How to get Company info from Google? - google-api

if we search website of the company in google we get following result. i need to get company info and founded year. and no of employee how can i get. is there any API availabe?. can you help me on this. thanks

You are looking for the Google knowledge graph API. The info on the box to the right is pulled from the Google Knowledge Graph for the top result.
You can get the information you need for an Organization entity:
An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.
Example properties of an Organization include legalName, logo, foundingDate
For example, here is a simple query I used for Facebook:<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>&indent=True
And here is the result I got in return:
"#type": "EntitySearchResult",
"result": {
"#id": "kg:/m/0hmyfsv",
"name": "Facebook, Inc.",
"#type": [
"description": "Social network company",
"image": {
"contentUrl": "",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"resultScore": 32.638672
BTW, for some reason, Facebook was the second on the list of results after Youtube
Looks like, at the moment, the API does not provide a way to control which properties to be returned in the results, and not all properties are included in the response by default. There is a question here about how to get that done
From the API reference, the accepted request paramaters are:
query (e.g. query=Facebook)
ids (e.g. ids=/m/0hmyfsv)
languages (e.g. languages=en)
types (e.g. types=Corporation)
indent (e.g. indent=true)
limit (e.g. limit=2)
And the response parameters are: #id, name,#type, description, image detailedDescription (if available), and resultScore
The information you are looking for are actually available in the Wikipedia page included in the URL provided as part of the detailedDescription property, so you may want to consider using the Wikidata API instead

Run following query in wikidata sparql endpoint
(SAMPLE(?wdemployee) AS ?wdemployee)
(SAMPLE(?wdfounded) AS ?wdfounded)
(SAMPLE(?wdofficial_website) AS ?wdofficial_website)
?wdcompany wdt:P31 ?type;
rdfs:label ?wdcompanyName.
?wdcompany wdt:P452 ?wdindustry;
wdt:P1128 ?wdemployee;
wdt:P571 ?wdfounded;
wdt:P17 ?wdcountry;
wdt:P856 ?wdofficial_website.
VALUES ?type {
VALUES ?wdcompanyName {
"Apple Inc."#en
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
GROUP BY ?wdcompanyName ?wdindustryLabel ?wdcountryLabel
ORDER BY (?wdcompanyName)
or use following code:
# pip install sparqlwrapper
import sys
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
endpoint_url = ""
query = """SELECT DISTINCT ?wdindustryLabel ?wdcompanyName ?wdcountryLabel (SAMPLE(?wdemployee) AS ?wdemployee) (SAMPLE(?wdfounded) AS ?wdfounded) (SAMPLE(?wdofficial_website) AS ?wdofficial_website) WHERE {
?wdcompany wdt:P31 ?type;
rdfs:label ?wdcompanyName.
?wdcompany wdt:P452 ?wdindustry;
wdt:P1128 ?wdemployee;
wdt:P571 ?wdfounded;
wdt:P17 ?wdcountry;
wdt:P856 ?wdofficial_website.
VALUES ?type {
VALUES ?wdcompanyName {
'Apple Inc.'#en
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
GROUP BY ?wdcompanyName ?wdindustryLabel ?wdcountryLabel
Order By ?wdcompanyName"""
def get_results(endpoint_url, query):
user_agent = "WDQS-example Python/%s.%s" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
# TODO adjust user agent; see
sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint_url, agent=user_agent)
return sparql.query().convert()
results = get_results(endpoint_url, query)
for result in results["results"]["bindings"]:


Filter by Distinct Values in Gatsby

I am trying to display a list of unique subject categories on a Gatsby site, which I will use to create unique pages. These will serve as taxonomy terms, of sorts. A limited version of my source json file looks like:
"BookID": "4176",
"Title": "Book Title 1",
"Subject": {
"subjectID": "HR",
"name": "Civil War & Reconstruction"
"BookID": "3619",
"Title": "Book Title 2",
"Subject": {
"subjectID": "AR",
"name": "Fine Art & Photography"
"BookID": "3619",
"Title": "Book Title 3",
"Subject": {
"subjectID": "AR",
"name": "Fine Art & Photography"
In my gatsby-node.js file, I can create pages using a list of distinct values of IDs to serve as the slugs to create my subject categories. As below:
allSubjects: allBooksJson {
distinct(field: Subject___subjectID)
However, I also need the name associated with these. I have not yet seen a way to use this as a filter, in order to deduplicate the results of a query.
So what I would ultimately like to is return all the unique subject objects so I can use the subjectID as a slug and the full name where needed on the individual pages.
Still learning Gatsby, so this may be the wrong approach, and any advice would be appreciated.
The idea of creating dynamic pages, is to get all the needed values in your gatsby-node.js using a GraphQL query, to create a bunch of pages and then, use the context to send a unique identifier to the template, to filter again the pages to get the specific data for each entry (books in your case). So:
const path = require(`path`)
const { createFilePath } = require(`gatsby-source-filesystem`)
exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions
const result = await graphql(`
query {
allBookJson {
edges {
node {
`){ node }) => {
path: `books/${node.Subject.subjectID}`, // change it as you wish
component: path.resolve(`./src/templates/book.js`), // change it as you wish
context: {
subjectID: node.fields.slug,
Note: adapt the snippet (query, loop, and variables) to your needs. You don't need to filter anything at this point, since you are only fetching the subjectID of all books.
If the values are likely to be repeated, use the new Set to remove the duplicates, then, you can loop through them to create pages dynamically:
let unique = [ Set(];
You are sending the subjectID to your templates/book.js file via context, so it will be available to be used as a pageContext.
Anytime you want just to get a list of all books, you can create a page query or a static query and loop through them at any time.
import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "gatsby"
import Layout from "../components/layout"
export default function Book({ data }) {
const books = data.allBookJson
return (
return <div>book.title</div>
export const query = graphql`
query($subjectID: String) {
allBookJson(Subject___subjectID: { eq: $subjectID } ) {
Note: again, test your query and adapt it to your needs at localhost:8000/___graphql. If you have duplicate results use the new Set.
It's difficult to guess your data structure without knowing it properly, the idea is to create a unique query based on the context value subjectID and filter the values. Use the GraphQL playground as support to know how the query and the filters should look like.
Further details:

Get complete GraphQL response using POST without specify field name in request [duplicate]

Assume you have a GraphQL type and it includes many fields.
How to query all the fields without writing down a long query that includes the names of all the fields?
For example, If I have these fields :
public function fields()
return [
'id' => [
'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()),
'description' => 'The id of the user'
'username' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'description' => 'The email of user'
'count' => [
'type' => Type::int(),
'description' => 'login count for the user'
To query all the fields usually the query is something like this:
But I want a way to have the same results without writing all the fields, something like this:
Is there a way to do this in GraphQL ??
I'm using Folkloreatelier/laravel-graphql library.
Unfortunately what you'd like to do is not possible. GraphQL requires you to be explicit about specifying which fields you would like returned from your query.
Yes, you can do this using introspection. Make a GraphQL query like (for type UserType)
__type(name:"UserType") {
fields {
and you'll get a response like (actual field names will depend on your actual schema/type definition)
"data": {
"__type": {
"fields": [
"name": "id",
"description": ""
"name": "username",
"description": "Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits, and #/./+/-/_ only."
"name": "firstName",
"description": ""
"name": "lastName",
"description": ""
"name": "email",
"description": ""
( etc. etc. ...)
You can then read this list of fields in your client and dynamically build a second GraphQL query to get the values of these fields.
This relies on you knowing the name of the type that you want to get the fields for -- if you don't know the type, you could get all the types and fields together using introspection like
__schema {
types {
fields {
NOTE: This is the over-the-wire GraphQL data -- you're on your own to figure out how to read and write with your actual client. Your GraphQL javascript library may already employ introspection in some capacity. For example, the apollo codegen command uses introspection to generate types.
2022 Update
Since this answer was originally written, it is now a recommended security practice to TURN OFF introspection in production. Reference: Why you should disable GraphQL introspection in production.
For an environment where introspection is off in production, you could use it in development as a way to assist in creating a static query that was used in production; you wouldn't actually be able to create a query dynamically in production.
I guess the only way to do this is by utilizing reusable fragments:
fragment UserFragment on Users {
FetchUsers {
users(id: "2") {
I faced this same issue when I needed to load location data that I had serialized into the database from the google places API. Generally I would want the whole thing so it works with maps but I didn't want to have to specify all of the fields every time.
I was working in Ruby so I can't give you the PHP implementation but the principle should be the same.
I defined a custom scalar type called JSON which just returns a literal JSON object.
The ruby implementation was like so (using graphql-ruby)
module Graph
module Types
JsonType = GraphQL::ScalarType.define do
name "JSON"
coerce_input -> (x) { x }
coerce_result -> (x) { x }
Then I used it for our objects like so
field :location, Types::JsonType
I would use this very sparingly though, using it only where you know you always need the whole JSON object (as I did in my case). Otherwise it is defeating the object of GraphQL more generally speaking.
GraphQL query format was designed in order to allow:
Both query and result shape be exactly the same.
The server knows exactly the requested fields, thus the client downloads only essential data.
However, according to GraphQL documentation, you may create fragments in order to make selection sets more reusable:
# Only most used selection properties
fragment UserDetails on User {
Then you could query all user details by:
FetchUsers {
users() {
You can also add additional fields alongside your fragment:
FetchUserById($id: ID!) {
users(id: $id) {
Package graphql-type-json supports custom-scalars type JSON.
Use it can show all the field of your json objects.
Here is the link of the example in ApolloGraphql Server.

Is it possible for vue-apollo to return different results from the Playground?

I have a GraphQL query called myAccounts which returns an array of accounts. When I go to the Playground and call the query:
accounts {
I get this result:
"data": {
"accounts": [
"email": "",
"email": "",
However, when I am in my Component, vue-apollo returns two items in the array, but seems to overwrite the second item with the first. Here is the query (in MyAccounts.gql):
query myAccounts {
accounts: myAccounts {
and here is the Apollo query in the component:
import MY_ACCOUNTS_QUERY from '~/apollo/queries/MyAccounts'
apollo: {
accounts: {
result(data) {
and here is what vue-apollo logs out through the result:
Expected behavior
I would expect the data returned in the Playground to be identical to what vue-apollo is fetching.
vue: 2.6.10
vue-apollo: #nuxtjs/apollo: 4.0.0-rc18
Additional context
I thought the result hook would be the best way to debug, but any other suggestions gladly welcomed. I assumed that this was a bug in our code, but I cannot figure out what could be causing the repetition (and mismatch).
Apollo normalizes its cache based on the __typename and the id (or _id) field. You need to include an id or _id field in your selection set alongside email. Failing to do so results in both objects being assigned the same key. If you don't have an id field to request, you'll need to provide a custom dataIdFromObject function as shown here.
From Guillaume Chau (
This is because the Apollo Client cache can't compute a different ID
for the two items, so you endup with Account:undefined (or similar)
for both. Open the Apollo devtools and look at the myAccounts key in
the cache.
Learn more:

Do a full query simply in GraphQL [duplicate]

Assume you have a GraphQL type and it includes many fields.
How to query all the fields without writing down a long query that includes the names of all the fields?
For example, If I have these fields :
public function fields()
return [
'id' => [
'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()),
'description' => 'The id of the user'
'username' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'description' => 'The email of user'
'count' => [
'type' => Type::int(),
'description' => 'login count for the user'
To query all the fields usually the query is something like this:
But I want a way to have the same results without writing all the fields, something like this:
Is there a way to do this in GraphQL ??
I'm using Folkloreatelier/laravel-graphql library.
Unfortunately what you'd like to do is not possible. GraphQL requires you to be explicit about specifying which fields you would like returned from your query.
Yes, you can do this using introspection. Make a GraphQL query like (for type UserType)
__type(name:"UserType") {
fields {
and you'll get a response like (actual field names will depend on your actual schema/type definition)
"data": {
"__type": {
"fields": [
"name": "id",
"description": ""
"name": "username",
"description": "Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits, and #/./+/-/_ only."
"name": "firstName",
"description": ""
"name": "lastName",
"description": ""
"name": "email",
"description": ""
( etc. etc. ...)
You can then read this list of fields in your client and dynamically build a second GraphQL query to get the values of these fields.
This relies on you knowing the name of the type that you want to get the fields for -- if you don't know the type, you could get all the types and fields together using introspection like
__schema {
types {
fields {
NOTE: This is the over-the-wire GraphQL data -- you're on your own to figure out how to read and write with your actual client. Your GraphQL javascript library may already employ introspection in some capacity. For example, the apollo codegen command uses introspection to generate types.
2022 Update
Since this answer was originally written, it is now a recommended security practice to TURN OFF introspection in production. Reference: Why you should disable GraphQL introspection in production.
For an environment where introspection is off in production, you could use it in development as a way to assist in creating a static query that was used in production; you wouldn't actually be able to create a query dynamically in production.
I guess the only way to do this is by utilizing reusable fragments:
fragment UserFragment on Users {
FetchUsers {
users(id: "2") {
I faced this same issue when I needed to load location data that I had serialized into the database from the google places API. Generally I would want the whole thing so it works with maps but I didn't want to have to specify all of the fields every time.
I was working in Ruby so I can't give you the PHP implementation but the principle should be the same.
I defined a custom scalar type called JSON which just returns a literal JSON object.
The ruby implementation was like so (using graphql-ruby)
module Graph
module Types
JsonType = GraphQL::ScalarType.define do
name "JSON"
coerce_input -> (x) { x }
coerce_result -> (x) { x }
Then I used it for our objects like so
field :location, Types::JsonType
I would use this very sparingly though, using it only where you know you always need the whole JSON object (as I did in my case). Otherwise it is defeating the object of GraphQL more generally speaking.
GraphQL query format was designed in order to allow:
Both query and result shape be exactly the same.
The server knows exactly the requested fields, thus the client downloads only essential data.
However, according to GraphQL documentation, you may create fragments in order to make selection sets more reusable:
# Only most used selection properties
fragment UserDetails on User {
Then you could query all user details by:
FetchUsers {
users() {
You can also add additional fields alongside your fragment:
FetchUserById($id: ID!) {
users(id: $id) {
Package graphql-type-json supports custom-scalars type JSON.
Use it can show all the field of your json objects.
Here is the link of the example in ApolloGraphql Server.

GraphQL Filter on Enum Column

Below is my GraphQL Query to Fetch Posts from Strapi backend.
Please note I am running this on my Nuxt app.
Now I want to bring only those posts which have post_status = "Publish"
post_status is a ENUM field with two option as Draft and Publish
query GetPosts{
posts {
postingredients{ingredient{ingredient_name}, ingredient_unit}
I did not understand how can I get
How to bring post_status values on my original Query
How to filter on the post_status where I can get only Published posts.
query GetStatusEnum{
__type(name: "ENUM_POST_POST_STATUS") {
enumValues {
} } }
Result of the above:
"data": {
"__type": {
"enumValues": [
"name": "Publish"
"name": "Draft"
To add your post_status in your original request you just have to add it in the list of the attributes you want to fetch.
posts {
post_status <- here /!\
Here is the query to fetch Posts that have Publish as post_status
posts(where: { post_status: "Publish" }) {
You can play with GraphQL playground in your strapi application:
You will see in the right of you page a docs button that will show you all the information you need to create your GraphQL request.
I had a similar scenario (though I'm using a Prisma layer as well so keep that in mind) and i'm not sure that you can filter for enum values on the call but you can filter what it returns.
const posts = [the array of all posts]
const isPublished = (post) => {
if (post.post_status.includes('Publish')) {
return post;
let publishedPosts = posts.filter(isPublished);
return publishedPosts;
