How to prevent process from being killed on Windows - windows

I have some processes running on Windows 10 and I don't want them exit or close by anything inside or outside. I want to protect them. Anyone can tell me what I need to do or introduce me some tools to do this. Thank you so much

If you implement your "important" process as a service then a normal user will not be able to stop or kill it.
Preventing someone with administrator privileges from killing your process is very hard and I would recommend that you don't try to stop them.
Administrators can stop services, debug (and therefore kill) processes they did not start, run code as the system user and load kernel drives. There are only two ways to (try to) stop them:
If you are a real Antivirus/Antimalware vendor then you can create ELAM drivers and protected services. (Protected services can be debugged by a kernel debugger)
Create a kernel driver that prevents certain access rights when processes call OpenProcess and/or use dirty tricks to hide your process from the list of processes so it does not show up in task manager and other tools. Most people would consider this a pretty evil thing to do! You will have to fight with PatchGuard and Antivirus software if you try to do this.


how to initialization script C++ before windows shutdown

i have no ideal for initialization code c++ before windows shutdown. For protect algorithm of my code when running. Any ideal here?
I am not sorry to report you cannot do this reliably. You can handle WM_QUERYENDSESSION or WM_ENDSESSION Windows messages, but that really traps logoff not shutdown. Alternately you could try a Windows service and react to the stop signal. But that is exactly that, your service being stopped.
HOWEVER; none of this happens reliably. If you have some defenses best broken by the shutdown code not running, somebody who wants to break them will just power the machine off. If I thought you were writing software that needed to be fault tolerant I would now advise you on crash-only software.
To make a backing store that can survive being powered off without being corrupted, the cheapest way is to use sqlite.
I think you should create an object of your own class and write something inside the destructor (or ~YourClass()).

How exactly a debugged process can compromise the debugging process (machine)?

Whenever one wants to attach to a process from Visual Studio, one receives this nasty message:
This question and its answers show the struggle to get rid of it. This Microsoft article tells us about the potential dangers of attaching for the debugging process/machine:
However, many developers do not realize that the security threat can
also flow in the opposite direction. It is possible for malicious code
in the debuggee process to jeopardize the security of the debugging
machine: there are a number of security exploits that must be guarded
Question: how does the debugged process is able to exploit the debugging process? (I am interested in just a few highlights, as I imagine that one can write a book about it).
And also, what is the purpose of having this warning when debugging on local machine's w3wp.exe process (I imagine that the vast majority of debugging sessions happen within the development machine). If local machine's w3wp process is compromised, you are in deep trouble anyway.
You get this warning when you attach to a process that runs with a limited user account. Like w3wp.exe, a web server is typically configured with such account so that an attacker cannot do too much damage after he figured out how to compromise the web server. Note how you normally use an account with admin privileges to debug the web server.
This opens up a generic security hole that is very similar to the one exploited by a "shatter attack". A privilege escalation, the unprivileged process exploiting the privileges of another process. The conduit is the debugger transport, the channel that lets a debugger control the debuggee. I think a socket in the case where the process runs on another machine, a named pipe if it runs on the same machine. The compromised process could fake the messages that the debugger interprets as normal responses. Anything is possible, nothing is simple, none of this is documented. Intentionally.
Note how you still use the remote debugger when w3wp.exe runs locally. It is normally a 64-bit process and VS is 32-bit, the remote debugger (msvsmon.exe) is required to bridge the bitness difference.
It is the kind of attack scenario where Microsoft has to throw up their hands and can no longer guarantee that such an attack cannot succeed and do real damage to your machine. The attack surface is too large. So they display the dialog, you have to interpret it as a "we are no longer liable for what happens next". Plausible deniability when it ever comes to a lawsuit. The info it displays is not actually useful to judge whether the process is compromised, but it is all they got. Life is too short to worry about it every single time you click Attach, lawyers never once made a programmer's job easier :)
When you func eval something in the debuggee, you are effectively running code on the debugger. This is where the potential security problem could be.
For example, suppose the debuggee has some types that will load a natvis into the debugger. And suppose that the C++ Expression Evaluator has a security hole in it, that allows a buffer overrun attack through a natvis. Just by debugging a certain process, the remote process could take control of your local machine. Granted this isn’t likely, but the debugger isn’t hardened against this sort of attack. The nature of debugging means you have to let any code run.
In the other direction, once a process is being debugged, the debugger have the same permissions as it does. You can do anything you want.
This warning below pops up when attaching to an unknown users’ process. See this article:

How to lock/unlock ACL of a windows process?

I know that you can modify the ACL of a process to forbid termination. But if I do so in a program, I'm still able to "reset" these rights for example with the Process Explorer.
But for the Anti Virus Software that I use, this is not possible and I wonder why?
Even with the SYSTEM account I cannot read or write the "process permissions".
Any ideas how this can be forbidden and how I can get back the right to terminate such a program?

How to reload a crashed process on Windows

How to reload a crashed process on Windows? Of course, I can run a custom monitoring Win service process. But, for example, Firefox: it doesn't seem to install such a thing, but still it can restart itself when it crashes.
On Vista and above, you can use the RegisterApplicationRestart API to automatically restart when it crashes or hangs.
Before Vista, you need to have a top level exception filter which will do the restart, but be aware that running code inside of a compromised process isn't entirely secure or reliable.
Firefox constantly saves its state to the hard disk, every time you open a tab or click a link, or perform some other action. It also saves a flag saying it shut down safely.
On startup, it reads this all back, and is able to "restore" based on that info.
Structured exception handling (SEH) allows you to catch program crashes and to do something when it happens.
See: __try and __except
SEH can be very dangerous though and could lead to your program hanging instead. Please see this article for more information.
If you write your program as an NT service then you can set the first, second and subsequent failure actions to "Restart the service".
For Windows 2008 server and Windows Vista and Windows 7 you can use the Win32 API RegisterApplicationRestart
Please see my answer here for more information about dealing with different types of program crashes.
If I recall correctly Windows implements at least some subset of POSIX and so "must" have the signal interface (things like SIGKILL, SIGSEGV, SIGQUIT etc.).
I've never done this but on linux, but you could try setting the unexpected termination trap with signal() (signal.h).
From quick scan of docs it seems that very few things can be done while handling signal, it may be possible that even starting a new process is on forbidden list.
Now that I've thought about it, I'd probably go with master/worker pattern, very simple parent thread that does nothing but spawns the worker (that does all the UI / other things). If it does not set a specific "I'm gonna die now" bit but still dies (parent process always gets message / notification that spawned process died) then master respawns the worker. The main theme is keep master very simple and hard to die due to own bugs.

What are known/documented/undocmented methods of the process start monitoring?

I need to monitor and, if it is needed, decline process start in the Windows XP and Vista OS?
What are known/documented/undocmented methods? What about known hacks of this methods?
(It will be used for the shareware firewall/security software).
Be very careful with any code that thinks it knows enough about what a user is doing to know whether or not to allow a process to start. It's a great way to find out how much you don't know about your users, but only if you provide an email address for the users to send complaints to.
An example was some VPN software I worked with that hooked into the Windows system to be notified whenever a DLL was loaded. It actually caused BSOD when running a very common application - Visual Studio. The manufacturer wasn't aware of how modular VS is, and that starting it loads many DLLs, and sometimes even more during execution, as new features are loaded.
When you put yourself in the position to do things for your users, you have the responsibility to know enough to do them correctly.
For monitoring you can use WMI events.
There is no[1] method to decide whether to allow the start or not. If you are on Pro/Biz/Ent/Ultimate editions group policy can be used to block specified executables from being launched, or limit to a specified list.
[1] As far as I am aware.
