What is the best way to perform custom result sets using JPA or HQL with Spring? - spring

I develop a little Web Service using Spring REST API. I just wanted to know what is the best way to build a custom data result set from a query using HQL or Criterias.
Let's assume we need to handle these 2 entities to perform the following HQL request:
SELECT m.idMission, m.driver, m.dateMission FROM MissionEntity m
The Mission entity (simplified form):
public class Mission
Integer idMission; //id of the mission
String dateMission; //date of the mission
[...] //Other fields not needed for my request
#JoinColumn(name = "driver",
referencedColumnName = "id_user")
User driver; //the driver (user) associated to the mission
[...] //Accessors
And the User entity (the driver) (simplified form):
public class User
Integer idUser; //id of the user
[...] //Others fields not needed for my request
List<Mission> missionList; //the missions associated to the user
[...] //Accessors
JSON output (first result):
[ //Mission: depth = 0 (root)
{ //Driver: depth = 1 (mission child -> User)
"idUser": 29,
"shortId": "Adr_Adr",
"lastname": "ADRIAN",
"firstname": null,
"status": "Driver",
"active": 1
As you can see, I have a custom Mission entity result set (List) which the pattern for each Mission entity is the following:
+ Object
- missionId (Integer)
+ driver (User)
- idUser
- shortId
- lastname
- firstname
- status
- active
- dateMission (String)
But for the purpose of my request I only need for the User entity its firstname and its lastname.
So I need a result set like the following one:
+ Mission (Mission)
- missionId (Integer)
+ driver (User)
- lastname
- firstname
- dateMission (String)
As you can see, I want to keep the same JSON tree structure: a mission entity own a child User entity but this time with a partial set of attributes (only the firstname and the lastname is needed in the set).
For the moment, the only way to solve my problem is to use 2 additionnal POJO classes:
The UserProj class:
public class UserProj
private String firstname, lastname;
public UserProj(String firstname, String lastname)
this.firstname = firstname;
this.lastname = lastname;
[...] //Accessors
The MissionProj class:
public class MissionProj
private Integer missionId;
private UserProj driver;
private String dateMission;
public MissionProj(Integer missionId,
String driverFirstname, String driverLastname, String dateMission)
this.missionId = missionId;
this.driver = new UserProj(driverFirstname, driverLastname);
this.dateMission = dateMission;
[...] //Accessors
Here's now the request I use to get the wished JSON output result set:
"missionId": 1,
"driver": {
"firstname": null,
"lastname": "ADRIAN"
"dateMission": "05/03/2015"
As you can see, the result set is the one I was looking for! But my problem with that solution is that solution is not scalable. In fact, if I want to perform another custom result set for the User or the Mission entity with one additional field, I will have to create another POJO for this other custom result set. So for me this solution is not really a solution.
I think it should exist a way to do this properly using HQL or Criteria directly but I couldn't find it! Do you have an idea ?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

As you can see, the result set is the one I was looking for! But my problem with that solution is that solution is not scalable. In fact, if I want to perform another custom result set for the User or the Mission entity with one additional field, I will have to create another POJO for this other custom result set. So for me this solution is not really a solution.
You are honestly trying to push functionality too low in your architecture which obviously manifests the problem which you describe.
As a bit of background, the SELECT NEW functionality which is exposed by HQL/JPQL and the JPA Criteria was introduced as an easy way to take a query of selectables and inject them into a value object by properly selecting the right constructor method. What the caller does with the constructed value objects is an application concern, not one for the persistence provider.
I believe a more scalable solution would be not to rely on the persistence provider to deal with this but to instead push this back upstream on the Jackson API directly, which is already designed and built to handle this case quite easily.
You'd want Hibernate to return a List<Mission> objects which have the appropriate state from all dependent objects initialized based on your application needs. Then you would either have your service tier or controller transform this list using custom Jackson serializers.
public class MissionSerializer extends StdSerializer<Mission> {
private boolean serializeSpecialField;
public MissionSerializer() {
this( null );
public MissionSerializer(Class<Mission> clazz) {
super( clazz );
public void setSerializeSpecialField(boolean value) {
this.serializeSpecialField = value;
public void serialize(
Mission value,
JsonGenerator jgen,
SerializerProvider provider)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
// use jgen to write the custom mappings of Mission
// using the serializeSpecialField to control whether
// you serialize that field.
Then at this point, it's a matter of getting the ObjectMapper and setting the serializer again either in your service tier or controller and toggling whether you serialize the extra field.
The benefit here is that the query remains constant, allowing the persistence provider to cache the entities from the query, improving performance, all while allowing the application tier to transform the results to the final destined output.
This solution does likely imply you may have a single query you have to manage and a single Jackson Serializer to handle this task, so from a technical debt it may be reasonable.
On the other hand, there are good arguments to avoid coupling two solutions for the sake of code reuse.
For example, what if you'd like to change one use case? Now because you reuse the same code, one use case change implies the other is impacted, must be tested, and verified it's still stable and unaffected. By not reusing code, you avoid this potential risk, especially if your test suite doesn't have full coverage.


Spring Data JPA DistinctBy projections

Good day fellow hibernators!
I have a question on how the DistinctBy clause works in conjunction with Spring Data's projection
Assume I have 3 classes:
public class Task {
Long id;
#ManyToOne(fetch = LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "project_id")
private Project project;
#JoinColumn(name = "contact_id")
private Contact assigned;
Boolean deleted;
// ...
public class Contact {
Long id;
// ...
public class Project {
Long id;
#OneToMany(fetch = LAZY, mappedBy = "project")
private Set<Task> tasks;
// ...
These would be my domain classes. Notice, Project does have a "One2Many" to Tasks, Contact does not. Now, I have 2 interfaces for my projections and the basic TaskRepo with 2 methods:
public interface JustProject {
Project getProject();
public interface JustAssignee {
Contact getContact();
public class TaskRepo extends CrudRepository<Task, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Task> {
List<JustAssignee> findDistinctByDeletedFalse();
List<JustProject> findDistinctByDeletedFalseAndDeletedFalse();
The way it works for me right now is that, findDistinctByDeletedFalse returns as many instances as there are distinct contacts for tasks (e.g. if there are 10 tasks but only 3 contacts, the method will return just 3 objects containing all the 3 distinct contacts). Same for findDistinctByDeletedFalseAndDeletedFalse but on project level.
Now I have a few questions here and would love to get some help in understanding how this works exactly.
is the distinct clause applied after the search is done?
my initial assumption was that this behavior would not work as it does now. I assumed that the distinct clause is applied before the result is fetched, meaning that it would be DISTINCT based on the underlying task model, not the returned JustContact or JustProject model.
is there any way I could somehow not abuse the ...AndDeletedFalse redundant appendix? I need both the two methods from the repo but I feel like I had to cheat just to obtain that result...
... am I doing something wrong? I wanted to get "all distinct contacts/projects assigned to all tasks" as elegant of a way as possible. I ended up thinking about this distinctby exactly because I was unsure on how it works and wanted to try mu luck out. I really didn't think it would work this way, but now that it does I would really want to understand why it does!
Many thanks <3
The DISTINCT keyword is applied to the query and therefore it's effect depends on the select list which in turn is controlled by the projection. Therefore if you have only project or only contact in your projection the DISTINCT will get applied to those values only. Note though, that this relies somewhat on the boundaries of the JPA specification and I wouldn't be surprised if you see different behaviour with different implementations. See https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jpa-api/issues/189 and https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jpa-api/issues/124 for somewhat related issues raised against the specification.
In oder to differentiate methods that otherwise only differ in the return value you might add any additional string between find and By in the method name. For example you might want to rename your methods to findDistinctContactsByDeletedFalse and findDistinctProjectsByDeletedFalse
I guess this is the best that you can get with Spring Data JPA. You might be able to use just a single method by using the dynamic projections approach, but I think this is a perfect use case for Blaze-Persistence Entity Views.
I created the library to allow easy mapping between JPA models and custom interface or abstract class defined models, something like Spring Data Projections on steroids. The idea is that you define your target structure(domain model) the way you like and map attributes(getters) via JPQL expressions to the entity model.
A DTO model for your use case could look like the following with Blaze-Persistence Entity-Views:
public interface TaskAggregateDto {
// A synthetic "id" to get a grouping context on object level
int getGroupKey();
Set<ProjectDto> getProjects();
Set<ContactDto> getContacts();
interface ProjectDto {
Long getId();
String getName();
interface ContactDto {
Long getId();
String getName();
The Spring Data integration allows you to use it almost like Spring Data Projections: https://persistence.blazebit.com/documentation/entity-view/manual/en_US/index.html#spring-data-features
public interface TaskRepo extends CrudRepository<Task, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Task> {
TaskAggregateDto findOneByDeletedFalse();

Dynamic JPA query

I have two entities Questions and UserAnswers. I need to make an api in spring boot which returns all the columns from both the entities based on some conditions.
Conditions are:
I will be give a comparator eg: >, <, =, >=, <=
A column name eg: last_answered_at, last_seen_at
A value of the above column eg: 28-09-2020 06:00:18
I will need to return an inner join of the two entities and filter based on the above conditions.
Sample sql query based on above conditions will be like:
SELECT q,ua from questions q INNER JOIN
user_answers ua on q.id = ua.question_id
WHERE ua.last_answered_at > 28-09-2020 06:00:18
The problem I am facing is that the column name and the comparator for the query needs to be dynamic.
Is there an efficient way to do this using spring boot and JPA as I do not want to make jpa query methods for all possible combinations of columns and operators as it can be a very large number and there will be extensive use of if else?
I have developed a library called spring-dynamic-jpa to make it easier to implement dynamic queries with JPA.
You can use it to write the query templates. The query template will be built into different query strings before execution depending on your parameters when you invoke the method.
This sounds like a clear custom implementation of a repository method. Firstly, I will make some assumptions about the implementation of your entities. Afterwards, I will present an idea on how to solve your challenge.
I assume that the entities look basically like this (getters, setters, equals, hachCode... ignored).
#Table(name = "questions")
public class Question {
private Long id;
private LocalDateTime lastAnsweredAt;
private LocalDateTime lastSeenAt;
// other attributes you mentioned...
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "question", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<UserAnswer> userAnswers = new ArrayList();
// Add and remove methods added to keep bidirectional relationship synchronised
public void addUserAnswer(UserAnswer userAnswer) {
public void removeUserAnswer(UserAnswer userAnswer) {
#Table(name = "user_answers")
public class UserAnswer {
private Long id;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "task_release_id")
private Question question;
I will write the code with the knowledge about the JPA of Hibernate. For other JPAs, it might work similarly or the same.
Hibernate often needs the name of attributes as a String. To circumvent the issue of undetected mistakes (especially when refactoring), I suggest the module hibernate-jpamodelgen (see the class names suffixed with an underscore). You can also use it to pass the names of the attributes as arguments to your repository method.
Repository methods try to communicate with the database. In JPA, there are different ways of implementing database requests: JPQL as a query language and the Criteria API (easier to refactor, less error prone). As I am a fan of the Criteria API, I will use the Criteria API together with the modelgen to tell the ORM Hibernate to talk to the database to retrieve the relevant objects.
public class QuestionRepositoryCustomImpl implements QuestionRepository {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public List<Question> dynamicFind(String comparator, String attribute, String value) {
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Question> cq = cb.createQuery(Question.class);
// Root gets constructed for first, main class in the request (see return of method)
Root<Question> root = cq.from(Question.class);
// Join happens based on respective attribute within root
// The following ifs are not the nicest solution.
// The ifs check what comparator String contains and adds respective where clause to query
// This .where() is like WHERE in SQL
if("==".equals(comparator)) {
cq.where(cb.equal(root.get(attribute), value));
if(">".equals(comparator)) {
cq.where(cb.gt(root.get(attribute), value));
if(">=".equals(comparator)) {
cq.where(cb.ge(root.get(attribute), value));
if("<".equals(comparator)) {
cq.where(cb.lt(root.get(attribute), value));
if("<=".equals(comparator)) {
cq.where(cb.le(root.get(attribute), value));
// Finally, query gets created and result collected and returned as List
// Hint for READ_ONLY is added as lists are often just for read and performance is better.
return entityManager.createQuery(cq).setHint(QueryHints.READ_ONLY, true).getResultList();

Is there a way to create one JPA entity based on many database tables and do I really have to do this or is it a bad practice?

I'm quite new to Spring Data JPA technology and currently facing one task I can't deal with. I am seeking best practice for such cases.
In my Postgres database I have a two tables connected with one-to-many relation. Table 'account' has a field 'type_id' which is foreign key references to field 'id' of table 'account_type':
So the 'account_type' table only plays a role of dictionary. Accordingly to that I've created to JPA entities (Kotlin code):
class Account(
#Id #GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null,
var amount: Int,
#ManyToOne var accountType: AccountType
class AccountType(
#Id #GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null,
var type: String
In my Spring Boot application I'd like to have a RestConroller which will be responsible for giving all accounts in JSON format. To do that I made entities classes serializable and wrote a simple restcontroller:
#GetMapping("/getAllAccounts", produces = [APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE])
fun getAccountsData(): String {
val accountsList = accountRepository.findAll().toMutableList()
return json.stringify(Account.serializer().list, accountsList)
where accountRepository is just an interface which extends CrudRepository<Account, Long>.
And now if I go to :8080/getAllAccounts, I'll get the Json of the following format (sorry for formatting):
But what I really want from that controller is just
Of course I can create new serializable class for accounts which will have String field instead of AccountType field and can map JPA Account class to that class extracting account type string from AccountType field. But for me it looks like unnecessary overhead and I believe that there could be a better pattern for such cases.
For example what I have in my head is that probably somehow I can create one JPA entity class (with String field representing account type) which will be based on two database tables and unnecessary complexity of having inner object will be reduced automagically each time I call repository methods :) Moreover I will be able to use this entity class in my business logic without any additional 'wrappers'.
P.s. I read about #SecondaryTable annotation but it looks like it can only work in cases where there is one-to-one relation between two tables which is not my case.
There are a couple of options whic allow clean separation without a DTO.
Firstly, you could look at using a projection which is kind of like a DTO mentioned in other answers but without many of the drawbacks:
name = "accountSummary",
types = { Account.class })
public Interface AccountSummaryProjection{
Long getId();
Integer getAmount();
String getType();
You then simply need to update your controller to call either query method with a List return type or write a method which takes a the proection class as an arg.
#GetMapping("/getAllAccounts", produces = [APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE])
fun getAccountsData(): List<AccountSummaryProjection>{
return accountRepository.findAllAsSummary();
An alternative approach is to use the Jackson annotations. I note in your question you are manually tranforming the result to a JSON String and returning a String from your controller. You don't need to do that if the Jackson Json library is on the classpath. See my controller above.
So if you leave the serialization to Jackson you can separate the view from the entity using a couple of annotations. Note that I would apply these using a Jackson mixin rather than having to pollute the Entity model with Json processing instructions however you can look that up:
class Account(
//in real life I would apply these using a Jacksin mix
//to prevent polluting the domain model with view concerns.
#JsonDeserializer(converter = StringToAccountTypeConverter.class)
#JsonSerializer(converter = AccountTypeToStringConverter.class
#Id #GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null,
var amount: Int,
#ManyToOne var accountType: AccountType
You then simply create the necessary converters:
public class StringToAccountTypeConverter extends StdConverter<String, CountryType>
implements org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter<String, AccountType> {
private AccountTypeRepository repo;
public AccountType convert(String value) {
//look up in repo and return
and vice versa:
public class AccountTypeToStringConverter extends StdConverter<String, CountryType>
implements org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter<AccountType, String> {
public String convert(AccountType value) {
return value.getName();
One of the least complicated ways to achieve what you are aiming for - from the external clients' point of view, at least - has to do with custom serialisation, what you seem to be aware of and what #YoManTaMero has extended upon.
Obtaining the desired class structure might not be possible. The closest I've managed to find is related to the #SecondaryTable annotation but the caveat is this only works for #OneToOne relationships.
In general, I'd pinpoint your problem to the issue of DTOs and Entities. The idea behind JPA is to map the schema and content of your database to code in an accessible but accurate way. It takes away the heavy-lifting of managing SQL queries, but it is designed mostly to reflect your DB's structure, not to map it to a different set of domains.
If the organisation of your DB schema does not exactly match the needs of your system's I/O communication, this might be a sign that:
Your DB has not been designed correctly;
Your DB is fine, but the manageable entities (tables) in it simply do not match directly to the business entities (models) in your external communication.
Should second be the case, Entities should be mapped to DTOs which can then be passed around. Single Entity may map to a few different DTOs. Single DTO might take more than one (related!) entities to be created. This is a good practice for medium-to-large systems in the first place - handing out references to the object that's the direct access point to your database is a risk.
Mind that simply because the id of the accountType is not taking part in your external communication does not mean it will never be a part of your business logic.
To sum up: JPA is designed with ease of database access in mind, not for smoothing out external communication. For that, other tools - such as e.g. Jackson serializer - are used, or certain design patterns - like DTO - are being employed.
One approach to solve this is to #JsonIgnore accountType and create getType method like
var getType() {
return accountType.getType();

Replacing entire contents of spring-data Page, while maintaining paging info

Using spring-data-jpa and working on getting data out of table where there are about a dozen columns which are used in queries to find particular rows, and then a payload column of clob type which contains the actual data that is marshalled into java objects to be returned.
Entity object very roughly would be something like
#Table(name = "Person")
public class Person {
#Column(name="PERSON_ID", length=45) #Id private String personId;
#Column(name="NAME", length=45) private String name;
#Column(name="ADDRESS", length=45) private String address;
#Column(name="PAYLOAD") #Lob private String payload;
//Bunch of other stuff
(Whether this approach is sensible or not is a topic for a different discussion)
The clob column causes performance to suffer on large queries ...
In an attempt to improve things a bit, I've created a separate entity object ... sans payload ...
#Table(name = "Person")
public class NotQuiteAWholePerson {
#Column(name="PERSON_ID", length=45) #Id private String personId;
#Column(name="NAME", length=45) private String name;
#Column(name="ADDRESS", length=45) private String address;
//Bunch of other stuff
This gets me a page of NotQuiteAPerson ... I then query for the page of full person objects via the personIds.
The hope is that in not using the payload in the original query, which could filtering data over a good bit of the backing table, I only concern myself with the payload when I'm retrieving the current page of objects to be viewed ... a much smaller chunk.
So I'm at the point where I want to map the contents of the original returned Page of NotQuiteAWholePerson to my List of Person, while keeping all the Paging info intact, the map method however only takes a Converter which will iterate over the NotQuiteAWholePerson objects ... which doesn't quite fit what I'm trying to do.
Is there a sensible way to achieve this ?
Additional clarification for #itsallas as to why existing map() will not suffice..
PageImpl::map has
public <S> Page<S> map(Converter<? super T, ? extends S> converter) {
return new PageImpl<S>(getConvertedContent(converter), pageable, total);
Chunk::getConvertedContent has
protected <S> List<S> getConvertedContent(Converter<? super T, ? extends S> converter) {
Assert.notNull(converter, "Converter must not be null!");
List<S> result = new ArrayList<S>(content.size());
for (T element : this) {
return result;
So the original List of contents is iterated through ... and a supplied convert method applied, to build a new list of contents to be inserted into the existing Pageable.
However I cannot convert a NotQuiteAWholePerson to a Person individually, as I cannot simply construct the payload... well I could, if I called out to the DB for each Person by Id in the convert... but calling out individually is not ideal from a performance perspective ...
After getting my Page of NotQuiteAWholePerson I am querying for the entire List of Person ... by Id ... in one call ... and now I am looking for a way to substitute the entire content list ... not interively, as the existing map() does, but in a simple replacement.
This particular use case would also assist where the payload, which is json, is more appropriately persisted in a NoSql datastore like Mongo ... as opposed to the sql datastore clob ...
Hope that clarifies it a bit better.
You can avoid the problem entirely with Spring Data JPA features.
The most sensible way would be to use Spring Data JPA projections, which have good extensive documentation.
For example, you would first need to ensure lazy fetching for your attribute, which you can achieve with an annotation on the attribute itself.
i.e. :
#Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) #Column(name="PAYLOAD") #Lob private String payload;
or through Fetch/Load Graphs, which are neatly supported at repository-level.
You need to define this one way or another, because, as taken verbatim from the docs :
The query execution engine creates proxy instances of that interface at runtime for each element returned and forwards calls to the exposed methods to the target object.
You can then define a projection like so :
interface NotQuiteAWholePerson {
String getPersonId();
String getName();
String getAddress();
//Bunch of other stuff
And add a query method to your repository :
interface PersonRepository extends Repository<Person, String> {
Page<NotQuiteAWholePerson> findAll(Pageable pageable);
// or its dynamic equivalent
<T> Page<T> findAll(Pageable pageable, Class<T>);
Given the same pageable, a page of projections would refer back to the same entities in the same session.
If you cannot use projections for whatever reason (namely if you're using JPA < 2.1 or a version of Spring Data JPA before projections), you could define an explicit JPQL query with the columns and relationships you want, or keep the 2-entity setup. You could then map Persons and NotQuiteAWholePersons to a PersonDTO class, either manually or (preferably) using your object mapping framework of choice.
NB. : There are a variety of ways to use and setup lazy/eager relations. This covers more in detail.

How to generate a value for a column in a JPA entity, while querying the database?

I have an entity that looks like this:
public class BlogPost {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String title;
private String slug;
I would like to generate the value of slug before persisting by doing the following:
Transforming the title from e.g. Blog Post Title to blog-post-title
Making sure that blog-post-title is unique in table BlogPost, and if it's not unique, I want to append some suffix to the title so it becomes e.g. blog-post-title-2
Since I need this on a lot of entities, my original idea was to create an EntityListener which would do this at #PrePersist. However, documentation generally states that I should not call EntityMan­ager or Query methods and should not access any other entity objects from lifecycle callbacks. I need to do that in order to make sure that my generated slug is indeed unique.
I tried to be cheeky, but it is indeed very hard to autowire a repository into an EntityListener with Spring anyway.
How should I best tackle this problem?
Both OndrejM and MirMasej are definitely right that generating a slug would not be something to be done in an Entity. I was hoping EntityListeners could be a little "smarter", but that's not an option.
What I ended up doing is using aspects to accomplish what I wanted. Instead of "hooking" into entities, I am rather hooking into save method of CrudRepository.
First, I created an annotation so I can recognize which field needs to be sluggified:
public #interface Slug {
* The string slug is generated from
String source() default "title";
* Strategy for generating a slug
Class strategy() default DefaultSlugGenerationStrategy.class;
Then, I created an aspect which is something like this:
public class SlugAspect {
... // Removed some code for bravity
#Before("execution(* org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository+.save(*))")
public void onRepoSave(JoinPoint joinPoint) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException {
Object entity = joinPoint.getArgs()[0];
for (Field field: entity.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
Slug annotation = field.getAnnotation(Slug.class);
if (annotation != null) {
CrudRepository repository = (CrudRepository) joinPoint.getTarget();
Long count = 0L;
SlugGenerationStrategy generator = (SlugGenerationStrategy)annotation.strategy().newInstance();
String slug = generator.generateSlug(slugOrigin(entity));
if (id(entity) != null) {
Method method = repository.getClass().getMethod("countBySlugAndIdNot", String.class, Long.class);
count = (Long)method.invoke(repository, slug, id(entity));
} else {
Method method = repository.getClass().getMethod("countBySlug", String.class);
count = (Long)method.invoke(repository, slug);
// If count is zero, use the generated slug, or generate an incremented slug if count > 0 and then set it like so:
setSlug(entity, slug);
I put the code on github (though it's still just a proof of concept) if anyone is interested at: https://github.com/cabrilo/jpa-slug
It relies on having CrudRepository from Spring Data and having these two methods on a repo: countBySlug and countBySlugAndIdNot.
Thanks again for the answers.
The most straightforward solutions seems to make a check before setting the value of the title. It would mean however that the logic of calculating the slug would be outside of the entity and both would come from outside.
You have to think of an entity as a plain object without any connection to the database - this is the idea of ORM. However, you may pass a reference to EntityManager or DAO as an additional argument to a setter method, or somehow inject a reference to it. Then you may call a query directly from the setter method. The drawback of this solution is that you need to always provide EntityManager, either when you set title, or when you create/load the entity.
This is the best object oriented way of solving this problem.
