Send a text with a UPS - sms

I did get a school project, for my project i need to send a sms when the UPS goes on battery power. I searched like 2 or 3 days on the internet. I saw many things, like apcupd, powerchute, powertext and many other thins. Nothing helped me jet.
I use a smart UPS 3000.
I hope someone of you can help me !


How to implement a click to dial from my website

First off I should be up front that my level of knowledge is currently zero so I am doing as much research as I can for myself and have the books to hand.
I've read through the following article as I believe it relates to my question
My research leads me to believe I am required to create a dial lpan to initiate two phone calls, one to the users extension number and one to the external phone and then bridge these two calls together. The freeswitch server will have multiple domains and share the same extensions across the domains. I will have at the time of the 'click to call' all the information about the user, his domain and the phone on his desk.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for this functionality. I hope I have the right idea but potentially click to call doesn't even work the way I think it does.
I appreciate this may actually be impossible to answer with the info I have provided but I don't yet know that or I genuinely have my approach completely back to front.
Here's hoping someone has a dial plan I can cut and paste and replace some variables and voila. But that is probably wishful thinking.

How to detect voicemail on freeswitch?

I am using freeswitch and I would like to detect voicemail on phone which I call.
Let's assume I call number xxx-xxx-xxx and if can't talk with owner of that number I would like to know it. Is that possible? As far I have tried to recognize the special sound but actually efectiveness of that solution is really low because many owners have their own message recoded on voicemail.
You can buy a commercial module (mod_com_amd) that will do that for you. It's available directly from the FreeSWITCH site:

More specific way to track companies on Google Analytics

I'm job searching now, and I created a resume website which is a good way for me to track what companies are interested in me for. Also, I sometimes can tell which companies specifically have looked at me by going to the "Service Provider" dimension. However, sometimes they have a generic network (like Verizon or Charter) so I don't know. Is there another dimension, or is there another way for me to try to figure out which specific company is looking at me? In your answer, you don't have to be super specific because my question is pretty broad.

How to handle request traffic of a background location update application

I am working on a family networking app for Android that enables family members to share their location and track location of others simultaneously. You can suppose that this app is similar with Life360 or Sygic Family Locator. At first, I determined to use a MBaaS and then I completed its coding by using Parse. However, I realized that although a user read and write geolocation data per minute (of course, in some cases geolocation data is sent less frequently), the request traffic exceeds my forward-looking expectations. For this reason, I want to develop a well-grounded system but I have some doubts about whether Parse can still do its duty if number of users increases to 100-500k.
Considering all these, I am looking for an alternative method/service to set such a system. I think using a backend service like Parse is a moderate solution but not the best one. What are the possible ways to achieve this from bad to good? To exemplify, one of my friends say that I can use Sinch which is an instant messaging service in background between users that set the price considering number of active users. Nevertheless, it sounds weird to me, I have never seen such a usage of an instant messaging service as he said.
Your comments and suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Well sinch wouldn't handle location updates or storing of location data, that would be parse you are asking about.
And since you implied that the requests would be to much for your username maybe I wrongly assumed price was the problem with parse.
But to answer your question about sending location data I would probably throttle it if I where you to aile or so. No need for family members to know down to the feet in realtime. if there is a need for that I would probably inement a request method instead and ask the user for location when someone is interested.

Is there any way around to get Zip & address using latitude and longitude in windows phone 7.1 ?

I have used Bing Maps key reversegeocode for getting address & I am getting the desired result also but it needs bing key that expires in 90 days.So its not better method to use.
I have also tried CivicAddressResolver to get the same but its not returning any address.I don know why.
I have also tried google api for the same i am getting answer but it has usage limitation that it can be used 2500 times per day.
Lastly i have tried ReverseGeocodeQuery method to get the same but its working fine only with windows phone version 8.
i need the same to happen with windows phone version 7.1 .
Plz reply.
thanks in advance.
You will have to use an alternative service for getting the Zip code/address. The question Rohith links to in the comment has a good alternative: Nominatim. Another alternative is also Geonames which also has some reverse geocoding.
Google probably has the best service, and is free for the first 6 months, and $10/month after that. It's a very reasonable price, and with 99.9% uptime and fast servers, it's tonnes better than you will get from any free service or even most other paid ones.
If you're desperate for free ones, I have heard that Geonames is okay. Still, you're not going to beat what Google can give you for a very modest price. It should be noted that you have to pay excess if you go above 10,000 requests per month, but if your app is that popular, you can monetize it to subsidise...
Just noticed that you already mentioned Google, but like I said, what does it matter if it costs a bit if you're anticipating anywhere near 2,500 requests per day?!?
