Pass object to struct in other package - go

I have a main function, where I initiate a variable, a client. For example:
func main() {
myClient := my.MustNewClient("localhost")
Now I want to pass this client to another package, but for some reason I cannot figure out how to do this. My package looks like this:
package rest
import (
type AssetHandler struct {
mc my.Client
func (f AssetHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// here I want to use the client
So my question is, how do I use the client (out of main) in my package?

In the package rest you have to add a constructor function like:
func NewAssetHandler(mc my.Client) AssetHandler {
return AssetHandler{mc}
Then you have to instantiate the handler from your main function.
Otherwise you would have to create a separate package where you store global variables. The main package itself can not be used for this because it can't be accessed from somewhere else.


Override Function from Another Module in Golang

How do you override a function created in another module in Golang?
Module A
In one module I have the function NewPersonApiService, the full code is laid out as below:
package openapi
import (
// PersonApiService is a service that implements the logic for the PersonApiServicer
// This service should implement the business logic for every endpoint for the PersonApi API.
// Include any external packages or services that will be required by this service.
type PersonApiService struct {
// NewPersonApiService creates a default api service
func NewPersonApiService() PersonApiServicer {
return &PersonApiService{}
// ShowPerson - Detail
func (s *PersonApiService) ShowPerson(ctx context.Context) (ImplResponse, error) {
// TODO - update ShowPerson with the required logic for this service method.
// Add api_person_service.go to the .openapi-generator-ignore to avoid overwriting this service implementation when updating open api generation.
//TODO: Uncomment the next line to return response Response(200, Person{}) or use other options such as http.Ok ...
//return Response(200, Person{}), nil
//TODO: Uncomment the next line to return response Response(0, Error{}) or use other options such as http.Ok ...
//return Response(0, Error{}), nil
return Response(http.StatusNotImplemented, nil), errors.New("ShowPerson method not implemented")
Module B
In a separate module I want to override this NewPersonApiService.
I can call this function in the other module by doing the following:
package main
import (
openapi "build/code/spec/src"
func main() {
log.Printf("Server started")
PersonApiService := openapi.NewPersonApiService()
PersonApiController := openapi.NewPersonApiController(PersonApiService)
router := openapi.NewRouter(PersonApiController)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))
But if I try to override the function I get compilation error, unresolved type for openapi, below is what I was attempting to do:
package main
import (
openapi "build/code/spec/src"
func main() {
log.Printf("Server started")
PersonApiService := openapi.NewPersonApiService()
PersonApiController := openapi.NewPersonApiController(PersonApiService)
router := openapi.NewRouter(PersonApiController)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))
func (s openapi.PersonApiService) ShowPerson(ctx context.Context) (openapi.ImplResponse, error) {
return openapi.Response(200, openapi.Person{}), nil
Below is an image of the compilation error
Additional Info:
I believe Module B is properly referencing Module A.
Module A's go.mod file reads as follows:
module build/code/spec
go 1.13
require v5.0.3
Module B's go.mod file reads as follows:
go 1.19
replace build/code/spec => ./../build/generated/
require build/code/spec v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000
require v5.0.3 // indirect
The solution was to implement the ShowPerson method in another module, you would need to create a new type that implements the PersonApiServicer interface and provides its own implementation of the ShowPerson method.
Running this in Module B worked and allowed me to change the response of the API call defined in Module A.
package main
import (
openapi "build/code/spec/src"
type MyPersonApiService struct{}
func NewMyPersonApiService() openapi.PersonApiServicer {
return &MyPersonApiService{}
func (s *MyPersonApiService) ShowPerson(ctx context.Context) (openapi.ImplResponse, error) {
// TODO: Add your own implementation of the ShowPerson method here.
// For example, you could retrieve a person's details and return them as follows:
person := openapi.Person{Id: 23, Name: "Vark Thins", Age: 20}
return openapi.Response(http.StatusOK, person), nil
func main() {
log.Printf("Server started")
PersonApiService := NewMyPersonApiService()
PersonApiController := openapi.NewPersonApiController(PersonApiService)
router := openapi.NewRouter(PersonApiController)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))

How to call only specific functions that have an annotation or tag

Is there a way to add a tag or annotate some methods so that whenever an event arises all the methods with this tag or annotation get invoked?
How to achieve this in Go?
As others have said, no there are no annotations or tags on functions in Go.
However, it is more than possible to use a map (or slice) and a register function to keep records of other funcs (or interfaces). You just need to manually call that register func (usually in init() of that package).
For example,
package events
var eventFuncs = make(map[string]func())
func Register(event string, f func()) {
eventFuncs[event] = append(eventFuncs[event],f)
func Get(event string) []func() {
return eventFuncs[event]
And using the package to register:
package xy
import (
func Call() {
func init() {
And then call the funcs elsewhere:
package main
import (
func main() {
for _,f := range pkg.GetEvent("x") { f() }

How in Golang use struct in other package file?

I am new in Golang and need some help.
As you can see in the code below I am tring to create REST API in Golang. I use mux (Gorilla Mux) and pq (PostgreSQL driver) as third party libraries. Don't want to use ORM.
Inside application.go file I have InitializeRoutes function with a list of all aviable routes. GetFactors function process one of these routes. I am tring to define GetFactors function logic in other file called factors.go. Inside factors.go file I want to use Application struct which was defined in application.go. How to make it correctly? Right now as you can see they are in different packages. For thats why factors.go file don't see Application struct.
Project structure:
package main
func main() {
application := Application{}
package main
import (
type Application struct {
Router *mux.Router
Database *sql.DB
func (application *Application) Initialization() {
var err error
application.Database, err = configurations.DatabaseConnection()
if err != nil {
application.Router = mux.NewRouter()
func (application *Application) Run(address string) {
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(address, application.Router))
func (application *Application) InitializeRoutes() {
application.Router.HandleFunc("/api/factors", application.GetFactors).Methods("GET")
// other code
package controllers
import (
func (application *Application) GetFactors(rw http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
// code
Well, finally I decided to redesign the project structure.
import (
func main() {
// code
router := mux.NewRouter()
// code
package routes
import (
func Use(router *mux.Router) {
router.HandleFunc("/api/factors", controllers.GetFactors).Methods("GET")
package controllers
var GetFactors = func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// code

How to shorten struct declaration with same type attributes in Golang?

I have a question about export a module in a package with typing in Golang.
Example, I'd like to export UserCtrl in package controllers, and package api can use UserCtrl when import package controllers.
Also I want to export UserCtrl with typing, that means in api, I can call named methods, example UserCtrl.findOne(), or UserCtrl.findAll(), not use map[string]interface{}.
So I've created new type UserCtrlType as struct in Golang
package controllers
import (
// UserCtrlType : Type controller for User
type UserCtrlType struct {
FindAll gin.HandlerFunc
FindOneByID gin.HandlerFunc
FindOneByUsername gin.HandlerFunc
// UserCtrl : Controller for User
var UserCtrl = UserCtrlType{
func findAll(ctx *gin.Context) {
func findOneByID(ctx *gin.Context) {
func findOneByUsername(ctx *gin.Context) {
And in package api, I import controller and use:
package api
import (
Controllers ""
var userCtrl = Controllers.UserCtrl
func setUpUserRoutes(router *gin.RouterGroup) {
router.GET("/", userCtrl.FindAll)
router.GET("/n/:username", userCtrl.FindOneByUsername)
router.GET("/d/:id", userCtrl.FindOneByID)
I'm working with Gin, therefore the struct UserCtrlType is repeated many times with type gin.HandlerFunc.
Is there any other way to resolve my problem, which can export UserCtrl (typed) and reduce repeating type gin.HandlerFunc declarations.
When I'm working on Node.JS, I found it is very simple to export modules. Can we simplify this issue in Golang?
Typically in Go you wouldn't create a structure just to wrap a bunch of function declarations like this; you'd just directly export the functions.
package controllers
import ""
func FindAll(ctx *gin.Context) { ... }
router.GET("/", controllers.FindAll)
If you really want to have a struct that contains them as variable function references, there is syntax to not repeat the type:
type UserCtrlType struct {
FindAll, FindOneByID, FindOneByUsername gin.HandlerFunc
In general in Go you will probably find this is the least of your repeated code (if err != nil { return err } appears a lot). "With typing" isn't a special concept in Go; you can never refer to an object as a map if it isn't one (without going through the reflect package, which should be a special case).
I've found an answer for my problem. I think because of my limited knowledge about Golang, I didn't think of a simpler way for my problem before.
This is my answer for my problem:
package controllers
import ""
// UserCtrl : Controller for User
type UserCtrl struct{}
// FindAll :
func (ctrl UserCtrl) FindAll(ctx *gin.Context) {
// FindOneByID :
func (ctrl UserCtrl) FindOneByID(ctx *gin.Context) {
// FindOneByUsername :
func (ctrl UserCtrl) FindOneByUsername(ctx *gin.Context) {
And in package api
package api
import (
Controllers ""
var userCtrl = Controllers.UserCtrl{}
func setUpUserRoutes(router *gin.RouterGroup) {
router.GET("/", userCtrl.FindAll)
router.GET("/n/:username", userCtrl.FindOneByUsername)
router.GET("/d/:id", userCtrl.FindOneByID)
I will close this question. Thanks for your attentions.

How to access another file in GO

I'm trying to access a controller from main.go but I'm getting the following error:
./main.go:34:28: cannot refer to unexported name controllers.getUserDetails
./main.go:34:28: undefined: controllers.getUserDetails
here's a snippet of my main.go, I've removed some extra code
package main
import (
func main() {
router := mux.NewRouter()
UserRouter := router.PathPrefix("/api/user").Subrouter()
UserRouter.HandleFunc("", controllers.getUserDetails).Methods("GET")
env := os.Getenv("GO_ENV")
if "" == env {
env = "Development"
// appending middlewares
server := negroni.Classic()
// router handler with negroni
// starting server
server.Run(":" + os.Getenv(env + "_PORT"))
my controller.go file
package controllers
import (
func getUserDetails(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
message := "Hello World"
Please Help I'm new to Go. Thanks in advance.
to use a function from another package, you need to export it (GetUserDetails)
as said here
An identifier may be exported to permit access to it from another package
func GetUserDetails(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
message := "Hello World"
Since the getUserDetails function is in another package it cannot be accessed. Only functions starting with capital letter can be accessed. That's how encapsulation works in Go.
func GetUserDetails(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
message := "Hello World"
So in your main:
UserRouter.HandleFunc("", controllers.GetUserDetails).Methods("GET")
Language like Java, enCAPSulation in class-based OOP is achieved through private and public class variables / methods.
In Go, encapsulation is achieved on a package level.
In other words, in Go, starting with capital letter for any package object (type, variable or function) will allow you to access it from another package.
