GAE variance in performance, especially datastore reads - performance

We've seen an overall degradation in performance over, what seems like the last year or so, and also a degradation the first time a given user's data is accessed on a given day.
We've identified a specific datastore query, that often can return entities at a rate of about 50ms each, degrade to about 500ms:
users = User.get_by_id(usersToGet_IntArray)
Since it seems like the front end is mostly waiting on the server, it doesn't seem like a faster machine class would help. We're accessing the datastore natively, using Python. Any idea what we can do to consistently get performance on the better end of the range? Thanks.

While I don't know why, it looks like we found a super simple (magic) fix. By setting
threadsafe = false
in app.yaml -- i.e. going back to running our handlers in single-threaded mode -- our average performance is now faster than the best case performance numbers we were seeing before (for the aforementioned query, entities getting returned in 12ms consistently).
And somehow, also, while the number of loading instances has doubled, the billable instances hasn't increased. So it looks like it's not going to increase cost.


What's the benefit of the client-server model of memcached?

As I understand, the benefit of using memcached is to shorten the access time to the information stored in the database by caching it in the memory. But isn't the time overhead for the client-server model based on network protocol (e.g. TCP) also considerable as well? My guess is that it actually might be worse as network access is generally slower than hardware access. What am I getting wrong?
Thank you!
It's true that caching won't address network transport time. However, what matters to the user is the overall time from request to delivery. If this total time is perceptible, then your site does not seem responsive. Appropriate use of caching can improve responsiveness, even if your overall transport time is out of your control.
Also, caching can be used to reduce overall server load, which will essentially buy you more cycles. Consider the case of a query whose response is the same for all users - for example, imagine that you display some information about site activity or status every time a page is loaded, and this information does not depend on the identity of the user loading the page. Let's imagine also that this information does not change very rapidly. In this case, you might decide to recalculate the information every minute, or every five minutes, or every N page loads, or something of that nature, and always serve the cached version. In this case, you're getting two benefits. First, you've cut out a lot of repeated computation of values that you've decided don't really need to be recalculated, which takes some load off your servers. Second, you've ensured that users are always getting served from the cache rather than from computation, which might speed things up for them if the computation is expensive.
Both of those could - in the right circumstances - lead to improved performance from the user's perspective. But of course, as with any optimization, you need to have benchmarks and actually benchmark to data rather than to your perceptions of what ought to be correct.

Growing hash-of-queues beyond main memory limits

I have a cluster application, which is divided into a controller and a bunch of workers. The controller runs on a dedicated host, the workers phone in over the network and get handed jobs, so far so normal. (Basically the "divide-and-conquer pipeline" from the zeromq manual, with job-specific wrinkles. That's not important right now.)
The controller's core data structure is unordered_map<string, queue<string>> in pseudo-C++ (the controller is actually implemented in Python, but I am open to the possibility of rewriting it in something else). The strings in the queues define jobs, and the keys of the map are a categorization of the jobs. The controller is seeded with a set of jobs; when a worker starts up, the controller removes one string from one of the queues and hands it out as the worker's first job. The worker may crash during the run, in which case the job gets put back on the appropriate queue (there is an ancillary table of outstanding jobs). If it completes the job successfully, it will send back a list of new job-strings, which the controller will sort into the appropriate queues. Then it will pull another string off some queue and send it to the worker as its next job; usually, but not always, it will pick the same queue as the previous job for that worker.
Now, the question. This data structure currently sits entirely in main memory, which was fine for small-scale test runs, but at full scale is eating all available RAM on the controller, all by itself. And the controller has several other tasks to accomplish, so that's no good.
What approach should I take? So far, I have considered:
a) to convert this to a primarily-on-disk data structure. It could be cached in RAM to some extent for efficiency, but jobs take tens of seconds to complete, so it's okay if it's not that efficient,
b) using a relational database - e.g. SQLite, (but SQL schemas are a very poor fit AFAICT),
c) using a NoSQL database with persistency support, e.g. Redis (data structure maps over trivially, but this still appears very RAM-centric to make me feel confident that the memory-hog problem will actually go away)
Concrete numbers: For a full-scale run, there will be between one and ten million keys in the hash, and less than 100 entries in each queue. String length varies wildly but is unlikely to be more than 250-ish bytes. So, a hypothetical (impossible) zero-overhead data structure would require 234 – 237 bytes of storage.
Ultimately, it all boils down on how you define efficiency needed on part of the controller -- e.g. response times, throughput, memory consumption, disk consumption, scalability... These properties are directly or indirectly related to:
number of requests the controller needs to handle per second (throughput)
acceptable response times
future growth expectations
From your options, here's how I'd evaluate each option:
a) to convert this to a primarily-on-disk data structure. It could be
cached in RAM to some extent for efficiency, but jobs take tens of
seconds to complete, so it's okay if it's not that efficient,
Given the current memory hog requirement, some form of persistent storage seems a reaonsable choice. Caching comes into play if there is a repeatable access pattern, say the same queue is accessed over and over again -- otherwise, caching is likely not to help.
This option makes sense if 1) you cannot find a database that maps trivially to your data structure (unlikely), 2) for some other reason you want to have your own on-disk format, e.g. you find that converting to a database is too much overhead (again, unlikely).
One alternative to databases is to look at persistent queues (e.g. using a RabbitMQ backing store), but I'm not sure what the per-queue or overall size limits are.
b) using a relational database - e.g. SQLite, (but SQL schemas are a
very poor fit AFAICT),
As you mention, SQL is probably not a good fit for your requirements, even though you could surely map your data structure to a relational model somehow.
However, NoSQL databases like MongoDB or CouchDB seem much more appropriate. Either way, a database of some sort seems viable as long as they can meet your throughput requirement. Many if not most NoSQL databases are also a good choice from a scalability perspective, as they include support for sharding data across multiple machines.
c) using a NoSQL database with persistency support, e.g. Redis (data
structure maps over trivially, but this still appears very RAM-centric
to make me feel confident that the memory-hog problem will actually go
An in-memory database like Redis doesn't solve the memory hog problem, unless you set up a cluster of machines that each holds a part of the overall data. This makes sense only if keeping all data in-memory is needed due to low response times requirements. Yet, given the nature of your jobs, taking tens of seconds to complete, response times, respective to workers, hardly matter.
If you find, however, that response times do matter, Redis would be a good choice, as it handles partitioning trivially using either client-side consistent-hashing or at the cluster level, thus also supporting scalability scenarios.
In any case
Before you choose a solution, be sure to clarify your requirements. You mention you want an efficient solution. Since efficiency can only be gauged against some set of requirements, here's the list of questions I would try to answer first:
how many jobs are expected to complete, say per minute or per hour?
how many workers are needed to do so?
concluding from that:
what is the expected load in requestes/per second, and
what response times are expected on part of the controller (handing out jobs, receiving results)?
And looking into the future:
will the workload increase, i.e. does your solution need to scale up (more jobs per time unit, more more data per job?)
will there be a need for persistency of jobs and results, e.g. for auditing purposes?
Again, concluding from that,
how will this influence the number of workers?
what effect will it have on the number of requests/second on part of the controller?
With these answers, you will find yourself in a better position to choose a solution.
I would look into a message queue like RabbitMQ. This way it will first fill up the RAM and then use the disk. I have up to 500,000,000 objects in queues on a single server and it's just plugging away.
RabbitMQ works on Windows and Linux and has simple connectors/SDKs to about any kind of language.

Serving millions of routes with good performance

I'm doing some research for a new project, for which the constraints and specifications have yet to be set. One thing that is wanted is a large number of paths, directly under the root domain. This could ramp up to millions of paths. The paths don't have a common structure or unique parts, so I have to look for exact matches.
Now I know it's more efficient to break up those paths, which would also help in the path lookup. However I'm researching the possibility here, so bear with me.
I'm evaluating methods to accomplish this, while maintaining excellent performance. I thought of the following methods:
Storing the paths in an SQL database and doing a lookup on every request. This seems like the worst option and will definitely not be used.
Storing the paths in a key-value store like Redis. This would be a lot better, and perform quite well I think (have to benchmark it though).
Doing string/regex matching - like many frameworks do out of the box - for this amount of possible matches is nuts and thus not really an option. But I could see how doing some sort of algorithm where you compare letter-by-letter, in combination with some smart optimizations, could work.
But maybe there are tools/methods I don't know about that are far more suited for this type of problem. I could use any tips on how to accomplish this though.
Oh and in case anyone is wondering, no this isn't homework.
I've tested the Redis approach. Based on two sets of keywords, I got 150 million paths. I've added each of them using the set command, with the value being a serialized string of id's I can use to identify the actual keywords in the request. (SET 'keyword1-keyword2' '<serialized_string>')
A quick test in a local VM with a data set of one million records returned promising results: benchmarking 1000 requests took 2ms on average. And this was on my laptop, which runs tons of other stuff.
Next I did a complete test on a VPS with 4 cores and 8GB of RAM, with the complete set of 150 million records. This yielded a database of 3.1G in file size, and around 9GB in memory. Since the database could not be loaded in memory entirely, Redis started swapping, which caused terrible results: around 100ms on average.
Obviously this will not work and scale nice. Either each web server needs to have a enormous amount of RAM for this, or we'll have to use a dedicated Redis-routing server. I've read an article from the engineers at Instagram, who came up with a trick to decrease the database size dramatically, but I haven't tried this yet. Either way, this does not seem the right way to do this. Back to the drawing board.
Storing the paths in an SQL database and doing a lookup on every request. This seems like the worst option and will definitely not be used.
You're probably underestimating what a database can do. Can I invite you to reconsider your position there?
For Postgres (or MySQL w/ InnoDB), a million entries is a notch above tiny. Store the whole path in a field, add an index on it, vacuum, analyze. Don't do nutty joins until you've identified the ID of your key object, and you'll be fine in terms of lookup speeds. Say a few ms when running your query from psql.
Your real issue will be the bottleneck related to disk IO if you get material amounts of traffic. The operating motto here is: the less, the better. Besides the basics such as installing APC on your php server, using Passenger if you're using Ruby, etc:
Make sure the server has plenty of RAM to fit that index.
Cache a reference to the object related to each path in memcached.
If you can categorize all routes in a dozen or so regex, they might help by allowing the use of smaller, more targeted indexes that are easier to keep in memory. If not, just stick to storing the (possibly trailing-slashed) entire path and move on.
Worry about misses. If you've a non-canonical URL that redirects to a canonical one, store the redirect in memcached without any expiration date and begone with it.
Did I mention lots of RAM and memcached?
Oh, and don't overrate that ORM you're using, either. Chances are it's taking more time to build your query than your data store is taking to parse, retrieve and return the results.
RAM... Memcached...
To be very honest, Reddis isn't so different from a SQL + memcached option, except when it comes to memory management (as you found out), sharding, replication, and syntax. And familiarity, of course.
Your key decision point (besides excluding iterating over more than a few regex) ought to be how your data is structured. If it's highly structured with critical needs for atomicity, SQL + memcached ought to be your preferred option. If you've custom fields all over and obese EAV tables, then playing with Reddis or CouchDB or another NoSQL store ought to be on your radar.
In either case, it'll help to have lots of RAM to keep those indexes in memory, and a memcached cluster in front of the whole thing will never hurt if you need to scale.
Redis is your best bet I think. SQL would be slow and regular expressions from my experience are always painfully slow in queries.
I would do the following steps to test Redis:
Fire up a Redis instance either with a local VM or in the cloud on something like EC2.
Download a dictionary or two and pump this data into Redis. For example something from here: Make sure you normalize the data. For example, always lower case the strings and remove white space at the start/end of the string, etc.
I would ignore the hash. I don't see the reason you need to hash the URL? It would be impossible to read later if you wanted to debug things and it doesn't seem to "buy" you anything. I went to, and entered ryan and got ea3cd978650417470535f3a4725b6b5042a6ab59 as the hash. The original text would be much smaller to put in RAM which will help Redis. Obviously for longer paths, the hash would be better, but your examples were very small. =)
Write a tool to read from Redis and see how well it performs.
Keep in mind that Redis needs to keep the entire data set in RAM, so plan accordingly.
I would suggest using some kind of key-value store (i.e. a hashing store), possibly along with hashing the key so it is shorter (something like SHA-1 would be OK IMHO).

Why do same query on couchdb takes different amount of time ?

I have a couch db application and for most of the views I notice that the time taken by the server to return a response varies from 10ms to 100ms. I do not have any concurrent write operations on the server and there are at the most 10 concurrent read requests.
How should I diagnose the problem ? Where you I look ?
I am running it on a rackspace cloud machine with 1GB RAM.
From the Couchdb Guide:
If you read carefully over the last few paragraphs, one part stands out: “When you query your view, CouchDB takes the source code and runs it for you on every document in the database.” If you have a lot of documents, that takes quite a bit of time and you might wonder if it is not horribly inefficient to do this. Yes, it would be, but CouchDB is designed to avoid any extra costs: it only runs through all documents once, when you first query your view. If a document is changed, the map function is only run once, to recompute the keys and values for that single document.
Most likely you are seeing the views be regenerated and recached.

Spreading out data from bursts

I am trying to spread out data that is received in bursts. This means I have data that is received by some other application in large bursts. For each data entry I need to do some additional requests on some server, at which I should limit the traffic. Hence I try to spread up the requests in the time that I have until the next data burst arrives.
Currently I am using a token-bucket to spread out the data. However because the data I receive is already badly shaped I am still either filling up the queue of pending request, or I get spikes whenever a bursts comes in. So this algorithm does not seem to do the kind of shaping I need.
What other algorithms are there available to limit the requests? I know I have times of high load and times of low load, so both should be handled well by the application.
I am not sure if I was really able to explain the problem I am currently having. If you need any clarifications, just let me know.
I'll try to clarify the problem some more and explain, why a simple rate limiter does not work.
The problem lies in the bursty nature of the traffic and the fact, that burst have a different size at different times. What is mostly constant is the delay between each burst. Thus we get a bunch of data records for processing and we need to spread them out as evenly as possible before the next bunch comes in. However we are not 100% sure when the next bunch will come in, just aproximately, so a simple divide time by number of records does not work as it should.
A rate limiting does not work, because the spread of the data is not sufficient this way. If we are close to saturation of the rate, everything is fine, and we spread out evenly (although this should not happen to frequently). If we are below the threshold, the spreading gets much worse though.
I'll make an example to make this problem more clear:
Let's say we limit our traffic to 10 requests per seconds and new data comes in about every 10 seconds.
When we get 100 records at the beginning of a time frame, we will query 10 records each second and we have a perfect even spread. However if we get only 15 records we'll have one second where we query 10 records, one second where we query 5 records and 8 seconds where we query 0 records, so we have very unequal levels of traffic over time. Instead it would be better if we just queried 1.5 records each second. However setting this rate would also make problems, since new data might arrive earlier, so we do not have the full 10 seconds and 1.5 queries would not be enough. If we use a token bucket, the problem actually gets even worse, because token-buckets allow bursts to get through at the beginning of the time-frame.
However this example over simplifies, because actually we cannot fully tell the number of pending requests at any given moment, but just an upper limit. So we would have to throttle each time based on this number.
This sounds like a problem within the domain of control theory. Specifically, I'm thinking a PID controller might work.
A first crack at the problem might be dividing the number of records by the estimated time until next batch. This would be like a P controller - proportional only. But then you run the risk of overestimating the time, and building up some unsent records. So try adding in an I term - integral - to account for built up error.
I'm not sure you even need a derivative term, if the variation in batch size is random. So try using a PI loop - you might build up some backlog between bursts, but it will be handled by the I term.
If it's unacceptable to have a backlog, then the solution might be more complicated...
If there are no other constraints, what you should do is figure out the maximum data rate that you are comfortable with sending additional requests, and limit your processing speed according to that. Then monitor what is happening. If that gets through all of your requests quickly, then there is no harm . If its sustained level of processing is not fast enough, then you need more capacity.
