I just tried it in my project. Here's my code of layer initializations:
AVPlayerLayer *playerLayer = [AVPlayerLayer new];
[playerLayer setPlayer:_testPlayer];
playerLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, _videoView.frame.size.width, _videoView.frame.size.height);
playerLayer.contentsGravity = kCAGravityResizeAspect;
playerLayer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspect;
_defaultTransform = playerLayer.affineTransform;
[_videoView.layer insertSublayer:playerLayer atIndex:0];
AVPlayerLayer *testLayer_1 = [AVPlayerLayer playerLayerWithPlayer:_testPlayer];
testLayer_1.frame = CGRectMake(100, 100, 200, 200);
testLayer_1.contentsGravity = kCAGravityResizeAspect;
testLayer_1.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspect;
[_videoView.layer insertSublayer:testLayer_1 atIndex:1];
And here's what I got:
As you can see, there're two AVPlayerLayers playing the same AVPlayerItem in the very perfect sync
Apple's docs now state this:
You can create arbitrary numbers of player layers with the same AVPlayer object, but you should limit the number of layers you create to avoid impacting playback performance.
link to docs
This does indeed work in my app as well.

WP7 MediaElement Unable to Reposition the stream

I am using MediaElement for video playback in my app. I have added controls for play, pause, rewind and forward. In the forward button's event handler, I am trying to forward the video clip for 5 seconds. the code I have used to do that is given below.
myMediaElement.Position = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
But the video clip does not forward, instead it stops the video playback. Can anyone please tell me what is going wrong.
You need to start playing the stream before you can set the position.
Move the call to CanSeek and the setting of the position until after the MediaOpened event has been raised.
See the remarks in MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.controls.mediaelement.position(v=VS.95).aspx for confirmation.
Using valueconverter sample here, with Slider adjustments, to get the positions

Auto-expand embedded Youtube video on play

How do I automatically expand an embedded youtube video when the user presses play?
The situation:
- For various reasons the ideal layout of the webpage mans that the video player must appear initially at a small size (let's say 480x385) when the user arrives on the page
- The video being shown contains some detail and is difficult to watch at 480x385
- Right now the user must click on the "full-screen" icon which comes standard in every youtube video player. This is irritating to many people.
The desired solution:
- When users click on the video to play it, the player automatically expands to a more reasonable size (e.g., 640x385 or 853x505) and plays at that size
- The video could be played in a modal overlay, but other solutions would be welcome as well
- Upon completion of the video, the expanded view should automatically disappear and the video should appear in it's original size on the page
You basically need two things:
The ability to detect when the the video is playing. You should be able to figure that out from this YouTube example.
Resize the player by changing the height and width properties of the "object" node that contains the player.
