Logstash read a very large number of static xml files ( input file plugin) - elasticsearch

I have many xml static file about 1 million in one directory. I want to read and parse those file with logstash and output to elasticsearch.
I have the next input config (I try many way and it`s my last version):
file {
path => "/opt/lun/data-unzip/ftp/223/*.xml*"
exclude => "*.zip"
type => "223-purplan"
start_position => beginning
discover_interval => "3"
max_open_files => "128"
close_older => "3"
codec => multiline {
pattern => "xml version"
negate => true
what => "previous"
max_lines => "9999"
max_bytes => "100 MiB"
My server use CentOS 6.8 and the next hardware:
80G memory
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 # 2.40GHz
with 16 cpu`s
Logstash(5.1.2) and elasticsearch(5.1.2) installing in this server.
This config work very slow - about 4 file per second
How can I do it so more fast parsing?

There're few ways that could increase the processing of logstash, but then it's really to hard to point out which one should be done. Maybe you could try increasing the sizes of *pipeline.workers, pipeline.batch.size, and pipeline.batch.delay* in order to tune the pipeline performance.
AND there are few troubleshooting ways in order to quickly diagnose and resolve Logstash performance issues. You could also try optimizing your inputs by removing all filters, and again send all the documents to /dev/null to ensure that there is no bottleneck with processing or outputting your documents.
Try adding this line to your file:
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
You might also want to have a look at the Tuning and Profiling Logstash Performance & this blog post. Hope it helps!


how to push huge data in less time from Database table to Elastic search using log stash

I'm processing the 500 000 records from Postgres database to elastic using Logstash but it taking 40 minutes to completed the process. I want to reduce the process time and i have changed the pipeline.batch.size: 1000, pipeline.batch.delay: 50 in logstash.yml file and increase the heap space 1 gb to 2 gb in the JVM.options file still processing the records in same time.
Conf file
input {
jdbc {
jdbc_driver_library => "C:\Users\Downloads\elk stack/postgresql-42.3.1.jar"
jdbc_driver_class => "org.postgresql.Driver"
jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres"
jdbc_user => "postgres"
jdbc_password => "postgres123"
statement => "SELECT * FROM jolap.order_desk_activation"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts =>["http://localhost:9200/"]
index => "test-powerbi-transformed"
document_type => "_doc"
stdout {}
The problem is not the logstash pipeline or the batch size. As above suggested, u need to get volume is less time.
This can be achieved using "Parallel Hints" which makes the query superfast, as the query start using the core processor the DB infrastructure (Dont miss to consult your DBA before applying this). Once u start getting volume records in less time, you can scale your logstash or tweak the pipeline settings.
Refer to this link.

How to choose optimal logstash pipleline batch size and delay? (Logstash 6.4.3)

We have a logstash that is receiving our logs from java microservices, and lately the machine has been at 100% utilization.
I noticed that very low values were used for pipeline batch size, workers, and delay as well as ram.
My feeling was that I could improve performance by increasing the batch size into the thousands, increasing the delay into the seconds, and increasing the ram.
It seems to have worked and we have gone from a logstash that was crashing at 100% continously (or close to it) to being at (or below) 70%. This is a virtual server running in vmware with only 1 core assigned so resources are a bit limited.
How do I optimize further? (without messing with the microservices or limiting the number of incoming message)?
How do I find the optimal values for delay and batch size?
Also, even though we have 1 core, I have the feeling that having more than 1 worker helps but I'm not sure about that (due to IO delays)
Current config
ELK (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) 6.4
logstash.yml contains
size: 2048
delay: 5000
pipeline.workers: 4
Elastic jvm.options
Logstash jvm.options
Logstash config:
input {
tcp {
port => 8999
codec => json
filter {
geoip {
source => "req.xForwardedFor"
filter {
kv {
include_keys => [ "freeTextSearch", "entityId","businessId"]
recursive => "true"
field_split => ","
filter {
mutate {
split => { "req.user" => "," }
split => { "req.application" => "," }
split => { "req.organization" => "," }
split => { "app.profiles" => "," }
copy => { "app.name" => "appLicationName" }
filter {
fingerprint {
target => "[#metadata][uuid]"
method => "UUID"
filter {
if [app]
{ init => '
BODY_PATH = "[app]"
BODY_STRING = "[name]"
code => '
body_val = event.get(BODY_PATH)
if body_val.is_a?(String)
event.set(BODY_PATH, {BODY_STRING => body_val,"[olderApp]" => "true"})
output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug {
metadata => true
if [stackTrace] {
email {
address => 'smtp.internal.email'
to => 'Warnings<warning#server.internal.org>'
from => 'Warnings<warning#server.internal.org>'
subject => '%{message}'
template_file => "C:\logstash\emailtemplate.mustache"
port => 25
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:8231"]
sniffing => true
manage_template => false
index => "sg-logs"
document_id => "%{[#metadata][uuid]}"
I switched to the persistent queue, which has improved things quite a bit in terms of performance. I ran the scripts that used to freeze our logtash and it seems to not be breaking, though it took quite a bit of work.
Switched to pipeline.yml
I switched to pipeline.yml since I noticed that the queue settings were not working. I also had to pass the YML through a validator.
path.config: "../configsg/"
pipeline.batch.size: 1000
pipeline.id: persisted-queue-pipeline
pipeline.workers: 2
queue.type: persisted
queue.max_bytes: 2000mb
queue.drain: true
Modified the bat file to clean the data/queue folder
I noticed logstash wasn't processing correctly when there was leftover data inside data/queue folder. I added a bat file to clean/move this data during logstash restarts etc. I need to think about how to handle this in the future.
Folder: logstash-6.4.3\data\queue
Here is my bat file that is called by a windows service during starts/restarts.
echo Date format = %date%
echo dd = %date:~0,2%
echo mm = %date:~3,2%
echo yyyy = %date:~6,8%
echo Time format = %time%
echo hh = %time:~0,2%
echo mm = %time:~3,2%
echo ss = %time:~6,2%
cd ..
cd data/queue
move ./persisted-queue-pipeline ../persist-queue-backup-%date:~0,2%_%date:~3,2%_%date:~6,8%-%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%_%time:~6,2%.txt
cd ../../bin
Here some tips from Logstash team about optimization: link
I would also suggest taking a look at multi-pipeline cases. From your config, it sounds to me filter cases may causing the backpressure. It seems if you can divide your input (by port), you can set multiple pipeline to handle the backpressure cases.

Logstash can`t handle all input plugins

I use Logstash input http_handler to collect metrics from different endpoints.
For each endpoint I have separate config file with "input" plugin like:
input { http_poller {urls => { server_1 => { url => '' } } request_timeout => 5 tags => 'TL.QA.proxy-service' interval => 60 metadata_target => 'http_poller_metadata' type => 'tl_qa_http_metrics'}}
I have ~1000 such files in one directory.
When I start Logstash I specify directory to read all those files, like:
./bin/logstash -f /opt/logstash-5.6.2/configs/
When I had small amount of files (~100) it works pretty good. But now looks like Logstash doesn't have enough time to read all files and it doesn't collect data from all endpoints.
Can you please advise how I can improve it?

Issue in reading log file that contains date in it's name

I have 2 linux boxes setup in which 1 box contains one component which generates log and logstash installed in it to transfer the logs. And in other box I have redis elasticsearch and logstash. here logstash will act as logstash indexer to grok the data.
Now my problem is that in 1st box component generate new log file everyday, but only difference in log file name varies as per date.
and so on, I have included below type of code in my logstash shipper conf file:
file {
path => "/opt/data/logs/counters-%{YEAR}%{MONTHNUM}%{MONTHDAY}*.log"
type => "rg_counters"
And in my logstash indexer, I have below type of code to catch those log files:
if [type] == "rg_counters" {
match => ["message", "%{YEAR}%{MONTHNUM}%{MONTHDAY}\s*%{HOUR}:%{MINUTE}:%{SECOND}\s*(?<counters_raw_data>[0-9\-A-Z]*)\s*(?<counters_operation_type>[\-A-Z]*)\s*%{GREEDYDATA:counters_extradata}"]
output {
elasticsearch { host => ["elastichost1","elastichost1" ] port => "9200" protocol => "http" }
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
Please note that this is working setup and other types log files are getting transfered and processed successfully, so there is no issue of setup.
The problem is how do I process this log file which contains date in it's file name.
Any help here?
Thanks in advance!!
Based on the comments...
Instead of trying to use regexp patterns in your path:
path => "/opt/data/logs/counters-%{YEAR}%{MONTHNUM}%{MONTHDAY}*.log"
just use glob patterns:
path => "/opt/data/logs/counters-*.log"
logstash will remember which files (inodes) that it's seen before.

Logstash+Elasticsearch throughput

we're trying to process 5K msgs/sec with 2 identical machines, but seems like we max out logstash or elasticsearch.
Each has:
64Gb RAM, ≈3Ghz Xeon CPU
Logstash 1.5 installed
Elasticsearch 1.7.8 installed in cluster mode with second machine.
Logstash is configured to receive messages from 16-node kafka cluster and send it to Elasticsearch.
Data is CSV, contains 22 fields. Is that a normal throughput?
Here's the config:
kafka {
type => "api"
zk_connect => "node1:2181,node2:2181,node3:2181"
codec => "plain"
topic_id => "api_events"
consumer_threads => 8
queue_size => 10000
rebalance_backoff_ms => 10000
rebalance_max_retries => 10
csv {
separator => "::"
columns => [
remove_field => [
mutate {
convert => {
"body_bytes_sent" => "integer"
"request_time" => "float"
"upstream_response_time" => "float"
"upstream_header_time" => "float"
"bytes_sent" => "integer"
elasticsearch {
cluster => "MyCluster"
protocol => "node"
index => "api-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
host => "elasticnode1"
flush_size => 50000
workers => 4
I'm surprised this question has not been answered. The question has been asked with rather old versions of logstash There have been multiple improvements and refactoring in Logstash since so some of the parameters will be different.
5k messages a second, at least on the face of it, sounds pretty low to achieve but of course it depends on quite a few things which are not stated. For example, wow big is each message? How many partitions is it listening from? Is each partition in the input actually receiving messages at high throughputs or is only the aggregate throughput high?
I would suggest starting with a small batch size (say 500) with 1 worker and slowly increasing the batch size till you see no improvement and then increasing the workers to make use of the cores on the machine. It is possible you're not getting each batch full enough per request per worker. The following article shows how to profile and measure how the in flight requests are doing with real arriving data:
Of course the other side of this is the Elasticsearch side. It is worth measuring that Elasticsearch is not lagging in processing all he concurrent requests. How many Elasticsearch nodes are there and what are the numbers of Client/Data nodes? There are a number of things to look out for on Elasticsearch as well when doing "heavy" indexing:
I hope this helps you and others looking to do this today.
