Odoo v10 open html report fail - odoo-10

If I would like to print a report directly to HTML Odoo is crashing. I can see the Report but I can't do nothing...
Here is the screen.
Endless Loading
I am using Odoo v10 and installed a fresh version on a different server. There is also the same problem. Does anybody no a solution? Thank you


Magento Slider installation not working

Hi i have installed this slider on my magento store. i just bought from here.
But after installing, drop down menu of the website stopped working plus banner slider. Also the new slider is not showing at all. I tried to contact the Mag seller but they are not responding at all. It seems javascript issue. Any hints are tips much appreciated. thanks
The Problems that you might have encountered may be
jQuery/javascript error which make your other script stopped. For this like kaska said above` check for any error in your browser
Bring all the template, layout and skin files by the module under <Your_package>/<Your_Theme>. (Search for the files the module
inserted, few modules inserts their template,layout and skin file under <default_package>/<default_theme> and if your active package and active there is other than this you would encounter issues)
And that is all i can say for now, until you provide more info

Empty page with logo after PrestaShop installation

My website is hosted on OVH (France), with one SQL database.
I have installed manually PrestaShop from the GitHub folder.
After multiple attempts in installing PrestaShop, I finally reached to have it installed but since I choose to use the demo products (in the installation process and as I am new to PrestaShop), I think obtaining a white page with only the logo is surprising to me (see attachment).
I tried to print the errors switching to True the dev parameters from the file defines.inc.php, but nothing was printed.
Also, I see nothing in the console of the browser.
I suspect there is a conflict with the SQL database, but I don't know what to check.
Would you have any tracks to check what's wrong with my installation ?

PDF print on a edit form - APEX

I've followed this tutorial but when I tested it doesn't work.
I've created a "Form on a Table with Report", and tried to put a button on the edit page and set its action as "Download printable Report Query" and linked it to my own Report Query.
That's the info. about the branch:
I've being struggling all week, but couldn't find anything, thanks in advance.
General Information:
Oracle 11g
Application Express 4.2.5
Apex Listener 2.0.5
Glassfish 4.0
I would start by first confirming that you can output a default format pdf report from a classic report. This is the easiest case and will help to show where you might have a set up problem.
Follow these two guides:
Custom PDF Reports -- especially the sections on Configuring APEX Listener as a Print Server and Printing a Simple Classic Report as PDF
PDF Printing Tutorial
Once you get this working, you can expand out to making your own custom xsl-fo template file and making your own print button and you will have a better idea of where problems are arising in the process.

phpmyadmin displaying white page

I have wamp server installed on a windows amazon ec2 instance.
Phpmyadmin opens up fine, displaying the home page. But when i click on anything, e.g. databases, import, export etc. it just displays the list of databases on the left side and a blank white page in the middle. Heres a screenshot
I have error logging turned on but no errors appear in the error log.
I can't find a solution to this problem so any help greatly appreciated!
I had the same problem, try completely uninstalling the program you're using, then redownload XAMPP for windows. I downloaded from here: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html#641. Here is a tutorial for Windows 8: http://myownhomeserver.com/2012/12/how-to-install-xampp-1-8-on-windows-8/. You should be good after that.

Magento not saving any data

I have just noticed that my Magento store has stopped saving any sort of data being entered - wheter it's a Static block, product or CMS page.
Once I click SAVE or SAVE AN CONTINUE it's just loading and nothing really happens. I have tested this in all major browsers and the error occurs everywhere. Is there a way to debug this further and to determine the issue? Some expert help would be really appreciated.
I am using Magento - no new extensions have been installed / updated recently and it just worked fine several days ago.
