Using SonarLint in eclipse - sonarqube

I am trying to learn how to use SonarLint plugin in Eclipse. I downloaded the plugin and I have 4 views in my Eclipse now - SonarLint on the Fly, SonarLint Report, SonarLint Rule Description, SonarQube Servers.
In the SonarLint on the Fly, I am able to see only the JavaScript bugs scanned by SonarQube. Not the Java ones (I have Java rule set in SonarQube server as well). But if I open a Java file, then I am able to view java bugs and errors in this window.
In SonarReport, I have two tabs at the bottom - Current Project and All Projects. When I click on Current Project it scanned the current project and showed me only JavaScript errors but not Java.
So, my question is - Is there any way to see Java errors along with JavaScript? I should be able to view the Java errors throughout my project (without having to open java files and then see the bugs).

If analysis of JavaScript files is working, it should be easy to also have Java files. Few things to check:
For Java analysis to work fine, you should have installed the optional feature "SonarLint For Eclipse Java Configuration Helper"
Java files that are not part of an Eclipse Java project are ignored
Also, in the SonarLint Report view, the two buttons will only analyze changed files (ie files that are reported as changed by your SCM) so be sure that you also have some Java files with modifications.
Looking at SonarLint console while enabling verbose + analysis logs may help to understand your issue.


Netbeans 11 Gradle Project does not run gradle on save

I have just installed Netbeans 11.1 and when I save one of my Java files, Netbeans does not start a gradle build automatically. This used to work in Netbeans 8.2.
I have installed nb-javac and have also tried the newest Beta version to no avail.
Is this a known bug or do I need to reconfigure something when going from NB 8.2 to 11.1?
(This is only an explanation rather than a solution to your problem.)
First, Compile on Save is an option which is set or unset at the individual project level, rather than at the global level. So for a NetBeans Gradle project, select Properties > Build > Compile to view the setting for the Compile on Save checkbox. For that checkbox, note that:
It is unchecked by default, so there will not be an automatic Gradle build when you save a project file.
It is disabled, so you cannot trigger a build whenever you save a project file.
The problem persists in the latest beta of NetBeans 11.2.
I don't see a bug report for this issue, so perhaps you can raise one? Click the Log In button to sign up first if necessary.
That said, there is a related issue which may explain why the check box cannot be enabled. See closed bug NETBEANS-680 Erroneous Gradle Compile-on-Save activity which relates to Gradle projects using version 9.0 of NetBeans. Apparently there were spurious and unwanted compile-on-save runs being triggered even though Compile on Save was unchecked. Perhaps the feature has been deliberately disabled for Gradle projects because of that issue, though that is just speculation on my part.
Also see the GitHub page for the Gradle plugin. Comments from the NetBeans team for NETBEANS-680 suggest that the problem was with the plugin rather than NetBeans. That said, if NetBeans is offering functionality that cannot be enabled (i.e Compile on Save), it is definitely a NetBeans issue regardless of the underlying cause.
Finally, note that you can configure the Gradle plugin using Tools > Options > Java > Gradle, but I dodn't see any options there that would help with this issue.

OSGI plugin development with Domino Designer 10

Up to date I was using IBM Domino Designer V9.0.1 FP8 to develop an OSGI plugin. With this version everything was working as intended. I've created a plugin project, a feature project and an update site project. Selecting "Build all" in the update site project created all the the corresponding jar files.
Today I've installed IBM (HCL) Domino Desinger V10 FP2 (fresh install i.e. I've deinstalled V9.0.1 and deleted the old "workspace" directory in NotesData, but I kept the NotesData itself).
Now if I open my plugin projects, I can edit the plugin, save the Java classes without any errors. Up to this point everything is working as usual. But now, if I use "Build all" in the update site project I see a screen with "generating ant script" and then the build process is finished, but no jar files are generated.
Any ideas why this is happening? Am I missing some files? Am I missing some configurations?
BTW: if I use standard eclipse to build the plugin all jar files are generated.
Domino Designer is a customised version of Eclipse. 9.0.1 FP9 and lower is a very old version of Eclipse, 9.0.1 FP10+ is a much newer version, so not comparable to what was happening before. It's possible there are differences in the customisation of Eclipse that are affecting it. But every Domino OSGi plugin developer I'm aware of uses standard Eclipse.
Follow the steps for setting up your environment here In the documentation there I've tried to document why steps are done and what they achieve, as well as just the steps themselves. The intention is to pass on understanding to a broader set of developers, for future proofing.

SonarLint synchronization with SonarQube

I have read all of the threads about SonarLint not being in synch with SonarQube, but it's just not clicking.
I created a simple Maven project to test SonarLint & SonarQube. I added the sonar-maven-plugin to the project and then ran mvn sonar:sonar.
The project was uploaded to SonarQube. When I looked in SonarQube, I see that it shows squid:S2699 (junit test doesn't have an assertion) as a blocker.
However, in eclipse, there is no such issue shown by SonarLint.
I purposely chose this one as it's not a PMD/FindBugs/Checkstyle issue.
I have verified that squid:S2699 is active on the server. Obviously it is, because SonarQube displayed it.
There is only 1 Quality Profile: SonarWay.
Edit: I am in connected mode.
Does anyone have any idea why?
I am using:
Eclipse Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)
sonar-maven-plugin 3.0.2
maven 3.3.9 (the one embedded in eclipse)
SonarQube 6.3 (build 19869)
Here are the screenshots as proof.
It seems your test file is not treated as a test file, but as a source file. I say this based on the kind of errors that are reported (remove unused variable) and the kind of errors that are not reported (no assertions).
As you might know, different rules are applied to sources and tests.
SonarLint decides whether a file is a test file or not based on the Test file regular expressions preference, which you can find in Window / Preferences / SonarLint. The default value is **/*Test.*,**/test/**/*,
this seems to work well in a wide range of cases, and looking at your screenshot, it should work for yours too.
So first of all verify this setting.
If the value is different from the default,
I suggest to change it back to the default as a sanity check.
Then you can tweak the value according to your needs.
It's also good to verify that my theory is correct about SonarLint treating the file as test instead of source, by inspecting the SonarLint Console:
In the Console view, click on the Open Console dropdown, select SonarLint Console
In the Configure logs dropdown enable Verbose output
Trigger an analysis of the test file (make a change and save the file)
You should see output like this:
baseDir: ...
workDir: ...
extraProperties: ...
inputFiles: [
/path/to/your/test/ [test]
The [test] at the end of the filename indicates the file is treated as a test file. If it's not there, then the file is treated as a source file.

SonarQube: include files outside of the project into analysis

I'm testing SonarQube with a .Net solution file. I'm trying to figure out which files exactly get uploaded/imported into the SonarQube database. Based on my tests with the SonarQube MSBuild runner, it analysis and uploads all files which are stated in the .csproj project file(s) (only those that can be associated with a language plugin because I have set "Import unknown files" to false).
Is there a way to specify additional files which should be analyzed and imported? I had some hope for the "sonar.inclusions" setting, but it's not exactly what I need because the description says Patterns used to include some source files and only these ones in analysis.
I'd like to just specify additional files.
My use-case: at the moment, SonarQube does not create issues for compiler warnings (see Displaying C# compilation warnings in Sonar?) (which in my opinion is really sad/weird for a tool that wants to improve code quality). So my idea is to use msbuild with an xml-logger, import the generated xml log file and use the XML plugin with custom XML path rules to extract the compiler messages.
Similar issue for analyzing Delphi code. I found an old SonarQube Delphi plugin which I could not yet get to work with SonarQube 5.x, but I'd like to try to get at least the compiler messages into SonarQube (convert Delphi compiler output into XML, get SonarQube to import this file, use custom XML path rules).
Is there a way to get SonarQube to analyze/import such additional files?

Eclipse sonar plugin vs findbugs+pmd+checkstyle eclipe plugins

We are trying to install a CI Platform with (Jenkins,sonar,eclipse ...).
So that every developer can make analysis on his code before commit, I'm wondering between two alternatives :
running local analysis with the sonar plugin.
install the different plugins that sonar use (findbug,pmd,checkstyle ...) and configure them to meet the sonar configuration.
I'm not sure which alternative to use? I used to work with findbugs,pmd, checkstyle in eclipse and they look great.
Can you tell me which is the best alternative?
Thanks in advance.
With Sonar plugin you can manage the violations like:
Create a review
Mark a violations as false positive or fixed
View the hot classes and hot violations
View yours reviews
If you use separate plugins you have to go sonar web to do that.
The great advance of sonar is the reviews.
Other question is how many projects you have and will have. I currently work with more than 70 projects and many profiles. Is more simple to me run analysis with one plugin, because I need just add the server and find the project. With other plugin you need add the link for each project in each plugin configuration.
Why not install the Sonar Eclipse plugin?
This was designed to solve the following problems:
Sonar does not support parallel analysis of the same project. This issue rules out the option of each developer running Sonar locally. (See SONAR-2761, SONAR-3306)
You don't really want developers uploading metrics and source code into the Sonar database. They could be working on an uncommitted workspace and would therefore cause both inaccuracies and confusion if Sonar is being used for code review.
Sonar is really designed to be run from a continuous integration server (like Jenkins), building code that has been submitted onto a shared codestream (or branch)
The big advantages of using the Eclipse plugin are:
True local analysis, no updates of the Sonar database
Configuration of the other tools is retrieved from the Sonar server and jars automatically downloaded.
Centralized management of Sonar quality profiles
