NIST fingerprint software terminal issue with Mac - terminal

I have been trying to get the NIST Biometric Image Software downloaded and running on a mac as I saw it would be easier than doing it on windows. I have it downloaded and have been trying to use the terminal to set it up, but it keeps saying it is unable to find it in the directory. I haven't worked with terminals much or anything of this magnitude. The input I am putting into the terminal is:
sh <FINAL INSTALLATION DIR> [--without-X11]
With the final installation dir being the one I copied from the path where it is located. I am not sure if anyone has worked with this before, or had any similar issues to the one I have above. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am kind of lost on this.

Open terminal then cd /Path /to/where/your/NISTsoftware/directory/is
Afterwards give it execute permussions by running this on terminal chmod 755
Then execute it so that you can install your NIST software by running ./


Trying to run a Unix-exec file via MacOS Terminal results in "zsh: exec format error"

I'm on MacOS BigSur 11.4. I'm trying to run an executable file to start a Minecraft server from a folder of set up files associated with a Minecraft/Python coding book (
My order of operations has been. 1) I moved to the file's path via cd/, 2) set the file's executable bit via: chmod +x ./NAME_OF_THE_FILE, and 3) try running the following command to execute the file: ./NAME_OF_THE_FILE
Another post advised that once I run those commands, going forward I just need to run the third command while in the files path. However, no matter how many things I try to I keep getting a "zsh: exec format error."
I suspect this has something to do with the book's publication being in 2015 when the current version of MacOS was Mountain Lion, which was before they switched from bash to zsh with all releases successive to Catalina. This would suggest I'm just formatting something wrong in a way that conflicts with the zsh syntax, but I can't figure it out. I'm searching around zsh format error related posts and they all discuss actions and conflicts that seem only tangentially related to my issue. Any help appreciated.
Thank you

Running "pod install" in automator action in Mac OS - Permission denied

I am currently grading approx 50 apps created by students whereas most of them use CocoaPods in their projects and I'm spending an awful lot of time just navigating in the terminal to different folders just to run "pod install". I googled a bit and found this page:
Which is exactly what I want, but of course it doesn't work on my computer. I am not proficient in Terminal at all and I can't figure out what I'm missing, any help much appreciated!
Here's what I have in the automator action right now:
folder=dirname $file
cd $folder
LANG=en_US.UTF-8 $POD install
, which results in the following error:
Task ”Run command script” encountered an error: ”-: line 3: /Users/.../Podfile: Permission denied”
Maybe I got the text a bit wrong, I just translated it from Swedish.
I've tried chmod on /usr/local/bin/pod and both the file and folders (probably shouldn't have done that), but the error just got worse.
I want all necessary handling inside the script, since any terminal action would defeat the purpose of not having to use the terminal..
Ideas? Thanks

Mac OS terminal doesn't find commands

I have weird problem as all of the sudden terminal stopped reading any commands. Last weekend I installed Wordpress with PHP and mySQL and since that moment didn't have time to do anything more on laptop. Now I wanted to launch some react-native code but command wasn't found, then I tried different things to use some other commands and each time I get message
MBP-Mateusz-2:business-cards-native mateusz$ code .
-bash: code: command not found
and doesn't matter what command is that except standard ones like ls, cd etc. However when I try to write npm --version, or node --version, or launch visual studio code like before with code ., each time I get command not found. Doesn't anyone have issue like that? How to fix it as I'm super confused and have no idea even where to start.
You probably messed up your PATH environment variable, and now your computer cannot find the commands if you don't tell it directly where. The PATH variable contains the directories where the system should look for binaries if they're not in the current directory. If it gets corrupted for some reason, you won't be able to run any program from the terminal unless you pointed directly its location.
I would first run this command:
echo $PATH
so you can see which is the content of the PATH.
If it seems empty, or some critical folders are missing, try to add them temporarily:
export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin
Then try to run the commands again from the same terminal and see if that worked.
If that works, check if you have a ~/Library/LaunchAgents/environment.plist file and its content. It is possible that there is a key for the PATH and that its values are pointing something of your Wordpress stack but not the system directories.
If that looks fine, look at the ~/.bash_profile file. Find any export PATH instruction that may explain your issues. If you can't find any, but still exporting the PATH worked out, add at the end of the file that instruction as a workaround for fixing the mess:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin
(notice that I'm ading $PATH in this last case so if there is any other path actually configured it is added as well)
Good luck.
EDIT: That's the usual issue people has, but now that I've read your comments, the issue seems a bit more serious. It looks like the mySQL setup destroyed your /usr/local/ folder, which means you lost all the binaries located there npm, code, etc.
If you have a backup of the whole filesystem (which by experience is unlikely), restore /usr/local folder.
If you don't have any backups, you can reconstruct /usr/local... by reinstalling the software that cannot be found. Reinstall npm, VSCode, etc, that will place their executables again in the /usr/local folders and from there you'll be good to go. Install brew (since it's likely that also got deleted) then try brew install node and see if now you can run npm. If that works out, I'm afraid you'll have to reinstall all the software you lost again.

Permission denied when trying to run karaf 0.8.1

I downloaded the OpenDaylight Oxygen SR1 Zip file, unzipped the karaf-0.8.1 file, changed my directory to it but when I try to run ./bin/karaf I get:
./bin/karaf: Permission denied
When I try sudo ./bin/karaf I get
sudo: ./bin/karaf: command not found
The weirdest part is that I also have the folder of the previous version, i.e. karaf-0.7.1, in the same Downloads folder and these commands work perfectly fine in there. I would like to use the latest version however. Could anyone help me please?
Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention I'm running it on Mac OS X
On a Unix-like system, you’re better off downloading the tarball: extracting that will give you files with the correct permissions.
In your case, to fix your setup, you need to run
chmod 755 bin/{client,inc,instance,karaf,setenv,,shell,start,status,stop}
to restore the permissions as they ship in the tarball.

How to open gnuplot from mobaxterm?

I'm not sure how to open Gnuplot from MobaXterm. I've been trying many different commands but they all don't work. When I try, I get the same error.
-bash: gnuplot: command not found
I'm curious if I downloaded Gnuplot to the wrong part of the computer or if I'm not getting the command right? I'm trying to write a program in shell script that opens Gnuplot on it's own and plots data through the shell script.
Any help is appreciated!
mobaxterm is not a linux server. So you cant install packages into it normally.
you must download plugins if you can find the plugin you are looking for
check their list here
and it seems gnuplot is not there .
in this case your easiest solution is to download cygwin and add gnuplot on it which is possible
other option is to run small virtual machine so you can test on it
in all cases mobaxterm is not real linux enviroment so to be sure your shel do work on normal linux machines you will need to develop and test on real linux
You can install the winbuild of gnuplot and add the path to the bin directory, with gnuplot.exe in it, to mobaxterm's PATH (probably set it in .initrc or .bashrc, whichever you prefer).
MobaXterm is a standalone program which 'emulates' a Linux terminal but has no idea about your frame system (e.g. your Windows and your programs). So if you type 'gnuplot' Moba has no idea what is this. You have to
change the current directory to where is wgnuplot.exe e.g.:
cd /drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin
or run directly it:
/drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin/wgnuplot.exe
or change your $PATH:
PATH=$PATH:/drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin
or create a script named 'gnuplot' which runs wgnuplot.exe
#File name: 'gnuplot'
/drives/c/Program\ Files/gnuplot-4/bin/wgnuplot.exe
and place it into some $PATH directory:
`/bin` or `/usr/bin` or `/drives/c/WINDOWS` or `/drives/c/WINDOWS/system32`
or... :)
The simplest way I found out is to use the Moba Package Manager to install the win version of gnuplot.
Open MobaXterm and type MobApt. An GUI will open up and you can type in "gnuplot" in the filter field.
Just select and install the package, MobApt will take care of any dependencies for you.
