instruction prallelism using OpenMp - parallel-processing

I am trying to parallelize the below code using OpenMp. This code belongs to Encryption algorithm where output of each iteration is input to next iteration. Therefore i think that i can not parallelize this for loop due to dependency of rounds. But i want to parallelize each part of the instruction
y += ((z<<4)+k[0]) ^ (z+sum) ^ ((z>>5)+k[1]) using separate threads and get XOR finally . I tried to insert openMp directive inside loop but it takes longer time. Please correct me where i am doing wrong.
sum += delta;
#pragma omp parallel
y += ((z<<4)+k[0]) ^ (z+sum) ^ ((z>>5)+k[1]);
z += ((y<<4)+k[2]) ^ (y+sum) ^ ((y>>5)+k[3]);


gcc loop unrolling oddity

In the course of writing a "not-equal scan" for Boolean arrays,
I ended up writing this loop:
// Heckman recursive doubling
#ifdef STRENGTHREDUCTION // Haswell/gcc does not like the multiply
for( s=1; s<BITSINWORD; s=s*2) {
for( s=1; s<BITSINWORD; s=s+s) {
w = w XOR ( w >> s);
What I observed was that gcc WOULD unroll the s=s*2 loop,
but not the s=s+s loop. This is slightly non-intuitive, as
the loop-count analysis for addition should, IMO be simpler
than for multiply. I suspect that gcc DOES know the s=s+s
loop count, and is merely being coy.
Does anyone know if there is some good reason for this
behavior on gcc's part?
I am asking this out of curiosity...
[The unrolled version, BTW, ran a fair bit slower than the loop.]
This is interesting.
First guess
My first guess would be that gcc's loop unroll analysis expects the addition case to benefit less from loop unrolling because s grows more slowly.
I experiment on the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **args) {
int s;
int w = 255;
for (s = 1; s < 32; s = s * 2)
w = w ^ (w >> s);
printf("%d", w); // To prevent everything from being optimized away
return 0;
And another version that is the same except the loop has s = s + s. I find that gcc 4.9.2 unrolls the loop in the multiplicative version but not the additive one. This is compiling with
gcc -S -O3 test.c
So my first guess is that gcc assumes the additive version, if unrolled, would result in more bytes of code that fit in the icache and therefore does not optimize. However, changing the loop condition from s < 32 to s < 4 in the additive version still doesn't result in an optimization, even though it seems gcc should easily recognize that there are very few iterations of the loop.
My next attempt (going back to s < 32 as the condition) is to explicitly tell gcc to unroll loops up to 100 times:
gcc -S -O3 -fverbose-asm --param max-unroll-times=100 test.c
This still produces a loop in the assembly. Trying to allow more instructions in unrolled loops with --param max-unrolled-insns retains the loop as well. Therefore, we can pretty much eliminate the possibility that gcc thinks it's inefficient to unroll.
Interestingly, trying to compile with clang at -O3 immediately unrolls the loop. clang is known to unroll more aggressively, but this doesn't seem like a satisfying answer.
I can get gcc to unroll the additive loop by making it add a constant and not s itself, that is, I do s = s + 2. Then the loop unrolls.
Second guess
That leads to me theorize that gcc is unable to understand how many iterations the loop will run for (necessary for unrolling) if the loop's increase value depends on the counter's value more than once. I change the loop as follows:
for (s = 2; s < 32; s = s*s)
And it does not unroll with gcc, while clang unrolls it. So my best guess, in the end, is that gcc fails to calculate the number of iterations when the loop's increment statement is of the form s = s (op) s.
Compilers routinely perform strength reduction, so I would expect that
gcc would use it here, replacing s*2 by s+s, at which point the forms of both
source code expressions would match.
If that is not the case, then I think it is a bug in gcc. The analysis
to compute the loop count using s+s is (marginally) simpler than that
using s*2, so I would expect that gcc would be (marginally)
more likely to unroll the s+s case.

Depend clause in openmp is not respecting dependence declared

I am trying to use openmp tasks to schedule a tiled execution of basic jacobi2d computation. In jacobi2d there is a dependence on A(i,j) from
A(i, j)
A(i-1, j)
A(i+1, j)
A(i, j-1)
A(i, j+1).
To my understanding of the depend clause I am declaring the dependences correctly, but they are not being respected while executing the code. I have copied the simplified code piece below. Initially my guess was that the out of bounds ranges for some tiles might be causing this issue, so I corrected that but the issue persists.(I have not copied the longer code with corrected tile ranges as that part is just a bunch of ifs + max)
int n=8,tsteps=2,b=4; //n - size of matrix, tsteps - time iterations, b - tile size or block size
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp master
for (t=0; t<tsteps; ++t)
for (i=0; i<n; i+=b)
for (j=0; j<n; j+=b)
#pragma omp task firstprivate(t,i,j) depend(in:A[i-1:b+2][j-1:b+2]) depend(out:B[i:b][j:b])
#pragma omp critical
printf("t-%d i-%d j-%d --A",t,i,j); //Prints out time loop, i,j
for (i=0; i<n; i+=b)
for (j=0; j<n; j+=b)
#pragma omp task firstprivate(t,i,j) depend(in:B[i-1:b+2][j-1:b+2]) depend(out:A[i:b][j:b])
#pragma omp critical
printf("t-%d i-%d j-%d --B",t,i,j); //Prints out time loop, i,j
So the idea with declaring dependence starting from i-1 and j-1 and the range being (b+2) is that the neighbouring tiles also affect your current tiles calculations. And similarly for the second set of loop where values in A should only be overwritten once the neighbouring tiles have used the values.
Code is being compiled using gcc 5.3 which supports openmp 4.0.
ps: the way array range is declared above denotes the starting position and the number of indices to be considered while creating the dependence graph.
edit (based on Zulan's comment) - changed the inner code to a simple print statement as this will suffice to check order of task execution. Ideally for the above values(since there are only 4 tiles) all tiles should complete the first printf and then only execute the second. But if you execute the code it will mix the order.
So I finally figured out the issue, even though OpenMP specs say that depend clause is supposed to be implemented with a starting point and range, it has not been implemented yet in gcc. So currently it only compares the starting point from the depend clause (depend(in:A[i-1:b+2][j-1:b+2])) A[i-1][j-1] in this case.
Initially I was comparing elements in different relative tile positions. Eg comparing (0,0) element with the last element of the tile, which was giving a no conflicts with dependence and hence the random order of execution of various tasks.
Current gcc implementation does not care about the range provided in the clause at all.

Why bother to initialize a reduction variable outside the parallel construct?

I am learning how to port my Fortran code to OpenMP. When I read an online tutorial (see here) I came across one question.
At first, I knew from page 28 that the value of a reduction variable is undefined from the moment the first thread reaches the clause till the operation has completed.
To my understanding, the statement implies that it doesn't matter whether I initialize the reduction variable before the program hits the parallel construct, because it is not defined until the complete of the operation. However, the sample code on page 27 of the same tutorial initializes the reduction variable before the parallel construct.
Could anyone please let me know which treatment is correct? Thanks.
sum = 0.0
!$omp parallel default(none) shared(n,x) private(i)
do i = 1, n
sum = sum + x(i)
end do
!$omp end do
!$omp end parallel
print*, sum
After fixing your code:
integer,parameter :: n = 10000
real :: x(n)
x = 1
sum = 0
!$omp parallel do default(none) shared(x) private(i) reduction(+:sum)
do i = 1, n
sum = sum + x(i)
end do
!$omp end parallel do
print*, sum
Notice, that the value to which you initialize sum matters! If you change it you get a different result. It is quite obvious you have to initialize it properly and even the OpenMP version is ill-defined without proper initialization.
Yes, the value of sum is not defined until completing the loop, but that doesn't mean it can be undefined before the loop.
For one thing, one of the nice features of OpenMP is that if you compile the program without enabling OpenMP, the program can/(should!) be a valid serial program as well. The serial version of your example would be ill-defined without initializing "sum" before the loop.

OpenMP parallelizing matrix multiplication by a triple for loop (performance issue)

I'm writing a program for matrix multiplication with OpenMP, that, for cache convenience, implements the multiplication A x B(transpose) rows X rows instead of the classic A x B rows x columns, for better cache efficiency. Doing this I faced an interesting fact that for me is illogic: if in this code i parallelize the extern loop the program is slower than if I put the OpenMP directives in the most inner loop, in my computer the times are 10.9 vs 8.1 seconds.
//A and B are double* allocated with malloc, Nu is the lenght of the matrixes
//which are square
//#pragma omp parallel for
for (i=0; i<Nu; i++){
for (j=0; j<Nu; j++){
*(C+(i*Nu+j)) = 0.;
#pragma omp parallel for
for(k=0;k<Nu ;k++){
*(C+(i*Nu+j))+=*(A+(i*Nu+k)) * *(B+(j*Nu+k));//C(i,j)=sum(over k) A(i,k)*B(k,j)
Try hitting the result less often. This induces cacheline sharing and prevents the operation from running in parallel. Using a local variable instead will allow most of the writes to take place in each core's L1 cache.
Also, use of restrict may help. Otherwise the compiler can't guarantee that writes to C aren't changing A and B.
for (i=0; i<Nu; i++){
const double* const Arow = A + i*Nu;
double* const Crow = C + i*Nu;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (j=0; j<Nu; j++){
const double* const Bcol = B + j*Nu;
double sum = 0.0;
for(k=0;k<Nu ;k++){
sum += Arow[k] * Bcol[k]; //C(i,j)=sum(over k) A(i,k)*B(k,j)
Crow[j] = sum;
Also, I think Elalfer is right about needing reduction if you parallelize the innermost loop.
You could probably have some dependencies in the data when you parallelize the outer loop and compiler is not able to figure it out and adds additional locks.
Most probably it decides that different outer loop iterations could write into the same (C+(i*Nu+j)) and it adds access locks to protect it.
Compiler could probably figure out that there are no dependencies if you'll parallelize the 2nd loop. But figuring out that there are no dependencies parallelizing the outer loop is not so trivial for a compiler.
Some performance measurements.
Hi again. It looks like 1000 double * and + is not enough to cover the cost of threads synchronization.
I've done few small tests and simple vector scalar multiplication is not effective with openmp unless the number of elements is less than ~10'000. Basically, larger your array is, more performance will you get from using openmp.
So parallelizing the most inner loop you'll have to separate task between different threads and gather data back 1'000'000 times.
PS. Try Intel ICC, it is kinda free to use for students and open source projects. I remember being using openmp for smaller that 10'000 elements arrays.
UPDATE 2: Reduction example
double sum = 0.0;
int k=0;
double *al = A+i*Nu;
double *bl = A+j*Nu;
#pragma omp parallel for shared(al, bl) reduction(+:sum)
for(k=0;k<Nu ;k++){
sum +=al[k] * bl[k]; //C(i,j)=sum(over k) A(i,k)*B(k,j)
C[i*Nu+j] = sum;

OpenMP - running things in parallel and some in sequence within them

I have a scenario like:
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
for (k = 0; k < x; k++)
val = 2*i + j + 4*k
if (val != 0)
for(t = 0; t < l; t++)
someFunction((i + t) + someFunction(j + t) + k*t)
Considering this is block A, Now I have two more similar blocks in my code. I want to put them in parallel, so I used OpenMP pragmas. However I am not able to parallelize it, because I am a tad confused that which variables would be shared and private in this case. If the function call in the inner loop was an operation like sum += x, then I could have added a reduction clause.
In general, how would one approach parallelizing a code using OpenMP, when we there is a nested for loop, and then another inner for loop doing the main operation.
I tried declaring a parallel region, and then simply putting pragma fors before the blocks, but definitely I am missing a point there!
I'm more of a Fortran programmer than C so my knowledge of OpenMP in C-style is poor, and I'll leave the syntax to you.
Your easiest approach here is probably (I'll qualify this later) to simply parallelise the outermost loop. By default OpenMP will regard variable i as private, all the rest as shared. This is probably not what you want, you probably want to make j and k and t private too. I suspect that you want val private also.
I'm a bit puzzled by the statement at the bottom of your nest of loops (ie someFunction...), which doesn't seem to return any value at all. Does it work by side-effects ?
So, you shouldn't need to declare a parallel region enclosing all this code, and you should probably only parallelise the outermost loop. If you were to parallelise the inner loops too you might find your OpenMP installation either ignoring them, spawning more processes than you have processors, or complaining bitterly.
I say that your easiest approach is probably to parallelise the outermost loop because I've made some assumptions about what your program (fragment) is doing. If the assumptions are wrong you might want to parallelise one of the inner loops. Another point to check is that the number of executions of the loop(s) you parallelise is much greater than the number of threads you use. You don't want to have OpenMP run loops with a trip count of, say, 7, on 4 threads, the load balance would be very poor.
You're correct, the innermost statement would rather be someFunction((i + t) + someFunction2(j + t) + k*t).
