Not able to run command for maven in jenkins - maven

I have a maven project which I want to build on Jenkins. I am giving goal as
clean install -Desb_env=dev
I have mention esb_env in file. Same command is working fine & picking up the value of esb_env in local machine.But same command is not working on jenkins. It gives error as
Property ESB_ENV could not be found
Like this there few more goal need to give, I could not proceed further. Don't know what is wrong with Jenkins.
I have checked path for repo as well.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is the way we are specifying parameter in file. keeping it blank & providing value through command.


Pass a file as a property while calling a maven goal in Jenkins v2.263.1

I am migrating all my jobs from Jenkins v1.651.3 to Jenkins v2.263.1.
Currently I am passing a file stored in my Linux server as a property under Invoke top-level maven targets build step in Jenkins.
e.g. property.a=/home/user1/props/ and property.b=/home/user1/props/
In Jenkins v2.263.1, I am running all my jobs in a docker container which is created dynamically.
Where and how can I store this file so that I can pass this as a property to maven build like -Dproperty.a=/home/user1/props/ and -Dproperty.b=/home/user1/props/
I tried adding these files in Managed Files section under Manage Jenkins option and passing these as to maven build through Jenkinsfile, however, it did not work. Not sure if it's the right way.
Please let me now if there's a way to handle this.
Thanks in advance!

Unable to access directory inside workspace in jenkins

So I have a Jenkins job wherein as part of the build.
I run one script which creates a folder in the workspace say "test"
so the script runs fine and creates the folder test.
After this, I have a maven command wherein I want to access this test folder(as an argument) I am trying it as $workspace/test
but it's not working.
Can anyone guide if i am missing anything here
Can you give us more information - maybe code snippets?
I'm not sure what you mean with 'maven command' and '$workspace/test'
If you want use a variable in a pom.xml like:
you will have to assign it in the properties:
Otherwise you can use maven preassigned variables like

Jenkins + Maven Manual Installation

I installed Jenkins on to 2 new machines no-problemo!
But, when attempting to integrate Maven, I am having "command not found" in my Jenkins log, yet I can run mvn no problem in the command line.
So, I thought it was a PATH issue - so I added the /bin and also the / (of the location where Maven is extracted to), yet I'm still getting the error.
I tried adding the PATH to my ~/.bash_profile as well, so my current PATH is:
Still, Jenkins will not find Maven. I do NOT want to globally install Maven, as it may affect the other 5 build servers we have that are working with Maven correctly (not sure how it's working).
The issue was resolved by simply re-connecting the Jenkins Slave. Thanks for your feedback!

Where does Jenkins store the project source

I have a Jenkins job that uses a script to build my project. On the following line, the script fails mvn -e -X -Dgit='$git' release:prepare.
Because I want to search for the cause of this, I want to go to the Jenkins server and run mvn -e -X -Dgit='$git' release:prepare from the command line, to see if it works.
Does Jenkins store the projects' source code somewhere, such that I can go to that folder and call Maven?
If yes, then where?
Yes, It Stores the project files for the job by default at
This is where jenkins suppose the project files to be present or it pulls it from a source before start working/building from it.
Quote from Andrew M.:
"Hudson/Jenkins doesn't quite work that way. It stores configurations and job information in /var/lib/jenkins by default (if you're using the .deb package). If you want to setup persistence for a specific application, that's something you'll want to handle yourself - Hudson is a continuous integration server, not a test framework.
Check out the Wiki article on Continuous Integration for an overview of what to expect."
From this Question on serverfault.
This worked for me:
but, if your build machine (node) is a different than the one where Jenkins is running (manager), You need specify it:
Where you can define label too:
jenkins stores its workspace files currently in /var/jenkins_home/workspace/project_name
I am running from docker though!

Apache Maven is not configured properly into System vairable

I have latest version of Apache Maven 3.3.9 residing in my drive downloaded from here. I need it for configuring Appium tool to perform automated testing of Android applications. I have Maven plugin already configured with my Eclipse IDE. I went through few articles and got to know that I have to configure Maven into system variables as well. I set system variables, path for it as below.
M2HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache\apache-maven-3.3.9
M2 = %M2HOME%\bin
path = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31\bin;%M2%
I tried running mvn , mvn -version from cmd prompt to check successful configuration of Maven but it gave me nothing. I tried navigating to the bin folder and re run the command but still the result is same. I even changed my path variable to have absolute path of Apache Maven i.e path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache\apache-maven-3.3.9\bin
To be further sure I copied the Apache Maven to a different folder just because it had spaces in between Program Files and Program Files (x86) but still the command prompt is as below:
I had followed above steps referring various articles in google. I'm not getting if I have committed any unseen mistake.
P.S: I have even tried above commands with cmd running as an administrator
Try mvn --version (with two dashes). mvn -v should also work. If Maven is not being executed at all, I suggest you try mvn.bat.
Some Command Prompt configurations will refuse to run .bat-files without the extension unless you explicitly tell them to.
It's probably a good idea to run where mvn in your Command Prompt as well. You should get this:
if everything it set up correctly.
You should define M2_HOME variable. (Not M2HOME). Make sure it looks like this:
You said that you copied your maven to the location without spaces. That's a good idea. But it looks like your Path system variable points to the old location of maven. Make sure to change it. (What is the current location of maven?)
BTW mvn -version works as well as mvn --version
