Upgrade scenario not working using Installshield 2013 - visual-studio

I have created installer using install-shield 2013. Installer deploys the file and there is one executable file. I did some changes in executable file and created installer again.
When I upgraded using installer then I found my executable is not replaced with new one.
In Install-shield, I went to "Releases", go to the "Setup.exe" section and there's a field called "MSI Command Line Arguments" and provided REINSTALLMODE=emus REINSTALL=ALL but it did not work.
Please suggest for same.


Publish to AWS Lamba - Failed to find the "build-lambda-zip" utility

I'm currently trying to publish my AWS lambda functions using Visual Studio 2019 community (v4.8.03752) and leveraging the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio (v1.20.1.0). After right clicking my project and selecting 'Publish to AWS Lambda' I receive the following error:
- Zipping publish folder C:\Users\Matt\source\repos\programName\programName\.\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\publish to C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Local\Temp\HelloWorld-CodeUri-Or-ImageUri-637489827969959200.zip
- Failed to find the "build-lambda-zip" utility. This program is required to maintain Linux file permissions in the zip archive.
- Error packaging up project in C:\Users\Matt\source\repos\programName\programName\. for CloudFormation resource HelloWorld: Failed to find the "build-lambda-zip" utility. This program is required to maintain Linux file permissions in the zip archive.
I've been able to deploy this MANY times over previous months, up until Friday 2/12 when I started receiving this error (after a reboot). What's even more strange is that if I uninstall the AWS Toolkit for VS, then reinstall it, I'm able to publish successfully 1 time. With my 2nd attempt, I begin to receive this error again.
Steps I've taken to attempt to resolve:
Repair Visual Studio
Uninstall/Reinstall Visual Studio
Uninstall and reinstall amazon.lambda.tools using dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
Uninstall AWS Toolkit for VS, Reinstall toolkit. (This works for first deployment, fails when trying to deploy a 2nd time)
Per some comments below, it looks like this is being caused by McAfee Real-Time Scanning. In checking the logs during a deployment I noticed a "Virus or threat found" record that points directly to the build-lambda-zip.exe file. To permanently avoid this issue moving forward please follow the steps provided by user2174794 in the comments below.
I'm having the same issue. Just started happening today. It was working within the last 2 weeks.
Failed to find the "build-lambda-zip" utility. This program is required to maintain Linux file permissions in the zip archive.
Running Windows 10, Visual Studio 2019
My solution for now is to use the .NET Core CLI
Specifically, the
dotnet lambda deploy-function
A recent update must have broke the AWS Toolkit For Visual Studio.
I have the same problem, it was because my antivirus detect the executable build-lambda-zip.exe, then delete it.
I restore the executable from my antivirus, or restore dotnet tools with the command :
dotnet tool update -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
I also faced the same issue,
This is because the "build-lambda-zip.exe" file is getting removed by the McAfee Antivirus.
For the permanent fix, you need to follow the below steps.
Step 1
Go to McAfee Settings >> Quarantined Items
You will find the "build-lambda-zip.exe" file there. Restore it to the original location.
Now If you will try to publish, the error won't get displayed. But again on the next scan, the file will get removed.
Step 2
We need to Exclude this file from getting Scanned and removed. So for that,
Go to McAfee Settings >> Real-Time Scanning and Add the "build-lambda-zip.exe" file in the Excluded files list.
For the file path of "build-lambda-zip.exe" got to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions\ and search for the file name.
Maybe you should try reinstalling the AWS Tool Kit and before you make deployments please turn off your antivirus protection. I was troubbling the same issue and my antivirus(McAfee) was deleting build-lambda-zip.exe file when I did deployment first time.
I'm curious about the state of the extension installation. Can you go to VS's extension directory in Windows explorer C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\Common7\IDE\Extensions and in the search box search for AWSToolkitPackage.dll.
Ideally it should only show one instance of that file. Assuming it finds a single instance right click on the file and select "Open File Location". Now that you are in the root folder of the AWS extension check the Resources folder and see if it contains the file build-lambda-zip.exe.
I know the question is in a windows system, but under a linux system, in my case the following command was needed:
sudo apt-get -y install zip

Where is the dotnet command executable located on Windows?

I am exploring the new Entity Framework Core (NOT in conjunction with ASP.Net, what I am coding is just a WinForms app) and found some tutorials mentioning a dotnet command line command needed to create "migrations". When I try it, however, it says 'dotnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I have searched my hard drive for "dotnet.exe", "dotnet.bat" and "dotnet.cmd" but have found nothing. I use Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition. Where do I find this command executable? What am I to add to the %PATH% environment variable for it to work?
dotnet.exe is located in
C:\Program Files\dotnet>
If you are using command prompt and getting message that 'dotnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file" then first check the above path. If you found the above path then just copy it and set it as an environment variable of your PC.
Open control panel>System and Security>System
Click on Advanced system settings
In advanced section, click in Environment Variables
In System variables, select path and edit
After semicolon, write "C:\Program Files\dotnet"
Click on Ok button till end.
now to check whether its working on not. Just open command propmpt and type
dotnet --version
This will show the dotnet version installed in your PC.
I've just found the answer myself. It seems like the dotnettool does not get installed with Visual Studio. Installing .NET Core tools preview for Visual Studio (direct link to the .NET Core 1.0.1 tools Preview 2: DotNetCore.1.0.1-VS2015Tools.Preview2.0.3.exe) resolved the problem by adding %ProgramFiles%\dotnet\dotnet.exe.
I have faced another problem after this, however: the dotnet tool running but saying No executable found matching command "dotnet-ef" but this is a matter of another question. I will, however, share the solution here once I find it.
As promised, here are the question and the answer about the thext problem I have faced (the No executable found matching command "dotnet-ef" error).
And here is the solution for the next one (the ... violates the constraint of type 'TContext' error)
For me it is located at C:\Program Files\dotnet
You need to install .NET SDK separately. You can download and install from https://download.microsoft.com/download/1/1/5/115B762D-2B41-4AF3-9A63-92D9680B9409/dotnet-sdk-2.1.4-win-gs-x64.exe
More details : https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/get-started/windows
Also I did not have to set up path variable. After running above installation dotnet was automatically added in path. Just open a new cmd and run -
C:\Users\anike>dotnet --version
I have the same issue on windows 10 64bit after installing dotnet core SDK 3.1
To resolve it, I defined the environnement variables path for .netcore 3.1 and restarted my machine.
Download and install .NET core from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core, open a new prompt once it's installed.
You will get the following message if installation is successful. The path where dotnet.exe is will be added to PATH as part of the installation.
Usage: dotnet [options]
Usage: dotnet [path-to-application]
-h|--help Display help.
--info Display .NET Core information.
--list-sdks Display the installed SDKs.
--list-runtimes Display the installed runtimes.
The path to an application .dll file to execute.
If you're using .NET Framework 4.x and WinForms, you probably don't want to use the .NET Core tools (i.e. dotnet ef). Instead, install the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools package and use the NuGet Package Manager Console (or PMC) PowerShell cmdlets: Add-Migration, Update-Database, etc.
To future readers
If on Windows check if you have multiple installations of dotnet on Program Files and Program Files (x86) or Program Files(x32). win + R open cmd, type
where.exe dotnet
only Program Files should have dotnet. Restart Visual Studio .
I had the following error in Visual Studio when first installed .net sdk. I finally just closed VS code, reopened VS Code, and it worked fine.
'dotnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
For windows the reason was that it need to run from a Command prompt outside from visual studio.
execute this command in command prompt,
dotnet run
then application run in https://localhost:5001

Aptana Install Node.js failing to download

Aptana studio 3 won't finish installing because it can't download the node.js msi file. I went and downloaded it separately, but that didn't help.
The Aptana installer creates a folder in "User name/AppData/Roaming/Appcelerator".
The folder is named "Aptana Studio 3.6.0".
In Appcelerator, create a new folder named "Aptana Studio" (without the quotation marks.)
Re-run the installer.
If it creates the node.js msi file in a subfolder, double click on it and it will install the node.
Re-run the installer. It should automatically download and install the prerequisites folder and files, including Git.
Aptana then correctly completes the install.
It appears the key to solving the install problem is creating the correct name for the install folder in "User name/AppData/Roaming/Appcelerator"
When I checked in the directory, the "Aptana Studio" folder was already there. I ended up following this thread's solution instead, and it worked.
Also, my apologies for asking an existing question: my search prior to asking came up empty, even though it should have found it. Not sure why not, though...

Add custom prerequisites to ClickOnce in VS2010

I have an application (C#, .Net4) which I'm publishing with ClickOnce. I need to verify that the machines installing it have 2 prerequisites, one is an msi file and the other is exe. I've tried the following solutions:
Use the prerequisites option in the project's properties (under Publish) while putting the msi and the exe in the installation directory - no good.
Install Bootstrapper Manifest Generator and following this tutorial, where I have a problem - the build succeeds but with Attempted to access a path that is not on the disk. warnings. It does generate the package.xml and `product.xml files, but the installation size didn't change and it does not install the prerequisites (I've also removed the app and tried to install rather than update).
I'm using VS2010, I'm not sure i this is the reason that BMG does not work.
I'd appreciate your help in solving this issue.
there is no Bootstrapper Manifest Generator for vs 2010 but,
you can use Bootstrapper Manifest Generator for vs 2008 follow this link
after Boot strapper Generate your installation Package you need to copy Package
from Document(your Package)
manual to this location "Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bootstrapper"
for more information

Visual Studio 2010: Windows Installer using msiexec.exe returns MSI Error 2727

I've got a Visual Studio Setup Project that uses the msiexec.exe file to create an Uninstall item as outlined in >> THIS << article on SO.
The Installer does not run.
When I launch the installer by double-clicking the setup.exe file, the "Please wait while setup launches" screen barely blips on the screen before I am confronted with my error.
The Text is (for search functions):
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2727.
I have found a set of MSI Error Codes, and Error Code 2727 translates to
The directory entry '[2]' does not exist in the Directory table.
Could someone guide me towards fixing this? What should I do?
At the suggestion of Cosmin Pirvu, I have created an error log for my installer. After looking it over, it appears my installation error could be the result of having a link to the Not Installed file msiexec.exe that I use in conjunction with my Project's [ProductCode] to create an Uninstall link.
The log file shown below appears to indicate that my installation fails when the installer attempts to create a temporary file for msiexec.exe, then it has another failure when it tries to display the Error Icon.
The file >> install.log on Google Sites << is my Error Log file's output (Hint: just do a search for Return value 3 to get to the errors).
I have an Uninstall link in the setup project that links back to the batch file uninstall.bat in my main project:
#echo off
%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /x %1
The Arguments to the Uninstall link is only [ProductCode], since the /x switch is hard coded into the batch file.
The Visual Studio Installer was not creating a folder that had some required DLLs in it.
The first step should be creating an installation log to see what triggers the error.
From the log you posted, it seems like your MSI tries to use a directory which is not in Directory table. Are you using any merge modules or special custom actions? If so, try to determine if they try to use a directory from your package.
You mentioned something about an uninstall shortcut. Can you give us more details?
Old question, I know - just wanted to add in some information that helped me with the Windows Installer project in Visual Studio 2015, in case anyone comes across this topic.
I got the same error message, 2727. My issue was that I was including my source code into an "src" folder in the installation directory. When looking at the output files for the source, I noticed several files like this:
Yes, it included that extra slash after Release. I had to add an exclusion (right click Source Files output -> ExcludeFilter) to exclude these files from installing. I added "*Temporary*" to exclude only these files.
Maybe someone else can explain why these temporary files were generated, all I know is that this fixed the issue. Hopefully this will help someone else looking for this topic.
I know its a Old question, but like #Riccaforte I was having some trouble to fix this in Visual Studio 2015. What I did was just delete all my Source Files inside my Aplication Folder, and I don't know why, but it did the trick.
If you remove a directory or directories from the Directory Table, This will cause an issue with other tables still using those directory variables.
My 2727 error message was the result of a *.png file I had added as a link to my project. "Copy to Output Directory" was set to "Copy if newer". Somehow the Visual Studio Setup Project was not able to resolve the path to the *.png file and added an invalid path to the installer.
LessMSI helped to find the problem https://lessmsi.activescott.com/ and removing the link in the project and adding the files in the installer project solved the problem.
Hope someone finds this helpful
