CMD IF EXIST evaluation time - cmd

I have a computer inside a windows domain that uses a mapped home drive I: and I have a logon script (via GPO) that is supposed to do something on that drive. From my observations I would guess that there seems to be some kind of race condition between the mapping and the start of the logon script:
Sometimes the script "finds" the mapped drive, when run, sometimes it doesn't. My approach is to repeat that test until the drive is finally mapped (or until we give up). So here's the code:
ECHO Giving up... >> %LOGFILE%
) ELSE (
(I increased the timeout for debugging.)
The logfile is written just as expected - one line every 30s. However, even though the mapped drive is definetely there, the script never becomes aware of this. If run manually, the script behaves completely normal as the IF evaluates to FALSE right away.
What's going on here and how could that goal - "Check, if a Drive exists, if not, wait a bit and check again." - be achieved?

Give it a try
set "foundI="
(for /l %%a in (1 1 10) do if not defined foundI (
vol i: && ( set "foundI=1" ) || if %%a lss 10 (
>&9 echo Attemp %%a failed ...
timeout /t 2
) else (
>&9 echo Giving up ...
exit /b 1
)) >nul 2>nul 9>> %LOGFILE%
It just uses vol i: command to check the volume is available.


Window batch commands to detect if downloaded file exists?

I use a windows batch file that scans download folder and if it detects label.pdf it sends to local printer. This works fine most of the time but often it detects file before the file completely downloads which causes PDFtoPrinter error. Is there a way to make sure the download process is complete before attempting to detect?
#echo off
IF EXIST "C:\Users\Downloads\label.pdf" (
echo "Found!"
ping -n 1 -w 3000> nul
"C:\Users\Downloads\PDFtoPrinter" label.pdf "4BARCODE 4B-2054A"
ping -n 1 -w 10000> nul
del "C:\Users\Downloads\label.pdf"
) ELSE (
echo "it isn't here!"
goto start
You can use the mechanism to check if a file is locked for exclusive access by another application.
#echo off
IF EXIST "C:\Users\Downloads\label.pdf" (
REM check if file is locked
2>nul (>>"C:\Users\Downloads\label.pdf" (call )) && ("C:\Users\Downloads\PDFtoPrinter" label.pdf "4BARCODE 4B-2054A") || (echo file is locked)
) ELSE (
echo "it isn't here!"
Timeout /T 10
goto start

make a batch script foward an IP

Hi so my coworker requested if I could make a script. I am sure what I want it to do and wrote some pseudo code in bash style now of course this not useable for him since he is on Windows. So I tried to implement in a .bat script now here is where my knowledge comes a bit short. What I need the script to do is to connect to a certain VPN-ip if that is not avaible the localsystem should foward it to another VPN so he doesn't need to worry about it. Either one of 2 should always be reachable. But they are never at the same time. This is for test tooling.
Pseudo bashcode
while true
From local if avaible connect to it
else connect to it
try to connect to again && verify that'
echo 'error device over VPN unavaible'
My Attempted batch script, I am pretty sure that what I have now is not gonna work
#setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
#echo off
set ipaddr=%1
set state=down
for /f "tokens=5,6,7" %%a in ('ping -n 1 !ipaddr!') do (
if "x%%b"=="xunreachable." goto :endloop
if "x%%a"=="xReceived" if "x%%c"=="x1," set state=up
echo.Link is !state!
ping -n 6 >nul: 2>nul:
goto :loop
is reacheable connect
) ELSE (
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=80 connectaddress= fowardaddress=
So far as I know, you can just try to find "ttl=" to determine success/fail for a ping without worrying about all those tokens and different versions of cmd. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
set ip=
rem 2 pings waiting 900ms for a reply
ping -n 2 -w 900 %ip%|find /i "ttl=">nul || goto :fail
rem If we get here then the ping succeeded
rem do what you want here
goto :eof
rem If we get here then the ping failed.
rem do what you want here
goto :eof
The || operator basically means "if the previous command fails then do this".

Batch script prompt needs multiple entries

So I have this subroutine that I want to call from another location in a batch file. The functions work as desired, but for some reason I cant pin down, the prompt wants to have the user enter something TWICE, before it will accept anything.
Say, if I enter "0", to go back to a previous menu, it takes me right back to the prompt, and I have to enter "0" again before it will actually go back to the previous menu (elsewhere in my main script).
I can, say, enter "w" (or any other value), then the second time, enter the one I actually WANT to use, and it will finally do it.
This is driving me nuts.
if exist "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" (
Echo Backup folder already exists
Echo [o] Overwrite local device files with existing local files
Echo [w] Wipe current local backup and start fresh
set /p choice=Select:
if %choice% == o (
Echo Depending on how much data you have,
Echo this could take a couple hours.
Echo Backing up...
adb pull /sdcard/ "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" >nul 2>&1
Goto :backup
if %choice% == w (
Echo Removing all current local backup files in 'Full_Backup'
rmdir /S /Q "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" >nul 2>&1
Echo Depending on how much data you have,
Echo this could take a couple hours.
Echo Backing up...
adb pull /sdcard/ "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" >nul 2>&1
Goto :backup
if not %choice% == o goto subfullbackup
if not %choice% == w goto subfullbackup
) else (
Echo Depending on how much data you have,
Echo this could take a couple hours.
Echo Backing up...
adb pull /sdcard/ "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" >nul 2>&1
Goto :backup
Goto :eof
Your batch code with using delayed expansion, enabled at top of the batch script with command setlocal which additionally creates a copy of all environment variables and remembering also current directory for restoring the variables list, current directory and current states of command extensions and delayed expansion on endlocal or leaving batch processing:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "current=%CD%"
if exist "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" (
Echo Backup folder already exists
Echo [o] Overwrite local device files with existing local files
Echo [w] Wipe current local backup and start fresh
set "UserChoice="
set /p "UserChoice=Select: "
if /I "!UserChoice!" == "o" (
Echo Depending on how much data you have,
Echo this could take a couple hours.
Echo Backing up...
adb.exe pull /sdcard/ "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" >nul 2>&1
Goto DoBackup
if /I "!UserChoice!" == "w" (
Echo Removing all current local backup files in 'Full_Backup'
rmdir /S /Q "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" >nul 2>&1
Echo Depending on how much data you have,
Echo this could take a couple hours.
Echo Backing up...
adb.exe pull /sdcard/ "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" >nul 2>&1
Goto DoBackup
goto FullBackup
) else (
Echo Depending on how much data you have,
Echo this could take a couple hours.
Echo Backing up...
adb.exe pull /sdcard/ "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" >nul 2>&1
Goto DoBackup
Goto :EOF
But your batch code could be also written without delayed expansion and much more compact avoiding duplicate code lines:
#echo off
set "current=%CD%"
if exist "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" goto PromptBackup
Echo Depending on how much data you have,
Echo this could take a couple hours.
Echo Backing up...
adb.exe pull /sdcard/ "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" >nul 2>&1
Goto DoBackup
Echo Backup folder already exists
Echo [o] Overwrite local device files with existing local files
Echo [w] Wipe current local backup and start fresh
set "UserChoice="
set /p "UserChoice=Select: "
if /I "%UserChoice%" == "o" goto OverwriteBackup
if /I not "%UserChoice%" == "w" goto FullBackup
Echo Removing all current local backup files in 'Full_Backup'
rmdir /S /Q "%current%\Backup\Full_Backup" >nul 2>&1
goto OverwriteBackup
Some notes about small changes in code:
choice (SS64 article) is a standard Windows command. Therefore it is advisable to avoid choice (Microsoft article) as name for an environment variable or label. UserChoice (CamelCase spelling for easier reading) is used instead of choice.
backup (SS64 article) is not a standard Windows command, but a standard SQL command. Therefore it is also advisable to avoid backup as name for an environment variable or label. DoBackup is used instead in batch code above.
It is advisable to define a default for an environment variable before prompting a user. The user can hit just RETURN or ENTER in which case the environment variable keeps its value.
The environment variable is cleared with set "UserPoint=" before prompting the user and therefore the variable does not exist when user enters nothing.
Possible would be also set "UserPoint=o" or set "UserPoint=w" to define a valid default value.
Comparing strings with user input should be done always with using double quotes to avoid an exit of batch processing caused by a syntax error when user inputs nothing.
if %choice% == w ( becomes if == w ( when the user enters nothing which is a syntax error and results in breaking batch processing by command processor.
if /I "%UserChoice%" == "w" ( becomes if /I "" == "w" when the user enters nothing in code above which is still valid batch code and can be therefore processed.
Note: User could now break batch processing by entering "w".
But it can be expected here that the user does not input 1 or more double quotes on being asked for o or w.
On comparing strings entered by user with predefined strings it is advisable to do case-insensitive string comparisons if letters are included in the compared strings.
The option /I changes a string comparison from case-sensitive to case-insensitive.
So now the user can enter also O or W and this is interpreted like o or w.

Need help modifying script to use individual files, instead of all files at once

I was wondering if anyone could help me with a very simple rework of this script I inherited. I have no previous experience with batch files and needed to modify this already working script in a very simple manner.
Currently, this script does the following:
- Monitors a folder and looks to see if there are files in it
- If there are, it executes a FTP transfer via command line
- Then, it moves the files into a archive folder created and named with the current timestamp and writes something to a text log file
- If there are no files, the script exits and does nothing.
As of now, the script is looking for, processing, and moving all the files at once. I was looking to see if I could be pointed int the right direction with help on how to modify the script so that it does each file one by one, instead of using . everywhere. Ultimately, I think all I need to do is figure out how to do the loop correctly and read/store the filenames to use as variables instead of using . Any help would be appreciated.
:: Set count of files = 0
:: Set timestamp for processed folders
set TIMESTAMP=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%-%TIME:~0,2%.%TIME:~3,2%.%TIME:~6,2%.%TIME:~9,2%
:: If more than 0 files exist begin ftp and file archival otherwise exit
FOR %%i IN (c:\Encoded_HL7_Vanderbilt\*.*) DO IF EXIST %%i (SET X=1)
IF [%X%] gtr [0] (cd\..\..
cd\"Program Files (x86)\Ipswitch\WS_FTP 12"
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo %TIMESTAMP% Error switching to ftp program directory>E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%1\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt
wsftppro -s local:C:\Encoded_HL7_Vanderbilt\*.* -d Vandy!Vanderbilt:/incoming/
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo %TIMESTAMP% Error transmitting file to ftp server>E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%1\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt
md "E:\Processed_HL7_Vanderbilt\%1\%TIMESTAMP%"
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo %TIMESTAMP% Error creating archive directory>E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%1\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt
move "C:\Encoded_HL7_Vanderbilt\*.*" "E:\Processed_HL7_Vanderbilt%1\%TIMESTAMP%"
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo %TIMESTAMP% Error moving files to archive directory>E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%1\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt
exit)) ELSE (exit)
echo %TIMESTAMP% File transfer completed successfully>E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%1\%TIMESTAMP%.success.txt
Give this a walk around the park: if any file generates an error then it will stop processing further files.
set "folder=%~1"
:: Set timestamp for processed folders
set TIMESTAMP=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%-%TIME:~0,2%.%TIME:~3,2%.%TIME:~6,2%.%TIME:~9,2%
:: If more than 0 files exist begin ftp and file archival otherwise exit
FOR %%a IN (c:\Encoded_HL7_Vanderbilt\*.*) DO (
cd\"Program Files (x86)\Ipswitch\WS_FTP 12"
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo %TIMESTAMP% Error switching to ftp program directory>E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%folder%\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt
goto :done)
wsftppro -s local:%%a -d Vandy!Vanderbilt:/incoming/
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo %TIMESTAMP% Error transmitting "%%a" file to ftp server>E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%folder%\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt
goto :done)
md "E:\Processed_HL7_Vanderbilt\%folder%\%TIMESTAMP%" 2>nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo %TIMESTAMP% Error creating archive directory>E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%folder%\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt
goto :done)
move "%%a" "E:\Processed_HL7_Vanderbilt\%folder%\%TIMESTAMP%"
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo %TIMESTAMP% Error moving "%%a" file to archive directory>E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%folder%\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt
goto :done)
echo %TIMESTAMP% File transfers completed successfully or no files were found>E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%folder%\%TIMESTAMP%.success.txt
goto :EOF
try this, it might work for you:
:: Set count of files = 0
SET /a count=0
:: Set timestamp for processed folders
set "TIMESTAMP=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%-%TIME:~0,2%.%TIME:~3,2%.%TIME:~6,2%.%TIME:~9,2%"
cd "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Ipswitch\WS_FTP 12" || (
echo %TIMESTAMP% Error switching to ftp program directory>"E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%1\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt"
exit /b 1
md "E:\Processed_HL7_Vanderbilt\%1\%TIMESTAMP%" || (
echo %TIMESTAMP% Error creating archive directory>"E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%1\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt"
exit /b 1
:: If more than 0 files exist begin ftp and file archival otherwise exit
FOR %%i IN (c:\Encoded_HL7_Vanderbilt\*) DO (
set /a count+=1
REM I don't know the wsftppro command line parameters, pls. check the man page
wsftppro -s local:"%%~i" -d Vandy!Vanderbilt:/incoming/ || (
echo %TIMESTAMP% Error transmitting file to ftp server>"E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%1\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt"
exit /b 1
move "%%~i" "E:\Processed_HL7_Vanderbilt\%1\%TIMESTAMP%" || (
echo %TIMESTAMP% Error moving files to archive directory>"E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%1\%TIMESTAMP%.error.txt"
exit /b 1
if %count% equ 0 (
rd "E:\Processed_HL7_Vanderbilt\%1\%TIMESTAMP%" 2>nul
exit /b 1
echo %TIMESTAMP% File transfer completed successfully>"E:\HL7_Vanderbilt_log\%1\%TIMESTAMP%.success.txt"

Batch file add/remove hosts file entries syntax error

The following script is supposed to manage adding and removing entries into the hosts file. Entries with .dev are supposed to point to localhost and all others should prompt for an IP address. If the entry already exists it should ask you if you want to remove it.
I am getting a vague The syntax of the command is incorrect error but I'm not sure which line it's referring to. If I turn #echo on it then spits out if ( on the next line and then dies. The only way I can catch the error is to do a screenshot because it immediately exits.
I've spent several hours on this, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
#echo off
title ClearSight Studio
echo Virtual website setup script
echo Version 1.4
echo Last modified 12/30/2011
REM Get the name of the domain name
echo What domain name? Ctrl+C to cancel. Example:
set /p domain= Domain:
REM Set a variable for the Windows hosts file location
set hostpath=\windows\system32\drivers\etc
set hostfile=hosts
set sitespath=\clearsight\sites
set extension=%domain:~-3%
REM Make the hosts file writable
attrib -r %hostpath%\%hostfile%
REM Add the domain to point to localhost at the end of the file if it doesn't already have an entry.
find /c " %domain%" %hostpath%\%hostfile%
if errorlevel 1 (
if /i %extension%==dev (
set /p ip= What is the IP?
echo. >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
echo.# Adding %domain% via batch process on %date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%. >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
if %ip% (
echo.%ip% %domain% >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
) else (
echo. %domain% >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
) else if errorlevel 0 (
echo Entry found in hostfile already. Would you like to remove it?
set /p remove= Remove (Y/N)
if /i %remove%==Y (
findstr /v "%domain%" %hostpath%\%hostfile% > %hostpath%\%hostfile%
if /i %extension%==dev (
REM Create the folder if it doesn't exist
if exist %sitespath%\%domain% (
echo %sitespath%\%domain% already exists.
) else (
echo Creating %sitespath%\%domain%...
mkdir %sitespath%\%domain%
REM Clean up
attrib +r %hostpath%\%hostfile%
echo Done.
if /i %extension%==dev (
REM Do a "git" of the repo, if requested
echo Would you like to clone an external git repository named %domain% from Bitbucket?
echo This assumes the git repository was set up under the "jamonholmgren" account.
echo Do it manually if it's under someone else's account. Also, make sure you have permissions to this repo.
set /p getgit= Get git clone? (Y/N):
if /i %getgit%==Y (
git clone %sitespath%\%domain%\
) else (
echo Okay, then we're done.
You have two problems with this bit of code
if %ip% (
echo.%ip% %domain% >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
) else (
It is invalid syntax. I presume you want to test if the variable is defined. The proper syntax is if defined ip (
You are attempting to expand %ip% in the same if() block where it was defined. This can't work because %ip% is expanded at parse time, which is before you assign the value! The solution is to use delayed expansion instead !ip!. Delayed expansion must first be enabled, probably near the top of your script, using setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
So the fixed code would look something like this
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if defined ip (
echo.!ip! %domain% >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
) else (
You have the same delayed expansion issue with %remove%
Edit - expanding on Andriy M's comment
You also have a potential issue with how you deal with user input for ip and remove. Both values should be initialized either to nothing, or to a default value, prior to prompting for the value. If the user does not enter anything, then the existing default value (if any) is preserved.
Also, you may want to confirm that a valid value was entered, especially for the ip. If you do, then you will want to take the prompt out of the loop and put it in a called subroutine. The subroutine can check if a value was entered and loop back to try again if it wasn't. It must be in a subroutine because you cannot GOTO within a parenthesized block of code like you have with your IF statement.
When you expand a variable value via %variable% its value is expanded just once after the line that contain commands is read and before the commands are executed. For example:
set var=Original
set var=New & echo %var%
Previous line show "Original". The same effect happen with any command enclosed in parentheses (that belong to any IF or FOR commands).
The way to solve this problem is using Delayed Variable Expansion by enclosing a variable in exclamation marks instead percents:
set var=Original
set var=New & echo !var!
However, you must first activate the delayed expansion with this command:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
So, insert previous line at beginning of your program and change ALL references to variables that may change its value inside an IF or FOR by !name! instead of %name%. For example:
if %ip% (
that I'm sure is the line that caused your problem...
Thanks everyone for the help! Here is the final (working) result in case anyone ever wants to do something similar. The output to the screen could probably use a little tweaking but in all my testing it seems completely reliable.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
title ClearSight Studio
echo Virtual website setup script
echo Version 1.5
echo Last modified 2/23/2012
REM Get the name of the domain name
echo What domain name? Ctrl+C to cancel. Example:
set /p domain= Domain:
REM Set a variable for the Windows hosts file location
set hostpath=\windows\system32\drivers\etc
set hostfile=hosts
set sitespath=\clearsight\sites
set extension=%domain:~-3%
REM Make the hosts file writable
attrib -r %hostpath%\%hostfile%
REM Add the domain to point to localhost at the end of the file if it doesn't already have an entry.
find /c " %domain%" %hostpath%\%hostfile%
if errorlevel 1 (
if /i NOT %extension%==dev (
set /p ip= What is the IP?
) else (
set ip=
echo. >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
echo.# Adding %domain% via batch process on %date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%. >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
echo.!ip! %domain% >> %hostpath%\%hostfile%
) else if errorlevel 0 (
echo Entry found in hostfile already.
set /p remove= Would you like to remove it? (Y/N)
if /i !remove!==Y (
findstr /v %domain% %hostpath%\%hostfile% > %hostpath%\%hostfile%.txt
type %hostpath%\%hostfile%.txt > %hostpath%\%hostfile%
if /i %extension%==dev (
REM Create the folder if it doesn't exist
if exist %sitespath%\%domain% (
echo %sitespath%\%domain% already exists.
) else (
echo Creating %sitespath%\%domain%...
mkdir %sitespath%\%domain%
REM Clean up
attrib +r %hostpath%\%hostfile%
REM Flush DNS so the changes are available imidiately
ipconfig /flushdns
echo Done.
if /i %extension%==dev (
REM Do a "git" of the repo, if requested
echo Would you like to clone an external git repository named %domain% from Bitbucket?
echo This assumes the git repository was set up under the "jamonholmgren" account.
echo Do it manually if it's under someone else's account. Also, make sure you have permissions to this repo.
set /p getgit= Get git clone? (Y/N)
if /i !getgit!==Y (
git clone %sitespath%\%domain%\
) else (
echo Okay, then we're done.
Just some hints for debugging the batch file:
Start it from a cmd shell to avoid closing the window after exiting
Add more REM commands that will serve as log entries when turning echo on
Simplify your script by repeatedly removing parts from the end until it runs without error. Reinsert the faulty parts and try to figure out what's wrong there
While this does not quite answer your question, I hope the hints will help you solve the problem. You are always welcome to ask for general advice, but I'm afraid that your particular problem is somehow a bit too specific to be of general interest.
