I have a long time to stay at making some RxJava codes better to average some data - rx-android

I have a collection of data like dummy below
class Place {
That means a collection of some places.
There is a user with userId and login.
How to calc average place-price that equal to userId ?
RxJava is nice and I have tried filter and toList, however it is not so performance nice.
.filter(new Predicate<Place>() {
public boolean test(Place place) throws Exception {
return place.userId == global.login.userId;
.subscribe(new Consumer<List<Place>>() {
public void accept(List<Place> filteredPlace) throws Exception {
//Here I have to use loop to do math-average, it is not nice to average.

If the places is something that is already available in-memory, you can rearrange the evaluation such as this:
.map((Iterable<Place> list) -> {
double sum = 0.0;
int count = 0;
for (Place p : list) {
if (p.userId == global.login.userId) {
sum += p.price;
return sum / count;
.subscribe(average -> { /* display average */ });
If the sequence of places becomes available over time (through an Observable):
Observable<Place> places = ...
.filter((Place p) -> p.userId == global.login.userId)
.compose(o -> MathObservable.averageDouble(o.map(p -> p.price)))
.subscribe(average -> { /* display average */ });
MathObservable is part of the RxJava 2 Extensions library.


Dart - Best sort Algorithm for pushing a list of objects to a list of First Class Lists

I have a list of objects that are retrieved from a DB. The object looks like this:
class MonthlyFinancePlan {
final int id;
final DateTime date;
final double incomeAfterTax;
final double totalToPayOut;
final double totalRemainingForMonth;
final Map<String, dynamic> items;
MonthlyFinancePlan({ this.id, this.date, this.incomeAfterTax, this.totalToPayOut, this.totalRemainingForMonth, this.items });
MonthlyFinancePlan.fromEntity(MonthlyFinancePlanEntity monthlyFinancePlanEntity):
this.id = monthlyFinancePlanEntity.id,
this.date = DateTime.parse(monthlyFinancePlanEntity.date),
this.incomeAfterTax = monthlyFinancePlanEntity.incomeAfterTax.toDouble(),
this.totalToPayOut = monthlyFinancePlanEntity.totalToPayOut.toDouble(),
this.totalRemainingForMonth = monthlyFinancePlanEntity.moneyRemainingForMonth.toDouble(),
this.items = monthlyFinancePlanEntity.items != null ? json.decode(monthlyFinancePlanEntity.items) : Map();
I need to sort these by date.year and then pass them into a first class List, I'd like to create a List of these First class lists so that all the MonthlyFinancePlan objects that are from the year 2020 are sorted and contained within the first class list, same for 2021, etc.
The first class list looks like this:
class YearlyFinancePlan {
List<MonthlyFinancePlan> _monthlyFinancePlanList;
int _year;
double _totalIncomeForYear;
double _totalOutGoingsForYear;
List<MonthlyFinancePlan> get items {
return this._monthlyFinancePlanList;
int get year {
return this._year;
double get totalIncomeForYear {
return this._totalIncomeForYear;
double get totalOutgoingsForYear {
return this._totalOutGoingsForYear;
YearlyFinancePlan(this._monthlyFinancePlanList) {
this._year = this._monthlyFinancePlanList.first.date.year;
this._totalIncomeForYear = this._setTotalIncomeFromList(this._monthlyFinancePlanList);
this._totalOutGoingsForYear = this._setTotalOutGoingsForYear(this._monthlyFinancePlanList);
double _setTotalIncomeFromList(List<MonthlyFinancePlan> monthlyFinancePlanList) {
double totalIncome;
monthlyFinancePlanList.forEach((plan) => totalIncome += plan.incomeAfterTax);
return totalIncome;
double _setTotalOutGoingsForYear(List<MonthlyFinancePlan> monthlyFinancePlanList) {
double totalOutgoings;
monthlyFinancePlanList.forEach((plan) => totalOutgoings += plan.totalToPayOut);
return totalOutgoings;
My question is, what sort algorithm would be best suited for what I need? I don't have any code to show as I don't know what sort algorithm to use. I'm not looking for anyone to write my code, but more to guide me through it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I've created a Mapper that checks if the MonthlyPlanner.date.year exists as a key in a standard Dart Map and adds it if it doesn't exist. Once the check is complete, it also calls the addMonthlyPlan method to add the entry to the MonthlyPlan to the correct YearlyPlan like so:
class FinancePlanMapper {
static Map<int, YearlyFinancePlan> toMap(List<MonthlyFinancePlan> planList) {
Map<int, YearlyFinancePlan> planMap = Map();
planList.forEach((monthlyPlan) {
planMap.putIfAbsent(monthlyPlan.date.year, () => YearlyFinancePlan(List()));
return planMap;
I'm not too sure whether it's the most efficient way of sorting but I plan to refactor it as much as possible. I've also updated the YearlyFinancePlan object so that it doesn't initialise any fields on construction, which would cause the object to throw an error when being initialised with an empty list:
class YearlyFinancePlan {
List<MonthlyFinancePlan> _monthlyFinancePlanList;
List<MonthlyFinancePlan> get items {
return this._monthlyFinancePlanList;
int get year {
return this.items.first.date.year;
double get totalIncomeForYear {
return this._setTotalIncomeFromList(this._monthlyFinancePlanList);
double get totalOutgoingsForYear {
return this._setTotalOutGoingsForYear(this._monthlyFinancePlanList);
void addMonthlyPlan(MonthlyFinancePlan plan) {
double _setTotalIncomeFromList(List<MonthlyFinancePlan> monthlyFinancePlanList) {
double totalIncome = 0;
monthlyFinancePlanList.forEach((plan) => totalIncome += plan.incomeAfterTax);
return totalIncome;
double _setTotalOutGoingsForYear(List<MonthlyFinancePlan> monthlyFinancePlanList) {
double totalOutgoings = 0;
monthlyFinancePlanList.forEach((plan) => totalOutgoings += plan.totalToPayOut);
return totalOutgoings;

How can I adjust the reading speed for the mongodb?

Flux.range(1,100).delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(10)).subscribe(i-> System.out.println(i));
When the Flux emmiter to 10 , I want to delayElement to 1 minute to this subscribe
The background was when I read some data from mongoDB and write to Elasticsearch,
but I want to dynamic to control the reading speed and don't want to exhaust the mongodb resource.
Flux<List<Document>> readFromMongoDB = getFromMongoDB();
product_2014.subscribe(new BaseSubscriber<List<Document>>() {
int counter;
protected void hookOnSubscribe(Subscription subscription) {
protected void hookOnNext(List<Document> value) {
if (counter == 1) {
counter = 0;
else {
ParallelFlux<List<Document>> getFromMongoDB(String product,
int size,
MongoDatabase mongoDatabase,
int parallel,
Duration duration) {
Publisher<Long> publisher = mongoDatabase.getCollection(product)
Mono<Long> count = Mono.from(publisher);
return count.flatMapMany(l -> {
log.info("split counter");
return Flux.range(0, (int) (l / size) + 1);
.log().doOnSubscribe(subscription -> {
.doOnNext(integer -> log.info("get page = {}", integer))
.concatMap(page -> {
log.info("page in {}", page);
FindPublisher<Document> limit =
.skip(page * size)
Mono<List<Document>> listDocument = Flux.from(limit)
.doOnNext(list -> {
log.info("{} in list",
return listDocument;
Why I can cacel the subscrition.And the Flux still emit the page element?
And how should I do?
I want to paralle to read from mongodb and dynamic control the reading speed.
I only see it like this:
Flux.range(1, 100)
.flatMap(el -> {
Mono<Integer> elMono = Mono.just(el);
if (el <= 10) {
return elMono.delayElement(Duration.ofMinutes(1));
else {
return elMono.delayElement(Duration.ofSeconds(10));
.subscribe(i-> System.out.println(i));
You examine each element and decide how to delay exactly this one.

Converting to lambda expression with ForEach for a breaking for loop

Have the following codes with breaking behavior in a for loop:
package test;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class Test {
private static List<Integer> integerList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4);
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void countTo2(List<Integer> integerList) {
for (Integer integer : integerList) {
System.out.println("counting " + integer);
if (integer >= 2) {
trying to express it with Lambda using forEach() will change the behavior as the for loop is not breaking anymore:
public static void countTo2(List<Integer> integerList) {
integerList.forEach(integer -> {
System.out.println("counting " + integer);
if (integer >= 2) {
This actually makes sense as the return; statements are only enforced within the lambda expression itself (within the internal iteration) and not for the whole execution sequence, so is there a way to get the desired behavior (breaking the for loop) using the lambda expression?
The following code is logically equivalent to yours:
public static void countTo2(List<Integer> integerList) {
.peek(i -> System.out.println("counting " + i))
.filter(i -> i >= 2)
.ifPresent(i -> System.out.println("returning!"));
If you're confused about anything, please let me know!
What you are looking for is a short-circuit terminal operation and while this is the way to do it:
.peek(x -> System.out.println("counting = " + x))
.filter(x -> x >= 2)
.ifPresent(x -> System.out.println("retunrning"));
That's an equivalent only when dealing with sequential stream. As soon as you add parallel that peek might show elements that you would not expect, because there is no defined processing order, but there is encounter order - meaning that elements will be correctly fed to the terminal operation.
One way I could think of doing that would be using anyMatch and the inverse:
if (integerList.stream().noneMatch(val -> val >= 2)) {
System.out.println("counting " + val);
if (integerList.stream().anyMatch(val -> val >= 2)) {
but internally that would iterate over the list twice and wouldn't be very optimal I believe.

Java 8 is not maintaining the order while grouping

I m using Java 8 for grouping by data. But results obtained are not in order formed.
Map<GroupingKey, List<Object>> groupedResult = null;
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(groupByColumns)) {
Map<String, Object> mapArr[] = new LinkedHashMap[mapList.size()];
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(mapList)) {
int count = 0;
for (LinkedHashMap<String, Object> map : mapList) {
mapArr[count++] = map;
Stream<Map<String, Object>> people = Stream.of(mapArr);
groupedResult = people
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(p -> new GroupingKey(p, groupByColumns), Collectors.mapping((Map<String, Object> p) -> p, toList())));
public static class GroupingKey
public GroupingKey(Map<String, Object> map, List<String> cols) {
keys = new ArrayList<>();
for (String col : cols) {
// Add appropriate isEqual() ... you IDE should generate this
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final GroupingKey other = (GroupingKey) obj;
if (!Objects.equals(this.keys, other.keys)) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 37 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.keys);
return hash;
public String toString() {
return keys + "";
public ArrayList<Object> getKeys() {
return keys;
public void setKeys(ArrayList<Object> keys) {
this.keys = keys;
Here i am using my class groupingKey by which i m dynamically passing from ux. How can get this groupByColumns in sorted form?
Not maintaining the order is a property of the Map that stores the result. If you need a specific Map behavior, you need to request a particular Map implementation. E.g. LinkedHashMap maintains the insertion order:
groupedResult = people.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(
p -> new GroupingKey(p, groupByColumns),
Collectors.mapping((Map<String, Object> p) -> p, toList())));
By the way, there is no reason to copy the contents of mapList into an array before creating the Stream. You may simply call mapList.stream() to get an appropriate Stream.
Further, Collectors.mapping((Map<String, Object> p) -> p, toList()) is obsolete. p->p is an identity mapping, so there’s no reason to request mapping at all:
groupedResult = mapList.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(
p -> new GroupingKey(p, groupByColumns), LinkedHashMap::new, toList()));
But even the GroupingKey is obsolete. It basically wraps a List of values, so you could just use a List as key in the first place. Lists implement hashCode and equals appropriately (but you must not modify these key Lists afterwards).
Map<List<Object>, List<Object>> groupedResult=
p -> groupByColumns.stream().map(p::get).collect(toList()),
LinkedHashMap::new, toList()));
Based on #Holger's great answer. I post this to help those who want to keep the order after grouping as well as changing the mapping.
Let's simplify and suppose we have a list of persons (int age, String name, String adresss...etc) and we want the names grouped by age while keeping ages in order:
final LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<String> map = myList
.sorted(Comparator.comparing(p -> p.getAge())) //sort list by ages
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(p -> p.getAge()),
LinkedHashMap::new, //keeps the order
Collectors.mapping(p -> p.getName(), //map name

Lossless hierarchical run length encoding

I want to summarize rather than compress in a similar manner to run length encoding but in a nested sense.
For instance, I want : ABCBCABCBCDEEF to become: (2A(2BC))D(2E)F
I am not concerned that an option is picked between two identical possible nestings E.g.
ABBABBABBABA could be (3ABB)ABA or A(3BBA)BA which are of the same compressed length, despite having different structures.
However I do want the choice to be MOST greedy. For instance:
ABCDABCDCDCDCD would pick (2ABCD)(3CD) - of length six in original symbols which is less than ABCDAB(4CD) which is length 8 in original symbols.
In terms of background I have some repeating patterns that I want to summarize. So that the data is more digestible. I don't want to disrupt the logical order of the data as it is important. but I do want to summarize it , by saying, symbol A times 3 occurrences, followed by symbols XYZ for 20 occurrences etc. and this can be displayed in a nested sense visually.
Welcome ideas.
I'm pretty sure this isn't the best approach, and depending on the length of the patterns, might have a running time and memory usage that won't work, but here's some code.
You can paste the following code into LINQPad and run it, and it should produce the following output:
As you can see, the middle example encoded ABB as A(2B) instead of ABB, you would have to make that judgment yourself, if single-symbol sequences like that should be encoded as a repeated symbol or not, or if a specific threshold (like 3 or more) should be used.
Basically, the code runs like this:
For each position in the sequence, try to find the longest match (actually, it doesn't, it takes the first 2+ match it finds, I left the rest as an exercise for you since I have to leave my computer for a few hours now)
It then tries to encode that sequence, the one that repeats, recursively, and spits out a X*seq type of object
If it can't find a repeating sequence, it spits out the single symbol at that location
It then skips what it encoded, and continues from #1
Anyway, here's the code:
void Main()
string[] examples = new[]
foreach (string example in examples)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var r in Encode(example))
Debug.WriteLine(example + " = " + sb.ToString());
public static IEnumerable<Repeat<T>> Encode<T>(IEnumerable<T> values)
return Encode<T>(values, EqualityComparer<T>.Default);
public static IEnumerable<Repeat<T>> Encode<T>(IEnumerable<T> values, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
List<T> sequence = new List<T>(values);
int index = 0;
while (index < sequence.Count)
var bestSequence = FindBestSequence<T>(sequence, index, comparer);
if (bestSequence == null || bestSequence.Length < 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to find sequence at position " + index);
yield return bestSequence;
index += bestSequence.Length;
private static Repeat<T> FindBestSequence<T>(IList<T> sequence, int startIndex, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
int sequenceLength = 1;
while (startIndex + sequenceLength * 2 <= sequence.Count)
if (comparer.Equals(sequence[startIndex], sequence[startIndex + sequenceLength]))
bool atLeast2Repeats = true;
for (int index = 0; index < sequenceLength; index++)
if (!comparer.Equals(sequence[startIndex + index], sequence[startIndex + sequenceLength + index]))
atLeast2Repeats = false;
if (atLeast2Repeats)
int count = 2;
while (startIndex + sequenceLength * (count + 1) <= sequence.Count)
bool anotherRepeat = true;
for (int index = 0; index < sequenceLength; index++)
if (!comparer.Equals(sequence[startIndex + index], sequence[startIndex + sequenceLength * count + index]))
anotherRepeat = false;
if (anotherRepeat)
List<T> oneSequence = Enumerable.Range(0, sequenceLength).Select(i => sequence[startIndex + i]).ToList();
var repeatedSequence = Encode<T>(oneSequence, comparer).ToArray();
return new SequenceRepeat<T>(count, repeatedSequence);
// fall back, we could not find anything that repeated at all
return new SingleSymbol<T>(sequence[startIndex]);
public abstract class Repeat<T>
public int Count { get; private set; }
protected Repeat(int count)
Count = count;
public abstract int Length
public class SingleSymbol<T> : Repeat<T>
public T Value { get; private set; }
public SingleSymbol(T value)
: base(1)
Value = value;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0}", Value);
public override int Length
return Count;
public class SequenceRepeat<T> : Repeat<T>
public Repeat<T>[] Values { get; private set; }
public SequenceRepeat(int count, Repeat<T>[] values)
: base(count)
Values = values;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("({0}{1})", Count, string.Join("", Values.Select(v => v.ToString())));
public override int Length
int oneLength = 0;
foreach (var value in Values)
oneLength += value.Length;
return Count * oneLength;
public class GroupRepeat<T> : Repeat<T>
public Repeat<T> Group { get; private set; }
public GroupRepeat(int count, Repeat<T> group)
: base(count)
Group = group;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("({0}{1})", Count, Group);
public override int Length
return Count * Group.Length;
Looking at the problem theoretically, it seems similar to the problem of finding the smallest context free grammar which generates (only) the string, except in this case the non-terminals can only be used in direct sequence after each other, so e.g.
Of course, this depends on how you define "smallest", but if you count terminals on the right side of rules, it should be the same as the "length in original symbols" after doing the nested run-length encoding.
The problem of the smallest grammar is known to be hard, and is a well-studied problem. I don't know how much the "direct sequence" part adds to or subtracts from the complexity.
