Include a Spring boot module in exisiting project - spring

I need to include only one spring boot module in my mutli module project.
That is my project layout :
-module parent
-module-dao (Using Spring BOOT)
The class ;
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
The pom.xml of module dao :
I have well configured mysql properties in the
My question is : Is it possible to include a spring boot module in an existing mutli module project that not use Sring boot?

Sure, you can include a module using spring-boot into an existing multi module project.
Maven does not care about the frameworks and libraries you use, so building may be no problem.
You may obtain some version conflicts, if the other modules use older spring versions.
Than you need to update all spring versions to those, used by the spring-boot module.
In your app you need to configure a spring context with beans of all modules, using for example #Import or #ComponentScan.


How should I perform integration testing on a SpringBoot library, that isn't an application

First up, a disclaimer, I'm not entirely happy with the architecture of what I'm about to ask about!
We have a Spring based project that produces a library as a jar. That library includes all the usual controller/service/jpa (repositories) layers you might expect but no boot application to start it all up.
The idea being various projects within our organisation can import the jar and get instant addition of a common (HTTP) API.
Unit tests work ok.
* tests are another matter.
Run in isolation by the IDE from the test/java/ hierarchy they run ok and pass.
However when running via maven as part of the build they fail.
[ERROR] ControllerIT » IllegalState Unable to find a #SpringBootConfiguration...
We have a Boot configuration in the test hierarchy which the ITs must be using when run via the IDE, but when running the maven build it seems it can't be found to start up the application (understandably as it is in the test package tree).
The boot file we do have is intended to be no more than a test harness to run the lib, to run the ITs.
We have h2 in the Maven test scope, but it isn't wanted in the final library (that is up to the host application to provide a datasource/connection etc).
Start up the API library in an application for testing
Run the tests as part of Maven build
H2 should not end up in final jar
Symptoms when running mvn install
[ERROR] ControllerIT » IllegalState Unable to find a #SpringBootConfiguration...
Presumably need some config somewhere in pom? Already using package.Boot in the Springboot maven plugin config.
Maybe just need to figure out the magic config to point it at the src/test/... Boot.class rather than src/main/...Boot.class
Does spring have a 'correct' way to achieve what we want (I'd go with MicroServices, but not an option because ... reasons)?
How should we go about implementing ITs against a H2 driven SpringBoot application when we don't want to include the bootable class (or H2 lib) in product jar?
Should we be creating a separate Maven module just for the ITs (with a dependency on the library module)?
Abbreviated Maven pom:
<!-- other dependencies excluded for brevity -->
<!-- file lives in test hierarchy -->
<skip>true</skip><!-- Skipping unit tests while trying to sort ITs -->
The Spring Boot config:
public class Boot extends SpringBootServletInitializer
public static void main(String[] args)
{, args);
IT configuration:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class ControllerIT
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
Number 2 lead me to looking into params of #SpringBootTest.
I ended up with ...
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
classes = ITConfig.class)
Where ITConfig is:
public class ITConfig extends SpringBootServletInitializer
public static void main(String[] args)
{, args);
That appears to be working. Thanks for the hint.
Let me propose one way of solving this issue, there are might be others:
#SpringBootTest annotation is intended to mimic the startup of the full fledged spring boot application.
It scans the packages up to the point where it finds #SpringBootConfiguration annotataion (this annotation is placed on #SpringBootApplication already) and this way it understands that the packages down to the package in which the main class is found should be scanned (to find all the beans).
Besides that, it does many other things that spring boot application does during the start: loading configurations ( obeying the conventions of spring boot application, loading auto-configurations (stuff inside spring.factories) and so forth.
Bottom line you'll have a full-fledged spring boot application (usually microservice) loaded inside the test.
So far so good, but you say that you don't really have a spring boot application. So I see three ways:
Introduce an artificial class with #SpringBootConfiguration in the src/test/java/whatever-package-close-to-root folder (note, its in 'test', not in src/main)
Use #SpringBootTest with a parameter of "Configuration". This will mean that SpringBootTest won't use all this scanning up-and-then-down process and instead you'll instruct it to use the concrete context configuration.
Do not use #SpringBootTest annotation at all, and prefer a "usual" #ContextConfiguration - yes, you won't have the power of spring boot but as I've said above you probably won't need it. In addition these tests will be way faster, especially if you'll provide many "#Configuration" classes and will load only "relevant" parts of the library during the tests.
For example, if you test the DAO, there is no point in loading web related stuff.

Spring boot webflux deployment

I have a project in spring boot reactive with webflux. Someone could tell me how to deploy it on Netty please?
The Spring boot starter webflux has an embedded Netty so including this dependency in your project and declaring a class with a main method will launch your reactive web application in Netty.
For example if you use Maven add those dependencies :
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
And then in your class containing the main method:
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Or if you want a fresh start with everything already configured and ready to code :

Adding Spring (Boot?) to existing RESTEasy JAX-RS application

I have an existing Maven project based on JAX-RS using RESTEasy. It works great! It creates a WAR that I deploy to Tomcat running on Ubuntu. It's clean and follows the latest standards. The POM is simple:
I don't need any web.xml because I'm using the latest Java EE annotations:
public class MyRESTApplication extends Application {
final FooResource fooResource = new FooResourceService();
public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
return ImmutableSet.of(fooResource);
This is all simple and it's working so great! Now I just want a way to easily change FooResource implementations based on the profile --- in other words, wire my singletons. That's where Spring comes in, right? And I've been told that Spring Boot makes Spring even more awesome, and you can use it with anything, and it gives you an actuator that allows you to gain real-time inside on the health of your system.
Unfortunately all the Spring Boot books and tutorials seem to think I'm starting with one of their quick-start applications. But I already have a great, simple application. I just want to:
Get my application wiring, based on profiles, from an external configuration file (not annotations) via Spring.
Get whatever other goodness comes from Spring Boot, because apparently it is awesome and will completely transform my application.
How do I add Spring (or Spring Boot) to this simple little JAX-RS application?
we solved it that way, that we created a singleton spring bean, let's call it ServiceStartupClass, where we register all JAX-RS services.
Here some code snippet how we start our services:
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig;
public class ServiceStartupClass extends ResourceConfig {
public void startup() {
If you need any further help, let me know

Springboot: Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean [duplicate]

I have a spring-boot application that needs to:
Be deployable as a war in a servlet container
Be runnable via `mvn spring-boot:run``
I'd also like to be able to run this application in my IDE (Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA Community) by right clicking on the main and running it.
Here are the interesting parts of my pom.xml (Note that I do not inherit from spring-boot-starter-parent pom):
Here's my SpringBootServletInitializer:
public class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Application.class);
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application)
return application.sources(Application.class);
public static void main(String[] args)
{, args);
When running the main inside an IDE I get the following error:
org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean.
at org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.EmbeddedWebApplicationContext.getEmbeddedServletContainerFactory( ~[spring-boot-1.2.3.RELEASE.jar:1.2.3.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.EmbeddedWebApplicationContext.createEmbeddedServletContainer( ~[spring-boot-1.2.3.RELEASE.jar:1.2.3.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.EmbeddedWebApplicationContext.onRefresh( ~[spring-boot-1.2.3.RELEASE.jar:1.2.3.RELEASE]
... 12 common frames omitted
Seems like mvn spring-boot:run does some more magic that does not happen when running the main directly.
Removing the provided scope from the spring-boot-starter-tomcat dependency fixes this issue but causes trouble when the war is run inside a servlet container.
Right now the only "fix" I've found is to run mvn spring-boot:run within IntelliJ IDEA instead of running the main directly. While this is an acceptable workaround, I'd still like to know why this doesn't work and if it can be fixed.
A workaround that is strongly inspired from is to start your main class with the test classpath (which includes the embedded servlet.)
Steps (IntelliJ 16):
Run -> Edit Configurations -> Add new configuration -> Pick Application type.
Set Main class to <your.main.class>
Set Use classpath of module to <*>_test (the test module!)
Ok and Run it!
I believe this could be related to
IntelliJ IDEA is not injecting the provided dependencies into the CLASSPATH and as Andy stated this is why spring is unable to create the embedded servlet container.
They have a feature request since 2005 about this:
Workarounds mentioned in the comments includes having a fake module with the necessary libs and using it as classpath, using the -Xbootclasspath JVM argument or using custom maven profiles for running (compiled) vs building (provided).
I had the same problem using IntelliJ 2018.
Initially, Make sure that you have added the maven library for the spring project in your IntelliJ.
My solution is:
Go to Run -> Edit Configurations.
Select Application && choose your current project.
Check Include dependencies with "Provided" scope.
I was able to make this work by changing the scope of the spring-boot-starter-tomcat dependency to "compile" under Project structure->Dependencies tab. This doesn't effect pom.xml but allows this dependencies to be available to spring boot run configuration
Click here for image on where to change this setting in idea
mvn spring-boot:run includes provided dependencies when it's creating the classpath. It sounds like IntelliJ IDEA does not. Without Tomcat on the classpath, Spring Boot's unable to create an embedded servlet container which causes the exception you're seeing. Arguably this is a bug in IntelliJ as, if there's no container to provide the dependency, then it really needs to be on the classpath.
You may be able to fix the problem by overriding the default classpath that IntelliJ uses when running the main method to include the spring-boot-starter-tomcat dependency.
I find this page, and use the maven profile to manage the profiles.
and config the main class beforeLanuce,set the command
mvn clean compile -Pdev
I was able to work around this problem in Intellij IDEA 2017.2 by adding the provided libaray (spring-boot-starter-tomcat) to the project configuration.
Select File -> Project Structure. Select Libraries and add a new project library (type = From Maven...). Search for spring-boot-starter-tomcat using the dialog, select the correct version and add it by clicking on OK. The library is added to the list of external libraries.
The disadvantage is that if the Spring Boot version is changed then you will have to remember to delete this library and add the new version.
Using the profile and instructions below, you can add a profile to maven that allows development in IntelliJ without changing things for other environments.
<!-- Leave original dependency as-is -->
<!-- Enable this profile to run in IntelliJ. IntelliJ excludes provided dependencies from compile by default. -->
Click the Maven Projects button on the right side of IntelliJ, and under Profiles, select intellij.
Follow these steps:
On the top right side of intellij window, click the drop down and select edit configuration and a new window will open.
In this window, on top left side, click "+" button and select sprint boot.
Then add you main class, and other details as shown in screenshot.
Now Run the application.

deploy spring boot websocket sample application to tomcat7

Following tutorial helped me to get a spring boot application up and running real fast:
But now I'm stuck trying to generate a war file and deploying it on my tomcat7 application server.
I followed the [instructions][1] to create a deployable war file, but this just isn't working. I don't see any errors in the logs, but I don't see my nice sample application either when I browse to http://localhost:8080.
Here are the steps I took to generate a war file:
1) Modify pom.xml by changing the packaging to war and marking the spring-boot-starter-websocket as provided
2) Modify to override the SpringBootServletInitializer configure method.
public class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.sources(Application.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
3) Then I run
mvn clean package
and deploy the generated war-file, but I just keep getting the default Tomcat welcome page, when I browse to http://localhost:8080/.
I also tried changing the application contextPath by adding the following
But this doesn't solve the problem.
I get it working, I am using Tomcat 8.
Take a look at my code here:
Read and edit the pom file accordingly and run mvn package to create the package specified.
I made a mistake in my pom.xml, the provided scope shouldn't be added to the spring-boot-starter-websocket artefact. But you should add the spring-boot-starter-tomcat artefact with the provided scope.
I also had to modify my javascript to contact the websocket, which is now under /gs-messaging-stomp-websocket-0.1.0
var socket = new SockJS('/gs-messaging-stomp-websocket-0.1.0/hello');
The deployed application war needs to be called ROOT.war otherwise you will have to configure server.xml.
Second you should turn on the NIO connector for websockets see server.xml and
