Custom NSTextFieldCell draws text differently - cocoa

I have view-based NSTableView with 2 text columns.
First column uses custom NSTextFieldCell. Second column uses the default cell.
Here's the custom cell code:
class CustomTextFieldCell: NSTextFieldCell {
// don't do anything, just call the super implementation
override func drawInterior(withFrame cellFrame: NSRect, in controlView: NSView) {
super.drawInterior(withFrame: cellFrame, in: controlView)
Somehow the text fields in the custom (first) column look differently (thinner?).
Here's the screenshot (Sierra).
Not sure what's going on, may be custom implementation uses different antialiasing settings.
What am I missing there? Thank you in advance.
edit: mentioned view-based NSTableView

Looks like that bug still exists today. Overriding NSTextField.draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) or NSTextFieldCell.draw(withFrame cellFrame: NSRect, in controlView: NSView) and simply calling super is enough to reproduce this behavior.
As a workaround, set textField.drawsBackground = false, place your text field into an NSBox or custom NSView and handle your drawing there.


Adding Click Handler to NSTextField in Swift

I am having trouble detecting a user's double click in swift, I want to detect when they double click on an NSTextField.
func someFunc() { = self
y.action = "editLabel:"
#IBAction func editLabel(obj:AnyObject?) {
The above code doesn't work, I can't seem to find the basic documentation that shows how to add event handlers. Is there a simpler way to do this?
I guess your text field is a label, not an editable text field in its normal state. Starting with OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), you can use NSClickGestureRecognizer:
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
let gesture = NSClickGestureRecognizer()
gesture.buttonMask = 0x1 // left mouse
gesture.numberOfClicksRequired = 2 = self
gesture.action = "editLabel:"
func editLabel(sender: NSGestureRecognizer) {
if let label = sender.view as? NSTextField {
print("Hello world")
A text field does not handling editing, as such. When a text field has focus, a text view is added to the window, overlapping the area of the text field. This is called the "field editor" and it is responsible for handling editing.
It seems the most likely place for you to change the behavior of a double-click is in the text storage object used by that text view. NSTextStorage inherits from NSMutableAttributedString which inherits from NSAttributedString which has a -doubleClickAtIndex: method. That method returns the range of the text that should be selected by a double-click at a particular index.
So, you'll want to implement a subclass of NSTextStorage that overrides that method and returns a different result in some circumstances. NSTextStorage is a semi-abstract base class of a class cluster. Subclassing it requires a bit more than usual. You have to implement the primitive methods of NSAttributedString and NSMutableAttributedString. See the docs about it.
There are a few places to customize the field editor by replacing its text storage object with an instance of your class:
You could implement a custom subclass of NSTextFieldCell. Set your text field to use this as its cell. In your subclass, override -fieldEditorForView:. In your override, instantiate an NSTextView. Obtain its layoutManager and call -replaceTextStorage: on that, passing it an instance of your custom text storage class. (This is easier than putting together the hierarchy of objects that is involved with text editing, although you could do that yourself.) Set the fieldEditor property of the text view to true and return it.
In your window delegate, implement -windowWillReturnFieldEditor:toObject:. Create, configure, and return an NSTextView using your custom text storage, as above.

How to disable white text color in selection in view-based NSTableView?

I'm using a view-based table view and don't want it to draw NSTextFields with white text color when it is selected.
I was not able to find a working solution. So any help is very appreciated.
Here is my problem:
I want the "Selection is white" text also be drawn in the default text color.
So far I figured out that
Setting attributes in tableView:viewForTableColumn:item: does not really help
Setting NSTextField color to a custom color, which is something different than the control default color, will prevent from drawing in white but it still looses font style (bold, italic, etc).
Setting NSTableView's selectionHighlightStyle attribute to NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleNone does the trick but it will not redraw NSTableRowView. Also the select style is not what I want. I want the first click to select the row and the second click to edit the text field. When you use NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleNone your first click starts editing the text field.
The text color does not change if the NSTextField is bordered. But I don't want bordered text fields (As shown in the screenshot. The text fields are editable)
I couldn't figure out 'how' the text field gets the white color. I have overridden setTextColor: and realized that it is never called when selection is changed. So I guess an NSAttributedString is built somewhere inside the NSTableView drawing/selecting routine.
Any help is very much appreciated.
I found the answer. I had to subclass NSTableCellView and override setBackgroundStyle:. That's all!
- (void)setBackgroundStyle:(NSBackgroundStyle)backgroundStyle {
[super setBackgroundStyle: NSBackgroundStyleLight];
Instead of overriding NSTableCellView's backgroundStyle, I found it more convenient to override viewWillDraw() in NSTableRowView instead. This is actually the method that by default changes your cell view's background style during selection.
You would disable this behavior by:
class TableViewDelegate: NSObject, NSTableViewDelegate {
func tableView(tableView: NSTableView, rowViewForRow row: Int) -> NSTableRowView? {
return TableRowView(frame:
class TableRowView : NSTableRowView {
private override func viewWillDraw() {
// By do nothing we prevent the super method to be called. It would otherwise change the selected cell view's backgroundStyle property.
I set cell colour in my table view delegate's -tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row: method.
-(void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView willDisplayCell:(id)cell
forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row
if(tableView==<table view id of interest>)
[cell setTextColor:<colour appropriate for this cell>];
This does not affect font size or styling.

Accessing controls of views of NSCollectionView

I'm using an NSCollectionView to display various objects. The whole things works rather well, except for one annoying thing. I cannot figure out how to access the various controls on the view used to represent each object in the collection.
Here's the setup:
I have dragged an NSCollectionView into my view in IB.
I made a custom subclass of NSCollectionViewItem. Mapped my class in IB.
I made a custom subclass of NSBox to act as the view for each object in the collection. Also mapped this class in IB and connected it to the view property of my NSCollectionViewItem subclass.
I made all the bindings in IB to display the correct information for each object.
The view:
The resulting collection view:
Reasoning that that my subclass of NSCollectionViewItem is basically a controller for each view in the collection, I made referencing outlets of the various controls in the view in my controller subclass:
#interface SourceCollectionViewItem : NSCollectionViewItem
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *nameTextField;
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *typeTextField;
#property (weak) IBOutlet RSLabelView *labelView;
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSButton *viewButton;
When I inspect any instance of SourceCollectionViewItem in the debugger, all the properties show up as nil despite the fact that I can actually see them on my screen and that everything is displayed as it should be.
My setup was inspired by Apple's sample app IconCollection.
I am obviously missing something. What?
EDIT: I found various posts hinting at a similar issue: and this question on SO.
EDIT: Just to be complete: this post deals with the subject as well and delivers a solution based on a combination of the options mentioned in the accepted answer.
Outlets are set during nib loading, and only the prototype item is loaded from nib and has its outlets assigned. All other ViewItems and their Views are cloned from the prototype, in that case outlets are just instance variables that are never initialized.
Here are the options I could come up with:
Override newItemForRepresentedObject: of collection view and reload nib instead of cloning the prototype. But this will probably hurt the performance greatly.
Override copyWithZone of collection view item and assign outlets manually using viewWithTag: to find them.
Give up and try to provide data via bindings only.
I found that overriding NSCollectionViewItem's -setRepresentedObject: could also be a good choice, as it is called on the new Item when all IBOutlet seem to be ready. After the call to super you can do whatever is needed:
- (void)setRepresentedObject:(id)representedObject
if (representedObject) {
[super setRepresentedObject:representedObject];
[self.anOutlet bind:#"property" toObject:self.representedObject withKeyPath:#"representeProperty" options:nil];
I used this method to bind a custom property of an interface object. The check is there to avoid useless calls, when the representedObject is not yet ready. The project uses a separate xib for the ViewItem, as explained in the links in the original edits.
Great question. Like #hamstergene suggests, you can use copyWithZone, it will be much more efficient compared to newItemForRepresentedObject. However viewWithTag is not always an option, first, because not everything can be tagged (easily), and, second, using tag for this purpose is a little wrong. Here's a cool approach with performance in mind, in Swift.
import AppKit
class MyViewController: NSCollectionItemView
// Here you are cloning the original item loaded from the storyboard, which has
// outlets available, but as you've seen the default implementation doesn't take
// care of them. Each view has a unique identifiers, which you can use to find it
// in sublayers. What's really cool about this, is that you don't need to assign
// any tags or do anything else while having advantage of better performance using
// cached nib object.
override func copyWithZone(zone: NSZone) -> AnyObject {
let copy: NSCollectionItemView = super.copyWithZone(zone) as! NSCollectionItemView
let oldView: RecordingView = self.view as! MyView
let newView: RecordingView = copy.view as! MyView = newView.viewWithIdentifier(!) as! NSTextfield = newView.viewWithIdentifier(!) as! NSImageView
return copy
#IBDesignable class MyView: View
// Custom collection view item view. Lets assume inside of it you have two subviews which you want
// to access in your code.
#IBOutlet weak var foo: NSTextfield!
#IBOutlet weak var bar: NSImageView!
extension NSView
// Similar to viewWithTag, finds views with the given identifier.
func viewWithIdentifier(identifier: String) -> NSView? {
for subview in self.subviews {
if subview.identifier == identifier {
return subview
} else if subview.subviews.count > 0, let subview: NSView = subview.viewWithIdentifier(identifier) {
return subview
return nil

How to customize disclosure cell in view-based NSOutlineView

I'm trying to customize the disclosure arrow appearance in my view-based NSOutlineView. I saw that it's recommended to use
- (void)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView willDisplayOutlineCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item
delegate method to achieve it. The problem is that this method is not called for some reason. I have 2 custom cell views - one for item and second for header item. May be this method is not called for view-based outline views? May be something became broken in Lion?
Please shed some light.
Solution 1:
Subclass NSOutlineView and override makeViewWithIdentifier:owner:
- (id)makeViewWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier owner:(id)owner {
id view = [super makeViewWithIdentifier:identifier owner:owner];
if ([identifier isEqualToString:NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey]) {
// Do your customization
return view;
For Source Lists use NSOutlineViewShowHideButtonKey.
Solution 2:
Interface Builder
The button is added to the column and the identifier set to NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey.
Official documentation from NSOutlineView.h
/* The following NSOutlineView*Keys are used by the View Based NSOutlineView to create the "disclosure button" used to collapse and expand items. The NSOutlineView creates these buttons by calling [self makeViewWithIdentifier:owner:] passing in the key as the identifier and the delegate as the owner. Custom NSButtons (or subclasses thereof) can be provided for NSOutlineView to use in the following two ways:
1. makeViewWithIdentifier:owner: can be overridden, and if the identifier is (for instance) NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey, a custom NSButton can be configured and returned. Be sure to set the button.identifier to be NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey.
2. At design time, a button can be added to the outlineview which has this identifier, and it will be unarchived and used as needed.
When a custom button is used, it is important to properly set up the target/action to do something (probably expand or collapse the rowForView: that the sender is located in). Or, one can call super to get the default button, and copy its target/action to get the normal default behavior.
NOTE: These keys are backwards compatible to 10.7, however, the symbol is not exported prior to 10.9 and the regular string value must be used (i.e.: #"NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey").
APPKIT_EXTERN NSString *const NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_9); // The normal triangle disclosure button
APPKIT_EXTERN NSString *const NSOutlineViewShowHideButtonKey NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_9); // The show/hide button used in "Source Lists"
This answer is written with OS X 10.7 in mind, for newer versions of OS X/macOS, refer to WetFish's answer
That method does not get called because it is only relevant for cell based outline views.
In a view based outline view, the disclosure triangle is a regular button in the row view of expandable rows. I don't know where it gets added, but it does, and NSView's didAddSubview: method handles exactly that situation of a view being added somewhere else.
Hence, subclass NSTableRowView, and override didAddSubview:, like this:
-(void)didAddSubview:(NSView *)subview
// As noted in the comments, don't forget to call super:
[super didAddSubview:subview];
if ( [subview isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]] ) {
// This is (presumably) the button holding the
// outline triangle button.
// We set our own images here.
[(NSButton *)subview setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:#"disclosure-closed"]];
[(NSButton *)subview setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:#"disclosure-open"]];
Of course, your outline view's delegate will have to implement outlineView:rowViewForItem: to return the new row view.
Despite the name, frameOfOutlineCellAtRow: of NSOutlineView still gets called for view based outline views, so for the positioning of your triangle, you might want to subclass the outline view and override that method, too.
For Swift 4.2 macOS 10.14, #WetFish's answer can be implemented as follows:
class SidebarView: NSOutlineView {
override func makeView(withIdentifier identifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier, owner: Any?) -> NSView? {
let view = super.makeView(withIdentifier: identifier, owner: owner)
if identifier == NSOutlineView.disclosureButtonIdentifier {
if let btnView = view as? NSButton {
btnView.image = NSImage(named: "RightArrow")
btnView.alternateImage = NSImage(named: "DownArrow")
// can set properties of the image like the size
btnView.image?.size = NSSize(width: 15.0, height: 15.0)
btnView.alternateImage?.size = NSSize(width: 15.0, height: 15.0)
return view
Looks quite nice!
Swift2 version of #Monolo's answer:
override func didAddSubview(subview: NSView) {
if let sv = subview as? NSButton {
sv.image = NSImage(named:"icnArwRight")
sv.alternateImage = NSImage(named:"icnArwDown")

How can I disable the animations in an NSCollectionView

I would like to turn off the 'shuffle' animations that happen when you resize an NSCollectionView. Is this possible?
This works, but it's setting a private instance variable so it may no be ok in the Mac App Store.
[collectionView setValue:#(0) forKey:#"_animationDuration"];
kainjow is correct. adding this:
- (id) animationForKey:(NSString *) key
return nil;
to the prototype view subclass (not the collection view!) disables animations
For 10.6, I was able to disable the animation by subclassing NSView, overriding animationForKey: and returning nil. Then make sure you use that view for the prototype's view.
To disable all the collection view's animations in Swift, do this just before the something animatable happens:
NSAnimationContext.current.duration = 0
I was only able to get this to work if I did the following:
1) Subclass the view that the NSCollectionViewItem used as its view. That subclassed view required a CALayer and I set the view subclass as the delegate of the CALayer.
2) Implement the CALayer delegate method so no animation actions should occur:
override func actionForLayer(layer: CALayer, forKey event: String) -> CAAction? {
return NSNull()
3) Finally, in the NSCollectionView data source method:
func collectionView(collectionView: NSCollectionView, itemForRepresentedObjectAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> NSCollectionViewItem {
// get a new collection view item
// disable animations
// populate your cell
