Handling remote api validation errors in service layer - validation

Imagine that there is some manager class that talks to remote service, for example, to user microservice that can create new and update existing user profile. This manager class is used everywhere in the code: in controllers and other classes. Before talking to remote service, our manager class doesn't know if submitted DTO is valid. The question is: if remote service returns an validation errors, what to do next? How to handle this errors? I've thought about it, and have some options:
Throw an Exception when validation fails
Pass an Errors object that collects validation errors to the manager
make a method getLastErrors() in a manager class
Maybe there are other better solution exist?
p.s. Suppose that remote service returns errors in JSON format, it doesn't matter if it's JSON-RPC, SOAP or REST microservice.

Unless you want to translate service errors into something different, or even handle them to take certain decisions in the client tier, usually service errors are formatted in a human-readable way to be shown in the UI to let the user know what went wrong.
In the other hand, if there's no UI, there should be a logger. Like you would do in a UI layer, you would format those errors log them to a file or any other storage approach.
Also, you might want to learn more about what's the fail-fast concept:
In systems design, a fail-fast system is one which immediately reports
at its interface any condition that is likely to indicate a failure.
Fail-fast systems are usually designed to stop normal operation rather
than attempt to continue a possibly flawed process. Such designs often
check the system's state at several points in an operation, so any
failures can be detected early. A fail-fast module passes the
responsibility for handling errors, but not detecting them, to the
next-highest level of the system.
OP commented out this:
If validation errors are returned from the microservice, what manager
class should do then? Throw an Exception or put these errors in some
field in it's class?
About this concern, I've arrived to some conclusion, and it's that the entire flow should pass through a specialized DTO that I've called accumulated result (check the full description):
Represents a multi-purpose, orthogonal entity which transports both
results of a called operation and also useful information for the
callers like a status, status description and details about the actual
result of the whole operation.
That way, even in multi-tier architectures, each tier/layer can either add more info to the accumulated result or take decisions.
Probably some may argue that you should throw exceptions, but I don't find that a broken rule is an exception but an expected use case.

how to handle validation errors from remote service?
Return the relevant HTTP status code, along with as much information as is necessary (sometimes none) in the response body.
It is not important if it's SOAP or RESTful, imagine that JSON
response is returned
The type of service it is will determine what your failure handling approach will be. For SOAP services, you should return a SOAP fault.


Can MassTransit IBus safely be used in Consumers

I would like to use the same service classes in both the publisher (which will be a REST API) and consumer. Since sending messages can be a part of these service classes, they have an instance of IBus injected into them so they can publish/send messages. This is fine on the REST API side, but the MassTransit documentation states the following:
Once you have consumers you will ALWAYS use ConsumeContext to interact with the bus, and never the IBus.
What's the reason behind this? Is it just performance related or does using IBus have any other consequences? And what are the alternatives to doing this? Would injecting IPublishEndpoint and ISendEndpointProvider be the accepted solution here, or does that not really change anything?
The reason why I want to do this is because some actions can be done either synchronously by using the API, or happen automatically in the background by using a message, and having to duplicate the business logic would be very inconvenient and hard to maintain.
Bonus question: The documentation states the same thing for TransactionalBus:
Never use the TransactionalBus or TransactionalEnlistmentBus when writing consumers. These tools are very specific and should be used only in the scenarios described.
However, if I want to support transactions in the above mentioned services, I will probably have to use TransactionalBus, but is it safe to do so in consumers? I do know about the in-memory outbox, but I have 2 problems with it:
It can only be used on the consumer side, so the publisher would not support transactions
It does not support "partial transactions" - the codebase that I'm working on has certain places where transactions don't wrap the entire API call, but rather only parts of it, so cases where some entities are successfully written to the database before the transaction is even started can happen, and in these cases the corresponding messages would need to be sent/published as well. This could easily be done by calling Release on the TransactionalBus at the right time, but couldn't be done when using the outbox since it's all or nothing (if an exception happens, nothing will be sent).
This bonus question isn't that important since I could probably work around it, but is still something I'm curious about, as it could be resolved by using TransactionalBus (if that won't cause any issues in consumers).
You should be using IPublishEndpoint or ISendEndpointProvider to publish or send messages from your components and/or services. There is almost never a reason to use IBus.
IPublishEndpoint and ISendEndpointProvider are registered a scoped, so a valid scope is required. In a service that normally doesn't have a scope, one can easily be created using provider.CreateScope(). Scopes should also be disposed of when they are no longer used.
Note that current versions should use provider.CreateAsyncScope() instead, and to make it easy just assign it using:
await using var scope = provider.CreateAsyncScope()
var publishEndpoint = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<IPublishEndpoint>();
For any components, consumers, etc. simply use constructor injection for either of those two types, and they will resolve the proper services depending upon the context.
Also, don't use ITransactionBus. The new outbox is a better solution, as it's actually in the transaction. I will eventually remove ITransactionBus from MassTransit.

Do NestJS providers need to be stateless?

I'm a long-time Spring developer learning NestJS. The similarities are so striking, and I've loved how productive that's allowed me to be. Some documentation has me confused about one thing however.
I try to liken Nest "providers" to Spring beans with default scope. For example I create #Injectable service classes and think of them as analogous to Spring #Services. As such I've assumed these service classes needed to be thread safe - no state, etc. However, the Nest documentation here is a little ambiguous to me and kind of implies this might not be necessary (emphasis mine):
For people coming from different programming language backgrounds, it might be unexpected to learn that in Nest, almost everything is shared across incoming requests. We have a connection pool to the database, singleton services with global state, etc. Remember that Node.js doesn't follow the request/response Multi-Threaded Stateless Model in which every request is processed by a separate thread. Hence, using singleton instances is fully safe for our applications.
If individual requests aren't handled in their own threads, is it OK for Nest providers to contain mutable state? It would be up to the app to ensure each incoming request started with a "clean slate" - e.g. initializing that state with a NestInterceptor, for example. But to me, that doc reads that providers are created as singletons, and thus can be used as something akin to a wrapper container for data, like a ThreadLocal in Java.
Am I reading this wrong, or is this a difference in behavior between Nest and Spring?
You really should make request handling stateless.
I don't know anything about Spring, but in NestJS (and async javascript in general) it's single threaded, but doesn't block for I/O. That means the same thread of the same instance of a service can process multiple requests at once. It can only do one thing at a time, but it can start doing the next thing while the previous thing is waiting on a database query, or for the request to finish being transmitted, or for an external service to respond, or for the filesystem to deliver the contents of a file, etc.
So in one thread, with one instance of a service, this can happen:
Request A comes in.
Database query is dispatched for request A.
Request B comes in.
Database query is dispatched for request B.
Database query for request A returns, and the response is sent.
Database query for request B returns, and the response is sent.
What that means for state is that it will be shared between requests. If your service sets an instance property at one step of an async operation, then another async operation may start before the first was complete and set a new value for that instance property, which is probably not what you want.
I believe the "global state" the Nest docs mention is not per request, but general configuration state. Like the URL of an external service, or credentials to your database.
It's also worth mentioning that controllers receive a request object, which represents that specific request. It's common to add properties to that request object, like the current authenticated user for example. The request object can be passed around to give your controller and services context in a way that is friendly to this architecture.

Microservices: how to track fallen down services?

Suppose there are two services A and B. Service A makes an API call to service B.
After a while service A falls down or to be lost due to network errors.
How another services will guess that an outbound call from service A is lost / never happen? I need some another concurrent app that will automatically react (run emergency code) if service A outbound CALL is lost.
What are cutting-edge solutions exist?
My thoughts, for example:
service A registers a call event in some middleware (event info, "running" status, timestamp, etc).
If this call is not completed after N seconds, some "call timeout" event in the middleware automatically starts the emergency code.
If the call is completed at the proper time service A marks the call status as "completed" in the same middleware and the emergency code will not be run.
P.S. I'm on Java stack.
I recommend to look into patterns such as Retry, Timeout, Circuit Breaker, Fallback and Healthcheck. Or you can also look into the Bulkhead pattern if concurrent calls and fault isolation are your concern.
There are many resources where these well-known patterns are explained, for instance:
I don't know which technology stack you are on but usually there is already some functionality for these concerns provided already that you can incorporate into your solution. There are libraries that already take care of this resilience functionality and you can, for instance, set it up so that your custom code is executed when some events such as failed retries, timeouts, activated circuit breakers, etc. occur.
E.g. for the Java stack Hystrix is widely used, for .Net you can look into Polly .Net to make use of retry, timeout, circuit breaker, bulkhead or fallback functionality.
Concerning health checks you can look into Actuator for Java and .Net core already provides a health check middleware that more or less provides that functionality out-of-the box.
But before using any libraries I suggest to first get familiar with the purpose and concepts of the listed patterns to choose and integrate those that best fit your use cases and major concerns.
We have to differentiate between two well-known problems here:
1.) How can service A robustly handle temporary outages of service B (or the network connection between service A and B which comes down to the same problem)?
To address the related problems the above mentioned patterns will help.
2.) How to make sure that the request that should be sent to service B will not get lost if service A itself goes down?
To address this kind of problem there are different options at hand.
2a.) The component that performed the request to service A (which than triggers service B) also applies the resilience patterns mentioned and will retry its request until service A successfully answers that it has performed its tasks (which also includes the successful request to service B).
There can also be several instances of each service and some kind of load balancer in front of these instances which will distribute and direct the requests to an available instance (based on regular performed healthchecks) of the specific service. Or you can use a service registry (see https://microservices.io/patterns/service-registry.html).
You can of course chain several API calls after another but this can lead to cascading failures. So I would rather go with an asynchronous communication approach as described in the next option.
2b.) Let's consider that it is of utmost importance that some instance of service A will reliably perform the request to service B.
You can use message queues in this case as follows:
Let's say you have a queue where jobs to be performed by service A are collected.
Then you have several instances of service A running (see horizontal scaling) where each instance will consume the same queue.
You will use message locking features by the message queue service which makes sure that as soon one instance of service A reads a message from the queue the other instances won't see it. If service A was able to complete it's job (i.e. call service B, save some state in service A's persistence and whatever other tasks you need to be included for a succesfull procesing) it will delete the message from the queue afterwards so no other instance of service A will also process the same message.
If service A goes down during the processing the queue service will automatically unlock the message for you and another instance A (or the same instance after it has restarted) of service A will try to read the message (i.e. the job) from the queue and try to perform all the tasks (call service B, etc.)
You can combine several queues e.g. also to send a message to service B asynchronously instead of directly performing some kind of API call to it.
The catch is, that the queue service is some highly available and redundant service which will already make sure that no message is getting lost once published to a queue.
Of course you also could handle jobs to be performed in your own database of service A but consider that when service A receives a request there is always a chance that it goes down before it can save that status of the job to it's persistent storage for later processing. Queue services already address that problem for you if chosen thoughtfully and used correctly.
For instance, if look into Kafka as messaging service you can look into this stack overflow answer which relates to the problem solution when using this specific technology: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44589842/7730554
There is many way to solve your problem.
I guess you are talk about 2 topics Design Pattern in Microservices and Cicruit Breaker
To solve your problem, Normally I put a message queue between services and use Service Discovery to detect which service is live and If your service die or orverload then use Cicruit Breaker methods

How to share events code in a microservice architecture

I'm working on a "microservice-like" architecture. Each microservice can fire some events to RabbitMQ. The events are identified by an event code. At the moment, the code of the event triggered is an hard coded const string declared inside the microservice that fire the event.
My problem is that each microservice that want to subscribe to this event must duplicate this event code string. This is error prone especially when an event code is renamed because all microservices that subscribed to this event code need to be changed accordingly... which is very bad.
I see the possible alternatives:
Declare the event code only in the microservice that fire the event. Let the consumers microservices directly access to the code declared in the microservice that fire the event. In this case, the event is declared once but it creates a source code dependency between microservices... which is bad.
Create a source file (outside all microservices) that contains all the events code of all the application. This source file is shared by all microservices. In this case, each event is declared once but it creates a global dependency for all microservices which is against the single responsability principle... which is bad.
How do you tackle this problem ?
At the moment, the code of the event triggered is an hard coded const string declared inside the microservice that fire the event. My problem is that each microservice that want to subscribe to this event must duplicate this event code string. This is error prone especially when an event code is renamed because all microservices that subscribed to this event code need to be changed accordingly... which is very bad.
Events are messages. All of the constraints that we use to manage the evolution of messages applies to events as well.
In a microservices architecture, we expect to be able to deploy instances of the services independently of one another. Requiring that all of the services shut down together to coordinate a change in message schema kind of misses the point. That in turn implies that we need to design reasonable behaviors for the cases where the producer and consumer don't have matching understandings of the message.
In practice, this means something like
We never introduce a new required field, only optional fields (with documented default values).
Unrecognized fields are ignored (but forwarded)
Consumers of optional fields know to use default value to use when an expected field is missing.
When these constraints cannot be satisfied, then you are introducing a new message.
If you have the message contracts in place, then you aren't restricting yourself to microservice implementations that share the same runtime platform (because two different implementations of the same contract are equivalent).
Recommend reading:
ZeroMQ RFC 42/C4, specifically section 2.6 which describes the evolution of public contracts
Versioning in an Event Sourced System, speficically "Basic Type Based Versioning"

How to provide both initial data and subsequent events via WAMP/Websockets

I have a an application from which I need to send live updates to web clients.
I'm currently happily using websockets for that, via the WAMP protocol, as it provides both publish-subscribe and RPC methods.
Now, I find that in lots of situations, when a user starts the application or a view, I need to send an initial state to the client, and then keep sending updates. I do the first with an RPC call, and the latter via publish-subscribe.
Now, this forces me to write server-side and client-side code for both of the methods, even while I'm basically conveying the same information in both cases.
On server side, I'm moving appropriate code to a common method, but I still need to take care of both sending the event and provide an entry point for the RPC call:
# RPC endpoint for getting mission info
def get_mission_info(self):
return self.get_mission_info()
# Scheduled or manually called method to send mission info to all users
def publish_mission_info(self):
self.wamp.publish("UPDATE_INFO", [self.get_mission_info()])
def get_mission_info(self):
# Here we generate a JSON serializable dict with the info
return info
And you canimagine, client side (JS or Python) shows a similar duplicity (two handler methods).
Question is: is there a more clever way of handling this, and avoiding that boilerplate code? Some approach I could follow, perhaps automatically sending last event of each type just to clients that ask for it, or that just subscribed? Perhaps something at crossbar level?
In general terms, I feel I could be doing a better state synchronization strategy leveraging these two channels (pub-sub and RPC). How does people do it?
My WAMP server is Crossbar, and my client library is autobahn.js in Python and JS.
