Batch Script - Wait 5 seconds before exec program [duplicate] - windows

This question already has answers here:
How to wait in a batch script? [duplicate]
(6 answers)
How to sleep for five seconds in a batch file/cmd [duplicate]
(30 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have the below script but it does not sleep before executing the software.
Any ideas?
#echo off
START "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\..."

There are (at least) the following options, as others already stated:
To use the timeout command:
rem // Allow a key-press to abort the wait; `/T` can be omitted:
timeout /T 5
timeout 5
rem // Do not allow a key-press to abort the wait:
timeout /T 5 /NOBREAK
rem // Suppress the message `Waiting for ? seconds, press a key to continue ...`:
timeout /T 5 /NOBREAK > nul
timeout actually counts second multiples, therefore the wait time is actually something from 4 to 5 seconds. This is particularly annoying and disturbing for short wait times.
You cannot use timeout in a block of code whose input is redirected, because it aborts immediately, throwing the error message ERROR: Input redirection is not supported, exiting the process immediately.. Hence timeout /T 5 < nul fails.
To use the ping command:
rem /* The IP address (home) always exists;
rem the standard ping interval is 1 second; so you need to do
rem one more ping attempt than you want intervals to elapse: */
ping -n 6 > nul
This is the only reliable way to guarantee the minimum wait time. Redirection is no problem.

Try the timeout command.
timeout /t 10
This shows Waiting for 10 seconds, press a key to continue ...
You can use the /nobreak switch that ignores user input (other than CTRL-C)
timeout /t 30 /nobreak
Or you can redirect its output to NUL for a blank screen that waits 10 seconds and ignores user input:
timeout /t 30 /nobreak > NUL


Execute 2 batch files nonstop

I am using 2 batch files that are calling each other and i don't want them to stop until i do it manually.
My issue is that when they start running, they are calling each other for approximately 2 hours.
Batch file 1(power_failure.bat):
python c:\alex_folder\UPS_SCRIPTS\ >>c:\alex_folder\UPS_SCRIPTS\log.txt
call power_ok.bat
Batch file 2(power_ok.bat):
python c:\alex_folder\UPS_SCRIPTS\ >>c:\alex_folder\UPS_SCRIPTS\log.txt
call power_failure.bat
What can be changed in order for these scripts to run for ever until i stop them and not only 2 hours?

How to execute a cmd file in a loop with a delay between each iteration?

I have a cmd file 'D:\ProgramFiles\test.cmd'.
I want to write a script which would execute this test.cmd in a loop n times, also, after each execution, I want a delay/timeout of 5 seconds.
How should I go about this?
The timeout command is not always available. For example when executing a batch file on a build server like Jenkins or when running on an older version of Windows. However, there is a way that will always work:
FOR %%i IN (1,1,5) do (
CALL "D:\ProgramFiles\test.cmd"
ping -n 1 -w 5000> nul
Here we are using the ping command. ping -n 1 -w 5000> nul will ping the IP address This address won't be reachable but -w 5000 will make the command "wait" for 5000ms = 5s for a response. The only limitation is that you can't go below 500 ms with this method. Any number below 500 will result in a delay of 500 ms.
You can use ping -n 6 localhost>nul as well. This will repeat the ping six times. Notice that you will need 6 repetitions to achieve a delay of 5 seconds as the first ping will be launched immediately so six pings mean 5 seconds delay. Don't fall victim to the famous "fencepost error"
For further information check this website.
a For loop is what you want. in this instance, we tell it to start counting by 1, steps of 1, end at 5, which means you will be running 5 loops. For more on the for run from cmd.exe for /?
Timeout, depends on your OS version. Older OS's does not have it, then perhaps look at the older version called sleep or alternatively use the command ping with a count of timeout you want, +1. timeout On some Windows versions you do not like the /t and therefore can be used without it. i.e timeout 5
#echo off
for %%i in (1,1,5) do (
echo We do something here..
timeout /t 5
To learn about Windows cmd/batch commands, and how to use them in a batch files you can open cmd and type help which will list loads of commands. each of them can then be run followed by the /? switch to get full help on each command.
Example (n = 200):
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,200) DO (
timeout /t 5

Executing 2 batch scripts consecutively

I have 2 batch scripts:
echo sleep 4 seconds
timeout /t 4
echo sleep 3 seconds
timeout /t 3
Is it possible to execute sleep1.bat and sleep2.bat consecutively so that the program can sleep for a total of 7 seconds?
call sleep1.bat
call sleep2.bat
SleepMain.bat fails to do what I want. It only executes slee1.bat, because sleep1.bat contains exit.
sleep1.bat and sleep2.bat are written by others, I wish I don't have to change them.
Yes, exit will definitely exits, but it exit the console instead of the current batch script. To prevent that happen, use exit /b.
Use exit only in the main script.
If you're just doing some simple thing in sleep1.bat, you can choose to not to add an exit /b command. Try it yourself : 1.bat - set "you=you", 2.bat - set "you=you" & exit /b
In 3.bat, try either call 1.bat & echo %you% or call 2.bat & echo %you%, you will still get you as the output. This mean either script with exit /b or none still can access the variables in the previous called batch script. (Safe to try with simple script)
As an altervative way to terminate execution of a batch script without exiting the current cmd instance, you do not need to put anything in a straight-forward script like yours (where one command is just run after the other, no execution branches, no if clauses, no loop structures). To tell the script explicitly to quit execution, you can also use goto :EOF. The :EOF is an implicit label that points to the end of the script (type goto /? in the command prompt for more details). This works only when command extensions are enabled, which is the case as per default (see cmd /? for that). To use this method without extension, just define the label :EOF by writing it as the very last line.
Your two scripts will not last 4 + 3 = 7 seconds, but something between 6 and 7 seconds actually. This is because the timeout command returns at certain second multiples, so the very first one may be shorter (0 s > actual delay time >= 1 s). The wait time can even be interrupted by keyboard interaction in your script; to prevent that, add the /NOBREAK option (see timeout /? for help). To really wait for 4 seconds for example, state > nul ping -n 5; the given IP address means "home", so the host itself, therefore it is always valid; the 5 defines the number of ping attempts, so there are 4 one-second intervals in between; > nul redirects the display output to the nul device, meaning that nothing is displayed.
This works for me under Windows 10:
cmd /c sleep1.bat
cmd /c sleep2.bat
It works by launching the batch scripts in a separate command instance. The output looks like this:
D:\workspace\deleteme>cmd /c sleep1.bat
D:\workspace\deleteme>echo sleep 4 seconds
sleep 4 seconds
D:\workspace\deleteme>timeout /t 4
Waiting for 0 seconds, press a key to continue ...
D:\workspace\deleteme>cmd /c sleep2.bat
D:\workspace\deleteme>echo sleep 3 seconds
sleep 3 seconds
D:\workspace\deleteme>timeout /t 3
Waiting for 0 seconds, press a key to continue ...
Press any key to continue . . .

Making command prompt wait

#call JBOSSbuildWar.bat > ..\logs\JBOSSbuildWar_out 2> ..\logs\JBOSSbuildWar_err
start cmd /c #call WeblogicbuildWar.bat > ..\logs\WeblogicbuildWar_out 2> ..\logs\WeblogicbuildWar_err
start cmd /c #call FEBAPortletWebWar.bat > ..\logs\FEBAPortletWebWar_out 2> ..\logs\FEBAPortletWebWar_err
start cmd /c #call buildStaticJBoss.bat > ..\logs\JBOSSFEBAStaticWar_out 2> ..\logs\JBOSSFEBAStaticWar_err
I have this set of batch files getting executed in order. I want to fork out this so that they execute in parallel. I have done that using start cmd /c. Now this will fork out new command prompt window for each of them. Assume there are some set of statements after this. I want to make sure they get executed only after all the forked batch files are finished. How to achieve this?
Lets say average time taken by each file is:
JBOSSbuildWar- 30 minutes
WeblogicbuildWar- 35 minutes
FEBAPortletWebWar- 30 minutes
buildStaticJBoss- 35 minutes
Since the main command prompt window has completed its task in 30 minutes, and the forked batch files needs another 5 minutes to complete, I want the main cmd to wait until the others are done. Kindly help.
there's multiple commands, you can choose what one to use,
Will pause cmd until the user presses any key.
Displays message, "Press any key to continue..."
I use a certain variation of this command called pause>nul.
What it does is pauses the .bat, but doesn't show a message, You just get a blank screen!
Multiple syntaxes, very useful command, use this one quite a bit.
Sample code: TIMEOUT 10
Can be bypassed by a key press
Pauses the execution of command by 10 seconds.
You can also structure it like this: TIMEOUT 10 /nobreak
Which does not allow the user to press a key to skip it, they must endure it!
Very nice one.
Syntax is like this: PING -n 1 -w 60000 >NUL
Probably most complex of the three.
PING can be used to delay execution for a number of seconds.
Hope I helped!
Easy way:
In your main batch,
del "%temp%\*.processfinished" >nul 2>nul
start ....whatever1.bat...
start ....whatever2.bat...
start ....whatever3.bat...
for /L %%a in (1,1,3) do if not exist "%temp%\%%a.processfinished" timeout /t 1 >nul &goto wait4all
:: continues here when all (3) processes have finished.
del "%temp%\*.processfinished" >nul 2>nul
Then in each of the (3) subsidiary .bat files, create a file "%temp%\x.processfinished" where x=1 for the first process, 2 for the second and so on.
When the sub-processes have started, the procedure waits until each has created its own ".processcompleted" file by checking whether any of the 3 is missing, if it it, timeout for 1 second and look again. Only if the 3 files are present will it continue.
In all probability, it would be best if the subsidiary processes could take an extra parameter (the name of this sub-process's "processfinished" file) rather than having a fixed number for each.
You could extend this, and use say the date and time to augment the filename so that this entire process could itself be run many times in parallel.
BTW - by starting the procedure with
#echo off
you can remove all of the leading #s (all that does is suppress the command-reporting for that one line.)
Also, start is happier as start "" ....., that is, with an empty window title in quotes as its first argument. This allows other arguments to be "quoted" as necessary - the very first "quoted" argument used is used as the "window title" for the process and is likely to be lost to the sub-process. Routinely assigning a dummy (empty if necessary) "window title" means you don't trip over this problem in the future.
You can add this timer function before each of the commands:
#call JBOSSbuildWar.bat > ..\logs\JBOSSbuildWar_out 2> ..\logs\JBOSSbuildWar_err
Timeout /t 60 /nobreak >nul
start cmd /c #call WeblogicbuildWar.bat > ..\logs\WeblogicbuildWar_out 2> ..\logs\WeblogicbuildWar_err
Timeout /t 60 /nobreak >nul
start cmd /c #call FEBAPortletWebWar.bat > ..\logs\FEBAPortletWebWar_out 2> ..\logs\FEBAPortletWebWar_err
Timeout /t 60 /nobreak >nul
start cmd /c #call buildStaticJBoss.bat > ..\logs\JBOSSFEBAStaticWar_out 2> ..\logs\JBOSSFEBAStaticWar_err
Ps: 60 stands for 1 minute, if you want 30 minutes, change it to 1800

Batch Script "Timeout" Error: Invalid Syntax. Default option is not allowed more than 1 time

First off, I'm using Windows 7 64-bit, if it makes a difference. I have a batch file in which I'm using the "timeout" function, written as such:
*code does some things*
timeout /t 100 rem wait for 100 seconds for the above thing to finish
If I do timeout /t 100 in the command line, it waits for 100 seconds as I would expect. However, in the script it gives me the error:
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s).
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage.
The instructions for timeout are /t for number of seconds to wait, /nobreak to ignore keypresses, and /? to display the help message. I'm not sure what syntactical error I'm having, or what "default option is not allowed", especially since it seems to work perfectly fine outside of the batch file.
rem wait for 100 seconds for the above thing to finish
timeout /t 100
You cant's set a comment on the same line as the command.
A comment is another command. So if you want it on the same line you need to use the & like this.
timeout /t 100 & rem wait for 100 seconds for the above thing to finish
It turned out I was ending my lines with CRs instead of LFs.
In Notepad++, I replaced all the \r with \n and it now works.
