In my program i need to run exe file in process. I'm doing it with ProcessBuilder. When i'm putting to code only directory and exe name, process is running normally, but i want to put arguments. When i'm trying it i'm getting exception with Acces Denied message.
It's my code:
Process process = new ProcessBuilder("C:\\Directory", "file.exe", argument1).start();
What is wrong with it?
My earlier code, that worked but without arguments was:
String folder = "C:\\Directory";
String exe = "File.exe";
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
pb.command(folder + exe);
With this code i was able to see started process in ProcessManager.
Your code is trying to execute C:\\Directory which is not allowed.
The full path of the executable must be in the first argument to the constructor, so:
Process process = new ProcessBuilder("C:\\Directory\\file.exe", argument1).start();
This is assuming C:\Directory\file.exe is the program you are trying to run.
Update: In your original code you have:
String folder = "C:\\Directory";
String exe = "File.exe";
so 'folder + exe' is C:\DirectoryFile.exe so you the equivalent code is:
Process process = new ProcessBuilder("C:\\DirectoryFile.exe", argument1).start();
I am facing issue while running this script(time.jsx):
var timeStr = system.callSystem("cmd.exe /c \"time /t\"");
alert("Current time is " + timeStr); Documentation of AE
it works in Adobe After Effects but I want to use it specifically in illustrator. Basically, i want to run my Python script from Extendscript(.jsx). But I couldn't find any solution to do so yet.
Your help is appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.
i have found a way to execute Python or other scripts in Extendscripts(*.jsx), and that is it, there is named File object in documentation which has a function named execute(); which executes the scripts according to their statement. For example, you want to execute hello world in python through .jsx file, you need to make a py file including print("hello world"). After that, add these lines in the script.jsx script:
var pyHello = new File("<path of py file>");
var bool = pyHello.execute();
If script executed, it would be true, otherwise, false,
Before marking this as duplicate please read carefully.
A gradle task (kotlin dsl) I am executing is executing a maven command in a sub directory. The weird thing is I have maven on the PATH variable both on System and User. If I navigate into that directory using the CMD or git bash I can execute any maven command.
So it can't be the issue of it simply not being in the environment variables. I actually had that issue in every project where a mvn command is executed by code.
fun cmd(vararg args: String, directory: File, printToStdout: Boolean = false): Pair<Int, String?> {
val p = ProcessBuilder()
val output = p.inputStream.bufferedReader().use {
val lines = LinkedList<String>()
it.lines().peek(lines::add).forEach { line ->
lines.joinToString(separator = "\n")
val exit = p.waitFor()
return exit to output
Calling it like so:
cmd("mvn", "install:install-file", "-q", "-Dfile=${project.projectDir.resolve("work/1.15.2-mojang-mapped.jar").absolutePath}", "-Dpackaging=jar", "-DgroupId=me.minidigger", "-DartifactId=minecraft-server", "-Dversion=\"$minecraftversion-SNAPSHOT\"", directory = project.projectDir)
It results in: Cannot run program "mvn" (in directory "....."): CreateProcess error=2, Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden
Edit: It shouldn't be the code, as others dont have this issue.
I am btw using windows 10
Update: so it appears that while "mvn" works when calling it manually, it has to be "mvn.bat" if called from code. Being forced to manually change and check that in the code does not seem like an optimal solution though. Especially because some of the code calling mvn is downloaded in the task and can't be edited manually before
Check what your ProcessBuilder.environment shows as available variables. You may have to define these variables yourself.
I,m running a Java file from BeanShell Sampler in jmeter, I'm getting the output successful in cmd windows of jmeter. The output comprises of series of logger files,I need to extract only a specified string from the cmd window and use it for another sample
Given you run your program using i.e. ProcessBuilder you should be able to access its output via Process.getInputStream() method
Process process = new ProcessBuilder('c:\\apps\\jmeter\\bin\\jmeter.bat', '-v').start()
String output =,'UTF-8')'My program output is:')
Also I would recommend considering switching to JSR223 Sampler and Groovy language as this way it will be much faster and easier:
def output = "jmeter.bat -v".execute().text'My program output is:')
This java bean shell Command made the console out by j meter that is std out to be written in a file
System.setOut(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("D:\\dir1\\dir2\\abc.out")),true));
Make sure your path to file should have double backward slash
Main question: Would groovy's execute() method allow me to run a command that takes a file as an argument, any maybe run the command in background mode?
Here is my issue. I was able to use groovy's execute() for simple commands like ls for example. Suppose now I want to start a process like Kafka from a groovy script (end result is to replace bash files with groovy scripts). So I start with these lines:
def kafkaHome = "Users/mememe/kafka_2.11-"
def zkStart = "$kafkaHome/bin/"
def zkPropsFile = "$kafkaHome/config/"
Now, executing the command below form my mac terminal:
/Users/mememe/kafka_2.11- /Users/mememe/kafka_2.11-
starts up the the process just fine. And, executing this statement:
println "$zkStart $zkPropsFile"
prints the above command line as is. However, executing this command from within the groovy script:
println "$zkStart $zkPropsFile".execute().text
simply hangs! And trying this:
println "$zkStart $zkPropsFile &".execute().text
where I make it a background process goes further, but starts complaining about the input file and throws this exception:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "/Users/mememe/kafka_2.11-"
Trying this gives the same exception as above:
def proc = ["$zkStart", "$zkPropsFile", "&"].execute()
println proc.text
What am I missing please? Thank you.
Yes, try using the consumeProcessOutpusStream() method:
def os = new File("/some/path/toyour/file.log").newOutputStream()
"$zkStart $zkPropsFile".execute().consumeProcessOutputStream(os)
You can find the the method in the Groovy docs for the Process class:
Which states:
Gets the output and error streams from a process and reads them to keep the process from blocking due to a full output buffer. The stream data is thrown away but blocking due to a full output buffer is avoided. Use this method if you don't care about the standard or error output and just want the process to run silently - use carefully however, because since the stream data is thrown away, it might be difficult to track down when something goes wrong. For this, two Threads are started, so this method will return immediately.
I'm writing a Mac OS program, and I have the following lines:
os.execute("cd ~/testdir")
configfile ="configfile.cfg", "w")
The problem is, it only creates the configfile in the scripts current directory instead of the folder I have just cd' into. I realised this is because I'm using a console command to change directory, then direct Lua code to write the file. To combat this I changed the code to this:
configfile ="~/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w")
However I get the following result:
lua: ifontinst.lua:22: attempt to index global 'configfile' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
ifontinst.lua:22: in main chunk
My question is, what's the correct way to use IO.Open to create a file in a folder I have just created in the users home directory?
I appreciate I'm making a rookie mistake here, so I apologise if you waste your time on me.
You have problems with ~ symbol. In your os.execute("cd ~/testdir") is the shell who interprets the symbol and replaces it by your home path. However, in"~/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w") is Lua who receives the string and Lua doesn't interprets this symbol, so your program tries to open a file in the incorrect folder. One simple solution is to call os.getenv("HOME") and concatenate the path string with your file path:
configfile ="HOME").."/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w")
In order to improve error messages I suggests you to wrap using assert() function:
configfile = assert("HOME").."/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w") )