Response code: 404 while running simple Jmeter Load test - jmeter

I am new to Jmeter , my manager asked me explore on this tool. Was starting with simple example to put load on website . I have done all necessary setup like proxy etc. While running the same i am getting Response code: 404 error
Below is http request and its results:

Try recording your test scenario using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, building a JMeter Test Plan manually is a huge overhead in terms of required time.
The fastest and the easiest way to prepare JMeter for recording is using JMeter Templates feature,
Choose File -> Templates -> Recording from JMeter's main menu and click "Create" button.
Then expand WorkBench -> HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and click "Start"
Configure your browser to use JMeter as a proxy (given JMeter and browser are running on the same machine use localhost as proxy host and 8888 as proxy port)
Start executing your test scenario in browser - JMeter will capture the requests and convert them into HTTP Request samplers


Recording using CEGID application in JMeter 5.2

Need to record the application that is on CEGID Retail application.
Script have 8 transactions and each transaction have 100 URL that is useful in script.
We can capture request in fiddler.
can we record using Jmeter otherwise need to take requests from fiddler and put in Jmeter manually that will consume more time.
Please suggest a better approach for this.
enter image description here
after converting fiddler session to .har and .har to .jmx request body is getting removed.
Please suggest on this.
Fiddler recording you can export the captured requests in HAR format like File -> Export Sessions -> HTTP Archive 1.1 and once done you can convert them into JMeter .jmx script using online HAR to JMX conversion tool
is there any setting need to change?
If the application is using HTTP and/or HTTP(S) protocols you should be able to normally record it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, just
start JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder proxy
import JMeter's SSL certificate into your browser, the file is called ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt and it's generated in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation
configure your browser to use JMeter as the proxy
execute your test scenario steps in browser - JMeter will store the relevant HTTP Request samplers under the Recording Controller
See Recording Tests user manual chapter for more details
If you already have a Fiddler recording you can export the captured requests in HAR format like File -> Export Sessions -> HTTP Archive 1.1 and once done you can convert them into JMeter .jmx script using online HAR to JMX conversion tool

How to use JMeter to record user input

How to record user input parameters using JMeter? I tried to use the record controller and follow through the tutorials, all the records are only http get requests without any post input. Thanks
Properly configured JMeter captures all network activity between browser and application under test, the fact you don't see POST requests might indicate one of the following:
Browser simply doesn't make any POST requests, i.e. your application is designed to operate only GET HTTP Request types
Your JMeter configuration is not correct, i.e. your application uses HTTPS. In this case you need to perform some extra configuration so JMeter could intercept, decrypt and record HTTPS requests:
make sure your browser is configured to use proxy for all protocols
make sure you install JMeter's self-signed certificate to your browser. The file name is ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt and it is being generated in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation when you start JMeter Proxy Server
More information:
HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder (pay attention to HTTPS recording and certificates chapter)
Recording HTTPS Traffic with JMeter's Proxy Server

I sent a HTTP request. There is an error in View Results Tree. What wrong am I doing?

I tried many different url but always getting same error. I am new in Jmeter and testing. Java is istalled in am computer.
Your test looks good, just click on the Facebook Home Page in the Listener to see the summary. My expectation is that connection cannot be established i.e. you're sitting behind a corporate firewall
In general,the fastest and the easiest way of getting a JMeter test script "skeleton" is recording using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder. Check out JMeter Proxy Step by Step guide for instructions.
You can also consider using an alternative solution for recording a JMeter test, it has so called "SmartJMX" mode - automatic correlation of all dynamic parameters. See How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% for details
Now it is working perfect. I could not find why it was not running properly earlier. I did not made any changes.
Check following:
If you are seeing socket connection error thne, If you are behind proxy, launch JMeter with -H server -P Port option (so that JMeter redirects the request.)
Change implementation to Java from httpclient4.

Why to perform proxy configuration while recording webbrowser action using JMeter?

While running HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder under Workbench in JMeter, why we have to set the HTTP Proxy to "localhost" and Port to "8080"? Why can't we perform recording without touching the proxy settings?
Because JMeter needs to capture outgoing requests in order to be able to convert them to HTTP Request samplers and the only way JMeter can do it - is by injecting itself in between. Moreover, when it comes to recording HTTPS traffic - you need to install JMeter self-signed certificate (ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt) so JMeter could decrypt the requests.
"Normal" configuration:
Browser < - > Application Under Test
"Proxy" configuration:
Browser <-> JMeter Proxy <-> Application Under Test
More details:
HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder (was: HTTP Proxy Server )
Apache JMeter Proxy Step by Step
If for some reason you are unable to change browser proxy settings you can consider using JMeter Chrome Extension as an alternative.

Does JMeter support to test mobile application?

Can we test mobile application either iOS/Android(Native/hybrid)App using Apache JMeter? If yes, what's the way?
You cannot test mobile application directly i.e. how long does it take to load, how responsive it is, etc. via JMeter. What you can do with JMeter is to simulate large number of mobile devices talking to your backend server to measure performance and also apply some client-side assertions to make sure that server's response is not malformed.
It is possible to record mobile application network activity via JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder as follows:
Add aforementioned HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and a Recording Controller to Workbench
Make sure that host, running JMeter and mobile device are on the same network (i.e. use Wifi, not cellular data plan) and the host running JMeter is accessible (i.e. firewall software doesn't block port 8080)
Start JMeter's proxy
Configure device to use JMeter's proxy.
Launch your application and perform necessary actions
When you finished stop JMeter's proxy and copy recorded requests to Test Plan
Perform correlation and parametrization if needed
Configure Thread Group virtual users and ramp-up according to your load scenario.
Launch the tests
Analyze results
JMeter Proxy Step by Step
Load Testing Mobile Apps. But Made Easy.
Parametrization in JMeter
Guide to JMeter Regular Expressions
