I'm trying to set the background with the fixed property but I can not do it.
My code:
.background-page {
Background: linear-gradient (to right bottom, # 2f3441 50%, # 212531 50%);
Position: fixed;
Obviously it is wrong, but I do not know how to solve it.
Regards, thank you.
You should be using the background-fixed property. But because fullPage.js uses by default css3 transformations when possible, you'll get some problems with some browsers which are buggy on this respect. See this topic
The solution to it is using the options css3:false or scrollBar:true in fullPage.js:
Is there a way to set an image width to 100% of its parent?
At the minute I'm using Enhanced Image with a nicely styled figure tag for captions, but until the image fits the width of the figure it's pretty much useless!
Add this in your CSS file:
img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto !important;
Or, try this gist.
After trying for so long I got a manual solution for making the image responsive in the CKEditor Django. After a adding the image in editor, put "style width:100%" manual in Image Properties
This work in my case but we have to manually add this field.
Thank you for providing details and sorry for late reply.
In order to make the image 100% width of the figure please open ckeditor\contents.css file, find the selector for figure element and remove the padding: 10px; declaration. Next refresh your page and you should be good to go.
I would like to customize the background color of the browser canvas to black as per instructions from here but it doesn't seem to work for me, I'm using ChromEdit to edit the css config.
I would like to change it to black instead of white.
browser { background-color: #000 !important; }
Anyone every tried to do that?
This question is more suitable for superuser.com but since you already got a reply I'll give in.
If my memory serves well about:blank used to be a chrome page. Now it a content page, though one with special treatment. But for the purpose of tweaking its css we can consider it no different than example.com
So edit userContent.css with the following code
#-moz-document url("about:blank") {
body {
to right,
The error appears to be that you are using the file name UserChrome.css. The file should be userChrome.css. Note the lowercase "u". When using userChrome.css the code:
browser { background-color: #000 !important; }
works for me.
However, under normal conditions, this is only displayed for a very brief amount of time. In some configurations, it may not be visible.
I am having a very strange problem - I am using more or less the same code as the scatterplot sample on the nvd3 web site (but hooked into my ember.js app) and I'm seeing a beautiful plot come out only to be marred about 500ms later by a set of black circles that are much larger but follow the same contour of the plot.
If I comment out this line in nv.d3.js:
gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-point-paths');
this doesn't seem to happen and the graph "works" ala without the animations.
Has anyone seen something like that before?
I have just come across this issue myself, and I think I have figured it out, although I am not sure why it's not explained better on the nvd3 pages anywhere.
You need to include a reference to the nvd3 stylesheet in your html which is the ./src/nv.d3.css file in the download/github repo.
My guess is that the black circles are the hover regions for each point on the chart, and the default style for a path in SVG is black filled.
I have raised an issue on github to see if we can get the installation instructions for nvd3 improved: https://github.com/novus/nvd3/issues/19.
It turns out that even if you include the css file the dots will still show up:
It appears to be an issue only with area and line charts, more specifically with the tooltips:
What I did was hide the tooltips, like this:
<style media="print">
.nv-point-paths {
display: none !important;
I'm not sure if the css selector above will work in all cases, inspect the tooltip element to make sure you are hiding the right element.
PS: I tried to attach screenshots but apparently I don't have enough reputation :-(
If you are new to Angular2, you may have forgotten to add:
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
which would allow external stylesheets to be loaded.
I had this problem trying to import the nvd3 scatterPlusLineChart into jsFiddle.
Although I added the css external reference, it isn't 'taking';
my workaround was to put the source from nv.d3.css directly in at the top of the CSS region.
Any ideas?
Also, in case anyone else wanted to play with the example, it's at
Obligatory jsfiddle code to satisfy SO.com, even though it's about a reference...
In: CSS field
.chartWrap {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
I often embed webfont (#font-face) in sites that I develop and I have never encountered a major problem until today.
In fact, I feel there is a big issue with the line-height, I'm not extremely good at English so I'll try to illustrate it with pictures. I already contact the support from fontshop.com (where the font was bought) but they do not seem to understand / solve the problem.
What we had before with standard desktop font (= rendering is good for us):
What we had with the font-face (no change in CSS stylesheet):
Here is the CSS:
#content h1 {
font-family:"DINPro-Bold","Helvetica Neue",Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;
Usually font websites will have ways to configure the webfont package when you download it. I buy all my fonts from myfonts.com and under the advanced settings there are options for line-height adjustments. Try downloading the font using native line-height adjustments if this option is available. If not, try uploading the font to fontsquirrel's online font generator and upload the new version.
That's not the same font. The shape of the O and the curvature of the arm on the R give it away, which means the fallback fonts are being used, likely due to #font-face not loading properly. Different fonts will have different default spacing, as stated already, which would also lead you to believe it's a line-height issue.
Try making your fallback fonts something totally obvious, like:
This worked for me:
Generate the webfont at Font Squirrel. After uploading the fonts select 'Expert', scroll down and check the checkbox 'X-height Matching'. This resizes the height to match the x-height.
If you have problem with line-height of your webfont (especially if font suppose to be big in your project) try this: close your font in div or other block element and set "overflow" to "hidden". Div will have exact height of your font so any additional space will be cut off.
Try adding "position: relative; top: 5px;" to the "h1" tag
Try position: relative; paddint-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 0px;
Line height according to wikipedia
In typography, leading (rhymes with heading) refers to the amount of
added vertical spacing between lines of type.
This can be achieved like this...
line-height: 1em;
But if you are referring to the height of the letters then this is not something that can be adjusted. It is part of the font you have chosen to use.
I am having a problem with Safari v5 on mac. When my Google Map Api is loaded into the page it hides some of my other divs (which are absolutely positioned). The page renders correctly until the map loads. If i have a page without a map the problem does not happen.
example: www.morecambe-lodge.co.uk
it also seems to interfere with the loading of jquery ui. Is there a better way to lazy load google maps or a solution. i have tried document ready and window.onload methods but it still persists with the problem.
I have tested in firefox, ie, chrome and safari v4 and this problem is not replicated only seems to happen in safari v5.
Any advice would be greeatly apreciated, Thanks.
The z-index has nothing to do with this bug.
After I read through the following article:
I was able to fix my issue by doing two things. The first was modifying every entry in my CSS that had "text-indent" to have a value of 9999px or under. I use text-indent for all my icon buttons, whether it comes from jQuery UI css or from my css. Having it set over 9999px created issues for me.
The second problem, after the text-indent was fixed, was having blurry fonts. The following helped solve this issue:
* {
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important;
-webkit-transform: none !important;
Both of these are mentioned in the article, but I found that the text indent needed to be smaller than what was suggested.
this work for me :
* {
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important;
-webkit-transform: none !important;
The bug posted at Google (http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=3190) mentions changing "text-indent: -999999px;" to "text-indent: -99999px;" on elements. Dropping one 9 fixed the problem for me.
The z-index fixes made no noticeable changes. The webkit-transform fixes rendered the page correctly but left the map unusable. It wasn't possible to drag.
yeah looks like the same problem. i have also posted the question on google. hopefully will get to the bottom of it.
A clue: it seems to be caused by the stacking of elements with -webkit-transform: translateZ(0px); Once you disable/remove them, backgrounds reappear.