Large discrepancy in quantmod "getSymbols" data vs. online yahoo data - yahoo

I get the the following returns data
As can be seen the Adj. price is very different to closing. Going to yahoo you also see different results:
Here the Adj. prtice is $77 on the 9tnh vs $60 for the getSymobls data
Any Idea why the $17 difference or how to correct it?

Yahoo is just broken in some cases. Sometimes, what is displayed on their web page differs from what their API returns. If you click on the "download data link", you will see that what the Yahoo API returns and that it matches the quantmod results.
In this particular case, the API data seems to make more sense. If you add up the dividends (which yahoo adjust for, along with splits), you get the adjusted price. You can get the dividends with getDividends("LMT", src="yahoo", auto.assign = FALSE)
I have seen these internal discrepancies cropping up more and more frequently with Yahoo. Caveat emptor

I just found the same problem while looking into GSPC but both results website's and the API's disagree with my own extraction using this:
getSymbols('GSPC',src='yahoo',return.class = 'xts',from = Sys.Date()-10,auto.assign=FALSE,to = Sys.Date())


Has anything changed on geocode API

I just wanted to know if anything changed on geocode API from 21 st February because before 21st it was validating zip code 9 digits but from yesterday it is giving an error on 9 digits zip code and now it only validating 5 digits zip code.
More information in your question would be helpful.
I haven't noticed any change, but I thought I'd take a look at the GeoCoder Documentation FAQ for you.
Yes, based on that date, I'd say something changed recently.
Perhaps this is what you're referring to, but that's only a speculation since you didn't provide any detail or examples.
I’m getting more queries that return ZERO_RESULTS with the new geocoder. What’s going on?
In the new geocoder, ambiguous, incomplete and badly formatted queries, such as misspelled or nonexistent addresses, are prone to produce ZERO_RESULTS. These queries would typically produce incorrect results in the old geocoder, such as returning the suburb if the address could not be found. We believe that returning ZERO_RESULTS is actually a more correct response in such situations.
If your application deals with user input of addresses, the Place Autocomplete feature in the Places API may produce better quality results. Place Autocomplete allows users to select from a set of results based on what they’ve typed, which allows users to choose between similarly named results, and to adjust their query if they misspell an address.
If you have an application dealing with ambiguous or incomplete queries or queries that may contain errors, we recommend you use the Place Autocomplete feature in the Places API rather than the forward geocoder available in the Geocoding API. For more details, see Best Practices When Geocoding Addresses and the Address Geocoding in the Google Maps APIs blog post.
More Information:
Documentation FAQ
Related Issue Tracker

Google Sheets xpath query not working

Hoping someone smarter than me can help me sort this out! I've been stumped for a few days now trying to pull some data from website into Google Sheet using ImportXML with no luck.
I'm looking to import the average odds for various sporting events from the website which update and change throughout the day. I'd like my sheet to also update these odds, similar to stock prices.
For example:
I would like to pull the Average Odds for Team "1" (+136) into a cell, the odds for Tie "X"(+277) into a cell and Team "2"(+161) into individual cells. Just the odds portion. If it's unable to be pulled from that page it is also listed on down at the bottom in the Average Odds Row.
This seems simple enough but I just can't seem to get the ImportXML query correct without an error.
I've looked at the page's source code (Ctrl-U). The original html does not contain needed values, they most likely loaded later thru xhr (ajax) call:
So most likely you'll not succeed with mere a request html.
You need to explore Network in the browser DevTools to find out what request is initiated (by JS files) to get needed data. This might be even unique one containing hash signiture, so you'll not reproduce it for future use.
I recommend you to turn to scriping tools for retrieving that info.

How does Market Samurai and Long Tail Pro handle retrieving the top 10 Google search results for a keyword?

I'm curious to know how Market Samurai, Long Tail Pro and other software handle retrieving the top 10 Google search results and not running into limits. It appears that these software packages use the users own Google account. Google Custom Search limits users to 100 queries per day (the free limit) but people tend to do keyword research on hundreds or even thousands of keywords per day and don't pay any additional amounts to Google.
Are they paying extra for this service, are they using a different API (perhaps the Adwords API?) or are they scraping the Google search results page (violation of TOS)? Really would like to know! Thanks.
i have done this in one of my project (in java).
this is very simple, in java there is one library call JSoup by using this library you can send get request to google, for example:<your url encoded search term>
this will return you an HTML code of google search result with your own term.
using Jsoup u can find specific HTML tag with specific class or id. this concept helps you to extract url link, title and description from google search result.
for working example check here, in that example you can extract google serach result links with custom search term.
i hope this will help you.

how to sort results in google places api

I want to sort results fetched via google places api based on increasing distance from "location" (a pair of lat, lng). There is no documentation on their official page.
It just says:
Each element of the results array contains a single result from the
specified area (location and radius), ordered by prominence. The
ordering of results can be influenced by check-in activity within your
application - Places with many recent check-ins may figure more
prominently in your application's results. The result may also contain
attribution information which must be displayed to the user.
However they didnt mention anything about their prominence meter algorithm.
The Google Places API does not currently support this feature.
There is a feature request for this in the Places API issue tracker here:
Please click the 'star' icon to be notified of future changes, and to let us know you are interested in seeing it resolved.
This has been added to the API, please use the 'rankby=distance' instead of 'radius' in your Place Search Request as described in the documentation here:

Import data from URL

The St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank has a great set of data available on a variety of their web pages, such as:
The data sets get updated, some as often as daily. I tend to have an interest in the daily data (see the above settings on the URLS)
I'd like to import these kinds of price or rate data streams (accessible as CSV or Excel files at the above URLs) directly into Mathematica.
I've looked at the documentation on Importing[] but I find scant documentation (actually none) on how to go about something like this.
It looks like I need to navigate to the pages, send some data to select specific files and formats, trigger the download, then access the downloaded data from my own machine. Even better if I could access the data directly from the sites.
I had hoped Wolfram Alpha might make this sort thing easy, but I haven't had any success.
FinancialData[] would seem natural for this sort of thing, but I don't see anyway to do it. Financial data has lots of features, but I don't see a way yo get this sort of thing.
Does anyone have any experience with this or can someone point me in the right direction?
You can Import directly from a URL. For example, the data from can be obtained and visualized as follows.
url = "";
url = url<>"rel=H10&series=a660e724c705cea4b7bd1d1b85789862&lastObs=&";
url = url<>"from=&to=&filetype=csv&label=include&layout=seriescolumn";
data = Import[url, "CSV"];
DateListPlot[data[[7 ;;]], Joined -> True]
I broke up url for convenience, since it's so long. I had to examine the contents of data before I knew exactly how to plot it - a step that is typically necessary. I'm sure that the data from can be obtained in a similar way, but it requires the use of an API with key to access it.
As Mark said, you can get the data directly from a URL. Your oil data can be imported from a different URL than you had:
With that URL, you can do this:
oil = Import["",
"Table", "HeaderLines" -> 12, "DateStringFormat" -> {"Year", "Month", "Day"}];
DateListPlot[oil, Joined -> True, PlotRange -> All]
Note that "HeaderLines"->12 option strips off the header text in the first 12 lines (you have to count the header lines to know how many to remove). I've also specified the date format.
To find that URL, do as you did before, but click on a data series and then choose View Data from the menu on the left when you see the chart.
The documentation has a short example on extracting data out of a webpage:
Of course, what actually needs to be done will vary significantly from page to page.
discussion on how to do this with your API key here:
the function is based on the API documentation. I haven't looked at the code for a couple of years and from memory I put it together rather quickly but I have used it regularly for over 2 years without problems. Here is an example for monthly non seasonally adjusted retail sales from early 1992 to now:
wolfram alpha also uses FRED data so you could use that as an alternative to direct import but it is more tricky to get the query right. I prefer to use FRED directly. Also from memory the data is only available on alpha the day after the release, which is not what you would typically want.
