Saving state of services in Linux services in Ansible - ansible

I am trying to save whether services are in running state or stopped. I applied the following login.
- hosts: all
myName: Nikunj
result: ""
- name: Initialize empty Started and Stopped list of strings
started: []
stopped: []
- name: Saving context of the VM
shell: service tomcat status
ignore_errors: true
register: result
when: ' "running" in "{{result.stdout}}" '
started : "{{ started }} + ['tomcat']"
- debug:
msg: "{{started}}"
shell command here is giving me eroor.

- hosts: all
myName: Nikunj
result: ""
- name: Initialize empty Started and Stopped list of strings
started: []
stopped: []
- name: Saving context of the VM
shell: service tomcat status
ignore_errors: true
register: result
- name: setting fact
started : "{{ started }} + ['tomcat']"
when: ' "running" in "{{result.stdout}}" '
- debug:
msg: "{{started}}"
This will work. set_fact is an individual module.


Ansible - 'block' is not a valid attribute for a Play

I'm trying to figure out how to resolve the Error message: ERROR! 'block' is not a valid attribute for a Play
How do I achieve this? I'm trying to use the "block" condition, but it's not working. I'm not sure what to search anymore.
- name: Get diagnostic info block
- name: Get top process diagnostic info
script: library/diag_top_processes.ps1
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
register: diag_top_proc_out
- name: Get memory and pagefile usage diagnostic info
script: library/diag_memory_and_pagefile.ps1
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
register: diag_mem_page_out
- name: Get CPU info
script: library/diag_cpu_info.ps1
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
register: diag_cpu_info_out
- name: Init diag message
diag_msg: "Diagnostic information:"
"{{ diag_top_proc_out.stdout|regex_replace('\r\n|\n|\r', '') }}"
cpu_info: "{{ diag_cpu_info_out.stdout_lines | join(' ') }}"
- name: Add top process info
diag_msg: "{{ [diag_msg, proc_info] | join(' ') }}"
- name: Add memory info
"{{ [diag_msg, diag_mem_page_out.stdout_lines[0]] | join(' ') }}"
- name: Add CPU info
"{{ [diag_msg, cpu_info] | join(' ') }}"
- name: Diag info collection failed, setup variable
diag_failed: true
Error using 'block' for a Play:
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
ERROR! 'block' is not a valid attribute for a Play
The error appears to be in '/home/keith/Ansible/ansible-role-high-cpu-usage-win/tasks/get_diagnostic.yml': line 3, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Get diagnostic info block
^ here
This file only correct if you do
- include_tasks path/to/get_diagnostic.yml
As lopez said, it cannot be called with ansible-playbook command line.
Rewrite play as:
- name: Play
- name: Get diagnostic info block
- name: Get top process diagnostic info
script: library/diag_top_processes.ps1
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
register: diag_top_proc_out
- name: Another tasks

Playbook is getting hanged for some time and resuming itself after that

When i used WHEN condition for block which contains a lot of tasks the playbook is getting stuck before entering into that block and staying in the hung state for a longtime.
i have added ANSIBLE_SSH_PIPELINING=True in ansible.cfg, but it's not working.
- block:
- block:
- name: Interface Status Details
include: interface_details.yml
register: result
- name: Interface Result Global
LowerCaseResult: "{{ result.stdout }}
- debug: var=LowerCaseResult
- block:
- name: Calling Dependency Playbook
include: one_test.yml
register: result
- debug: var=result
when: "'is up' in LowerCaseResult"
- block:
- name: Calling Dependency Playbook
include: two_test.yml
register: cmd_result
- debug: var= cmd_result
when: "'is up' not in LowerCaseResult"
when: true
Debug is not printing the playbook is getting stuck for a long time no error message is produced.
(ansible 2.7.9)
ansible-lint does not complain about nested block (interesting!) See nested blocks lose conditions on parent blocks #12395 (ansible locked and limited conversation to collaborators on Apr 25) This might cause problems until resolved.
Problems in the code
1) Nothing is registered by include use include_tasks
- name: Interface Status Details
include_tasks: interface_details.yml
register: result
2) The closing quotation is missing; If there is no stdout in this result the task will fail
- name: Interface Result Global
LowerCaseResult: "{{ result.stdout }}
correct, set default to 'is NOT up'
- name: Interface Result Global
LowerCaseResult: "{{ result.stdout|default('is NOT up') }}"
3) Extra space after var=
- debug: var= cmd_result
- debug: var=cmd_result
The play below might be working
- hosts: localhost
- block:
- block:
- name: Interface Status Details
include_tasks: interface_details.yml
register: result
- debug: var=result
- name: Interface Result Global
LowerCaseResult: "{{ result.stdout|default('is NOT up') }}"
- debug: var=LowerCaseResult
- block:
- name: Calling Dependency Playbook
include_tasks: one_test.yml
register: result
- debug: var=result
when: "'is up' in LowerCaseResult"
- block:
- name: Calling Dependency Playbook
include_tasks: two_test.yml
register: cmd_result
- debug: var=cmd_result
when: "'is up' not in LowerCaseResult"
when: true

How to write varibles/hard code values in nested json in ansible?

I'm trying to create a json file with hard codes valuesas a output in nested json.But the second play is overwriting the first play value.So do we have any best option to do this?
I have tried with to_nice_json template to copy the variable to json file.But not able to keep multiple variable values in imported_var to copy to json file
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- name: load var from file
file: /tmp/var.json
name: imported_var
- name: Checking mysqld status
shell: service mysqld status
register: mysqld_stat
ignore_errors: true
- name: Checking mysqld status
shell: service httpd status
register: httpd_stat
ignore_errors: true
- name: append mysqld status to output json
imported_var: "{{ imported_var | combine({ 'status_checks':[{'mysqld_status': (mysqld_stat.rc == 0)|ternary('good', 'bad') }]})}}"
# - name: write var to file
# copy:
# content: "{{ imported_var | to_nice_json }}"
# dest: /tmp/final.json
- name: append httpd status to output json
imported_var: "{{ imported_var| combine({ 'status_checks':[{'httpd_status': (httpd_stat.rc == 0)|ternary('good', 'bad') }]})}}"
# - debug:
# var: imported_var
- name: write var to file
content: "{{ imported_var | to_nice_json }}"
dest: /tmp/final.json
Expected result:
"status_checks": [
"mysqld_status": "good"
"httpd_status": "good"
Actual result:
"status_checks": [
"httpd_status": "good"
You're trying to perform the sort of data manipulation that Ansible really isn't all that good at. Any time you attempt to modify an existing variable -- especially if you're trying to set a nested value -- you're making life complicated. Having said that, it is possible to do what you want. For example:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
imported_var: {}
- name: Checking sshd status
command: systemctl is-active sshd
register: sshd_stat
ignore_errors: true
- name: Checking httpd status
command: systemctl is-active httpd
register: httpd_stat
ignore_errors: true
- set_fact:
imported_var: "{{ imported_var|combine({'status_checks': []}) }}"
- set_fact:
imported_var: >-
{{ imported_var|combine({'status_checks':
imported_var.status_checks + [{'sshd_status': (sshd_stat.rc == 0)|ternary('good', 'bad')}]}) }}
- set_fact:
imported_var: >-
{{ imported_var|combine({'status_checks':
imported_var.status_checks + [{'httpd_status': (httpd_stat.rc == 0)|ternary('good', 'bad')}]}) }}
- debug:
var: imported_var
On my system (which is running sshd but is not running httpd, this will output:
TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"imported_var": {
"status_checks": [
"sshd_status": "good"
"httpd_status": "bad"
You could dramatically simplify the playbook by restructuring your data. Make status_checks a top level variable, and instead of having it be a list, have it be a dictionary that maps a service name to the corresponding status. Combine this with some loops and you end up with something that is dramatically simpler:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
# We can use a loop here instead of writing a separate task
# for each service.
- name: Checking service status
command: systemctl is-active {{ item }}
register: services
ignore_errors: true
- sshd
- httpd
# Using a loop in the previous task means we can use a loop
# when creating the status_checks variable, which again removes
# a bunch of duplicate code.
- name: set status_checks variable
status_checks: "{{ status_checks|default({})|combine({item.item: (item.rc == 0)|ternary('good', 'bad')}) }}"
loop: "{{ services.results }}"
- debug:
var: status_checks
The above will output:
TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"status_checks": {
"httpd": "bad",
"sshd": "good"
If you really want to add this information to your imported_var, you can do that in a single task:
- set_fact:
imported_var: "{{ imported_var|combine({'status_checks': status_checks}) }}"

How to pass results back from include_tasks

Started to learn ansible yesterday, so I believe I may risk XY problem here, but still…
The main yml:
- hosts: localhost
[ "users.yml" ]
- name: manage instances
#include_tasks: create_instance.yml
include_tasks: inhabit_instance.yml
with_dict: "{{users}}"
register: res
- name: print
debug: msg="{{res.results}}"
- name: Get instance info for {{ item.key }}
profile: henryaws
"tag:name": "{{item.key}}"
instance-state-name: running
register: ec2
- name: print
msg: "IP: {{ec2.instances.0.public_ip_address}}"
So that's that IP that I'd like to have on the top level. Haven't found anything right away about return values of the include block…
Well, I've found some way that suits me, maybe it's even canonical?
- hosts: localhost
[ "users.yml" ]
ec_results: {}
- name: manage instances
#include_tasks: create_instance.yml
include_tasks: inhabit_instance.yml
with_dict: "{{users}}"
register: res
- name: Get instance info for {{ item.key }}
profile: henryaws
"tag:name": "{{item.key}}"
instance-state-name: running
register: ec2
- name: update
ec_results: "{{ ec_results|combine({ item.key: ec2.instances.0.public_ip_address }) }}"
Thanks for you answer - this helped me to find an answer to my issue when my task was called in a loop - my solution was just to use lists so for your example above, the solution would be:
The main yml:
- hosts: localhost
[ "users.yml" ]
ec_results: []
- name: manage instances
#include_tasks: create_instance.yml
include_tasks: inhabit_instance.yml
with_dict: "{{users}}"
- name: print
debug: msg="{{ec_results}}"
- name: Get instance info for {{ item.key }}
profile: henryaws
"tag:name": "{{item.key}}"
instance-state-name: running
register: ec2
- name: Add IP to results
ec_results: "{{ ec_results + [ec2.instances.0.public_ip_address] }}"
In my code, include_tasks was in a loop so then ec_results contained a list of the results from each iteration of the loop

Registering multiple variables in a loop

I have a variable yaml file:
- client
- node
- gateway
- ic
- consul
and this task:
- name: register if apps exists
stat: path="/etc/init.d/{{ item }}"
with_items: apps
register: "{{ item.stat.exists }}exists"
I need to end up with a variable for each app with a value of true or false whether the file exists or not:
clientexists = true
nodeexists = true
gatewayexists = false
icexists = true
consulexists = false
For some reason, the item and exists concat is not working.
How can I achieve that??
Try this hope this will help you out. While looping in Stats.yml then msg field will contain your desired output.
Variables.yml Here we are defining variables
- client
- node
- gateway
- ic
- consul
- hosts: localhost
name: Gathering facts
- /path/to/variables.yml
- name: "Here we are printing variables"
msg: "{{apps}}"
- name: "Here we are gathering stats and registering it"
path: "/etc/init.d/{{item}}"
register: folder_stats
- "{{apps}}"
- name: "Looping over registered variables, Its msg field will contain desired output"
msg: "{{item.invocation.module_args.path}}: {{item.stat.exists}}"
- "{{folder_stats.results}}"
folder_stats will contain whole result, for individually referring to single - single result You can use it like this in you playbook.
