ConvertAndSendToUser SpringStomp Sockjs not working SimpMessagingTemplate - spring

I want to send notification to specific user. My client side code is:
stompClient.connect({},function (frame) {
stompClient.subscribe('user/queue/notification', function(response){
Here's my server configuration:
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer{
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
Here's my server message-sender:
public class MenuItemNotificationSender {
public void sendNotification(MenuItemDto menuItem, String username) {
String address = "/queue/notification";
messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(username,address, menuItem);
The messages are sent correctly, to the correct username, but why client doesn't receive them?


There is an endpoint connection error problem implementing the websocket with spring boot

This is my WebSocketConfig.
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
This is my SocketController:
public class SocketController {
public Message message(Message message) {
return message;
I am testing the socket through Chrome's Web Socket Test Client and Advanced Rest Client, but my connection endpoint ws://localhost:8080/socket returns the error.
Is there anything I set wrong?
connecting try tool and endPoint
return message

Flutter Client Subscription to Spring Boot Websocket Server

Below is my Spring Boot Code for scheduling messages to its connected clients.
But my FLUTTER application is not able to receive the the pushed messages from the websocket server.
public class GreetingService {
private final SimpMessagingTemplate simpMessagingTemplate;
private static final String WS_MESSAGE_TRANSFER_DESTINATION = "/topic/greetings";
private List<String> userNames = new ArrayList<>();
GreetingService(SimpMessagingTemplate simpMessagingTemplate) {
this.simpMessagingTemplate = simpMessagingTemplate;
public void sendMessages() {
for (String userName : userNames) {
simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(userName, WS_MESSAGE_TRANSFER_DESTINATION,
"Hallo " + userName + " at " + new Date().toString());
public void addUserName(String username) {
Flutter Code :-
var channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect("ws://"); {
You have to create a Spring Configuration class for initializing the subscription paths.
public class WSocketBrokerConfiguration implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {

Large messages failing on Stomp Controller in Spring Boot

I have a stomp controller in a spring boot application, When ever i send a message which exceeds 256kb it fails to enter the controller. I don't see any error messages. Is there any setting where I can configure it to allow larger messages.
Here is my controller
public class DiscussionController {
public void post(DiscussionMessage message) {
Here is my config file
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer{
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebSocketConfig.class);
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
You need to configure the web-socket transport, e.g.:
public void configureWebSocketTransport(WebSocketTransportRegistration registration) {
registration.setMessageSizeLimit(512 * 1024); // 512K

Getting Spring simpMessagingTemplate to work with websocket

I have been trying to get simpMessagingTemplate to send to websocket in Spring but to no avail. From what I can see of related stackoverflow posts and other guides, I have provided the necessary configuration and mapping of paths.
My code is shown as below:
RestController (which I use to invoke sending of the message to the websocket):
public class RestControllers {
private SimpMessagingTemplate template;
public String doTest() {
Message m = new Message();
template.convertAndSend("/app/chat/test-topic", m);
return m.toString();
public class ChatController
public OutputMessage send(#DestinationVariable("topic") String topic,
Message message) throws Exception
System.out.println("THE MESSAGE WAS RECEIVED:" + message.toString());
return new OutputMessage(message.getFrom(), message.getText(), topic);
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config)
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) //?? alternative only?

Spring Stomp #SubscribeMapping("/user/...") with User Destination doesn't work

I need to react on a user destination subscription.
A user subscribes to /user/messages, because he wants to receive all incoming messages. Now I'd like to look up any messages for this user, which were created while he was offline, and then send them to that user.
Working code:
Client code:
stompClient.subscribe('/user/messages', function(msg){
Server code:
template.convertAndSendToUser(p.getName(), "/messages", "message content");
What I need:
It seems like it's not possible to catch an user destination subscription on server side, i.e.:
public void test(Principal p) {
What I tried:
public void test(Principal p) { ... }
This works, if the client subscribes to /app/messages, but it won't get called for /user/messages.
My Configuration:
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
registry.enableSimpleBroker("/queue", "/topic");
public boolean configureMessageConverters(List<MessageConverter> messageConverters) {
return true;
// all other methods left empty
Using Spring 4.1.
I can't imagine that this isn't possible. What have I missed / done wrong?
Thank you :)
Define the user prefix also as an application prefix, and you'll then be able to map the subscription in your controller. Configuration:
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
registry.setApplicationDestinationPrefixes("/app", "/user");
registry.enableSimpleBroker("/queue", "/topic");
public void test(Principal p) {
