Live Stream Directly to Computer - dji-sdk

I'm a student currently working with a Matrice 100 for a project. I know that currently you can stream to YouTube/Facebook from the mobile app, but is there any way to get the stream directly to computer? I noticed that there was a mini hdmi port on the controller, could you plug a cable into that and a computer to access the stream?

I'd leave this as a comment instead of an answer but I don't have enough reputation.
Do you have an HDMI cable on hand? You could try plugging one end into the hand controller and the other into a laptop.
Also, DJI has a ground control application for the PC (although I don't think they are continuing support for it) that can be used with a bluetooth radio to communicate with and receive video from the aircraft. The application is free to download from the DJI website.


OSDK4.x: Can you use DJI Assistant 2 for Matrice with payload actions?

Is it possible with OSDK4.x to command payload and flight actions and use the DJI Assistant 2 for Matrice concurrently?
Previously, we have been using the M210V1 with OSDK3.9. Using the DJI Assistant 2 for Matrice to simulate the drone flight is key to our ability to develop our system.
However, the M210V2 and OSDK4.x require the USB port of the drone to be connected to the Linux device running the OSDK, otherwise any payload (GimbalManager, CameraManager) actions throw an error - such as GimbalManager::resetSync.
This is not ideal for development since we cannot use the simulator (on MacOS) and connect the USB to the Linux device (there is only one USB port on the drone). Has anyone solved this problem?
Yes and no.
For 210, There is only one USB2 port and it is either for connecting to PC side assitant2 or connecting to onboard PC to get osdk stream. You can think it as a bug in design phases.
Yes, you can run part of osdk and run the simulator without the payload camera-related function. If I recall correctly, I can still "rostopic echo" the Gimbal orientation topic from the drone. Its only image topic that is disabled. You can simulate the GPS based flight in simulator and try to set gimbal direction. I remember this was achievable.
There is no way for you to run both simulators and get payload functions such as images from OSDK. so to get both image running and drone running in simulator that's not achievable.
If you really wants both at same time. I suggest you move to M300 which they have dual USB C interface for both camera stream and for simulation.

Questions about phantom 4 pro, connection and programming method of inspire 2

11月7日 CST14:30
Can Phantom 4 and Inspire 2 be programmed on a PC?
I wonder if I can program the drones directly through the PC and acquire the images.
Phantom 4 has a smart device attached. I wonder if I can use the other smart device (iPhone, iPad) to control the dron without using the smart device which is basically installed.
In case of Inspire 2, I use smart device and controller with USB connection. I wonder if smart device and controller can be connected wirelessly without using USB.
I am curious about the communication method of Phantom 4 and Inspire 2.
I wonder what communication frequency should be used to directly control the drone via PC.
I wonder if I can program Phantom 4, Inspire 2 using the DJI Developer-ONBOARD SDK.
thank you..
No, you would need to use the mobile SDK as a bridge (PC talks to the mobile app, mobile app controls the aircraft)
I'm not sure which smart device you mention. If you mention the Phantom 4 Pro remote controller with attached screen, you can just swap to a regular remote without and use an iOS or Android device. In case of the Crystal Sky, you can simply remove it and use another device.
Unfortunately no.
PC control see #1, frequency, 2.4 and 5.8 GHz are commonly used and configurable using DJI Go.
Unfortunately no, for OnBoardSDK supported products see at the bottom of this page.
I can not comment yet. So this is rather additional option how to get video/images from Phantom 4 to PC directly.
1.In the menu of DJI GO app you can setup video streaming, trough RTMP. So video in resolution 720p will be stream.See this tutorial
2.While on your Linux machine you can setup video stream server such as NGINX.Tutorial here
3.Than you can use OpenCV usb-video lib for ROS to process video or images.
If you have Matrice 100. There is also existing HDMI port on the controller. If you will use USB-HDMI grabber such as Immilet or Magwel - both support Mac,Windows,Linux drivers.You can skip step 1, also video stream is better.

How can i imitate DJI's Lightbridge system

I would like to know all of Lightbridge, Phantom 4 Pro, Inspiron 2's controller and drones communication method.
I have many drones from DJI including Phantom 4 Pro, Inspire 2, and Matrice 100.
I want to create a Lightbridge system that is mounted inside the controller through PC programming.
Because the DJI drones I purchased connect the mobile device and the controller with USB cable, and the controller and the drone communicate with the Lightbridge, so the controller must be in the middle of the communication system, but I just want to control the drones directly through my PC.
As a result, how can I imitate the Lightbridge system to communicate with my PC, control (takeoff,landing etc.) , and capture live images.
So I'd like to know about the Lightbridge that helps.
Lightbride is a proprietary protocol. That means we (I work at DJI) do not disclose or document the details of its implementation.
On another hand, removing the remote controller would mean you create/provide your own transmitter which add quite a lot of complexity.
The best way for you to control the aircraft from the PC at this point is to write a mobile app as a bridge and control the app through your PC.
Now, this can be done in a wired manner:
You could write an Android app with the mobile SDK on a device with ethernet such as Odroid and chain it all together.

Headset not working once call is established

We have deployed Sinch into our app and all is working good except for a specific headset under a specific OS:
This is a USB headset which connects through a wireless USB dongle
It works fine with our Mac and Windows 10 computers
It connects correctly to our Windows 7 computers and we can hear audio (for example by watching a youtube video) and can record using its microphone
If we use it in our app to make a call, we can hear the ringing sound but then once the call is started neither the speaker nor the microphone will work. I do not see any Sinch errors or warnings in the console. This is running in Chrome
So, my question is: is there any debugging tool that we could use to try to find out why these headsets do not work during a Sinch call ?

UWP Mediabox - a few questions

I have a question to you and I really hope you can provide me some information.
I wish to build a media center because I have not found any possibilities to cast my stuff straight to the big screen from my Windows mobile phone.
Off course there is the wireless display adapter from Microsoft but I wish not to cast my whole display to my tv.
After testing a few product (Amazon fire tv box, apple tv 3, display dock and the wireless dock) I came to the conclusion that I can not have an all in one solution which fits my perceptions.
From that point I thought that I have to build my own "tv application".
Ok ok... There is kodi(xbmc) and so on... But I think this is just making a detour.
Following features must be included:
running on Windows 10
Cast music, videos and pictures.
Ability to launch and download windows store apps.
Project Rome implementation to share data across devices.
Seems possible but here´s one big problem...
If we are talking about mediaboxes, we do talk about those small boxes besides your tv. Instead off building a micro ATX setup, I want to take this to the next level... using IoT (Raspberry Pi 3).
Using IoT may have some advantages but there are a few disadvantages I have to worry about.
Will Windows 10 work properly on IoT (advantages - disadvantages)
Media streaming?
ARM architecture
Bluetooth, WIFI, Ethernet connectivity
I have never ever worked on IoT before, so I am kinda noob again. I´am asking for some advices to make this possible.
[UWP] How can I stream data (e.g. video, music, images) to another application?
[UWP] Implement a remote control - just like the amazon fire tv controler ?
Advantages - Disadvantages of using Windows 10 on a Raspberry Pi ?
Using windows 10 default applications (Groove Music, Images, Videos - Application) to play incomming data?
What do you think? Is it possible to create a Mediacenter which is running on a raspberry pi using windows 10?
Thank you in advance.
The most straightforward idea would be to create an always-running app with a MediaPlayerElement with a Source property that can be set programmatically by a remote control app. A remote control app could also control the pause, play, next, previous actions.
Be aware that there is no hardware video acceleration support for Raspberry Pi on Windows IoT Core yet, and probably that also won't come soon. There are other devices that do have proper video drivers (look at the hardware support page of Windows IoT Core).
Also be aware that there is no Windows Store on Windows IoT Core, unless you are an OEM (then you can publish your properly signed apps in an official way to devices that are managed by you).
A simpler way would be to buy a Windows 10 box from aliexpress. Then you can use Miracast to stream your screen, install apps from the App Store and play films directly on it, for example using Kodi for which remote control apps exist.
