Elasticsearch from a .net developer perspective - elasticsearch

i've just started to learn elasticsearch and even if i'm reading the documentation and do understand some aspects i have a long way to go until i will at least at some degree feel comfortable using it. The problem i'm having is that i don't understand if trying to use and integrate elastic with a .net project , will i'll still be needing a DB (relational) to have all of my date ? or i will not need it anymore since with elastic i can create indexes (which from my understanding is sort of a DB all by itself) that are stored on nodes which make a cluster so basically my date resides on a cluster at the end.
Can you give me a simple explanation with a simple example? I'm trying to implement a search page , this is my use case and elastic seems to know it's way around with searching stuff.
Thank you all.

Data will be persisted physically in each node of the cluster under the /data folder.
Ideally you'll do regular backups.
As an example I suggest this (working on a cluster with one single node) :
Start elastic and put some data in it.
Backup then delete the /data folder. You can't find the data anymore.
Put the folder back and do a get. It works !


Unknow source of daily clean up of indices

I have two separate elastic clusters, each one of elastic node is docker container, which live in docker swarm. I aggregate logs from various microservices in indices, and one of them is in format "logs-timestamp".
In one of cluster I have those indices from previous days, in other one I have only from present day.
This affect only those ones in "logs-timestamp" format.
Do you have any idea? or point from I can start to lookup?
Does elastic has some form of builtin garbage collector?
Ps. I didn't start this project so basiclly I have quite small knowledge about whole infrastructure.
You should check the ILM policies documentation (here) which is one way of automatically removing old indices.
In short, check the result of this command in kibana
GET _ilm/policy
It will tell you if you have some policy configured.
The other way I know for automatic indices curation is Curator ( see here and here). You should check if Curator is installed somewhere in your infrastructure and check the configuration.
Hope it helps.

What's the easiest way of moving Elastic Search data between servers

I've got Elastic Search v6.1.0 installed on Windows and Centos7 machines. The goal is to migrate data from Win to Centos7 machine.
Since they both have the same ES version, I simply dragged "data" folder from machine A to B. When I checked its health, its status was red and active_primary_shards was 0. So I reversed the changes I made.
What other methods are there? Can Snapshot/Restore method be used for this purpose? I think it's for migrating between different versions.
So the question is, what's the best/easiest method for moving data between 2 servers with same ES versions?
Using snapshot/restore
You can perfectly use snapshot/restore for this task as long as you have a shared file system or a single-node cluster. The shared FS should meet the following criteria:
In order to register the shared file system repository it is necessary
to mount the same shared filesystem to the same location on all master
and data nodes.
So it's not a problem if you have a single-node cluster. In this case just make a snapshot and copy it over to other machine.
It might though be a challenging task if you have many nodes running.
You may use one of the supported plugins for S3, HDFS and other cloud storages.
The advantage of this approach is that the data and the indices are snapshotted entirely.
Using _reindex API
It might be easier to use _reindex API to transfer data from one ES cluster to another. There is a special Reindex from Remote mode that allows exactly this use case.
What reindex actually does is a scroll on the source index and a lot of bulk inserts to the target index (which can be remote).
There are couple of issues you should take care of:
setting up the target index (no mapping, no settings will be set by reindex)
if some fields on the source index are excluded from _source then their contents won't be copied to the target index
Summing up
For snapshot/restore
all data and the indices are saved/restored as they are
2 calls to the ES API are needed
if cluster has more than 1 node, you need to setup a shared FS or to use some cloud storage
For _reindex
Works for cluster of any size
Data is copied directly (no intermediate storage required)
1 call to the ES API is needed
Data excluded from _source will be lost
Here's also a similar SO question from some three years ago.
Hope that helps!

ways of monitoring filesystem for new files and ship them to elasticsearch

Thanks for reading!. I have the following problem.
I have a filesystem where new files are regularly pushed into.
I need to monitor the filesystem for new files
I need to convert them to JSON
I need to ship them to Elasticsearch.
I am wondering what is the most reliable way of doing this.
I was looking at logstash but I am not sure how reliable is the filesystem monitoring bit. Also the file-server is actually a Windows machine.
Also I really want a fool-proof but very simple solution with not too many moving parts.
is there any simple library there that is specialized on file-system monitorig with a simple way to transform a given fileformat into JSON and bulk import it into Elasticsearch ?
Thanks for any advise or suggestions.
Filebeat might help. Then you send the stream to logstash and apply a CSV filter.
Fscrawler do this monitoring for sure but only for JSON files or PDF/oOo/Office and the like docs.
Ok, we created Ambar for the same purpose as you described. It can crawl folder -> extract data -> submit to ElasticSearch. Check our website for more information https://ambar.cloud
Also another great service is FsCrawler, which was mentioned by #dadoonet

Strategy to persist the node's data for dynamic Elasticsearch clusters

I'm sorry that this is probably a kind of broad question, but I didn't find a solution form this problem yet.
I try to run an Elasticsearch cluster on Mesos through Marathon with Docker containers. Therefore, I built a Docker image that can start on Marathon and dynamically scale via either the frontend or the API.
This works great for test setups, but the question remains how to persist the data so that if either the cluster is scaled down (I know this is also about the index configuration itself) or stopped, and I want to restart later (or scale up) with the same data.
The thing is that Marathon decides where (on which Mesos Slave) the nodes are run, so from my point of view it's not predictable if the all data is available to the "new" nodes upon restart when I try to persist the data to the Docker hosts via Docker volumes.
The only things that comes to my mind are:
Using a distributed file system like HDFS or NFS, with mounted volumes either on the Docker host or the Docker images themselves. Still, that would leave the question how to load all data during the new cluster startup if the "old" cluster had for example 8 nodes, and the new one only has 4.
Using the Snapshot API of Elasticsearch to save to a common drive somewhere in the network. I assume that this will have performance penalties...
Are there any other way to approach this? Are there any recommendations? Unfortunately, I didn't find a good resource about this kind of topic. Thanks a lot in advance.
Elasticsearch and NFS are not the best of pals ;-). You don't want to run your cluster on NFS, it's much too slow and Elasticsearch works better when the speed of the storage is better. If you introduce the network in this equation you'll get into trouble. I have no idea about Docker or Mesos. But for sure I recommend against NFS. Use snapshot/restore.
The first snapshot will take some time, but the rest of the snapshots should take less space and less time. Also, note that "incremental" means incremental at file level, not document level.
The snapshot itself needs all the nodes that have the primaries of the indices you want snapshoted. And those nodes all need access to the common location (the repository) so that they can write to. This common access to the same location usually is not that obvious, that's why I'm mentioning it.
The best way to run Elasticsearch on Mesos is to use a specialized Mesos framework. The first effort is this area is https://github.com/mesosphere/elasticsearch-mesos. There is a more recent project, which is, AFAIK, currently under development: https://github.com/mesos/elasticsearch. I don't know what is the status, but you may want to give it a try.

What is the best components stack for building distributed log aggregator (like Splunk)?

I'm trying to find the best components I could use to build something similar to Splunk in order to aggregate logs from a big number of servers in computing grid. Also it should be distributed because I have gigs of logs everyday and no single machine will be able to store logs.
I'm particularly interested in something that will work with Ruby and will work on Windows and latest Solaris (yeah, I got a zoo).
I see architecture as:
Log crawler (Ruby script).
Distributed log storage.
Distributed search engine.
Lightweight front end.
Log crawler and distributed search engine are out of questions - logs will be parsed by Ruby script and ElasticSearch will be used to index log messages. Front end is also very easy to choose - Sinatra.
My main problem is distributed log storage. I looked at MongoDB, CouchDB, HDFS, Cassandra and HBase.
MongoDB was rejected because it doesn't work on Solaris.
CouchDB doesn't support sharding (smartproxy is required to make it work but this is something I don't want to even try).
Cassandra works great but it's just a disk space hog and it requires running autobalance everyday to spread the load between Cassandra nodes.
HDFS looked promising but FileSystem API is Java only and JRuby was a pain.
HBase looked like a best solution around but deploying it and monitoring is just a disaster - in order to start HBase I need to start HDFS first, check that it started without problems, then start HBase and check it also, and then start REST service and also check it.
So I'm stuck. Something tells me HDFS or HBase are the best thing to use as a log storage, but HDFS only works smoothly with Java and HBase is just a deploying/monitoring nightmare.
Can anyone share its thoughts or experience building similar systems using components I described above or with something completely different?
I'd recommend using Flume to aggregate your data into HBase. You could also use the Elastic Search Sink for Flume to keep a search index up to date in real time.
For more, see my answer to a similar question on Quora.
With regards to Java and HDFS - using a tool like BeanShell, you can interact with the HDFS store via Javascript.
