How to configure certain RPM in Jmeter - jmeter

I'm using the Constant Throughput Timer and I expect some specific rpm (e.g. 100). Also I have a JSR223 sampler in my scenario which generates the data for the request.
When I run the script I see the throughput in Summary report, smth like:
jsr223 56 rpm
request 44 rpm
TOTAL 100 rpm
Each time rpm correlation between jsr223 and request is different, but total is about 100 (it's clear for me).
How should I configure the scenario to have 100 rpm for request only?

Move the Constant Throughput Timer under the request
Constant Throughput Timer - 100 rpm
This will ensure that request is made minimum 100 per minute.
Remember - if the application itself is not supporting the desired throughput, jmeter can not help here.


How to keep constant load of 400 RPS using Concurrency Thread Group and Throughput Shaping Timer combination

I Want to make a test case to send 50,000 Requests with 400 RPS using Jmeter.
I have been suggested to use combination of Concurrency thread group and Throughput Shaping Timer for this use case and I have tried following from the following link:
Here the problem is I only get ~28K responses recorded in csv instead of 50K.
I need to make 400 RPS irrespective of the request sent the previous second
I also need to have time difference of ~1sec for each 400 rows so that I can confirm 400 requests are sent every second.
Any Other suggestions to achieving the same result are also okay.
I have used 400 as start and end rps and duration of 125 second considering 400 * 125 = 50,000
I have attached the image of my concurrency thread group too
In order to be able to send 400 RPS with 400 threads your application must respond in 1 second or less because JMeter waits for the response from previous sampler before starting the next one. If your application response time will be 2 seconds - you will get 200 RPS, 4 seconds - 100 RPS, etc.
If your application response time is higher - you need to increase the number of threads proportionally, your 40 spare threads might be not sufficient.
Also JMeter needs to be able to send requests fast enough so make sure to follow JMeter Best Practices and go for Distributed Testing if needed
If your application under test cannot handle 400 RPS - there is nothing you can do from JMeter side, you can only identify the bottleneck and either report it or fix it yourself prior to re-running the test

How to achive 10tps throughput for individual request in a thread group

I have a jmeter script like below:
Thread group
+ Register client HTTP REQUEST
+ Health check HTTP REQUEST
+ Create event HTTP REQUEST
+ Constant timer 3000 ms
I have question below:
I have target throughput ie 10tps for each request ie register, healthcheck and event individually need to achieve throughput 10tps. Is there anyway i can set in jmeter to make sure server can handle it?
Does adding constant timer at create event will affect the average response time result?
Your configuration results in:
JMeter will execute Register client HTTP REQUEST as fast as it can
JMeter will execute Health check HTTP REQUEST as fast as it can
JMeter will wait for 3 seconds
JMeter will execute Create event HTTP REQUEST as fast as it can
According to JMeter Glossary:
Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the last sample. This includes any intervals between samples, as it is supposed to represent the load on the server.
The formula is: Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time).
So the real throughput depends on 2 factors:
The number of threads (virtual users) in the Thread Group
Your application response time
If you're looking to a way of conducting load of exactly 10 requests per second - consider using Throughput Shaping Timer or Precise Throughput Timer
With regards to the Constant Timer - its duration isn't included into request elapsed time, it will not have any impact on the average response time result but the throughput will be lower if the timer is there

Can jmeter send request more expected samples?

-I has a request for post data to server.
-I config Jmeter with info :
Number of Threads(users) : 16
Ramp-up : 1 and check forever
I run jmeter about 15 minutes(900s) and stop.After,i view report and see report display about 45000 samples .
=> I think only 14400 samples expect for 15 minutes but display more samples.
So,Can jmeter run more samples (> 16 thread in 1s) although i config 16 threads in 1s ?
JMeter tries to execute samplers as fast as it can, each thread sends request, waits for response, sends another request, etc.
You will get 14400 samplers only if response time for each sampler will be exactly equal to 1 second. If response time is less than one second - you will get more samplers executed within the given timeframe and vice versa.
If you need to throttle JMeter execution rate to 960 requests per minute (16 requests per second) you can use one of the following elements:
Constant Throughput Timer
Throughput Shaping Timer
Be aware that both timers are capable of only pausing JMeter threads to limit the load to the defined factor, they won't be able to kick off any extra threads to reach the target throughput in case if current is too low.

Webservice testing using Jmeter

I am new to JMeter and I have been tasked to do a POC where I need to load test the webserivce. I learnt the basics like adding the test plan, adding threads, adding SOAP/RPC Requestsampler and I got the response as well. But, I am not sure how to achieve the below scenario using JMeter.
I need 600 users to hit the service per request/second (this should run for 10 minutes) and the 2nd scenario is about 2000 users to hit the service at 5 request/second (again this should run for 10 minutes)
Also, would it be possible for JMeter to handle this many number of threads/users?
Any inputs would be deeply appreciated.
Given you properly configure JMeter it shouldn't be a problem to simulate 2k users, actually you may need more as if your web service response time will exceed 1 second - you won't be able to achieve 2k requests per second.
Configuring JMeter:
Run test in non-GUI mode
Disable all Listeners (if any)
Increase JVM Heap size
See 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure for detailed explanation and instructions
Simulating 600 / 2000 requests per second.
Set "Loop Count" to Forever or -1 in Thread Group
Tick "Scheduler" box and set desired duration (600 seconds)
Add Constant Throughput Timer and specify the desired throughput in requests per minute
It is recommended to use HTTP Request sampler for web services testing, you can set Content-Type and SOAPAction headers using HTTP Header Manager

JMeter: each sampler is taking 100 ms

Im using JMeter for stress testing. Im sending requests in a continuous loop. Actually Latency / Elapsed time shows only 10 ms., but JMeter is not executing the next sampler for another 100 - 120 ms., which is resulting in a delay.
I really wonder if each sampler takes so much time for preparing to be executed. Also, generally pre and post processor dont get logged into results csv., so the sample elapsed time included their execution time as well?
Appreciate the help
Test Plan
Setup Thread Group
Thread Group 1
Random Variable
User Defined vars
Http Request1
Header Manager
Post Processor (My Own, it really improved performance compared to BeanShell / JSR223)
Http Request2
Header Manager
Constant Time wait (50ms)
Http Request1
Header Manager
Post Processor (My Own)
Http Request2
Header Manager
Constant Time wait (10ms)
Thread Group 2 #not used at the moment
Thread Group 3 #not used at the moment
Teardown Thread Group
In the Above plan., there is no sleep or anything between HTTP Request 1 & 2., still it is taking 115ms
Thought there is a wait after HTTP Request2 in each loop it is just 10 ms, here it is taking 125 ms.
Timers are not well understood by JMeter users because they have an odd behavior as stated by the documentation:
Note that timers are processed before each sampler in the scope in which they are found; if there are several timers in the same scope, all the timers will be processed before each sampler.
I suggest you to use the Test Action to simulate delays as its behavior is easier to understand. Define its duration as the delay you want to simulate and you are set.
