ASSERT doesn't works in the application VS 2015 - visual-studio

I have a problem with builded in debug mode application. I build this application in VS 2015. When I run it, ASSERT inside functions doesn't executed. I suspect that this is problem in some of VS 2015 settings, or maybe there are problems with windows kits or SDK.
Maybe somebody faced with the same situation?
I use Windows 7 Enterprise.

When I run it, ASSERT inside functions doesn't executed.
Please make sure you are select "Debug" in Visual Studio 2015 when you press F5 to run this application. Because the Debug.Assert() function only works when you debug your application. If you choose Release and start run your application, the Debug.Assert() function will not be executed.
In addition, please create a new project and add Debug.Assert() function to check whether this issue only occurs in this one specific project or all projects.
If only this specific project has this issue, please check the bool value in Debug.Assert() function, make sure it is false. If it is true, this function will not be executed.
If all projects has this issue, please check your Visual Studio 2015 version, confirm it has installed the latest update and check whether there has any third part VS packages installed that affect the Visual Studio debugger. You could run your Visual Studio 2015 in safe mode to verify this.


Visual studio does not update bin folder

I have a problem with visual studio 2022. I am creating a WPF app in vs 2022 version 17.2.4 using .NET 7 Preview. When I build the solution or press Start Debugging or Start Without Debugging, Visual studio won't update the compiled code(Won't replace binary files with the latest ones) and the behavior of the program won't change to correspond to the code. The problem does not persist when I press Build->Clean Solution and then Build->Build Solution. It does the same whether I build the solution with the debug or release configuration. I tried it with other solutions as well and the problem will not go away. So I know how to deal with this, but it seems weird and annoying nonetheless. It's the first time that I encounter something like this.
P.S.(Yes the solution compiles with no errors or warnings)

How do you test a custom VSTS/TFS Check-In Policy in Visual Studio 2017?

I am working on creating a customized VSTS/TFS Check-In Policy. I followed the guidance given from this answer on how to create the check-in policy. Basically, I downloaded the source code from Colin's ALM Policy and made a few modifications to see if I can get it to work.
When I build the installer (vsix) and install the extension, this works just fine (tested against VSTS). However, I want to be able to debug the policy so that I can make modifications and bug fixes more quickly.
The answers given to a similar question seem to work for Visual Studio 2015, however this does not work for Visual Studio 2017; if I set the debug start action to launch Visual Studio 2017 devenv.exe, the check-in policy does not show up. The same check-in policy shows up with Visual Studio 2015 though.
I'm looking for any guidance on how I can debug this check-in policy utilizing Visual Studio 2017.
There is test project (ColinsALMCheckinPolicies.UnitTests) that you can debug. So just need to add breakpoints to the source file, then debug the test method (right click a test method > Debug test)
I hate answering my own question, however I feel it is necessary since this answer helped me out; I found the answer from the MSDN documentation :The Experimental Instance.
Basically, under the VSIX Installer project properties, simply setup the Debug start action and command line arguments using the /rootsuffix Exp argument:
If you do this, it launches the Visual Studio Experimental Instance with the VSIX already installed, and it attaches the process to your development environment too, which allows you to debug your extension.
Also, I agree with the other answer to this question,, suggesting that a unit testing project will be highly beneficial. It definitely will help to ensure that your code is properly unit tested and working too.

VS2013 Javascript Debugging

Does any one know how to enable in page JavaScript script tag debugging?
In vs2012 i can go to the page in visual studio which is running in the debugger and create a break point however in vs2013 i get "A breakpoint could not be inserted at this location"?
try to keep your scripts in separate files and put the breakpoints in that files. I had the same problem but when I moved java scripts from my views to script files I was able to debug. It may not be a solution but at least you should be able to work.
There was a known issue in Visual Studio 2013 that caused breakpoints to not work correctly inside script blocks. A fix was made and is included in the recently released Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC, which you can install from

cannot create any C++ project

I have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate on Windows 7 Enterprise running on a x86 box. I cannot create any C++ project from VS although I can create C# project. On the new project dialog I press OK button and nothing happens. I don't get any error but no solution or project is created either. Not sure if it helps but I log in as Administrator. Any ideas?
Did you check the thing called C++ runtimes which is required by VS to run properly?
I guess the idea to reinstall is good.
This will even repair some missing or corrupt which may have been accidentally deleted or corrupted.
Most probably you did not check the C++ language option during installation. If you re-run the Visual Studio installer and check the C++ language option (maybe choose custom setup to make sure you see the option and are able to include it), everything will run file.
In case you already did that, there might be a problem with the C++ project type registration in VS. Please come back to this forum if you still have problems after re-installation.

Issues debugging Moles

I’m using visual studio 2008 and moles version 0.93. Everything works well except when I try to debug any test that uses a Moled type. The test skips all my breakpoints. And I get the following message in the output window:
Unable to attach. Check for one of the following.
The application you are trying to debug uses a version of the Microsoft .NET Framework that is not supported by the debugger.
The debugger has made an incorrect assumption about the Microsoft .NET Framework version your application is going to use.
The Microsoft .NET Framework version specified by you for debugging is incorrect
Please see the Visual Studio .NET debugger documentation for correctly specifying the Microsoft .NET Framework version your application is going to use for debugging.
If I try debbuger.Break () I get a message: "No symbols are loaded for any call stack frame. The source code cannot be displayed."
I’m in a crunch right now chasing an issue with one our main components and it has been a pain (like I need novocaine) trying to figure anything out without being able to step through the code.
I want to take advantage of mole's "smooth debugging experience". However, I can't seem to get the debugger to attach at all.
See the solution to this issue here:
I had this problem when I moved a project from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2008. Here's what I did to fix it.
Close Visual Studio. Navigate to the Debug/bin location. Delete the following files:
Open the solution. Goto the project Settings. Under the Application Target Framework, select a framework lower than the one you are working with (you'll set it back later). Visual Studio will close and re-open your project automatically. Then set the Target Framework back to the original version you were working with. Rebuild all, and debugging will work properly.
