Doing JSR-303 validation in logical order - spring

I have such field in my domain model class validation constraints:
#Column(nullable = false, name = "name")
#NotEmpty(groups = {Envelope.Insert.class, Envelope.Update.class})
#Size(min = 3, max = 32)
private String name;
When this field is empty ("") or null, validator produces both "cannot be empty" and "size must be between..." error messages. I understand it, but when I show this validation error to the client, it seems quite odd (because when something is null / empty it cannot fulfill size requirement, it's not a logical).
Is there some way how to tell Spring to do validation in proper order? If is not #NotEmpty then do not check #Size, and when #NotEmpty is fulfilled check #Size.

According to Hibernate official document:
By default, constraints are evaluated in no particular order and this
regardless of which groups they belong to. In some situations,
however, it is useful to control the order of the constraints
evaluation. In order to implement such an order one would define a new
interface and annotate it with #GroupSequence defining the order in
which the groups have to be validated.
At first, create two interface FirstOrder.class and SecondOrder.class and then define a group sequence inside using #GroupSequence annotation.
public interface FirstOrder {
public interface SecondOrder {
#GroupSequence({FirstOrder.class, SecondOrder.class})
public interface OrderedChecks {
Finally, add groups in your bean constraints annotations.
#Column(nullable = false, name = "name")
#NotEmpty(groups = {FirstOrder.class, Envelope.Insert.class, Envelope.Update.class})
#Size(min = 3, max = 32, groups=SecondOrder.class)
private String name;

The following example is taken from the JSR-303 docs
public class Address {
#NotEmpty(groups = Minimal.class)
#Size(max=50, groups=FirstStep.class)
private String street1;
private String city;
#NotEmpty(groups = {Minimal.class, SecondStep.class})
private String zipCode;
public interface FirstStep {}
public interface SecondStep {}
#GroupSequence({Firststep.class, SecondStep.class})
public interface Total {}
and calling the validator like this
validator.validate(address, Minimal.class, Total.class);


Bulk data to find exists or not : Spring Data JPA

I get an Post request that would give me a List<PersonApi> Objects
class PersonApi {
private String name;
private String age;
private String pincode ;
And I have an Entity Object named Person
#Table(name = "person_master")
public class Person{
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
Long id;
#Column(name = "name")
String name;
#Column(name = "age")
String age;
#Column(name = "pincode ")
String pincode ;
My record from Post request would look something like this (pseudocode representation of the data below)
I need to do a bulk-validation using Spring JPA.. Give the List<PersonApi> and get a True or False based on the condition that all the entries in the PersonApi objects list should be there in the database.
How to do this ?
The selected answer is not a right one. (not always right)
You are selecting the whole database to check for existence. Unless your use case is very special, i.e. table is very small, this will kill the performance.
The proper way may start from issuing repository.existsById(id) for each Person, if you never delete the persons, you can even apply some caching on top of it.
Pseudo Code:
List<PersonApi> personsApiList = ...; //from request
List<Person> result = personRepository.findAll();
in your service class you can access your repository to fetch all database entities and check if your list of personapi's is completeley available.
boolean allEntriesExist = -> personsApiList.contains(createPersonApiFromPerson(person)));
public PersonApi createPersonApiFromPerson(Person person){
return new PersonApi(person.getName(), person.getAge(), person.getPincode());

Spring, JSR 303 - Validation groups on nested fields

Here is the example, better than words :
public class Person{
private String name;
// 1 ) #Valid(FirstAdress.class) -> The attribute value is undefined for the annotation type Valid
// 2 ) #Validated(FirstAdress.class) -> The annotation #Validated is disallowed for this location
private Adress firstAdress;
// 1 ) #Valid(SecondAdress.class)
// 2 ) #Validated(SecondAdress.class)
private Adress secondAdress;
public class Adress {
#Size(min = 5, groups = { FirstAdress.class })
#Size(min = 10, groups = { SecondAdress.class })
private String city;
public interface FirstAdress{
public interface SecondAdress{
So, for the object firstAdress, the field city must be at least 5 characters, and for the secondAdress, the city must be at least of 10 characters (just an example).
The solution 1) and 2) in the code are not working/available yet, and I would like to know if what I want to do is possible, or if there is an other way to do it.
Thanks a lot !
I tried :
#ConvertGroup(to = FirstAdress.class)
private Adress firstAdress;
#ConvertGroup(to = SecondAdress.class)
private Adress secondAdress;
And for now it seems working ! I will update this post if finally something went wrong with this solution :)

Spring Data Rest - sort by nested property

I have a database service using Spring Boot 1.5.1 and Spring Data Rest. I am storing my entities in a MySQL database, and accessing them over REST using Spring's PagingAndSortingRepository. I found this which states that sorting by nested parameters is supported, but I cannot find a way to sort by nested fields.
I have these classes:
#Entity(name = "Person")
#Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person {
protected Address address;
#ManyToOne(targetEntity = Name.class, cascade = {
#JoinColumn(name = "NAME_PERSON_ID")
protected Name name;
protected Long id;
// Setter, getters, etc.
#Entity(name = "Name")
#Table(name = "NAME")
public class Name{
protected String firstName;
protected String lastName;
protected Long id;
// Setter, getters, etc.
For example, when using the method:
Page<Person> findByAddress_Id(#Param("id") String id, Pageable pageable);
And calling the URI http://localhost:8080/people/search/findByAddress_Id?id=1&sort=name_lastName,desc, the sort parameter is completely ignored by Spring.
The parameters sort=name.lastName and sort=nameLastName did not work either.
Am I forming the Rest request wrong, or missing some configuration?
Thank you!
The workaround I found is to create an extra read-only property for sorting purposes only. Building on the example above:
#Entity(name = "Person")
#Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person {
// read only, for sorting purposes only
// #JsonIgnore // we can hide it from the clients, if needed
#RestResource(exported=false) // read only so we can map 2 fields to the same database column
#JoinColumn(name = "address_id", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Address address;
// We still want the linkable association created to work as before so we manually override the relation and path
#RestResource(exported=true, rel="address", path="address")
private Address addressLink;
The drawback for the proposed workaround is that we now have to explicitly duplicate all the properties for which we want to support nested sorting.
LATER EDIT: another drawback is that we cannot hide the embedded property from the clients. In my original answer, I was suggesting we can add #JsonIgnore, but apparently that breaks the sort.
I debugged through that and it looks like the issue that Alan mentioned.
I found workaround that could help:
Create own controller, inject your repo and optionally projection factory (if you need projections). Implement get method to delegate call to your repository
public class PeopleController {
PersonRepository repository;
//PagedResourcesAssembler<MyDTO> resourceAssembler;
public Page<Person> getByAddress(#PathVariable("addressId") Long addressId, Pageable page) {
// spring doesn't spoil your sort here ...
Page<Person> page = repository.findByAddress_Id(addressId, page)
// optionally, apply projection
// to return DTO/specifically loaded Entity objects ...
// return type would be then PagedResources<Resource<MyDTO>>
// return resourceAssembler.toResource(
return page;
This works for me with 2.6.8.RELEASE; the issue seems to be in all versions.
From Spring Data REST documentation:
Sorting by linkable associations (that is, links to top-level resources) is not supported.
An alternative that I found was use #ResResource(exported=false).
This is not valid (expecially for legacy Spring Data REST projects) because avoid that the resource/entity will be loaded HTTP links:
BeanDeserializerBuilder updateBuilder throws
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot construct instance of ' com...' no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value
I tried activate sort by linkable associations with help of annotations but without success because we need always need override the mappPropertyPath method of JacksonMappingAwareSortTranslator.SortTranslator detect the annotation:
if (associations.isLinkableAssociation(persistentProperty)) {
if(!persistentProperty.isAnnotationPresent(SortByLinkableAssociation.class)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public #interface SortByLinkableAssociation {
At project mark association as #SortByLinkableAssociation:
private Name name;
Really I didn't find a clear and success solution to this issue but decide to expose it to let think about it or even Spring team take in consideration to include at nexts releases.
Please see for possible workaround/hack, when we wanted sorting by linked entity.

How can I include or exclude a record according to a boolean parameter using Spring Data JPA?

I am not so into Spring Data JPA and I have the following doubt about how to implement a simple query.
I have this AccomodationMedia entity class mapping the accomodation_media on my database:
#Table(name = "accomodation_media")
public class AccomodationMedia {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "id_accomodation")
private Long idAccomodation;
#Column(name = "is_master")
private boolean isMaster;
#Column(name = "media")
private byte[] media;
private String description;
private Date time_stamp;
public AccomodationMedia() {
The instance of this class represents the photo associated to an accomodation (an hotel)
So as you can see in the prvious code snippet I have this field :
#Column(name = "id_accomodation")
private Long idAccomodation;
that contains the id of an accomodation (the id of an hotel on my database).
I also have this boolean field that specify if an image is the master image or not:
#Column(name = "is_master")
private boolean isMaster;
So, at this time, in my repository class I have this method that should return all the images associated to a specific hotel:
public interface AccomodationMediaDAO extends JpaRepository<AccomodationMedia, Long> {
List<AccomodationMedia> findByIdAccomodation(Long accomodationId);
I want to modify this method passing also the boolean parameter that specify if have to be returned also the master image or only the images that are not master.
So I tryied doing in this way:
List<AccomodationMedia> findByIdAccomodationAndIsMaster(Long accomodationId, boolean isMaster);
but this is not correct because setting to true the isMaster parameter it will return only the master image (because it is first selecting all the Accomodation having a specific accomodation ID and then the one that have the isMaster field setted as true).
So, how can I correctly create this query that use the isMaster boolean parameter to include or exclude the AccomodationMedia instance that represent my master image?
I know that I can use also native SQL or HQL to do it but I prefer do it using the "query creation from method names"
I don't have how to test this, but essentially your final query should be:
id_accomodation = ?1 AND (is_master = ?2 OR is_master = false)
So I would try the following method signature:
findByIdAccomodationAndIsMasterOrIsMasterFalse(Long accomodationId, boolean isMaster);
I would go with two methods one for isMaster true, while second for false value like this:
List<AccomodationMedia> findByIdAccomodationAndIsMasterFalse(Long accomodationId);
List<AccomodationMedia> findByIdAccomodationAndIsMasterTrue(Long accomodationId);
Change your acommodation id as accomodationId instead of idAccomodation. When you write findByIdAccomodationAndIsMaster spring confusing findByIdAccomodationAndIsMaster
Try this this convention
#Column(name = "accomodation_id")
private Long accomodationId;

Hibernate tuple criteria queries

I am trying to create a query using hibernate following the example given in section 9.2 of chapter 9
The difference with my attempt is I am using spring MVC 3.0. Here is my Address class along with the method i created.
public class Address {
#Size(min = 1)
private String street1;
#Size(max = 100)
private String street2;
private String postalcode;
private String zipcode;
private City city;
private Country country;
private AddressType addressType;
public static List<Tuple> jqgridAddresses(Long pID){
CriteriaBuilder builder = Address.entityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> criteria = builder.createTupleQuery();
Root<Address> addressRoot = criteria.from( Address.class );
criteria.multiselect(addressRoot.get("id"), addressRoot.get("street1"), addressRoot.get("street2"));
criteria.where(builder.equal(addressRoot.<Set<Long>>get("id"), pID));
return Address.entityManager().createQuery( criteria ).getResultList();
The method called jqgridAddresses above is the focus. I opted not to use the "Path" because when I say something like Path idPath = addressRoot.get( ); as in section 9.2 of the documentation, the stuff produces a compilation error.
The method above returns an empty list of type Tuple as its size is zero even when it should contain something. This suggests that the query failed. Can someone please advise me.
OK so i made some minor adjustments to my logic which is specific to my project, however, the following approach worked perfectly. Hope it hepls someone in need !
public static List<Tuple> jqgridPersons(Boolean isStudent, String column, String orderType, int limitStart, int limitAmount){
CriteriaBuilder builder = Person.entityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> criteria = builder.createTupleQuery();
Root<Person> personRoot = criteria.from(Person.class );"id"), personRoot.get("firstName"), personRoot.get("lastName"), personRoot.get("dateOfBirth"), personRoot.get("gender"), personRoot.get("maritalStatus")));
criteria.where(builder.equal( personRoot.get("isStudent"), true));
return Address.entityManager().createQuery( criteria ).setFirstResult(limitStart).setMaxResults(limitAmount).getResultList();
