Kubernetes logs format in Kibana - elasticsearch

I have Kubernetes system in AWS (kops v1.4.4) and used the following instrustions to install fluent, elasticsearch and kibana: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/cluster/addons/fluentd-elasticsearch
I am able to see my pods logs in kibana but all kubernetes related metadata such as pod name , docker container id etc.. , locate under the same field (called tag)
Is there any other modification I need to do in order to properly integrate Kubernetes with elasticsearch and Kibana?
Thank you


how to configure filebeat configured as agent in kubernetes cluster

I am trying to add ELK to my project which is running on kubernetes. I want to pass by filebeat -> logstach then elastic search. I prepared my filebeat.yml file and in my company the filebeat is configured as an agent in the cluster which i don't realy know what it means? I want to know how to configure the filebeat in this case ? just adding the file in the project and it will be taken into considiration once the pod started or how does it work ?
You can configure the Filebeat in some ways.
1 - You can configure it using the DeamonSet, meaning each node of your Kubernetes architecture will have one POD of Filebeat. Usually, in this architecture, you'll need to use only one filebeat.yaml configuration file and set the inputs, filters, outputs (output to Logstash, Elasticsearch, etc.), etc. In this case, your filebeat will need root access inside your cluster.
2 - Using Filebeat as a Sidecar with your application k8s resource. You can configure an emptyDir in the Deployment/StatefulSet, share it with the Filebeat Sidecar, and set the Filebeat to monitor this directory.

Run ELK with filebeat

I try to start ELK in docker-compose in WSL2. But I can't find any indexes in kibana.
Test code.
I try to load any logs from /var/log/*.log using filebeat
When I open kibana http://localhost:5601/ it offer to add new data.
I expected data in kibana on indexes witch must be created by beanfile.

How to update Elasticsearch ECS in Kubernetes?

I use ECS (Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes) with Azure Kubernetes service.
ECS version 1.2.1
One Elasticsearch node (in a single pod) + one Kibana node.
I need to update Elasticsearch version from 7.9 to 7.10.
I have updated Elasticsearch version in yml file and run the command:
kubectl apply -f elasticsearch.yaml
But it was not updated. Still the old Elasticsearch is running in the same pod.
How to update Elasticsearch?
Will the data be lost?
Problem is solved.
I have added one extra VM to the k8s cluster and operator upgraded the Elasticsearch.
It looks like there where not enough resources in the cluster to run the update.
I have added one extra Elasticsearch pod as well. Perhaps upgrade is just not working with a single Elasticsearch pod.

Need to ship logs to elastic from EKS

We have an EKS cluster running and we are looking for best practices to ship application logs from pods to Elastic.
In the EKS workshop there is an option to ship the logs to cloudwatch and then to Elastic.
Wondered if there is an option to ship the logs directly to Elastic, or to understand best practices.
Additional requirement:
We need the logs to determine from which namespace the logs is coming from and to deliver a dedicated index
You can deploy EFK stack in kubernetes cluster. Follow the reference --> https://github.com/acehko/kubernetes-examples/tree/master/efk/production
Fluentd would be deployed as DaemonSet so that one replica is run on each node collecting the logs from all pods and push them to elasticsearch

Unable to view the Kubernetes logs in Kibana dashboard

I am trying to do the log monitoring of Kubernetes cluster using EFK. I got Kibana dashboard but it doesn't show any logs of Kubernetes cluster.
Here is the link which I followed in my task.By default my dashboard shows like
After that i changed the index-pattern in dashboard as
Then it showed as
My dought is, how Can i view the logs of each and every pod logs in kubernetes cluster?
Could anybody suggest me how to do the log monitoring of kubernetes cluster using EFK?
Note: in order for Fluentd to work, every Kubernetes node must be
labeled with beta.kubernetes.io/fluentd-ds-ready=true, as otherwise
the Fluentd DaemonSet will ignore them.
Have you made sure to address this?
