Pulling first win information - riot-games-api

I am looking to pull first win information (time first win is available) for a summoner in League of Legends; I can't seem to find a way to pull this specific info anywhere in RIOT games API and I went through the full API reference. Am I missing something?

There doesn't seem to be an endpoint for this currently. However, here is something related: First Win App on Google Play. Presumably the developer there worked out a way to calculate it - my guess is you could do the same. You'd need to get a players IP gains from wins (not sure how you'd account for IP boosts of any sort), and find the last match in their match history with a significant IP gain (pick something greater than the max you can expect in a normal game, maybe 200?).


Can Provably Fair truly be fair?

I have been seeing allot of gambling (BTC) websites use the "Provably Fair" system. I am wondering if some of these could possibly be faked.
As an example:
Place a bet on a website for 1 BTC
The website gives you a hash to "verify" the outcome of the result
Displays the result, awards or takes
Now I understand that these are completely random, but with pretty much any programming langauge thousands of these hashes can be generated at once in miliseconds. Is it possible for gambling websites to pretty much try and "scam" a user by generating numbers before a specific rule to decide which one they want to give them based on them winning/losing.
I just started researching if they are trustworthy and this came across my mind.
I apologize if this is one the wrong stack website, if you don't mind directing me to the correct one.
Here are some examples:
I understand what you mean and I also think this could be able to do, in fact its pretty simple:
Server send numbers to client, modify the results
Hash are displayed next day
Create 10000 hash, choose the outcomes you need and publicate in that order
And now will come the genius one saying: "You can't modify the seeds". No, but as far as I know u can create as many diferent secrets as you want to archive diferente numbers results.
(Im new at codign but I think it could work by this way)
A result is often calculated using 3 things:
A server seed: Generated by the server. This is hashed so that the player can verify the result are legit and the server didn't change it mid-way but doesn't allow the player to calculate the result themself (cheating)
A client-seed: Generated by the browser. This is used so that the server don't know the result and can't change it.
A nonce, known by both parties. This is often used as a counter for how many bets you have made.
To get the result:
Your browser send the client-seed and the bet info (amount, odds) to the server. Now the server know the result, but can't change it because the client will check the hash later on.
The server send the result and the server seed to your brower.
To verify:
Step 1: Take the server seed and hash it, then compare it with the hash you recive before. If it match, the server play it nice and didn't cheat on you. Continute to Step 2. If it doesn't, you are getting scammed :(
Step 2: Calulate the result yourself.

Best/fastest way to find current user location on Windows Phone App

I am trying to figure out what is the fastest way the figure out the current user Country. I know there are a lot of location examples online, my actual is question: since I don't care much about precision, is it OK if I use RegionInfo.CurrentRegion.DisplayName; to figure out the user country?
What are the downsides of using this approach (besides precision)?
No, you shouldn't use RegionInfo.CurrentRegion for that.
For example, I live in Montenegro, but RegionInfo.CurrentRegion on my phone will return USA, which is completely irrelevant being almost 4000 miles away from here.
You have to use Geolocator class for that. Here's some sample code.

Not your typical Mapping App

I'm in the concept development stage of an iOS app that is essentially a game. One of the things I want to do is to get information about the current location. I've not used the map kit so far, and after a quick read through various documentation, it looks like it is designed mainly as a display kit. What I'd like to do in addition to displaying a map is to query data that might be at the location. For example, if I provide latitude and longitude, I want to know whether that location represents land or water. If it's on land, how close is it to the nearest street? If it's not near a street, what other information might there be about the spot?
I realize there are vast amounts of data available that are geocoded, but is there any information that can be queried directly from the map kit? I would have thought things like elevation would be easily available, but I haven't seen anything like that yet. Am I just looking in the wrong place?
As far as I am aware there is no data that you can query directly from MapKit - i.e. you cannot ask MapKit if a location is on land or water.
You could use reverse geo-coding with the current longitude/latitude to find out details about the location, for example nearest street/town, or which country the location is in.
Check out the built in Apple Geocoding framework, or the Google Geocoding API
Hope this helps.

Precise ip localization in cities

I live in city X, but when i try to get my location via ip all the "find location by ip" websites point to city Y. Some ads "Hang tonight with girls in city X" they precisely know my location. How this is possible? Exists some kind of data, a database with ips which those ads site have?
There is no such thing as precise location from an IP... the quality of any such service never reaches 100%... as you write there are several different databases out there - each with some very good and rather weak spots... some databases are updates regularly, some aren't etc.
Those ads use databases which just happen to have their weak spots somewhere where you don't live...
I have never come across any such service that told my city correctly (although it is not small)... they are off by 20-400 miles sometimes even claiming that I am in a very small city far away...
Mostly you can tell the country correctly... although even that can be fooled by proxy/VPN/anonymizer...
For some insight see:
A rather special and different case is this:
One rather precise way to tell the location is when you use a device (usually mobile phone)... these have several sources available (like tower locations, like GPS)... another point are the databases Google and Apple build by using anonymized from phones... they basically aggregate data regarding tower, GPS and WLAN HotSpot/access points reachable... this way they can (with a small margin of error) tell from the WLAN data (like MAC address) the location...

Feedburner awareness API 0 circulation

The feedburner awareness API seemed to be working fine till last night but its not working right now. Its not even down but returning 0 for every site. I wonder if there is something I am missing or have the removed this functionality or something.
However if I give dates with feedburner it gives the values.
Anyone knows what is going on? I tried looking for any change in the API but didn't find any. Neither could I find a way to ask google about it.
According to the Awareness API documentation, circulation — an approximate measure of the number of individuals for whom your feed has been requested in the 24 hour period described by date. So just add &dates=YYYY-MM-DD, where date is a day before yesterday. This way you will always get the result, fresh and grater than zero.
