C++ Pass lambda to template parameter - c++11

How to pass lambda as template parameter.
For example this code
template<void (*callback)()>
void function() {
int main() {
function<[]() -> void { std::cout << "Hello world\n"; }>();
fails with error "invalid template argument for 'function', expected compile-time constant expression".
What I'm doing wrong.
I want to implement something like this
template<typename T,
T (*deserializer)(buffer *data),
void (*serializer)(T item, buffer *data)>
class Type {
T item;
Type(T item) : item(item) {
Type(buffer *data) {
void serialize(buffer *data) {
serializer(item, data);
void deserialize(buffer *data) {
typedef Type<int, [](buffer* data) -> int { return -1; }, [](int item, buffer* data) -> void {}> IntType
typedef Type<long, [](buffer* data) -> long { return -1; }, [](long item, buffer* data) -> void {}> LongType

Lambdas in C++14, including their conversion to function pointers, are not constexpr.
In C++17, this is going to change. There are no stable compilers with that feature implemented that I'm aware of (if you find one, can you mention it in the comments below?).
At that point
constexpr auto tmp = []() -> void { std::cout << "Hello world\n"; };
will definitely work. I am uncertain if
function<+[]() -> void { std::cout << "Hello world\n"; }>()
would work; there are some rules about lambdas in unevaluated contexts and inside template argument lists that may be separate from the constexpr lambda problem and may apply here.
We can hack it in C++14.
Create a template class that stores a static copy of a lambda and exposes a static function with the same signature (f_ptr) that calls that static copy of a lambda.
Instantiate it once globally with your lambda.
Pass a pointer to the f_ptr to your template.
template<class L> struct stateless; // todo
template<class L> stateless<L> make_stateless(L l){return std::move(l);}
auto foo = make_stateless( []() -> void { std::cout << "Hello world\n"; } );
function< &foo::f_ptr >();
this is almost certainly not what you want.

The kind of template in the example does not take a type as a parameter, but rather a value. This value needs to be determinable at runtime, in order to instantiate the template, and the value of a lambda is not a compile time constant, so this method just wont do. The common way of sending functors to a function is:
template<typename Func>
void foo(Func&& f)
And since you want a class template (please put such information in the question, not the comments), here is an example using classes:
#include <utility>
template<typename Func>
class MyClass
MyClass(Func&& f) : f(f) {}
void Run() { f(); }
Func f;
template<typename Func>
MyClass<Func> MakeMyClass(Func&& f)
return { std::forward<Func>(f) };
int main()
auto x = MakeMyClass( [](){} );


Template function overload resolution of T vs. SomeClass<T>

I want to understand why the void handleParam(const Str& name, Table<T> value) template overload never gets instantiated (note that the code below is illustrative). I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason why it doesn't work, I just want to understand that reason. I'm aware of (and using) the workaround using an intermediate templated struct. But if something like the below was possible it would simplify my code a lot.
class TypeHandler
TypeHandler(OtherClass& bi) : _bi(bi) { }
template <typename T> void handleParam(const Str& name, Table<T> value)
// Never gets instantiated.
template <typename T> void handleParam(const Str& name, T value)
template<typename HandlerType>
void HandleParamValue::handleTab(DataBlock& data, HandlerType& handler) {
// Table of floats.
Table<float> tab;
handler.handleParam<Table<float>>(param_name, tab);
// etc.
template<typename HandlerType>
void ParamStore::Iterate(HandlerType& handler) {
for (...) {
if (is_table(type)) {
HandleParamValue::handleTab<HandlerType>(_datablock, handler);
else {
HandleParamValue::handle<HandlerType>(_datablock, handler);
// Kick the whole thing off.
TypeHandler handler(_some_instance);
The reason seems to be very simple: if you write
handler.handleParam<Table<float>>(param_name, tab);
you explicitly specify T = Table<float>. So handleParam(const Str& name, T value) is used. If you want to use handleParam(const Str& name, Table<T> value), you need to specify T = float:
handler.handleParam<float>(param_name, tab);
Or even
handler.handleParam(param_name, tab);
Because the compiler will select the most specialized version automatically.
I used the following code for testing:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class TypeHandler
template <typename T> void handleParam(const std::string& name, std::vector<T> value)
std::cout << "std::vector<T>\n";
template <typename T> void handleParam(const std::string& name, T value)
std::cout << "T\n";
template<typename HandlerType>
void handleTab(const std::string& name, HandlerType& handler) {
std::vector<float> tab;
handler.handleParam(name, tab);
int main()
TypeHandler t;
handleTab("dfds", t);
return 0;
If it doesn't reflect your problem adequately, please explain it in a comment.

c++11 segmentation fault while playing with variadic templates

So I was Playing around with c++11 Varidiacs, and I wanted to create a thing called CallClass, basically a class that warps a function, for later call,when all variables are set(truly I have No Idea If It can Be Useful):
#include <tuple>
template <typename OBJ,typename F,typename... VARGS>
class CallClass
CallClass(OBJ& object,F callFunction)
{ }
CallClass(const CallClass& other)
{ }
template <size_t INDEX>
auto get(){ return std::get<INDEX>(_func_args); }
template <size_t INDEX,typename T>
void set(const T& val){ std::get<INDEX>(_func_args) = val; }
template <size_t INDEX,typename T>
void set(T&& val){ std::get<INDEX>(_func_args) = val; }
auto Call()
//throws segmentation Fault Here
return InnerCall<0>(_func_args);
virtual ~CallClass() {}
std::tuple<VARGS...> _func_args;
OBJ* _object;
F _func;
template <size_t INDEX,typename... ARGS>
auto InnerCall(std::tuple<VARGS...>& tup,ARGS... args)
auto arg = std::get<INDEX>(tup);
return InnerCall<INDEX + 1>(tup,args...,arg);
template <size_t INDEX,VARGS...>
auto InnerCall(std::tuple<VARGS...>& tup,VARGS... args)
return (_object->*_func)(args...);
Now when I try to compile(compiling using IDE:code::blocks, configured to use MINGW On windows ), it prints Compiler:Segmentation Fault, anybody any Ideas?
class obj{
obj(int a)
{ }
virtual ~obj() {}
int add(int b,int c){
return _a + b + c;
int _a;
int main(){
obj ob(6);
CallClass<obj,decltype(obj::add),int,int> callAdd(ob,obj::add);
cout << "result is " << callAdd.Call() << endl;
return 0;
After a Bit of a search i stumbled upon a similar issue, in a way.
apparently the way I'm unpacking the tuple is an issue, so i decided to use a different approach as shown in: enter link description here
had to add a few changes to suit my needs:
namespace detail
template <typename OBJ,typename F, typename Tuple, bool Done, int Total, int... N>
struct call_impl
static auto call(OBJ& obj,F f, Tuple && t)
return call_impl<OBJ,F, Tuple, Total == 1 + sizeof...(N), Total, N..., sizeof...(N)>::call(obj,f, std::forward<Tuple>(t));
template <typename OBJ,typename F, typename Tuple, int Total, int... N>
struct call_impl<OBJ,F, Tuple, true, Total, N...>
static auto call(OBJ& obj,F f, Tuple && t)
return (obj.*f)(std::get<N>(std::forward<Tuple>(t))...);
// user invokes this
template <typename OBJ,typename F, typename Tuple>
auto call(OBJ& obj,F f, Tuple && t)
typedef typename std::decay<Tuple>::type ttype;
return detail::call_impl<OBJ,F, Tuple, 0 == std::tuple_size<ttype>::value, std::tuple_size<ttype>::value>::call(obj,f, std::forward<Tuple>(t));
and changed Call():
auto Call()
std::tuple<VARGS...> func_args = _func_args;
return call(*_object,_func, std::move(func_args));
I will probably make a few more changes, like passing the tuple as a reference, and making the structs a part of my class.

Cannot iterate on a non-copyable container returned by a function

I'm not sure of the title, because I'm not sure the issue comes from the "copyablility" of my container.
I tryied quite everything but I can't get rid of this error.
Here is a simplified version of my code (please do not challenge the class design, I really would like to keep the end-used syntax in the BOOST_FOREACH):
template <typename T>
class MyContainer
typedef typename std::vector<T>::iterator iterator;
typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
MyContainer(std::vector<T>& vec, boost::mutex& mutex) :
iterator begin() { return m_vector.begin(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return m_vector.begin(); }
iterator end() { return m_vector.end(); }
const_iterator end() const { return m_vector.end(); }
std::vector<T>& m_vector;
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> m_lock;
template <typename T>
struct GetContainer
GetContainer(std::vector<T>& vec, boost::mutex& mutex) :
MyContainer<T> Get()
return MyContainer<T>(m_vector, m_mutex);
std::vector<T>& m_vector;
boost::mutex& m_mutex;
int main()
std::vector<int> v;
boost::mutex m;
GetContainer<int> getter(v, m);
BOOST_FOREACH(int i, getter.Get())
std::cout << i << std::endl;
return 0;
The compiler complains about not having a copy constructor for MyContainer::MyContainer(const MyContainer&).
I also have :
error: no matching function for call to ‘MyContainer::MyContainer(boost::foreach_detail_::rvalue_probe >::value_type)’
I follow the extensibility tips:
But, making
MyContainer<T> : private boost::noncopyable
doesn't solve the issue.
Nor defining the function
or specializing the template struct
for MyContainer (in fact, how would I specialize this template for a template type ?)
Last "tip":
If I remove the mutex and the lock from everywhere (I just pass the vector to GetContainer and to MyContainer), it works.
But it doesn't work if I make
MyContainer<T> : private boost::noncopyable
(I expected it should, so I'm not sure my problem is with BOOST_FOREACH, but maybe because I return a copy of MyContainer with my getter ?)
I thank you if you read me until here, and thanks in advance for help.
Seems to be a limitation of BOOST_FOREACH with move-only types. I didn't find a way around it¹ (except for the - ugly - obvious approach to put the lock_guard in a shared_ptr).
You didn't specify a c++03 requirement, though, so you can make it work without BOOST_FOREACH by replacing lock_guard with unique_lock.
Here's my take on things in c++11 (note how generic it is):
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/range.hpp>
namespace detail {
template <typename R, typename M>
struct RangeLock {
RangeLock(R&r, M& m) : _r(r), _l(m) {}
RangeLock(RangeLock&&) = default;
using iterator = typename boost::range_iterator<R>::type;
iterator begin() { using std::begin; return begin(_r); }
iterator end () { using std::end; return end (_r); }
using const_iterator = typename boost::range_iterator<R const>::type;
const_iterator begin() const { using std::begin; return begin(_r); }
const_iterator end () const { using std::end; return end (_r); }
R& _r;
boost::unique_lock<M> _l;
template <typename R, typename M>
detail::RangeLock<R,M> make_range_lock(R& r, M& mx) { return {r,mx}; }
template <typename R, typename M>
detail::RangeLock<R const,M> make_range_lock(R const& r, M& mx) { return {r,mx}; }
#include <vector>
#include <map>
int main() {
boost::mutex mx;
std::vector<int> const vec { 1, 2 };
std::map<int, std::string> const map { { 1, "one" }, { 2, "two" } };
for(int i : make_range_lock(vec, mx))
std::cout << i << std::endl;
for(auto& p : make_range_lock(map, mx))
std::cout << p.second << std::endl;
for(auto& p : make_range_lock(boost::make_iterator_range(map.equal_range(1)), mx))
std::cout << p.second << std::endl;
¹ not even using all the approaches from Using BOOST_FOREACH with a constant intrusive list
I post my answer if it can help...
With C++03, I finally provide a copy constructor to be able to use the class with BOOST_FOREACH.
So the issue is moved to another topic: make the class copied in a logic and suitable way.
In my case, I "share the lock and the vector", the user shouldn't use this copy itself if he doesn't want to do bugs, but in BOOST_FOREACH it's okay:
I change the mutex to a recursive_mutex
I change the lock to an unique_lock
MyContainer(const MyContainer& other) :
With C++11
Thanks to Chris Glover on the boost mailling list, a C++11 solution:
You can't do what you are trying to do in C++03. To accomplish it, you
need C++11 move semantics to be able to move the MyContainer out of the Get
function. Even without using BOOST_FOREACH, the following code fails;
GetContainer<int> getter(v, m);
MyContainer<int> c = getter.Get(); // <-- Error.
Here's an example with the necessary changes; I changed the scoped_lock to
a unique_lock and added a move constructor.
template <typename T>
class MyContainer
MyContainer(MyContainer&& other)
: m_vector(other.m_vector)
m_lock = std::move(other.m_lock);
other.m_vector = nullptr;

What is the return type of this auto?

With some code left out, elsewhere on SOF there is code that looks like this:
// CRTP Abstract Base class for implementing static subject.
// Example Subclass Usage -- Printing Observer:
class Printer : public Observer<Printer> {
Printer() : timesTriggered_(0) {}
template <typename... Args>
void OnNotify(Pressure<Args...> &subject, EventType event) {
std::cout << "Observer ID: " << this->GetID() << std::endl;
switch (event) {
case EventType::UNKNOWN: {
std::cout << "Unknown Event -- Event #" << timesTriggered_++
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Pressure: " << subject.GetPressure() << std::endl;
default: { break; }
int timesTriggered_;
// CRTP Abstract Base class for implementing static subject.
// Example Subclass Usage -- Pressure Sensor:
template <typename... Obs>
class Pressure : public Subject<Pressure<Obs...>, Obs...> {
typedef Subject<Pressure<Obs...>, Obs...> BaseType;
Pressure(std::tuple<Obs &...> &&observers, int pressure)
: BaseType(std::move(observers)), pressure_(pressure) {}
void Change(int value) {
pressure_ = value;
int GetPressure() const { return pressure_; }
int pressure_;
// Binding function for use with MakeSubject
// Arguments: observer objects to observe subject notifications
// Return: tuple of references to observers
template <typename... Obs> std::tuple<Obs &...> BindObservers(Obs &... obs) {
return std::tuple<Obs &...>(obs...);
// Creator to ease subject creation
// Template Arguments: Subject subclass type
// Arguments: Result from BindObservers
// Any constructor arguments for Subject subclass
// Return: Subject subclass
// Example Usage:
// auto pressure = MakeSubject<Pressure>(BindObservers(printerObs), initialPressure);
template <template <typename...> class T, typename... Args, typename... Obs>
T<Obs...> MakeSubject(std::tuple<Obs &...> &&obs, Args &&... args) {
return T<Obs...>(std::move(obs), args...);
In main.cpp
int main() {
Printer printerObs1;
Printer printerObs2;
const int initialPressure = 1;
auto pressure = MakeSubject<Pressure>(
BindObservers(printerObs1, printerObs2), initialPressure);
I need to break out the BindObservers and the return type of MakeSubject, but I can't correctly figure out what to replace both **auto in the pseudo-code below:**
auto obs = BindObservers(printerObs1, printerObs2);
auto pressure = MakeSubject<Pressure>(obs, initialPressure);
What is the exapanded version return types of both auto above? I need to store the return values in std::vector and AFAIK, I can't say
std::vector<auto> vec
[Although I don't see why not since the compiler can probably figure it out]
You can use std::vector<decltype(pressure)>.
But the type should be Pressure<Printer, Printer>.

performing static cast from a non template base class to a templated derived class which has variadic template parameter (c++)

I wanted to store a vector of function pointers, each taking different no. of arguments in a class "Store". So, wrote a templated class "Func" that would store the function as a std::function and its arguments in a tuple.
I derived this "Func" class from a non-template base class "IFunc", so that i can store a vector of pointers to this base class in the class "Store".
template<typename... Args>
class Func : public IFunc
std::function<void (Args...)> f;
std::tuple<Args...> args;
template <typename F,typename... Ar>
Func(F&& func,Ar&&... arg): f(std::forward<F>(func)),args(std::make_tuple(std::forward<Ar>(arg)...))
virtual ~NonMemfun()
//other methods to unpack the tuple and call the function
The IFunc class:
class IFunc
virtual ~Ifunc(){}
The Store class:
class Store
std::vector<Ifunc*> funcs;
template<typename... Args,typename... Args2>
void registerfunc(std::string name,int runs,void(*f)(Args...),Args2&&... arg)
Func<Args2...>* sample = new Func<Args2...>(f,arg...);
Ifunc* fp = sample;
I want to iterate through the vector and call each function. To do that i need to do a static cast like this:
Func<>* der = static_cast<Func<>*>(funcs[0]);
When i try to do this, the cast doesn't happen properly. I cannot specify the template paramenters(variadics) since this class(Store) is not aware of them.
I am totally stuck at this place. Something is wrong with my design i guess. Can someone please suggest me a better way to do this. Thank you.
Rather than trying to do a cast from IFunc to Func<>, you should make a pure virtual function, Apply() in IFunc, which Func<> defines as apply(f, args...);. As you iterate over the vector of IFunc pointers, simply call IFunc->Apply(), which will dispatch to the Func<>::Apply() and do the actual apply.
I'm not much of a C++ programmer, but I think you may find this useful.
I'm sure you know that templates are a compile time thing in C++ so your functions need to be known at build time.
With that said, if you do know your functions and you just want to map them to say a string command and then dynamically bind arguments from something like a stream then this code should help you. It is actually able to use a dynamic_cast to retrieve the command from the map.
this snippet is from a school project I did a while back that had a similar goal:
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;
class Shell {
class Command {
virtual ~Command() {};
virtual void executeWithArgStream(Shell*, istream& s)=0;
template <typename... ArgTypes>
class ShellCommand : public Command {
// FIXME: its probably more apropriate for FuncType to return an int for exit code...
typedef function<void(Shell*, ArgTypes...)> FuncType;
FuncType _f;
tuple<ArgTypes...> args;
template<int... Is>
struct seq { };
template<int N, int... Is>
struct gen_seq : gen_seq<N - 1, N - 1, Is...> { };
template<int... Is>
struct gen_seq<0, Is...> : seq<Is...> { typedef seq<Is...> type; };
template<size_t I = 0, class ...P>
typename std::enable_if<I == sizeof...(P)>::type
// template for functions with no arguments
parseArgs(istream& is, std::tuple<P...> &) {}
template<size_t I = 0, class ...P>
typename std::enable_if<I < sizeof...(P)>::type
parseArgs(istream& is, std::tuple<P...> & parts) {
// this is the magic bit that takes a tuple of pointers (representing the command arguments)
// created at compile time and creates new instances of each argument type and populates it from
// the given input stream :D
auto& part = std::get<I>(args);
// hmmm should we delete or recycle...
delete part;
part = new typeof(*part);
is >> *part;
parseArgs<I + 1>(is, parts);
template<int ...S>
void callFunc(Shell* shell, seq<S...>) {
_f(shell, get<S>(args) ...);
static constexpr size_t numArgs = sizeof...(ArgTypes);
ShellCommand(FuncType f) : _f(f) {};
void operator()(Shell* shell, ArgTypes... args) {
_f(shell, args...);
void executeWithArgStream(Shell* shell, istream& s)
parseArgs(s, args);
callFunc(shell, typename gen_seq<sizeof...(ArgTypes)>::type());
typedef shared_ptr<Command> CommandPtr;
typedef map<string, CommandPtr> FMap;
FMap _cmdMap;
ostream& _out;
istream& _in;
Shell(istream& is = cin, ostream& os = cout)
: _out(os), _in(is)
// populate
_cmdMap.insert(pair<string, CommandPtr>("chdir", make_shared<ShellCommand<string*>>(&Shell::chdir)));
_cmdMap.insert(pair<string, CommandPtr>("list", make_shared<ShellCommand<>>(&Shell::list)));
_cmdMap.insert(pair<string, CommandPtr>("count", make_shared<ShellCommand<>>(&Shell::count)));
int run();
// FIXME: its probably more apropriate for execute to return an int for exit code...
template <typename... ArgTypes>
void execute(string& command, ArgTypes... args);
void executeWithArgStream(string& command, istream& istr);
// shell commands:
// any command parameters must be done as a pointer!
// the magic that parses string arguments into real types depends on it!
void list() {
list command
void chdir(string* dir) {
// chdir command
void count() {
// count command
template <typename... ArgTypes>
void Shell::execute(string& command, ArgTypes... args)
typedef ShellCommand<ArgTypes...> CommandType;
CommandType* c = dynamic_cast<CommandType*>(_cmdMap[command].get());
// TODO: neeed to diferentiate between invalid commands and some kind of dynamic_cast failure
if (c) {
(*c)(this, args...);
} else {
// dynamic cast failure
throw runtime_error("Broken Implementation for:" + command);
void Shell::executeWithArgStream(string& command, istream& istr)
Command* c = _cmdMap[command].get();
if (c) {
c->executeWithArgStream(this, istr);
} else {
throw runtime_error("Invalid Shell Command: " + command);
int Shell::run()
do {
string cmd, argString;
_out << _currentDir->name() << "> ";
_in >> cmd;
if (cmd == "q") {
return 0;
if (_in.peek() == ' ')
_in.ignore(1, ' ');
getline(cin, argString);
if (_cmdMap[cmd]) {
try {
if (argString.length()) {
istringstream s(argString);
executeWithArgStream(cmd, s);
} else {
} catch (runtime_error& e) {
_out << e.what() << endl;
} else {
_out << "unrecognized command: " << cmd << endl;
} while (true);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
// start the interactive "shell"
Shell shell();
return shell.run();
