TortoiseGit Repository Browser Icons - tortoisegit

In the TortoiseGit Repository Browser, there are folder and file icons (with appropriate filetype or associated app styling).
Some file icons in the Repo-Browser have what appear to be EXE attached to the icon image.
What is the significance of this extra styling?

The "EXE" icon overlay indicates that this file is flagged as "executable" in the Git repository (on Windows this flag doesn't have relevance for Git).
The overlay is displayed so that developers (maybe who cloned a repository which is also used on *nix systems) can see on what files the executable flag is set, because this flag is invisible on Windows otherwise (it's only displayed in the file properties on the Git tab for single files).


Script for setting custom icon in Xcode for non-app MacOS bundle?

How can I set a custom icon (using a .icns file) during a script phase of an Xcode build targeting a non-app bundle?
We are making audio plug-ins, and would like to have our own icons instead of the default ones for our .vst3, .component, and .aaxplugin bundles.
I had some very old script that used to do this, but it relied on the old Rez utility and doing something I don't recall with a specific portion of the resource fork. Now, with bundles, I can't find the script I need to add to insert the icon and make it actually show up.
I have set the CFBundleIconFile string in the plist file to MyIcon.icns, and the script phase copies the MyIcon.icns file to the Contents/Resources folder, but it still does not show up in Finder with our icon. (If I change the plug-in extension to .app, our icon DOES show up, but then I can't change the bundle back to .vst3... it keeps the .app extension once that is set.)

TortoiseSVN - "Save Form As" command in VB6 doesn't open any menu

I started working on a legacy software that uses Visual Basic 6 with TortoiseSVN on Windows.
When I work from the trunk, I am able to use the "Save Form As" contextual menu command to duplicate a form.
When doing the same when working on a branch, the command does not have any effect.
I have tried moving the project directory to the SVN ignore list.
I have also tried to take it out of source control all together.
I created a new repository and checked out the code. From this new repository, I could not copy a form in either the trunk or the branch.
I still cannot copy an existing form.
This tells me there might be an issue with file access permissions.
Sometimes .frm files have an accompanying .frx file (a binary file). Check whether this file is read-write. You may need to lock it in SVN. Since it is a binary file, the recommended practise is to mark it as needs-lock in SVN. VB6 sometimes fails to show helpful error messages if the .frm is read-write but the .frx is read-only.

Tortoisehg icons not showing

I copied a repository (whole folder) from one computer to another and added the repository to the TortoiseHG workbench through File->Open Repository.
Everything works fine, except no overlay icons are showing in windows explorer in the directory of the copied repository (for whether the file has been modified, or it's up to date, etc).
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
I found the answer - see Shea Martin's reply near the bottom about windows only allowing 11 overlay icon registry entries

clearcase issues with default.magic file - not visible in Win7

I'm having some issues with my default.magic file in clearcase when adding files to clearcase.
When I go to C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\config\magic the default.magic file is not visible in windows explorer or by doing a dir in a cmd window.
However I can open the file in a text editor and make changes to it. (Via the open dialog).
What is going on? Is it possible clearcase can't find its own file?
I am not sure why the default.magic file, wouldn't be visible, but it is best to leave that default file untouched.
As explained in Evaluating multiple magic files, you can define multiple magic files for you to test.
In "About the ClearCase Magic file", you would, for Windows (including CC7.1+) create a cc.magic file (in the same directory as the default.magic file). And that file would be visible enough.

How do I configure TortoiseHg to open a file in the right program based on its extension?

I'm using TortoiseHg v2.2.1 with Mercurial 1.9 in WindowsXP. How do I configure TortoiseHg to view a file based on the application Windows has associated with its extension?
For example, if I have a .docx file in the repository and I'm looking at its revision history, I'd like View at revision... to open the selected revision in MS Word. Likewise for other binary file types like ppt and xls, which I can't view using the default text editor or kdiff3.
Can I leverage that Windows already knows what program to use to open certain types of files or will I have to manually configure each file type of interest within the Tortoise config files?
I've found several SVN scripts in the TortoiseHg\diff-scripts folder that look like they solve a similar problem for diffing binaries rather than simply viewing them, but those don't seem to be activated and I'm not sure what if anything I need to mod in the MergePatterns.rc or Mercurial.ini files to make this all work.
To make "View at Revision" use whatever program is associated with the file's extension, try this trick: In the "Global Settings" in the "TortoiseHg" section, enter start "" as "Visual Editor". Note the empty "". This is necessary so that start will not use the file name, which gets passed in quotes by TortoiseHg, as the window title.
