How to change NSCursor globally? - macos

I am developing an application with several windows and views (NSTextView, etc.).
I would like to change the cursor globally in my application, so that even if the cursor enters the trackingRect of (for instance) an NSTextView it does not change.
Is this possible?
PS: I need also to revert back to the usual behaviour.

Yes this is possible. I had an almost similar requirement, and here is how I solved it:
When creating a window, create a transparent view with the same frame as that of the window. Then add a cursor rect to the view (that extends to the latter's bounds) for your specific cursor. Finally add it as the last subview of the window's contentView, so that it acts as an overlay. When this overlay is present, cursor rects of underlying views are not activated.
See for detailed instructions and working code (read the window's contentView instead of WebView). It also describes how to revert back to the usual behaviour.
Hope that helps! :)


NSToolbarItem and Auto Layout

I have a window with a programmatically created toolbar, which is populated with an NSToolbarItem that has a custom view defined in a xib file. If I check "Translate Masks into Contraints" for the view, then it doesn't resize itself correctly, so its content gets squashed even though I set its compression resistance priority to 750. If I uncheck that on the other hand, then I get a "Detected missing constraints" error at runtime. Also, the content of my view then resizes itself correctly, but it ends up clipped like so:
So it looks like the toolbar sticks my view into a container view and, in order to get the correct behaviour, I should set up layout constraints that allow my view to position itself correctly. However, I don't see how to access that container view... Any idea what I am doing wrong?
I am probably missing something obvious since one would think that this is a very standard setup, but Google didn't come up with anything.
Answering my own question, I opened a support request with Apple, the outcome of which is that this is now being treated as a bug by Apple.
In case anyone else runs into this, a good workaround is to create an intermediate view which contains the toolbar view as a subview with constraints #"H:|[toolbarView]" and #"V:|[toolbarView]", has translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints=YES and to use this view as the toolbar item. It then suffices to listen for size change notifications of toolbarView and to adjust the size of its superview accordingly.

How do I get controls to draw outside a window in Objective C

I've got a search-suggestion box that I've implemented by using an NSScrollView that appears when you start typing in an NSTextField. I'd like my window to be quite short, and have the ScrollView draw partially outside the window. Like this:
But instead I get this:
What can I do?
You can't have controls that extend outside of a window. What you need to do is put them in a separate window. You generally want that window to be a child of the original window (using -[NSWindow addChildWindow:ordered:]).
For the use case you describe, you should use the built-in control, NSComboBox. If you really want to reimplement this sort of control, Apple provides the CustomMenus sample code and a related WWDC video. It specifically includes a suggestions menu to help fill in a text field.

Custom NSCursor is being reset when subviews are added to a view in the window

I'm using NSTrackingArea to define 2 areas in a NSView subclass. Then I'm using mouseEntered/mouseExited to change the cursor to a custom one.
So all works fine when the mouse enters the top tracking area and the custom cursor gets set as expected. All still good when I mouseDown and drag on the top tracking area. But I have another part of the UI that updates when the mouse is dragged and it adds subviews to a view elsewhere on the same window.
As soon as the first subview is added elsewhere, my custom cursor disappears and it reverts back to the arrow cursor. I thought I might be able to force the cursor back to the custom one using cursorUpdate for my view but for some reason it never gets called, even when set as an option in the NSTrackingArea.
Am a bit stumped with this one...
I solved it by overriding cursorUpdate in the window's custom contentView. An empty cursorUpdate method stopped the update from getting passed up the chain and the custom cursor now remains as I've set it.

How do you create NSWindow title bar to be transparent, but not the content of the window itself?

I am in the process of creating a small image editor.
What I aim, is to create a window with transparent titlebar, but not what contains inside the window.
I have check HUD Window, but it's really is a panel, not a window. And I am missing the regular close,maximize and minimize button.
Is there anyway to create such window?
Or can we modify HUD to hold regular close,max and min button?
Thanks so much in advance!
Use a standard borderless window approach and provide a content view that draws something. Even if the content view's bounds rect is just filled with [NSColor whiteColor].
Update: Re-reading, I see you seem to be asking for just a transparent title bare but still with the window controls. See this StackOverflow question for an approach at customizing a window's title bar. Careful, though - I'm not sure this would be accepted into the App Store. Best to have a backup plan in case it's not.
Here is what I found that match to what I want : window trasparency
The trick is making the main window transparent, but not the content by creating a special view for this.

Sizing a control to fit its container in Interface Builder

Let's say I have a split view, and I want to fill half of it with a table view (a fairly common use case, I would think). Is there any way to tell the table view to size itself to fit the split view or do I really have to size it manually?
I've done this, the way Jon Hess mentions first. Assuming you're using Interface Builder version 3:
Drag and resize your GUI (tableview from what I understand?) component to fit into the enclosing area the way you want it.
Click it to select it.
Press Command-Shift-I to open the inspector window for this GUI component. The inspector window should now actually show that you've selected a "Scroll View".
Click the "ruler" heading to be able to set the sizing. You'll see to the right an animated representation of how your GUI component will behave within its enclosing GUI component, and to the left another represenation of the same, without animation, but with four springs and two struts that you can turn on or off.
Turn all six things on, making them red.
VoilĂ  :-)
It's generally easier to create the subviews first, then use the Layout/Embed Objects In/Split View menu item to create the split view around them.
As far as I know, doing it manually is the only way to go. However, if you turn on "snap to cocoa guidelines", the inner view will snap to the edges of the enclosing view as you drag towards them. This makes it easier than having to manually mouse the edges into place, or manually edit the sizes to match.
You can set all of the springs and struts of the table view to "on" in the size inspector and that will cause the table view to fill the split view. Alternatively, you can use the outline view in the main document window to place the tableview's enclosing scroll view directly into the splitview instead of in an intermediary custom view.
