Accessing Appointments in Outlook without ActiveX - outlook

I'm currently working on a project where I'm sending and updating Appointsments. I would like to do this without the use of ActiveX since I don't want to be limited to IE. I've been googeling for quite some time now, but I couldn't find anything that helped, so here's my question. Is there any way I can access or update appointments without the use of ActiveX.
We also have access to the OutlookWebApp, so maybe there's an interface there. Would be great if someone had an idea. Thanks in advance and
Greetings Chris

You can use Exchange Web Services (web or desktop app) or the EWS Managed API (desktop app only) to access data in Exchange Mailboxes:
If you are working with Office 365 mailboxes you can use the Outlook REST or Microsoft Graph APIs:
If your solution requires a UI in Outlook Online (OWA) then you can access contextual data (i.e. the current email or appointment) with an Outlook Add-in (you can use EWS requests from it as well):


Outlook Add-in: move email to specific folder

Outlook Add-ins are allowed to move emails to specific folder or even deleted folder?
If yes how can be done?
I didn't find anything about on the docs.
You can use EWS or Graph API for that. See Explore the EWS Managed API, EWS, and web services in Exchange for more information about EWS. More information specific to Outlook web add-ins can be found in the Call web services from an Outlook add-in article.

access contacts in outlook using Script lab

can Oauth be used in script lab(custom made) for authentication and can it be used to access and fetch outlook contacts ?
if yes then how is it possible ?
Outlook web add-ins work under the context of currently selected item in Outlook. So, the ScriptLab add-in was developed for playing with APIs for the current item (OfficeJS) and getting sample pieces of code. If you need to access other items/contacts I'd suggest using MS Graph API instead or EWS (discontinued with a time) as well as Outlook REST API.

Is it possible to launch Word 365 in a browser from a web app to edit documents regardless whether the user has an office 365 license?

My local school allows me to log in to their online portal and access an email account using Outlook 365 within the browser, despite the fact I do not have a license for outlook/office 365.
Is it possible to create a web application where users of this app could click a link to edit a document directly in their browser using Word 365, with us/the developers of such app being the licensee of Word and not the end-user? The remote document would be held in a Sharepoint/Webdav capable service.
If this is possible, which MS-technologies should we investigate to develop such a system? Is it the MS-Graph API or something else?
A pointer in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
You can use the Graph to create a sharing link to a document. But the user will have to sign in to view the document I believe. I'm not sure what licensing they need but you can try this with your users to see.
You can use the Google Docs API to work with documents stored in Google Drive. If you are using Java there is a "Quickstart" at the following link:

new API for Add-Ins in Outlook 2016 Windows/Mac/Web

I have written an Outlook Add-In using the "standard" approach, which is a COM Add-In, compatible with Outlook Windows desktop versions.
I'm doing now a research about the capabilities of the new Office API which uses Javascript/HTML and is compatible with Outlook 2016 Windows/Mac and Web.
However, the resources seem really limited, where can I the information what functionalities that API provides i.e. in scope of the Calendar functionality of Outlook?
You can get started using JavaScript APIS using this link :
API Reference :
This API provides access to mail/calendar item. This APIs are supported in Windows Outlook 2016 and Outlook Web Mail access client.
Hope it helps.
You are right, the functinality is still limited. See for more information about available APIs. But you may also find the EWS helpful. Read more about that in the EWS Managed API, EWS, and web services in Exchange section.

Move/Delete Emails in an Office 365 add-in

I have an Outlook 2013 add-in that I'm developing. Its very simple - it forwards the selected email as an attachment to a specific address and then it deletes the email selected. (Really just moves it to the recycle bin).
If our organization upgrades to Office 365, is there anyway to replicate that functionality with the 'new' add-ins? The javascript API's don't seem to give any way of moving emails to other folders or otherwise 'deleting' them.
Is there another method/API for developing add-ins for Outlook 365?
Mail Apps are run in the context of items and JavaScript API for Office doesn't provide any methods for that. You need to use EWS or Office 365 API for getting the job done. Also see EWS Managed API, EWS, and web services in Exchange for more information.
