Can not find where to override ShouldRestoreState in PrismAutofacApplication - prism

I have a PrismAufofacApplication and I can not find where to override the ShouldRestoreState method from Prism.Windows.PrismApplication.

You override it in the App.cs file. The method is defined in the base PrismApplication class. It's is virtual and can be overridden:


Method '*' has a name conflict with automatic generated getter/setter methods for attribute '*' in class '*'. Please use a different method name

I have the following Umple model
class SomeClass{
Boolean setAtt1(String aAtt1){
//Do something
I need to override the setter method of att1. When I try to do it as in the model above, I get a warning. What is the appropriate way to extend setter or getter methods in such a case?
Setter and getter methods are auto generated, and should not be redefined. Alternatively, what you can do is to use the aspect-orientation features to add before or after as below
class SomeClass{
before setAtt1{
//Do something before
after setAtt1{
//Do something after

How to override a Laravel package function

I'm using package for seo.
I am trying to override getCanonical function located at and make it's output as lowercase. Could you please guide me how can I do this?
You can try following :
Step 1:
Create a child class extending SEOMeta class and override the getCanonical function.
Class XyzSEOMeta extends SEOMeta {
public function getCanonical () {
// Write your logic here
Step 2:
Create the Service Provider for overridden class. First parameter of bind function must be same as facade accessor of SEOMeta Facade (check here). Register this facade in config/app.php after the service provider of seotools package. :
Class XyzSEOMetaServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register(){
$this->app->bind('seotools.metatags', function(){
return new XyzSEOMeta($this->app['config']);
You are all set. Hope this will help.
Above mention method will just override the single class. If you want to change the logic of more than one class. Best way is to fork the project. Change the code and push it to your fork. Use forked project as your composer dependency. Follow the link to know how to use private repository as composer dependency :
It's very simple just like we overriding any parent class function in derived class.
Create your own class and extend your package class SEOMeta and re-declare function that you want to override and put your logic inside. Don't forget to use namespace of your package class SEOMeta at upper your custom class.
Now use your custom class instead of package class inside your controller.
use Path\to\SEOMeta;
class urclassname extends SEOMeta{
public function overridemethodname(){
// put ur logic here.

How do you initialize application state at startup and access it from controllers in MVC 6?

Let's say I have a class called MySiteConfiguration in which I have a bunch of, you guessed it, configuration data. This data will not change over the course of the application's runtime after it has been loaded.
My goal would be to construct an instance of this class at startup and access it from my controller actions. I do not want to construct the class more than once, as this should not be needed.
To do this in WebApi 2 for instance, I would:
Instantiate the class in my application start method.
Store the instance on the HttpConfiguration.Properties
Create a ControllerBase class which inherits from ApiController.
Override the Initialize(HttpControllerContext) method in my ControllerBase class. This override would read the configuration instance from HttpControllerContext.Configuration.Properties and assign it to a property / field in ControllerBase.
Any controller needing access to the configuration instance would inherit ControllerBase and reference the base property. Not so bad...
With that said, this pattern does not work in the new framework from what I can tell. There is no initialize method to override on MVC 6's new Controller class. I'm also not familiar enough with the new Startup.cs patterns and middleware available to know where to start with this problem.
Use dependency injection. Register a singleton service that has your data, and then use constructor injection on your controllers to acquire the service instance.
First, define a service. A service can really be any class or interface.
public class MyConfigService {
// declare some properties/methods/whatever on here
In your Startup.cs do something like this:
(Note that there are other overloads of AddSingleton depending on your scenario.)
And then consume it in each controller:
public MyController : Controller {
public MyController(MyConfigService myService) {
// do something with the service (read some data from it, store it in a private field/property, etc.
How about using the application state to store your configuration data?
protected void Application_Start()
Application["MySiteConfiguration"] = new MySiteConfiguration();
You can then access your configuration data from inside your controllers.
public ActionResult Index()
var config = HttpContext.Application["MySiteConfiguration"] as MySiteConfiguration;

Ninject into a Webactivator invoked class

I use the nuget template way of ninjectning my MVC3 app,
which means I have use WebActivator to invoke a method on a static class that in turn creates a Ninject bootstrapper and hooks up to MVC3.
That works fine for Controller, adapters etc. But I want to have another Webactivator activated class which gets its dependencies using Ninject.
I got it to work with a poor mans solution, but I would prefer a more elegant solution.
First I make sure my Webactivator class uses the PostApplicationStartMethod invoke, since the Ninject module uses the PreApplicationStartMethod I can ensure that ninject has been loaded and is ready to go.. THen in the Start method I do
var workers = DependencyResolver.Current.GetServices<IWorker>();
To get my dependencies, the whole class looks like this
[assembly: WebActivator.PostApplicationStartMethod(typeof(SHB.DALA.Web.App_Start.WorkflowRunner), "Start")]
namespace SHB.DALA.Web.App_Start
public static class WorkflowRunner
public static void Start()
var workers = DependencyResolver.Current.GetServices<IWorker>();
//Do stuff with worker collection
There must be a more elegant solution right?
WebActivator (ASP.NET really) doesn't have any knowledge of Ninject project and therefore cannot have any parameters injected. You would need a Ninject WebActivator extension (the same way you have a Ninject MVC extension) to achieve it. But frankly this is a bit of a catch-22: you want WebActivator to setup Ninject and at the same time Ninject to setup WebActivator.
I can think of 2 possible scenarios for you:
leave the code as it is - I honestly don't know why you don't like your WorkflowRunner class. It is a nice, small class, no other code has any dependency on it, You obtain your references through a DependencyResolver which abstracts you from Ninject itself, your workflow initialization is nicely encapsulated there. I do not smell anything wrong here, really.
Initialize your workflows in the other WebActivator class, where setup Ninject. You know there that your Ninject is initialized and you can still keep workflow initialization code in a separate class.
I would obviously choose 1. if I were you.
If you already have the Ninject bootstrapper working, are you sure you need another solution? For non-controller dependencies, I use a BindingFactory class which has a GetInstance() method. This just calls the Get() method on the Kernel object.
public class BindingFactory
private static readonly IKernel Kernel = new StandardKernel(new DefaultServices());
public static T GetInstance<T>()
return Kernel.Get<T>();
public static IController GetControllerInstance(Type controllerType)
return Kernel.Get(controllerType) as IController;
I then use a NinjectControllerFactory which utilises the BindingFactory.
public class NinjectControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext context, Type controllerType)
if (controllerType == null)
return null;
return BindingFactory.GetControllerInstance(controllerType);
So I'm thinking you could just adapt your current implementation.

Strongly Typed #User.Identity

I customize IIdentity and IPrincipal adding a few more properties in IIdentity.
You can obtain a strongly typed instance #User.Identity for my custom class? Without having to make conversions in cast.
I thought of something like razor customize the View, but do not even know where to start.
You could try creating an extension method on IPrincipal
public static class PrincipalExtensions
public static MyIdentity GetMyIdentity (this IPrincipal principal)
return principal.Identity as MyIdentity;
and then get your identity by calling #User.GetMyIdentity()
You could create a new base type for your views and add to it a property or method that will do the casting. That way you can avoid doing it all the time in your views.
