Reading and redirecting zip file by Less - bash

Im trying to copy a zip file located on a server by a ssh2 library.
the way i'm about to do is using less command and write it down on client side.
Less -r -L -f zipfile
but the output file is bigger than the original.
i know this not a good practice but i have to.
so how can i handle this to have my zip file on the client machine?

Is Less an mandatory command to do that ?
You can simply use scp to achieve that by providing user and host and then typing the directory, where to copy the file from the server to local host, like on the example below:
scp /some/local/directory


Bash script for recursive directory listing on FTP server without -R

There are multiple folders with subfolders and image files on the FTP server. The -R is disabled. I need to dump the recursive directory listing with the path name in a text file. The logic I have till now is that, traverse in each folder, check the folder name if it consists of '.' to verify it as a file or a folder, if its a folder, go in and check for subfolders or files and list them. Since I cannot go with the -R, I have to go with a function to perform traverse each folder.
ftp -in <<EOF
open $ftp_host
user $userName
recurList() {
for entry in `ls`
I am stuck with the argument for the for loop!
Sorry to see you didn't get any replies yet. I think the reason may be that Bash isn't a good way to solve this problem, since it requires interacting with the FTP client, i.e. sending commands and reading responses. Bash is no good at that sort of thing. So there is no easy answer other than "don't use Bash".
I suggest you look at two other tools.
Firstly, you may be able to get the information you want using If you mount the FTP server using curlftpfs, then you can use the find command to dump the directory structure. This is the easiest option... if it works!
Alternatively, you could write a program using Python with the ftplib module: The module allows you to interact with the FTP server through API calls.

MIME type check via SFTP connection

I want to list images by SFTP and save this list, so another script may further process it.
Unfortunately, there are also many other files there, so I need to identify which are images. I am filtering out everything with wrong file extension, but I would like to go a step further and check also the content of the file.
Downloading everything to check it with file --mime-type on local machine is too slow. Is there a way how to check MIME type of a file on remote SFTP before the download?
We found a way, downloading only first 64 bytes. It is a lot faster than downloading whole file, but still enough to see if it looks like an image:
curl "s" -u login:pass -o img.tmp -r 0-64
file --mime-type img.tmp
MIME type is supported by SFTP version 6 and newer only.
Most SFTP clients and servers, including the most widespread one, OpenSSH, support SFTP version 3 only.
Even the servers that I know of to support SFTP version 6, like Bitvise or ProFTPD mod_sftp, do not support the "MIME type" attribute.
So while in theory it's possible to determine MIME type of remote files over SFTP, in practice, you won't be able to do it.
You can run any command remotely using ssh:
ssh <destination> '<command_to_run>'
In this case that would be something like:
ssh <remote_machine_name_or_ip_address> 'file --mime-type ./*'

In FTP, how do I copy a remote file to other directories

Using FTP commands I want to upload a large file once and then copy that file to many directories on the remote FTP server. All the copy commands seems to relate to copying from local to remote or the other way around.
Is there an FTP command to copy remote to remote?
are you trying to move the file? if yes, you can do it using rename command to move the file, as for copy i guess you still have to do the the get,send from local-remote way.
as for move command should be something like this
rename /oldpath/file2move.txt /newpath/file2move.txt
Basically just rename your file path that is infront of the file that you wish to move.
As far as I know, there is no such command available in FTP protocol. There are some extensions to SFTP protocol to do this (and, having SSH access, you can issue cp commands), but SFTP is not an FTP.

How to determine full names for local Mac filename and remote filname to use SCP

I used SSH to connect to a server and navigate to the folder where I want to store some files from my Mac. I think what I need to do is use SCP to do the copy but I'm not sure exactly about the terminology in the command parameters. And so far everything I've tried gets some sort of "not found" error.
Before logging on to the server the prompt is :
Apples-MacBook-Pro-2:~ neiltayl$
After logging in and navigating to the folder I want to store things in it is :
[neiltayl#cs136 Tracer]$
I need to copy several files from the Tracer folder on my local computer to the Tracer folder on cs136 and cannot fathom the correct parts of the respective FROM and TO parts of SCP to make it work.
This is the nearest I got so far;
Apples-MacBook-Pro-2:~ neiltayl$ ls
Applications Downloads Music Tracer
Desktop Library Pictures c151
Documents Movies Public dwhelper
Apples-MacBook-Pro-2:~ neiltayl$ scp ./Tracer/*.*'s password:
./Tracer/*.*: No such file or directory
The scp command is -
$ scp File1 username#someting:DIRNAME
Here File 1 is the file that you are sending over to the other computer.
DIRNAME is the path to the directory where you want the file to be stored.
In your case the command would be
scp -r Tracer neiltayl#cs136:New_Tracer
Here Tracer is the folder that contains all the files that you want to copy.

How can I ftp multiple files?

I have two unix servers in which I need to ftp some files.
The directory structure is almost same except a slight difference, like:
server a server b
miabc/v11_0/a/b/c/*.c miabc/v75_0/a/b/c/
miabc/v11_0/xy/*.h miabc/v11_0/xy/
There are many modules:
The directory structure inside them is same in both the servers except the 11_0 and 75_0. And directory structure in side different modules is different
How can I FTP all the files in all modules into the corresponding module in second server b by any of scripting languages like awk, Perl, shell, ksh using FTP?
I'd say if you want to go with Perl, you have to use Net::FTP.
Once, I needed a script that diffs a directory/file structure on an FTP
server with a corresponding directory/file structure on a local harddisk,
which lead me to write this script. I don't know if it is efficient or elegant, but you might find one or another
idea in it.
hth / Rene
See you need to use correct path of directory where you want to send files.
You can create small script with php .
php provide good ftp functions.using php you can easily ftp your file. but before that, once check your ftp settings of IIS server or file zilla
I have used following code for sending files on ftp this is in php :-
$conn_id = ftp_connect($FTP_HOST) or die("Couldn't connect to ".$FTP_HOST);
$login_result =ftp_login($conn_id, $FTP_USER, $FTP_PW);
ftp_fput($conn_id, $from, $files, $mode) // ths is the function to put files on ftp
This code is just for reference , go through php manual before using it.
I'd use a combination of Expect, lftp and a recursive function to walk the directory structure.
If the file system supports symlinking or hardlinking, I would use a simple wget to mirror the ftp server. in one of them when you're wgetting just hack the directory v11_0 to point to 75_0, wget won't know the difference.
server a:
go to /project/servera
wget the whole thing. (this should place them all in /project/servera/miabc/v11_0)
server b:
go to /project/serverb
create a directory /project/serverb/miabc/75_0, link it to /project/servera/v11_0:
ln -s /project/serverb/miabc/75_0 /project/servera/v11_0
wget serverb, this will be followed when wget tries to cwd into in 75_0 it will find itself in /project/servera/v11_0
Don't make the project harder than it needs to be: read the docs on wget, and ln. If wget doesn't follow symbolic links, file a bug report, and use a hard link if your FS supports it.
It sounds like you really want rsync instead. I'd try to avoid any programming in solving this problem.
I suggest you could login on any of the server first and go to the appropraite path miabc/v75_0/a/b/c/ . From here you need to do a sftp to the other server.
sftp user#servername
Go to the appropraiate path which files needs to be transferred.
write the command mget *
