Programmatic login with liberty profile without password - websphere-liberty

I try to migrate our application from WAS 8.0 to Liberty Profile at the moment.
In our application I need the possibility to do a programmatic login without having the password of the user.
In WAS 8.0 this was done with the following code snippet:
public class SecurityConfigJaasWasImpl implements ISecurityConfig {
public Object doAsWithoutPwd(String user, String[] roles, final ISecuredCode code) throws Exception {
final String mName ="doAs(String, String[], ISecuredCode)";
Object ret = null;
try {
if (code != null) {
ret = WSSubject.doAs(ContextManagerFactory.getInstance().login("REALM", user), new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* #see
public Object run() throws Exception {
} catch (LoginException e) {
throw new SecurityConfigException("Error login user " + user);
Unfortunately the class ContextManagerFactory is not known in Liberty.
All examples for programmatic login with liberty profile are using WSCallbackHandlerImpl to do a Jaas login. But for that I need to know the password of the user.
Is there any possibility to do something similar to my WAS 8.0 code in liberty profile?

I had this same problem when porting our application from WAS-ND 7 to Liberty. Unfortunately, there is no way to perform a programmatic login on Liberty without having access to the user's password. I have an open PMR with IBM on this (25293,082,000), and I was told that the feature is "under consideration". I also have an RFE open on this:


How to upgrade spring boot admin from 1.5 to 2.0

Is there any reference guide for spring boot admin upgrade?
I have a legacy app that I need to upgrade from 1.5 to 2.0, but the entire API has changed & there is 0 info in the official reference guide.
For example, the main domain class now seems to be InstanceEvent, whereas it used to be 'Application'; but they hold completely different info.
Same with the class 'AbstractStatusChangeNotifier'; which now seems to use InstanceEvent & Spring webflux...
My more specific question is:
How can I get application info from spring boot admin 2.0?
I used to be able to do this; which now no longer exists in the api.
public class XXXMailNotifier extends AbstractStatusChangeNotifier {
protected void doNotify(ClientApplicationEvent event) {
try {
helper.setText(mailContentGenerator.statusChange(event), true);
} catch (IOException | MessagingException e) {
String statusChange(ClientApplicationEvent event) throws IOException {
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> content = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
.put("name", event.getApplication().getName())
.put("id", event.getApplication().getId())
.put("healthUrl", event.getApplication().getHealthUrl())
.put("managementUrl", event.getApplication().getManagementUrl())
.put("serviceUrl", event.getApplication().getServiceUrl())
.put("timestamp", DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.print(new LocalDateTime(event.getApplication().getInfo().getTimestamp())));
Well, if it might help anyone...
I looked in the code and found that I can get the info from the instance.registration object.
You can change the above in the below:
protected Mono<Void> doNotify(InstanceEvent event, Instance instance) {
try {
MimeMessage message = sender.createMimeMessage();
MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message, true);
helper.setSubject(format(subject, environment, pool, instance.getRegistration().getName(), event.getInstance().getValue()));
helper.setText(mailContentGenerator.statusChange(event, instance, getLastStatus(event.getInstance())), true);
public String statusChange(InstanceEvent event, Instance instance, String lastStatus) throws IOException {
Registration registration = instance.getRegistration();
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> content = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
.put("name", registration.getName())
.put("id", instance.getId().getValue())
.put("healthUrl", registration.getHealthUrl())
.put("managementUrl", registration.getManagementUrl())
.put("serviceUrl", registration.getServiceUrl())
.put("timestamp", DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.print(new LocalDateTime(instance.getStatusTimestamp())));

Has anyone successfully implemented Azure Active Directory B2C for auth using Microsoft.Identity.Client 1.1.0-preview?

I have been struggling with this for several days (three actually). I have AAD B2C working on a web app and an api. I cannot get it running on my Xamarin mobile project. I am using the UWP project to test my configuration since it has the easiest app to troubleshoot on a Windows 10 machine. I am using Visual Studio 2015 Pro.
I am using the Microsoft.Identity.Client 1.1.0-preview.
I used this as my starting point for my attempt to implement.
Right now the project will compile and launch. When I click on Sign in, I get a WebView, but it doesn't look exactly right....
[First Image in Screenshots]
Here are my variables...
public class Constants
public static string ApplicationID = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
public static string[] Scopes = {""};
public static string SignUpSignInPolicy = "B2C_1_Standard_SignUpSignIn";
public static string ResetPasswordPolicy = "B2C_1_Standard_PasswordReset";
public static string EditProfilePolicy = "B2C_1_Standard_EditProfile";
public static string Authority = "[MyTennantName]";
public static string AuthorityEditProfile = "[MyTennantName]";
public static string ApiEndpoint = "https://[MyTennantName]";
public static UIParent UiParent = null;
My Login method is....
async void OnSignInSignOut(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (btnSignInSignOut.Text == "Sign in")
AuthenticationResult ar = await App.PCA.AcquireTokenAsync(Constants.Scopes, GetUserByPolicy(App.PCA.Users, Constants.SignUpSignInPolicy), Constants.UiParent);
foreach (var user in App.PCA.Users)
catch (Exception ex)
// Checking the exception message
// should ONLY be done for B2C
// reset and not any other error.
if (ex.Message.Contains("AADB2C90118"))
// Alert if any exception excludig user cancelling sign-in dialog
else if (((ex as MsalException)?.ErrorCode != "authentication_canceled"))
await DisplayAlert($"Exception:", ex.ToString(), "Dismiss");
However before I can even enter my password I get the following....
[Second image in Screenshots]
My application definition looks like this...[Third image in screenshots]
I don't think it is recognizing my tenant and trying to log me in with a Microsoft account. I have double checked my Tenant name and Application ID.
I don't have enough reputation to post more than one link and one picture.
Also, the Azure AD B2C api application works for a web app. I have created a web app that can authenticate and works with the API.
It looks like while modifying the authorization value in the Sample you removed the /tfp/ part.
You should update your values as follows:
public static string Authority = "[MyTennantName]";
public static string AuthorityEditProfile = "[MyTennantName]";

What is the use of J2C alias on WAS server?

This is my LdapTemplate Class
public LdapTemplate getLdapTemplete(String ldapID)
if (ldapID.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.LDAP1))
if (ldapTemplate1 == null)
PasswordCredential passwordCredential = j2cAliasUtility.getAliasDetails(ldapID);
String managerDN = passwordCredential.getUserName();
String managerPwd = new String(passwordCredential.getPassword());"managerDN :"+managerDN+":: password : "+managerPwd);
LdapContextSource lcs = new LdapContextSource();
ldapTemplate1 = new LdapTemplate(lcs);"ldap1 configured");
return ldapTemplate1;
catch (Exception e)
log.error("ldapContextCreater / getLdapTemplete / ldap2");
log.error("Error in getting ldap context", e);
return ldapTemplate1;
This is my J2CAliasUtility Class--I dont know what is this method doing and what does it return ?
public PasswordCredential getAliasDetails(String aliasName) throws Exception
PasswordCredential result = null;
// ----------WAS 6 change -------------
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put(, aliasName); //{}
CallbackHandler cbh = (WSMappingCallbackHandlerFactory.getInstance()).getCallbackHandler(map, null);
LoginContext lc = new LoginContext("DefaultPrincipalMapping", cbh);
lc.login(); subject = lc.getSubject();
java.util.Set creds = subject.getPrivateCredentials();
result = (PasswordCredential) creds.toArray()[0];
catch (Exception e)
{"APPLICATION ERROR: cannot load credentials for j2calias = " + aliasName);
log.error(" "+e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get credentials");
return result;
J2C alias is a feature that encrypts the password used by the adapter to access the database. The adapter can use it to connect to the database instead of using a user ID and password stored in an adapter property.
J2C alias eliminates the need to store the password in clear text in an adapter configuration property, where it might be visible to others.
It would seem that your class "J2CAliasUtility" retrieves a user name and password from an JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service) authentication alias, in this case apparently looked-up from LDAP. An auth alias may be configured in WebSphere Application Server as described here and here. Your code uses WebSphere security APIs to retrieve the user id and password from the given alias. More details on the programmatic logins and JAAS made be found in this IBM KnowledgeCenter topic and it's related topics.

Vaadin close UI of same user in another browser/tab/system

I'm doing a project in Vaadin 7. In that I need to implement something like below for the login.
A user 'A' is logged in to a system '1'. And again he logs into another system '2'. Now I want to know how to close the UI on the system '1'.
I tried something and can able to close the UI, If it is the same browser. But, for different systems/browser. I don't have any idea.
My Code:
private void closeUI(String attribute) {
for (UI ui : getSession().getUIs()) {
if(ui.getSession().getAttribute(attribute) != null)
Can anyone help me in this?
I have a situation similar to your where I need to display several info regarding all sessions. What I did was I created my own Servlet extending the VaadinServlet with a static ConcurrentHashmap to save my sessions info, and a SessionDestroyListener to remove any info from the map upon logout. Initially I also had a SessionInitListener where I added the info in the hashmap but I realized I only had the user information after authentication so I moved this part to the page handling the login.
I guess you could do something similar, or at least this should get you started:
public class SessionInfoServlet extends VaadinServlet {
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<User, VaadinSession> userSessionInfo = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// this could be called after login to save the session info
public static void saveUserSessionInfo(User user, VaadinSession session) {
VaadinSession oldSession = userSessionInfo.get(user);
if(oldSession != null){
// close the old session
userSessionInfo.put(user, session);
public static Map<User, VaadinSession> getUserSessionInfos() {
// access the cache if we need to, otherwise useless and removable
return userSessionInfo;
protected void servletInitialized() throws ServletException {
// register our session destroy listener
SessionLifecycleListener sessionLifecycleListener = new SessionLifecycleListener();
private class SessionLifecycleListener implements SessionDestroyListener {
public void sessionDestroy(SessionDestroyEvent event) {
// remove saved session from cache, for the user that was stored in it

Multi tenancy in Shiro

We are evaluating Shiro for a custom Saas app that we are building. Seems like a great framework does does 90% of what we want, out of the box. My understanding of Shiro is basic, and here is what I am trying to accomplish.
We have multiple clients, each with an identical database
All authorization (Roles/Permissions) will be configured by the clients
within their own dedicated database
Each client will have a unique
Virtual host eg., etc
Scenario 1
Authentication done via LDAP (MS Active Directory)
Create unique users in LDAP, make app aware of LDAP users, and have client admins provision them into whatever roles..
Scenario 2
Authentication also done via JDBC Relam in their database
Common to Sc 1 & 2 How can I tell Shiro which database to use? I
realize it has to be done via some sort of custom authentication
filter, but can someone guide me to the most logical way ? Plan to use
the virtual host url to tell shiro and mybatis which DB to use.
Do I create one realm per client?
Sc 1 (User names are unique across clients due to LDAP) If user jdoe
is shared by client1 and client2, and he is authenticated via client1
and tries to access a resource of client2, will Shiro permit or have
him login again?
Sc 2 (User names unique within database only) If both client 1 and
client 2 create a user called jdoe, then will Shiro be able to
distinguish between jdoe in Client 1 and jdoe in Client 2 ?
My Solution based on Les's input..
public class MultiTenantAuthenticator extends ModularRealmAuthenticator {
protected AuthenticationInfo doAuthenticate(AuthenticationToken authenticationToken) throws AuthenticationException {
TenantAuthenticationToken tat = null;
Realm tenantRealm = null;
if (!(authenticationToken instanceof TenantAuthenticationToken)) {
throw new AuthenticationException("Unrecognized token , not a typeof TenantAuthenticationToken ");
} else {
tat = (TenantAuthenticationToken) authenticationToken;
tenantRealm = lookupRealm(tat.getTenantId());
return doSingleRealmAuthentication(tenantRealm, tat);
protected Realm lookupRealm(String clientId) throws AuthenticationException {
Collection<Realm> realms = getRealms();
for (Realm realm : realms) {
if (realm.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(clientId)) {
return realm;
throw new AuthenticationException("No realm configured for Client " + clientId);
New Type of token..
public final class TenantAuthenticationToken extends UsernamePasswordToken {
public enum TENANT_LIST {
private String tenantId = null;
public TenantAuthenticationToken(final String username, final char[] password, String tenantId) {
public TenantAuthenticationToken(final String username, final String password, String tenantId) {
setPassword(password != null ? password.toCharArray() : null);
public String getTenantId() {
return tenantId;
public void setTenantId(String tenantId) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ae) {
throw new UnknownTenantException("Tenant " + tenantId + " is not configured " + ae.getMessage());
this.tenantId = tenantId;
Modify my inherited JDBC Realm
public class TenantSaltedJdbcRealm extends JdbcRealm {
public TenantSaltedJdbcRealm() {
// Cant seem to set this via beanutils/shiro.ini
this.saltStyle = SaltStyle.COLUMN;
public boolean supports(AuthenticationToken token) {
return super.supports(token) && (token instanceof TenantAuthenticationToken);
And finally use the new token when logging in
// This value is set via an Intercepting Servlet Filter
String client = (String)request.getAttribute("TENANT_ID");
if (!currentUser.isAuthenticated()) {
TenantAuthenticationToken token = new TenantAuthenticationToken(user,pwd,client);
try {
} catch (UnknownAccountException uae) {"There is no user with username of " + token.getPrincipal());
} catch (IncorrectCredentialsException ice) {"Password for account " + token.getPrincipal() + " was incorrect!");
} catch (LockedAccountException lae) {"The account for username " + token.getPrincipal() + " is locked. "
+ "Please contact your administrator to unlock it.");
} // ... catch more exceptions here (maybe custom ones specific to your application?
catch (AuthenticationException ae) {
//unexpected condition? error?
You will probably need a ServletFilter that sits in front of all requests and resolves a tenantId pertaining to the request. You can store that resolved tenantId as a request attribute or a threadlocal so it is available anywhere for the duration of the request.
The next step is to probably create a sub-interface of AuthenticationToken, e.g. TenantAuthenticationToken that has a method: getTenantId(), which is populated by your request attribute or threadlocal. (e.g. getTenantId() == 'client1' or 'client2', etc).
Then, your Realm implementations can inspect the Token and in their supports(AuthenticationToken) implementation, and return true only if the token is a TenantAuthenticationToken instance and the Realm is communicating with the datastore for that particular tenant.
This implies one realm per client database. Beware though - if you do this in a cluster, and any cluster node can perform an authentication request, every client node will need to be able to connect to every client database. The same would be true for authorization if authorization data (roles, groups, permissions, etc) is also partitioned across databases.
Depending on your environment, this might not scale well depending on the number of clients - you'll need to judge accordingly.
As for JNDI resources, yes, you can reference them in Shiro INI via Shiro's JndiObjectFactory:
datasource = org.apache.shiro.jndi.JndiObjectFactory
datasource.resourceName = jdbc/mydatasource
# if the JNDI name is prefixed with java:comp/env (like a Java EE environment),
# uncomment this line:
#datasource.resourceRef = true
jdbcRealm =
jdbcRealm.datasource = $datasource
The factory will look up the datasource and make it available to other beans as if it were declared in the INI directly.
