JMETER user based or throughput based testing - jmeter

I want to know how much users the system I am testing can handle and I am confused which test to use in JMeter, user-based where I user specific number of threads or throughput based where I use the throughput timer and from there I calculate the number of concurrent users.

You have answered your question yourself, if you need to know how many users your system is able to handle you need to simulate real users as close as possible, it includes:
Cookies (HTTP Cookie Manager)
Cache (HTTP Cache Manager)
Headers (HTTP Header Manager)
Think Time (Timers)
Your application usage scenarios (user groups distributions)
Start with one and gradually increase the load until response time will start exceeding acceptable or errors start occurring, whatever comes the first.
See How To Make JMeter Behave More Like A Real Browser article for more information on above hints.


How to find deadlock, timeout and memory issues using JMeter?

I am new to performance testing. I have a task on measuring the web application performance. I need to find out which modules/calls are causing deadlock, timeout and memory issues.
Q1. How can I use JMeter to find out deadlock, memory and timeout issues? If I do the following steps, it is the right way to trace those issues?
create a test plan in JMeter, which contains multiple Thread Group.
In each thread group, it contains multiple HTTP requests and 200 or
more users plus infinite loop.
Monitor JMeter results and SQL
profiler for deadlock.
Q2. JMeter is the right tool for tracking those issues? Or, should I use browser based performance testing tool such as LoadNinja, LoadView?
Q1 JMeter per se doesn't provide any toolchain to detect deadlock and memory issues, the HTTP Request sampler (or even better HTTP Request Defaults) provides possibility to set the timeouts, if the value is blank - it will default to operating system timeout or web server timeout, whatever comes the first
If you conduct some form of stress test, i.e. start with 1 virtual user and gradually increase the load at some point you will see that response time starts growing and number of requests per second starts decreasing. So it's the point of maximum system performance and after that the performance will be degrading.
To monitor application under test memory you can use JMeter PerfMon Plugin, it will allow you to state whether the lack of RAM is the cause of the performance issue
With regards to deadlocks, it should result in HTTP Request sampler failure (or timeout), JMeter won't give you the underlying reason, but it will give you the timestamp and you should be able to check what happened with your application/database at that moment.
Q2 well-behaved JMeter test must produce the same network footprint as a real browser, if your test plan is good enough the system under test shouldn't be able to distinguish whether it's being hit by JMeter or by a real user using the real browser. JMeter will not give you client-side performance metrics like page rendering time or JavaScript execution time as:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).

difference between concurrent user vs active Thread in jmeter

Please explain the difference between concurrent user vs active Thread. Is both are same or have any differences in both.
In JMeter world a thread is a virtual user so ideally the number of active threads should be equal to the number of concurrent users.
Just keep in mind that you need to properly simulate the real user by the virtual user to wit:
Add HTTP Cookie Manager to represent browser cookies
Configure HTTP Request Defaults to download embedded resources and use concurrent pool of 6 threads for doing this
Add HTTP Cache Manager to simulate browser's cache
Add HTTP Header Manager to simulate the browser's headers
Add Timers to simulate "think times" (real users need some time to think between operations, type something into inputs, read text, etc.)
More information: How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser

JMeter Load Testing Time Verification

I use JMeter for checking load testing.
I note a time with stopwatch when i check load time personally it was
8.5 seconds
when i run same case with JMeter it gave load time of 2 seconds
There is huge difference between them, How can i verify the actual time?
e.g : if one user taking 9 seconds to load the form while in JMeter it is given load time 2 seconds
Client time is a complex item, as you can see from the clip from the Chrome Developer tools, performance tab, above. There's lots going on at the client which does lead to a difference between the time you see with an HTTP protocol test tool, such as JMETER (and most of the other performance test tools on the planet) and the actual client render.
You can address this Delta in a number of ways:
Run a single GUI Virtual user. Name your timing records such as "Login" and "login_GUI." The delta between the two is your client weight. Make sure to run the GUI virtual user on a dedicated host to avoid resource contention
Run a test with all browsers. This was state of the art in 1995. Because of the resource cost and the skew imposed on trying to figure out the cost of the server response the entire industry shifted to protocol level virtual users. Some are trying to bring back this model as "state of the art." It is not
Ask a performance question earlier, also known as "shift left..." Every developer has these developer tools at their disposal, as does every functional tester. If you find that a client is slow for one user, be curious and use the developer tools to identify, "why?" If you are waiting to multi user performance testing to answer questions related to client weight, then you have waited too long and often will not have the time or resources to change the page architecture in meaningful ways to reduce the client page cost. This is where understanding earlier has tremendous advantages for making changes.
I picked the graphic above deliberately to illustrate the precise challenge you have. Notice, the loading of the components takes less than a tenth of a second. These are the requests that JMETER would be making. But the page takes almost five seconds to "render." Jmeter is not broken, it is working as designed. It is your understanding that needs to change on which tools can be used to pull particular stats for analysis.
You can't compare JMeter load time to browser as is, also because your browser will load JavaScript files and can call JavaScript functions on page load while JMeter doesn't execute JavaScript.
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as
web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a
browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not
perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter
does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it
render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the
response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any
samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a
Just a side note - you can use plugin to check exact load time in chrome.
Well-behaved JMeter test timing should be equal or similar to real user timing, if there is a 4x times difference - most probably your JMeter configuration is not correct.
Probably the most important. Make sure your HTTP Request samplers are configured to retrieve so called "embedded resources" (images, scripts, styles) which are referenced in the web page
If your application is using AJAX technology make sure you execute AJAX-driven requests as well and add their elapsed time to main sampler using i.e. Transaction Controller.
Make sure you mimic browser's:
Cookies via HTTP Cookie Manager
Headers via HTTP Header Manager
Cache via HTTP Cache Manager
Assuming all above you should be receiving similar to real user experience page load time. See How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser article for more detailed information on the above tips.
In addition to the answers provided by James and user7294900, please find these images to help you understand the reason behind the difference in time given by your stop watch and JMeter.
Below image gives the ideology behind how JMeter provides the time.
Below image gives the ideology behind how you have measured the time with
your stop watch.
Notice that there are additional actions performed by the browser when you are taking the time using your stop watch. This is the reason behind the huge difference in time between JMeter and your stop watch.
In addition to this, ensure that you are using the same test environmental conditions for both the tests (like same network conditions, same LG etc.)
Hope this helps!

jmeter active threads and csv - is this setup correct

I am using jMeter to load test logging in and logging out of my application. I have a CSV with 500 uname and pwords, and I have also set the active threads to 500.
Is this the correct way to stimulate a load of 500 users?
From technical perspective - yes, JMeter will pick up credentials from CSV and send them along with the request.
However if you think about what happens in reality logging in and immediately logging out doesn't seem a realistic use case for me. The whole idea of load testing a web application is simulating real users as close as possible, it includes:
Application usage scenario(s): how many users will be accessing your application at the same time and what users will be doing what things? For example given Stack OverFlow the vast majority of users are searching for answers by given criteria, some users are typing questions, some of them providing answers, and some of them are commenting. These all are different behavioral patterns which need to be accurately simulated by your load test
Each user should have a "user session" which identifies him so application would distinguish different users so make sure you have HTTP Cookie Manager in your Test Plan
Real users use real browsers which are downloading images, CSS and JavaScript files using parallel thread pool (around 5 concurrent threads) to speed up page loading process. In order to mimic this behavior you need to configure HTTP Request samplers to download embedded resources and do it in parallel. You can apply this configuration to all the HTTP Request samplers via HTTP Request Defaults.
Don't forget to add HTTP Cache Manager to mimic browser cache as real browsers normally cache embedded resources to disk and don't re-request them on subsequent calls.
So I would recommend reviewing your test scenario and/or load pattern and get familiarized with How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser article

How many threads/users can one Windows client simulate during my load test?

I'm planning to do a load test of our ASP/.NET web application and need to simulate about 600 concurrent users on our system.
Initially we'll just be running the load test tools (probabaly JMETER or WCAT/WAST) from our personal workstations which are Windows 7/32 Bit Dells (Dual Core processors). I was wondering about how many users I can expect to be able to simulate from one client.
If I can easily do 200 users per client, I'll need to identify 2-3 more clients for the test.
I wanted to ask the community based on their experience how many users I should expect per client on a standard windows box.
Any help is appreciated!
This highly depends on the test plan itself and cannot be answered that easily.
If you for example have 500 users that just do one request and then have a waiting timer for five minutes, this should work. If all users constantly do requests without waiting, this will put much more load on your machine.
It depends on the samplers in use. HTTP requests are less costly than SOAP requests for example.
It also depends on the listeners you have active.
For a normal load test I usually have around 100-300 threads active. I would suggest to start with such a number and to monitor the load (CPU, network) on your client to see how much potential there is.
Without more details about the test scenarios and the hardware, it is hard to give specific answers. But our Load Tester product can (usually) handle this level of users pretty easily on a single machine (assuming relatively modern hardware). The testing tool should scale linearly up to a point, so you should be able to get a good estimate by running 50 users through a scenario that is similar to what you expect to test.
