Xcode Pushing GIT to Visual Studio Team Service - xcode

We're learning about and setting up source control with Visual Studio Team Services.
We have one Mac XCode project want to add to the source control, but I can't figure out how to do it.
According to this: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/git/share-your-code-in-git-xcode We should be able to set it up as a remote repository, and then just push to it, but when I try I get this error:
The source control operation failed because the URL http://project.visualstudio.com/_git/myprojectname%20IOS" cannont be used with Git. Make sure the URL is valid and try again.
It never asked for a password or anything, so I don't know if I just have a permission set up incorrectly somewhere?

The space was the problem. Created a new project without the space and it popped up asking for the alternative credentials for the project.


Shared Workspace(TFS) in Visual Studio 2017 with using a Virtual Machine

Im a trainie and learning C# at the moment and have basic knowledge about how TFS and workspaces work.
Im using VS2017 in a VM which has access to TFS.
when i go in to VS2017 Source code control i can see the shared user workspace name. And when i try to use dev cmd or normal command prompt and type the tf workspaces, it does not show any workspace available and gives me the error "There is no corresponding workspace found on this computer".
Is there anyway to see it in CMD?
the reason i need to test this function is that, We have a Deploy .bat/.cmd file which calls the TFS for new update, do a Realase version and then put it to a given fix directoy.
Im sorry if i cant provide more details about the problem. Company Policy.
I could try to answer any further questions.
Thanks for the replies.
Unless you provide a filter such as owner, computer or workspace name, Team Foundation only displays information about the workspaces that you have created.
Command to get workspaces on current VM:
tf workspaces /owner:* /computer:* /server:teamserver
Workspace Commands
Note: To use the workspace command you must have the Read permission set to Allow.
Word of caution: Pulling down a release version from a bat file is normally a bad approach and can cause problems. I would recommend taking the opposite approach. Instead of running a bat file to trigger a build/deploy
have TFS trigger the deployment and workspace update by some action or manual action in order for it to control your process. You can always use the bat file for deployment steps just have TFS setup and call it for you.

visual studio git: terminal prompts disabled

I cloned a VSTS (NOT GitHub) repository with bash on windows using URL like https://myproj.visualstudio.com/repo and now I'd like to be able to use in-built VS2017 git window for my work, however when I do say Pull I get a window asking for my username/password and after I provide them I get this error:
Git failed with a fatal error.
could not read Username for 'https://myproj.visualstudio.com': terminal prompts disabled
which doesn't make any sense to me, I'm still able to do everything from git bash, I was also able to use VS2017 in-built window until today (we had some accounts migration which I'm not aware of the details), I tried relogging everywhere (at least what I'm aware of) and reinstalling git/visual studio, but still no success. All the suggestions I was able to find are either related to GitHub or suggest me to use ssh, which I don't want to, because my colleagues still have it working quite fine with https as before
A workaround for me was to download and install TortoiseGit and then get a repository cloned through its credential manager. Afterwards, I connected to the repository within Visual Studio 2017 as a local repository.
In this approach we have to use TortoiseGit for all repo operations.
Better to try these instructions, which completely resolved my issue:
Turns out I had to delete contents of this file:
I didn't see it documented anywhere, it was just one of my numerous random attempts to fix things

Getting a "vspscc could not be found in your workspace, or you do not have permission to access it" error

Today, while trying to publish an app so I could test it, I suddenly got this error message:
The item
could not be found in your workspace, or you do not have permission to
access it.
That's a mystery to me, as I've never gotten this before and I was working with this app just last week. Publishing it, too.
I've looked for the .vspscc file. Found it exactly where it said it should be. So, the alternative is that I don't have permissions to it. I don't understand why I shouldn't have permissions to a file on my machine that I created, but whatever. So, how do I get permissions to my own file?
I'm working with VS 2017, TFS 2015 on premise.
This issue may due to the wrong source control binding for that specific xx.vspscc file.
Double check your source control bindings for that file in TFS. You could also try to unbind and rebind the file.
Then delete the file in local(back up local changes first) and get latest version from TFS. Finally do the publish again.
If above solution is still not working, try to delete local workspace and create a new one, get latest version of the file, modify the file with local changes (if you have) in your backup , check in the file, then do the publish .
Another reason for this problem is, that the vspscc file is not checked in.
Just do a "Compare" on the project folder to see, if it's missing.
If the csproj.vspscc is missing you can create a new one by removing the project in visual studio and adding it back
I was able to 'fix' the problem by going to the source control explorer, selecting the smproj file (which was checked out for editing), and checked it in by itself. Then, I checked in the Model.bim. Was able to do both of these things without getting the error.
I also tried all the usual things, deleting the entire solution directory, getting it from TFS again but nothing worked.
Noticed the version of Visual Studio 2019 was a few months old so upgraded to the latest. That fixed it!

Visual Studio 2010 file could not be found in your workspace issue

I'm getting this message when connected to a TFS repository and trying to edit a local .sql file that's not yet in the repository.
The item C:\bla\blabla\blablabla\USP_BLA.sql could not be found in
your workspace, or you do not have permission to access it. No items
were checked out
If I disconnect from the TFS repository everything is fine. If I re-connect to the TFS repository I start getting the message, even just trying to type/save the file.
The file is actually there in my local folder and I have the corresponding permissions, for those who are thinking otherwise. It is just a text file that I should be able to edit irrespective of whether I'm connected to the repository or not.
I got Windows SP1 installed on my Windows 7 this morning; don't know if that could be the cause of the issue. We are using the.NET Framework 4.
Any idea of what the issue is or how to resolve it?
It turns out the issue was with one of the "facts" in my question, "file that's not yet in the repository".
A file with the same file name I had locally was already there in the TFS repository, it had been checked-in a month ago by someone else.
Only when I tried to check-in the new local copy I became aware of that; the file was not supposed to be there.
Anyway, after checking-out the file from TFS everything went back to normal; I'm able to edit/save the file without issues, even if connected to TFS.
Try to get the latest version of your source code It should resolve the issue..Or Get Specific Version and allow to overwrite existing files.If still does not resolve make sure the file is present on local directory.
Do not forget to rebuild after getting latest code

Unable to Activate Windows Store App

I installed a retail version of Windows 8 Pro. I downloaded and installed Visual Studio Express 2012. I asked for and received a developers certificate. Then I tried to create a hello world app.
From there I get a "Unable to Activate Windows Store App" message box when I try to debug the app. Most commentary on the web says delete build directories. This didn't work for me
Does anyone have a solution for how to fix this and debug my app?
This happened to me once too, but the deleting build directories advice fixed it. Specifically, you just need to delete the bin\Debug and bld\Debug folders in your projects. Their contents will be regenerated by Visual Studio when you rebuild. I assume that this is only one project since it's a Hello World app; otherwise I would ask if you deleted build directories from all projects in your solution.
You can also try running "Clean Solution" from the BUILD menu in Visual Studio.
I'm sorry...it's horrible if this is happening on a clean install as you describe.
I ran into the same issue, and tried rebuilding, cleaning, deleting temp files, rebooting the computer, etc... and nothing helped.
Then finally I made a release build then went back to debug. And now it works.
I have no idea what happened, nor if that really helped, but it's worth a try.
For me a RESTART of pc solved this error message.
For me the problem was that I created the app on a TrueCrypt mounted virtual drive and when I moved the project files to a normal drive then everything worked just fine. Weird.
I was getting the exact same error. In my case the culprit was a NuGet package. It had added an app.config file to the project and it was confusing VS. I removed the app.config file and it solved my issue.
I got the solution at Iris Classon's site.
This can be solved by Uninstalling the app from the start screen then again building the app from Visual Studio.
I had a similar problem, and the cause was creating the project on a USB thumb drive. Creating a project on a normal hard drive volume works.
this can happen when the application signing key (.pfx file) is missing.
Try the following:
Open the Package.appxmanifest file in Visual Studio
Go to the register "Packaging"
Select [Choose Certificate…]
Select the test certificate using [Configure Certificate…] [From File…], or create a new one using [Configure Certificate…] [Test Certificate…]
When using a test certificate, ensure that it is in the .gitignore file. There should be an entry like !**\*_TemporaryKey.pfx to include the key in Git.
Note: The certificate for release build should only be available to the build server and not included in Git.
Rebuild the project
This has happened to me in the past and I have always found that deleting the build directories resolves it.
However this time this is not working for me.
I have tried
- Rebooting
- Deleting build directories
- Running Build | Clean Solution in VS
- Renewing Developer Account
The only thing that will work for me is changing my Package name under the Package.appxmanifest
However I am not overly happy with this as a solution. I will keep investigating.
The issue might be caused because NuGet will try to add an app.config with binding redirects to Windows Store apps if it thinks it is needed. However, Windows Store apps don’t need app.config, and will actually fail to start with a very confusing error message if it is present.
And the solution in this case would be to Remove the App.config
This error generally comes when you try to deploy in debug mode.
I would suggest, deploy the app first in release mode and then try in debug mode.
This worked for me.
Making a new certificate works for me. For this, go to Package.manifest->Packaging, and follow the Choose certificate.... Click on Configure certificate and select Create test certificate. Give it a name and press OK.
Increasing the revision number of the package worked for me
Tried so many of the above fixes. Nothing worked (deleting bin, obj dirs, editing the manifest, editing the registry, changing package name, etc, etc.) My Avast antivirus software was running and so I uninstalled it completely. That was it. App now runs fine.
This sort of problems are common with Windows 8 Visual Studio. Such errors encounters when your developer license of Visual Studio has expired so you may want to renew or get a new developer license here's how you get that. How to get a developer license in Windows 8
And similar problem may also encounter with E_Fail issues here's how to solve Unable to activate Windows Store app E_Fail Issue
For me, the fix was a combination of two of these answers -
Renew the developer license (How to get a developer license in Windows 8)
And deleting the build directories (though I deleted more then the screenshot depicted) Delete the Build directories
NuGet will try to add an app.config with binding redirects to Windows Store apps if it thinks it is needed. However, Windows Store apps don’t need app.config, and will actually fail to start with a very confusing error message if it is present.
Remove the App.config
and build again
For those who get a similar error but who are searching for a solution while debugging an IOT background app on a local machine specifically - you can find it here.
Using the search term "unable to activate windows store app the activation request failed with error" brought me here.
Because of Two things i resolved this issue.
Basically, we just need to delete the bin\Debug and bld\Debug folders in our projects. Those contents will be regenerated by Visual Studio when you rebuild project.
Just Restart the Visual Studio. And Clean Build and Rebuild the solution and RUN it.
Hope this helps.,
Playing with this issue for 3 days, tried every suggestions, nothing works. Until now!!!
The solution was this for me:
renew developer licence
build and deploy solution in Release mode (after this step it still not worked, but VS installed some packages in rpi)
start VS remote debugger with default account (http://:8080/#Debug%20settings)
configure remote device with Universal authentication mode (VS2017 -> Project settings -> debug -> target device: remote machine, authentication mode: Universal (unencrypted protocol))
...and now I can sleep.
Hope it helps somebody.
This gift was courtesy of Microsoft's automatic updates for VS2015 which was one of the 2 culprits:
It also broke SourceTree and other apps that draw the GUI - making an outline of the app but not drawing the contents.
For me changing the Package Name in Package.appxmanifest fixed the problem
In my case, the C# UWP app had a native library which failed in the application startup code, and called exit(1). The symptoms were identical to those in the question, though. Visual Studio would throw a message:
Unable to activate Windows Store app '88888888-6666-5555-4444-111111111111_abcdefgh!App'. The Acme.exe process started, but the activation request failed with error 'Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x80040905'.
In addition, there was a message in the UWP app Windows log under Microsoft\Windows\Apps\Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational: event ID 5961, message:
Activation for 88888888-6666-5555-4444-111111111111_abcdefgh!App failed. Error code: Unknown HResult Error code: 0x80040905. Activation phase: COM App activation
Internally, the C# part would try to construct a native class instance from the App constructor, the native class constructor would encounter an unrecoverable error and bail. From the UWP subsystem standpoint, and from the debugger standpoint, though, this looked as something distinct from the mere programmatic exit. I'll leave this answer here, 'cause I've spent some time chasing various UWP failure scenarios instead of running under a native debugger.
I've replaced the exit() call with throw ref new Exception(E_INVALIDARG). At least this way the error manifests in the managed debugger, and the message is descriptive.
I've been having this problem a lot with a UWP Windows 10 app on Visual Studio 2019...for me the reliable workaround is to bump the Build number in the Package.appxmanifest file (Packaging tab). It's a huge pain...really hope Microsoft will sort this out soon
Any existing error in the code can also cause this issue. Make sure your previous version of the code is working fine. Compare the difference and make sure all looks good.
I was getting this error and nothing else worked so I had to dissect my program. Turns out I referenced a StaticResource in my App.xaml that didn't exist.
Seems like a silly error but you'd also think Visual Studio would pick up on something like that and throw a different error so if nothing else works, double check your application resources.
As suggested by #Iman in a comment, in the UWP project settings, enable "Compile with .NET Native tool chain".
(After trying just about every answer in this question)
