Laravel Datatables display data from related tables - laravel

I'm using Datatables for displaying data. It works good, but when I want to display data from related tables (models), they do not appear.
Model Keyword.php
public function website() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Website');
Model Website.php
public function keywords() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Keyword');
'websites' database table: id, siteName, siteUrl
'keywords' database table: id, website_id, kwName
Url that should display data: projects/'.$website->id.'/edit (example: projects/2/edit - (edit is a blade))
So, at this Url I want to show a datatable that display all kwName for certain website_id(in this example /2/).
Please, help me what should I use and how to do this.

Your Eloquent relationships are the wrong way around.
keywords has a reference to website via website_id, this is a belongsTo relationship.
website is referenced by many keywords, so this is a hasMany relationship.
Laravel 5.4 Eloquent Relationships


how to retrieve users based on the selected categories and sub categories from database in laravel

I would like to begin with the messy things I have done with the database architecture.
I have put the fields title, description, donation_amount, in the users table which should have been in a different table. But now if I change this, I would have to change a lot of things.
The ManyToMany relation is already setup between these tables in laravel. I tried to join tables that query builder as well.
There are different roles in the application. We will talk specifically about Donor When a Donor registers in the Application. It selects multiple categories and sub_categories which stores in selections table.
Now when a donor logs in to the application. It should only get the records based on the categories selected.
Now I am confused how can I retrieve the users based on the logged in users selected categories and sub_categories.
I have tried joining the tables which works well but it is getting all the results against the joined tables.
->join('selections','', '=', 'selections.category_id')
->join('users', '','=', 'selections.user_id')
->join('sub_categories','', '=', 'selections.sub_category_id')
Relations in the model Category
public function users() {
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class,'selections');
Relations in the model User
public function categories() {
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class,'selections');
If there is a way of doing this calling eloquent relationships. I would love the help else It would be evenly nicer to get the job done with the joins I have already implemented.
Use has-many-through relationship.
In other way you can query like this :
->whereIn('',function($query) use ($specific_category_id){

Laravel Relationships, don't know how to display

I have two models. Business and City.
-some columns--
How to display the city name, when I get business data to view
I was able to display cities using the laravel voyager lessons
When I want to get it like $business->city_id
If you are using models, you can create a relationship by adding hasOne or hasMany to your model codes.
When you call it from your controller, you can call the relationship you wrote in your model with the 'with' query.
public function city()
return $this->hasOne(City::class,'id','cityid');
If you don't use model, you can connect with 'join'
You have 2 options. First, you can get city details on the controller:
On the blade
Other option fetching it on the blade directly. I don't recommend this because of extra database queries.

How to search for all associations in a relationship tree in Laravel?

I'm having a problem. I have tables that relate:
I also have their respective models.
My doubt is:
How do I get all the data associated with users from the top of the tree (internal_clients)
I'm trying to follow the Laravel documentation using hasManyThrough.
However, in the documentation it explains only how to do it in a chain of three tables. They teach how to place an intermediate table (model) as the second parameter of the hasManyThrough method (BaseClasse::class, IntermediaryClass::class).
However, in my case that has several tables between users and internal_clients, how would I do this? What would be the intermediate table?
I would like to make a query that returns the user's internal_client, subsidiary, department and jobTitle (associated with users).
I'm trying to do it this way:
Model InternalClient
public function users()
return $this->hasManyThrough(User::class, InternalClient::class);
Controller UserController
public function allRelations($internalClientId)
$internalClient = InternalClient::find($internalClientId);
$users = $internalClient->users;
return response()->json($users, 201);
The InternalClient id arrives at the controller above.
When I access the route, the error below is returned:
In short: I would like to know if there is a way to get all the data (from all tables that are in this hierarchical tree) that are associated with the User.
I couldn't find an answer on the Stackoverflow PT-BR.
Thank you!

Laravel Relationships Guidance

Could anyone please tell me how to create a relation between 3 tables.I have 3 tables. User, Profile and Post. Now I want to list all posts on the home page with user name form users table and profile image from the profiles table and posts from posts table.
There are few things to consider before suggesting any code. Your database structure, eloquent model classes and any other condition you want to apply before getting posts from database.
Hope, your profiles and posts table (both) contains user_id field.
You have to define two relationships.
In Post model define:
public function user() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
In User model define:
public function profile() {
return $this->hasOne('App\Profile');
Now, before forwarding your $posts to view you may run this statement:
This will load relevant user and their profile within posts. Like this:
Further reading recommended:
Belongs To Relationships
Nested Eager Loading

How to make left join in many to many relationship laravel

I am new in laravel. I have 3 tables
user_ingredients(pivot table)
Now i have established many-to-many relationship but I have a special requirement that I want to get matching records(which is done) with all the ingredients in ingredients table. I can do it using query_builder or raw but I want to do it in eloquent.
I have searched about 4 hours to find any solution in eloquent but did not found.
Here is my code
User Model
public function ingredients()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Ingredient', 'user_ingredients');
Ingredient Model
public function user()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'user_ingredients');
Controller Code
$ingredients = $user->ingredients()->get();
Query Builder query
select ingredients.*,user_ingredients.liked from ingredients LEFT JOIN user_ingredients on = user_ingredients.ingredient_id and user_ingredients.user_id=129
I have checked has(),with() but nothing according to my requirement.
Please help me. Thanks
If I understand your question correctly, you are just trying to access all the ingredients on the user model? In that case, you should be able to just do $user->ingredients
You can access the relationship as a property on the user object. It's some behind the scenes Laravel magic that handles this.
