How to monitor multiple file through shell script - bash

I want to monitor Apache and Tomcat logs through a shell script.
I could monitor single files through script. But How do I monitor multiple files through script?
I have written sample script for single files.
current=`date +%s`
last_modified=`stat -c "%Y" $file`
if [ $(($current-$last_modified)) -gt 180 ]; then
mail -s "$file is not updating proper"
mail -s "$file is updating proper"
I want to monitor the files apache_error_log and tomcat logs with same script.

An easy solution starting from what you have already would be to call your script with the file to monitor as argument: /root/logs_flow/apache_access_log
Then inside you put
Now you can put a bunch of these in cron
* * * * * /root/logs_flow/apache_access_log
* * * * * /some/other/file.log
You might want to expand your script a bit to check if the argument is passed and if it's a valid filename.

You can list files that have or haven't been updated in a period of time using the find command, which will be more portable than processing the output of stat, which varies by operating system.
The following will output the names of specified logs that have a modification time more than 3 minutes ago:
find httpd.log tomcat.log -not -mtime -3m
Or, for more easier file list management, you could use a bash array:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
/var/log/www/apache-*.log # This is an expanding glob.
find "${files[#]}" -not -mtime -3m
Files in the array will be listed if they are more than 3 minutes old.

To read from multiple log files, at once.. One could do
tail -f /home/user/log_A -f /home/user/log_B |egrep -v "^$|="
Note: The egrep -v "^$|=" part is to remove header lines and empty lines from the output of the tail command. You can remove that if you want to keep the headers.


Bash script to check if a new file has been created on a directory after run a command

By using bash script, I'm trying to detect whether a file has been created on a directory or not while running commands. Let me illustrate the problem;
# give base directory to watch file changes
# get list of files on that directory
# actually a command is running here but lets assume I've created a new file there.
echo >$WATCH_DIR/filename
# and I'm getting new list of files.
# detect changes and if any changes has been occurred exit the program.
After that I've just tried to compare these FILES_BEFORE and FILES_AFTER however couldn't accomplish that. I've tried;
comm -23 <($FILES_AFTER |sort) <($FILES_BEFORE|sort)
diff $FILES_AFTER $FILES_BEFORE > /dev/null 2>&1
cat $FILES_AFTER $FILES_BEFORE | sort | uniq -u
None of them gave me a result to understand there is a change or not. What I need is detecting the change and exiting the program if any. I am not really good at this bash script, searched a lot on the internet however couldn't find what I need. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks to informative comments, I've just realized that I've missed the basics of bash script but finally made that work. I'll leave my solution here as an answer for those who struggle like me.:
echo >$WATCH_DIR/filename
if diff <(echo "$FILES_AFTER") <(echo "$FILES_BEFORE")
echo "No changes"
echo "Changes"
It outputs "Changes" on the first run and "No Changes" for the other unless you delete the newly added documents.
I'm trying to interpret your script (which contains some errors) into an understanding of your requirements.
I think the simplest way is simply to rediect the ls command outputto named files then diff those files:
# give base directory to watch file changes
# get list of files on that directory
ls $WATCH_DIR > /tmp/watch_dir.before
# actually a command is running here but lets assume I've created a new file there.
echo >$WATCH_DIR/filename
# and I'm getting new list of files.
ls $WATCH_DIR > /tmp/watch_dir.after
# detect changes and if any changes has been occurred exit the program.
diff -c /tmp/watch_dir.after /tmp/watch_dir.before
If the any files are modified by the 'commands', i.e. the files exists in the 'before' list, but might change, the above will not show that as a difference.
In this case you might be better off using a 'marker' file created to mark the instance the monitoring started, then use the find command to list any newer/modified files since the market file. Something like this:
# give base directory to watch file changes
# get list of files on that directory
ls $WATCH_DIR > /tmp/watch_dir.before
# actually a command is running here but lets assume I've created a new file there.
echo >$WATCH_DIR/filename
# and I'm getting new list of files.
find $WATCH_DIR -type f -newer /tmp/watch_dir.before -exec ls -l {} \;
What this won't do is show any files that were deleted, so perhaps a hybrid list could be used.
Here is how I got it to work. It's also setup up so that you can have multiple watched directories with the same script with cron.
for example, if you wanted one to run every minute.
* * * * * /usr/local/bin/ /makepdf
and one every hour.
0 * * * * /user/local/bin/ /incoming
NEWFILESNAME=.newfiles$(basename "$WATCHDIR")
if [ ! -f "$WATCHDIR"/.oldfiles ]
ls -A "$WATCHDIR" > "$WATCHDIR"/.oldfiles
DIRDIFF=$(diff "$WATCHDIR"/.oldfiles $NEWFILESNAME | cut -f 2 -d "")
for file in $DIRDIFF
if [ -e "$WATCHDIR"/$file ];then
#do what you want to the file(s) here
echo $file

Monitor Pre-existing and new files in a directory with bash

I have a script using inotify-tool.
This script notifies when a new file arrives in a folder. It performs some work with the file, and when done it moves the file to another folder. (it looks something along these line):
inotifywait -m -e modify "${path}" |
while read NEWFILE
work on/with NEWFILE
move NEWFILE no a new directory
By using inotifywait, one can only monitor new files. A similar procedure using for OLDFILE in path instead of inotifywait will work for existing files:
for OLDFILE in ${path}
work on/with OLDFILE
move NEWFILE no a new directory
I tried combining the two loops. By first running the second loop. But if files arrive quickly and in large numbers there is a change that the files will arrive wile the second loop is running. These files will then not be captured by neither loop.
Given that files already exists in a folder, and that new files will arrive quickly inside the folder, how can one make sure that the script will catch all files?
Once inotifywait is up and waiting, it will print the message Watches established. to standard error. So you need to go through existing files after that point.
So, one approach is to write something that will process standard error, and when it sees that message, lists all the existing files. You can wrap that functionality in a function for convenience:
function list-existing-and-follow-modify() {
local path="$1"
inotifywait --monitor \
--event modify \
--format %f \
-- \
"$path" \
2> >( while IFS= read -r line ; do
printf '%s\n' "$line" >&2
if [[ "$line" = 'Watches established.' ]] ; then
for file in "$path"/* ; do
if [[ -e "$file" ]] ; then
basename "$file"
cat >&2
and then write:
list-existing-and-follow-modify "$path" \
| while IFS= read -r file
# ... work on/with "$file"
# move "$file" to a new directory
If you're not familiar with the >(...) notation that I used, it's called "process substitution"; see for details.
The above will now have the opposite race condition from your original one: if a file is created shortly after inotifywait starts up, then list-existing-and-follow-modify may list it twice. But you can easily handle that inside your while-loop by using if [[ -e "$file" ]] to make sure the file still exists before you operate on it.
I'm a bit skeptical that your inotifywait options are really quite what you want; modify, in particular, seems like the wrong event. But I'm sure you can adjust them as needed. The only change I've made above, other than switching to long options for clarity/explicitly and adding -- for robustness, is to add --format %f so that you get the filenames without extraneous details.
There doesn't seem to be any way to tell inotifywait to use a separator other than newlines, so, I just rolled with that. Make sure to avoid filenames that include newlines.
By using inotifywait, one can only monitor new files.
I would ask for a definition of a "new file". The man inotifywait specifies a list of events, which also lists events like create and delete and delete_self and inotifywait can also watch "old files" (beeing defined as files existing prior to inotifywait execution) and directories. You specified only a single event -e modify which notifies about modification of files within ${path}, it includes modification of both preexisting files and created after inotify execution.
... how can one make sure that the script will catch all files?
Your script is just enough to catch all the events that happen inside the path. If you have no means of synchronization between the part that generates files and the part that receives, there is nothing you can do and there always be a race condition. What if you script receives 0% of CPU time and the part that generates the files will get 100% of CPU time? There is no guarantee of cpu time between processes (unless using certified real time system...). Implement a synchronization between them.
You can watch some other event. If the generating sites closes files when ready with them, watch for the close event. Also you could run work on/with NEWFILE in parallel in background to speed up execution and reading new files. But if the receiving side is slower then the sending, if your script is working on NEWFILEs slower then the generating new files part, there is nothing you can do...
If you have no special characters and spaces in filenames, I would go with:
inotifywait -m -e modify "${path}" |
while IFS=' ' read -r path event file ;do
lock "${path}"
work on "${path}/${file}"
ex. mv "${path}/${file}" ${new_location}
unlock "${path}"
where lock and unlock is some locking mechanisms implemented between your script and the generating part. You can create a communication between the-creation-of-files-process and the-processing-of-the-files-process.
I think you can use some transaction file system, that would let you to "lock" a directory from the other scripts until you are ready with the work on it, but I have no experience in that field.
I tried combining the two loops. But if files arrive quickly and in large numbers there is a change that the files will arrive wile the second loop is running.
Run the process_new_file_loop in background prior to running the process_old_files_loop. Also it would be nice to make sure (ie. synchronize) that inotifywait has successfully started before you continue to the processing-existing-files-loop so that there is also no race conditions between them.
Maybe a simple example and/or startpoint would be:
work() {
local file="$1"
some work "$file"
mv "$file" "$predefiend_path"
process_new_files_loop() {
# let's work on modified files in parallel, so that it is faster
trap 'wait' INT
inotifywait -m -e modify "${path}" |
while IFS=' ' read -r path event file ;do
work "${path}/${file}" &
process_old_files_loop() {
# maybe we should parse in parallel here too?
# maybe export -f work; find "${path} -type f | xargs -P0 -n1 -- bash -c 'work $1' -- ?
find "${path}" -type f |
while IFS= read -r file; do
work "${file}"
process_new_files_loop &
sleep 1
if ! ps -p "$child" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "ERROR running processing-new-file-loop" >&2
exit 1
wait # wait for process_new_file_loop
If you really care about execution speeds and want to do it faster, change to python or to C (or to anything but shell). Bash is not fast, it is a shell, should be used to interconnect two processes (passing stdout of one to stdin of another) and parsing a stream line by line while IFS= read -r line is extremely slow in bash and should be generally used as a last resort. Maybe using xargs like xargs -P0 -n1 sh -c "work on $1; mv $1 $path" -- or parallel would be a mean to speed things up, but an average python or C program probably will be nth times faster.
A simpler solution is to add an ls in front of the inotifywait in a subshell, with awk to create output that looks like inotifywait.
I use this to detect and process existing and new files:
(ls ${path} | awk '{print "'${path}' EXISTS "$1}' && inotifywait -m ${path} -e close_write -e moved_to) |
while read dir action file; do
echo $action $dir $file
So it runs the ls, format the output and sends it to stdout, then runs the inotifywait in the same subshell sending the output also to stdout for processing.

can Linux Bash search for file every 60 seconds and execute file commands? how would I do this?

Basically I want to do something like this from bash.
if a file exists in a directory rename,move,whatever
if it doesn't exist loop every 60 seconds:
# Create ~/bin
cd ~/
if dir ~/bin does not exist
then mkdir ~/bin
# Create ~/blahhed && ~/blahs
if dir ~/blahhed does not exist
then mkdir ~/blahhed
if dir ~/blahs does not exist
then mkdir ~/blahs
# This will copy a file from ~/blahhed to ~/blahs
if ~/blahhed/file exists
then mv ~/blahhed/file ~/blahs/file
rm ~/blahhed/file
else loop for 60s
# This appends the date and time
# to the end of the file name
date_formatted=$(date +%m_%d_%y-%H,%M,%S)
if ~/blahs/file does exist
then mv ~/blahs/file ~/blahs/file.$date_formatted
rm ~/blahs/file
else loop for 60s
Ok Ive rewritten it like this am I on the right track here?
# Create ~/bin
cd ~/
if [! -d ~/bin]; then
mkdir ~/bin
if [ -d ~/bin]; then
# Create ~/blahhed && ~/blahs
if [! -d ~/blahhed]; then
mkdir ~/blahhed
if [! -d ~/blahs]; then
mkdir ~/blahs
# This will copy a file from ~/blahhed to ~/blahs
while if [ -d ~/blahhed/file]; then
mv ~/blahhed/file ~/blahs/file
rm ~/blahhed/file
# This appends the date and time
# to the end of the file name
date_formatted=$(date +%m_%d_%y-%H,%M,%S)
if [! -d ~/blahs/file]; then
mv ~/blahs/file ~/blahs/file.$date_formatted
rm ~/blahs/file
sleep 60 seconds
You could use watch(1) which is able to run a program or script every N seconds.
To run some script every few minutes (not seconds) - or every few hours or days, use some crontab(5) entries. To run it at some given (relative or absolute) time, consider at(1) (which you might use with some here document in your shell terminal, etc...).
However, to execute commands when a file exists or changes, you might use make(1) (which you could run from watch); that command is configurable in a Makefile (see documentation of GNU make)
And if you really care about file appearing or changing (and doing something on such changes), consider using inotify(7) based facilities, e.g. incrond with incrontab(5)
To test existence of directories or files, use test(1) often spelt as a [ , e.g.
## test in a script if directory ~/foo/ exist
if [ -d ~/foo/ ]; then
echo the directory foo exists
Spaces are important above. You could use [ -d "$HOME/foo/" ]
It may look that you want to mimick logrotate(8). See also syslog(3) library function and logger(1) command.
To debug your bash script, start it (-see execve(2) & bash(1) for details- temporarily, while debugging) with
#!/bin/bash -vx
and make your script executable with chmod a+x
To stop execution of some script for some seconds, use sleep(1)
The mkdir(1) command accepts -p (and then won't create a directory if it already exists). mv(1) has also many options (including for backup).
To search some files in a file tree, use find(1). To search some content inside files, use grep. I also like ack
Read also Advanced Bash Scripting Guide & (if coding in C ...) Advanced Linux Programming and also the documentation of GNU bash (e.g. for shell builtins and control statements).
Did you consider using some revision control system like git ? It is useful to manage the evolution of source files (including shell scripts)
I've seen solutions similar to what you are asking, but using crontab with find -mmin 1 which will search for any files with a modtime <= 60 seconds within specified location.
Something along these lines (untested):
$ -> vi /tmp/
# Add the following lines
find /path/to/check -mmin 1 -type -f | while read fname; do
echo "$fname"
# Change perms
$ -> chmod 755 /tmp/
$ -> crontab -e
* * * * * /tmp/
With the above, you have now setup the cron to run every minute, and kick off a script that will search given directory for files with a modtime <= 60 seconds (new or updated).
Caveat: You should look for files with a mod time up to 5 minutes, that way you don't consider a file which may still be in the process of being written too.
I think you answered yourself (kind of)
Some suggestions:
1- use a while loop and at the end add sleep 60
2- write your procedure in a file (ex.; test1)
and then
watch -n 60 ./test1

If-else-statement is working wrong in crontab?

When i use this:
*/5 6-18 * * 1-6 [ "$(ls -A /DIR_WHERE_FILES_ARE_OR_NOT/)" ] &&
mail -s "DIR IS EMPTY" <<< "message"
i get two mails:
mv: cannot stat `/DIR_WHERE_FILES_ARE_OR_NOT/*': No such file or
You get
mv: cannot stat `/DIR_WHERE_FILES_ARE_OR_NOT/*': No such file or directory
for exactly the reason stated: that directory is empty, hence it does not contain a file named * (asterisk). It's just the way glob expansion works in the shell: if the glob doesn't match anything it is passed literally to the command. Since mv attemps to rename a non-existing file, it complains as shown.
This would all be much more readable, if instead of a sequence of && and || operators in a crontab you would place the whole logic in a script with equivalent if/else/fi constructs and just call the script from cron.
You get two mails because you explicitly send the first with mail -s. The second is from cron because the output on stderr and stdout is not empty.
Your commands are equivalent to
if [ "$(ls ...)" ]; then
if ! mv; then
Note that there is no else.
Just like user Jens already mentioned, and also from my experience, unless you are using a very simple and usually single command, you should stick to script files. So, in your case, I would go with a script file. I'll give you an example.
# ok, lets start by checking if dir contains files
if [ "$(ls -A $dir_where_files_are_or_not)" ]; then
# dir contains files, so lets rsync and mv them
rsync -au $dir_where_files_are_or_not/ $dir_where_files_should_go
mv $dir_where_files_are_or_not/* $save_dir
# dir is empty, lets send email
mail -s "DIR IS EMPTY" <<< "message"
Now, I just put this code in a file. Give it a name, for example "chkfiles" and save it in a directory (I use /usr/local/sbin for all of my scripts).
Next, in a shell, run the command chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/chkfiles to make the file executable. Then add the script to your crontab.
I would suggest the following line inside crontab:
*/5 6-18 * * 1-6 /bin/bash /usr/local/sbin/chkfiles
I used /bin/bash to call the right interpreter for this script. It should now work as expected.
Important Notes:
Before running the script, you need to change the dir_where_files_are_or_not, dir_where_files_should_go and save_dir vars to your needs.
Do NOT include trailing slashes in the dirs, otherwise the rsync and mv might not do what you really want
You get two mails because when mv fails, cron captures what is written to standard error and mails it to the owner, then runs the mail command. You can suppress the error message from mv to avoid the mail from cron.
mv /DIR_WHERE_FILES_ARE_OR_NOT/* /SAVE_DIR/ 2> /dev/null || mail -s "DIR IS EMPTY" <<< "message"

shell script to create folder daily with time-stamp and push time-stamp generated logs

I have a cron job which runs every 30 minutes to generate log files with time-stamp like this:
I would like to create one folder daily with date time-stamp and push log files in to respective date folder when generated.
I need to achieve this on AIX server with bash.
Maybe you are looking for a script like this:
shopt -s nullglob # This line is so that it does not complain when no logfiles are found
for filename in test*.log; do # Files considered are the ones starting with test and ending in .log
foldername=$(echo "$filename" | awk '{print (substr($0, 5, 8));}'); # The foldername is characters 5 to 13 from the filename (if they exist)
mkdir -p "$foldername" # -p so that we don't get "folder exists" warning
mv "$filename" "$foldername"
echo "$filename $foldername" ;
I only tested with your sample, so do a proper testing before using in a directory that contains important stuff.
Edit in response to comments:
Change your original script to this:
foldername=$(date +%Y%m%d)
mkdir -p /home/app/logs/"$foldername"
sh > /home/app/logs/"$foldername"/test$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).log
Or if the directory is created somewhere else, just do this:
sh > /home/app/logs/$(date +%Y%m%d)/test$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).log
You should use logrotate! It can do this for you already, and you can just write to the same log file.
Check their man pages for info:
