import csv file on Neo4J with a Mac: which path to use for my file? - macos

I am a new user of Neo4J. I would like to import a simple csv file into neo4J with my Mac, but it seems I am doing something wrong with the path to my file. I have tried many different ways but it is not working. the only workaround I found is to upload it on dropbox....
please see below the code I am using/
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file://Users/Cam/Documents/Neo4j/default.graphdb/import/node_attributes.csv" as line
RETURN count(*)
the error message is:
Cannot load from URL
file URL may not contain an authority section (i.e. it should be
I already try to add some /// in the path but it is not working.

If the CSV file is in your default.graphdb/import folder, then you don't need to provide the absolute path, just give the path relative to the import folder:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///node_attributes.csv" as line
RETURN count(*)

I'd use neo4j-import from the terminal:
Example from
neo4j-import --into retail.db --id-type string \
--nodes:Customer customers.csv --nodes products.csv \
--nodes orders_header.csv,orders1.csv,orders2.csv \
--relationships:CONTAINS order_details.csv \
--relationships:ORDERED customer_orders_header.csv,orders1.csv,orders2.csv
What is not working when you try
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///Users/Cam/Documents/Neo4j/default.graphdb/import/node_attributes.csv" as line RETURN count(*)


How to import csv file data to postgresql in "omnidb" in windows

I am using this command to import csv file data to postgresql in omnidb windows :
COPY owner."order"(id,type,name)
FROM 'C:\Users\Desktop\omnidb_exported.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER;
Getting this error, although it exists:
could not open file "C:\Users\Desktop\omnidb_exported.csv" for
reading: No such file or directory
I have also provided everyone security permissions of read and execute on csv file and its folder. Still the problem exists.
The csv file has delimiter ";" with header information.
This owner schema has 3 tables, which are connected by "id" column.
How to import the csv file data correctly? What is the problem with these commands?
OK, as below:
\copy owner."order"(id,type,name) FROM 'C:\Users\Desktop\omnidb_exported.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER;
Just replace the copy to \copy, then can load data sucessfully.

Pyspark: Reading properties files on HDFS using configParser

I am using ConfigParser to read through key values which are passed to my pyspark program. The code works fine when I execute from edge node of a hadoop cluster,with the config file in local directory of edge node. This doesn't if the config file is uploaded to a hdfs path and I try accessing the same using the parser.
The config file para.conf has below contents
On local client mode, with para.conf in local directory, to access the values i am using the below.
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
parser = SafeConfigParser()"para.conf")
myport = parser.get('tracker', 'port')
The above works fine...
On Hadoop Cluster :
Uploaded para.conf file to hdfs directory path bdc/para.conf"hdfs://clusternamenode:8020/bdc/para.conf")
this doesn't return anythin, neither does the below by escaping.."hdfs:///clusternamenode:8020//bdc//para.conf")
Although using sqlCOntext i can read this file which returns a valid rdd.
though am not sure if using configParser can extract the key values from this..
Can anyone advise if configParser can be used to read files from hdfs ? Or is there any alternative ?
I have copied most of the code you have provided in the comments. You were really close to the solution. Your problem was that sc.textFile produces a row in the rdd for every newline character. When you call .collect() you get a list of strings for every line of your document. The StringIO is not expecting a list, it is expecting a string and therefore you have to restore the previous document structure from your list. See working example below:
import ConfigParser
import StringIO
credstr = sc.textFile("hdfs://clusternamenode:8020/bdc/cre.conf").collect()
buf = StringIO.StringIO("\n".join(credstr))
parse_str = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

Specify a relative path as infile for a .ctl

I can't seem to find a way to specify a relative path for my infile when using sql loader.
I'm running it through a command line and this is what it looks like:
C:\app\\sqlldr.exe userid=user/pass
control="C:\User...DATA_DATA_TABLE.ctl" log="C:\User...DATA_DATA_TABLE.log"
bad = "C:\User...DATA_DATA_TABLE.bad" discard = "C:\User...DATA_DATA_TABLE.dsc"
(I've added carriage returns just for the readability on here, the command i use is one line)
And this works, it's will start inserting stuff in the table IF the path to my infile in .ctl is absolute like "C:\Usertemp\example.ldr"
My ctl was generated autmatically by sqldeveloper. And i just changed the path to this:
INFILE 'AI_SLA_DATA_DATA_TABLE.ldr' "str '{EOL}'" <-- i'm trying to get relative path here but doesn't work
...other sqldeveloper generated stuff
The .ldr file is in the same directory as the .ctl file. Is it possible to get the path of the ctl? I'm pretty sure he searches for the .ldr file next to the sqlldr.exe instead of the ctl.
Any tips to do this? I can't find answers on
I've never tried adding a relative path to the .ctl file, but for me it works fine as a command-line argument, e.g.
C:\app\\sqlldr.exe userid=user/pass
control="DATA_DATA_TABLE.ctl" log="DATA_DATA_TABLE.log"
bad = "DATA_DATA_TABLE.bad" discard ="DATA_DATA_TABLE.dsc"

Pyspark on windows : Input path does not exist

As I am new to pyspark, I did some research about my issue but none of the solutions worked for me.
I want to read a text file, I first put it in the same folder as my .py file in jupyter notebook. For that I run the following command:
rdd = sc.textFile("Parcours client.txt")
I get this error:
Input path does not exist: file:/C:/Spark/spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7/Data Analysis/Parcours client.txt
Although this is exactly where I put the file.txt, and I launch my pyspark from
I tried also to indicate the local direction where my txt file exist:
rdd = sc.textFile("C:\\Users\\Jiji\\Desktop\\Data Analysis\\L'Output\\Parcours client.txt")
I get the same error:
Input path does not exist: file:/Users/Jiji/Desktop/Data Analysis/L'Output/Parcours client.txt
Try rdd = sc.textFile("Parcours\ client.txt") or rdd = sc.textFile(r"Parcours client.txt")
See also:
whitespaces in the path of windows filepath
Thank you everybody for your help.
I have tried to put my txt file in a folder in the desktop wich the name doesn't have any spaces and that solve my issue. So I run the following command:
rdd = sc.textFile('C:\\Users\\Jiji\\Desktop\\Output\\Parcours client.txt')
I think the issue was because of the spaces in the path.

Fail to Download File Using Jmeter
I've used above link for reference.
I'm Using Save Responses to a file with Download call.
But fail to Download file.
Can anyone tell me What Exactly i need Specify in
FileName Prefix:
Variable name :
and where to Specify download location ?
Provide absolute file path with a file name.
FileName Prefix: c:\workspace\jmeter-download\myfile
For ex: If your test is downloading a pdf file, you would see a 'myfile.pdf' under 'c:\workspace\jmeter-download'
I've used path like D:/xyzFolder/filename as Filename Prifix
it's working fine for me
and if any one wants file to download in same Dir in which your jmx file is
then just need to use ~/pre as Filename Prifix
