Laravel - How to create user control in Laravel base role - laravel

Hello I'm a newbie with Laravel, I wanna ask how to make user control in Laravel base user role,
I have 5 table
table menus
table user_menus
table roles
table user_roles
table users
and then I want to validate which user can access the menu
the example role_id 1 (administrator) can access menu 1 and 2 ('master maintenance' and 'user')
and if authentication then can access the module, if not then redirect to 404.
Please help me! I have no idea what should I do :(
I looking for many sites but I don't get any solution
Thanks for answer

I not sure because i don't have your database but i think you and set relation in you model for make it easy
in model UserRole add relation
public function usermenus()
return $this->hasMany('UserMenus', 'role_id', 'role_id');
in model UserMenus add relation
public function menus()
return $this->hasOne('Menus', 'menu_id', 'menu_id');
when you want to query data
$menus = UserRole::where('user_id', $userId)->with('usermenus.menus')->get()->toArray();
print_r($menus); exit;
//or use dd($menus); for print and die


Laravel Releationship

I have one user table named "Users".
There are different roles (trainer and client).
I want to make like Trainer can have many clients, but client can have one trainer.
I made table in db like "ClientTrainer" where is stored only ID of users with columns
"id, client_id, trainer_id"
and I am trying to return something like this:
$user->allclients(); - return all clients (logged as trainer)
$user->owntrainer(); - return his trainer (logged as client)
Its fresh laravel 5.7 with only Auth and Roles.
I am sure it can only be done with modals, but i need a little help.
First, create a model for table ClientTrainer as well. Then try this inside your Users model:
public function clients()
return $this->belongsToMany(
public function trainer() // will return a collection with one element
return $this->belongsToMany(
Why I'm posting belongsToMany when retrieving the trainer? Laravel 5.7 does not support hasOneThrough() relationship.
The best thing you can do is to separate your Table into two; "users" & "trainers".
Even if they have exactly the same fields, they dont have the same functionality, so that justifies the separation. Then just add trainer_id in your table "users"

Laravel Auth::user relationship

In Laravel, i´m trying to show relation elements between Auth::user (Users) and Departments. In User table i have id, name, and department_id. In Departments table I have id and name.
In user model i create
public function department()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Department');
Then, in blade template I try
But return null and doesn´t show linked departments. Null is incorrect, all users have departments. Soo, ¿Any help? ¿What´s wrong in relation?
You can try this User::with('departmento')->find(Auth::id());
This method uses less queries - the others go after the user table twice:
You should add 'department_id' as a second parameter ($foreignKey) when calling belongsTo method, because it will searching for departmento_id by default.
public function departamento()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Departamento', 'department_id');
Or just rename User::departamento() method to User::department()
public function department()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Departamento');
Relation works with Model. Auth uses the session it not uses relation
Use User Model instead

Eloquent relationship with 3 tables

I'm new to Stack Overflow and Laravel.
I try to develop a variable profilesystem in Laravel and I got 3 tables ('User', 'User_Fields', 'Fields').
The structure of the Fields table is following:
The structure of the user_fields table is following:
The User table is the standard table which came with Laravel 5
Now I want to get all fields from user_fields depending on which user is selected or logged in. If the user_field doesn't exists, the model should return null or create a new record for the user_field.
I tried a lot of "solutions" which came with eloquent like (hasManyThrough, belongsToMany) but I don't get the result I wanted.
Is there any solution with relationship methods?
Thanks for your help, and sorry for my bad english :/
You should be using the belongsToMany()->withPivot() to retrieve the intermediate table columns. Your user_fields is your pivot table so on your user model you should have:
class User extends Model
public function fields()
return $this->belongsToMany(Field::class, 'user_fields')->withPivot('value');
Then you can access your values for a user by:
$user = User::find($id);
foreach($user->fields as $field) {

How to check and get the result if the table contain user id in laravel

I have create a relationship between user and table column, I want show the table list which is belongs to particular user. For example if user_id 1 is logged in the system, the system will only show the information belong to him which is Table 1.
This is my controller code :
public function show(Request $request){
$table= Roundtable::findOrFail($user_id);
return view('')->withTables($table);
I know that $table= Roundtable::findOrFail($user_id); is incorrect but I had no idea how to do because I am new for laravel.
If user has just one table and if Roundtable model has user_id you can use this query:
Roundtable::where('user_id', $id)->first();
It will give you user's table or null if table doesn't exist.
Another way to get table is to use relation:
Well i found the solution, just need to change the code into
$table= Roundtable::where('user_id',$id)->get();
return view('')->withTables($table);
then the result will return correctly.

Laravel user management

In Laravel we can manage Users and Permissions easly but i've a problem with my application.
In my application a User is attached to One or Many department.
But a User can have different Role/Permission between departments. That is the problem. In the department One he can have a Admin Role and in the department Two he can only have a User Role. When the User switch between department i would like that his Role can be update.
How i can manage this in Laravel and Eloquent ?
Thank you for your help.
Without seeing any of your code, I am forced to be fairly generic here. But here is the basic concept.
Assuming you have tables like departments, users, roles, and permissions already, all you would need next is define a joining table. Something like this:
department_id // for this department
role_id // this role is assigned to
user_id // this user
Define something like a hasPermissionTo() method on your User model.
class User
public function hasPermissionTo($action, $department)
// first get permission
$permission = Permission::where('action', $action)->first();
// get all roles which have this permission
$roles = $permission->roles;
return DB::table('department_role_user')
->where('user_id', $this->id) // current user
->where('department_id', $department->id) // the dept
->whereIn('role_id', $roles->pluck('id')) // any of the roles
And use it like so.
if ($user->hasPermissionTo('do-something', $someDept)) {
// allow action
} else {
// no way
This should also work nicely with Laravel's Gates and Policies. Just use your new hasPermissionTo() method inside your gate/policy definitions.
