Unable to install Search Guard plugin for Elasticsearch-5.x - elasticsearch

Due to the restrictions, I was not allowed to install any packages from internet. So, This command is not useful for me inorder to install search-guard.
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install -b com.floragunn:search-guard-ssl:<version>
However, I am able to install Search Guard successfully on a different network by running the above command.
Because of this reason, I tried installing Search Guard from tar.gz or zip file by the below command as per documentation.
/usr/share/elasticsearch# bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///home/xxxx/xxxx/search-guard-5-5.2.0-10-sgadmin-standalone.zip
This one is failing with the below error.
-> Downloading file:///home/xxx/xxxx/search-guard-5-5.2.0-10- sgadmin-standalone.zip
[=================================================] 100%  
ERROR: `elasticsearch` directory is missing in the plugin zip
I downloaded zip/tar.gz from this maven repository of search gaurd.
Is anyone also facing the same issue. If not, kindly help in solving this one.

Download this file from maven to /home/xxxx:
Install it:
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install -b file:///home/xxxx/search-guard-5-5.2.0-11.zip
Other releases are available here: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/com/floragunn/


Error: unable to locate package libpam-google-authenticator

I'm having trouble setting up 2 factor authentication in Ubuntu Server 18.04.
I'm following this tutorial: http://www.ubuntuboss.com/how-to-set-up-2-factor-authentication-in-ubuntu-server-18-04/
But on the first step when I try to install the package I get the package not found error as seen in the title.
sudo apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator
I have looked around to see if the package has been updated and goes by a different name and I am sure I have the most recent version of the package manager.
Has the package changed or is there anyway around this problem.
Had the same problem. Turned out it's because Ubuntu Server doesn't include the Universe Repository.
Add this line
sudo add-apt-repository universe
Then run the command again and it will install.
I found a way round this issue,
/tmp$ wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/326531917/libpam-google-authenticator_20170702-1_amd64.deb
I was able to manually install it via this link and installed the missing dependencies the same way and was able to finish the tutorial as normal.

Logstash - Offline Plugin Installation

I have tried searching on various internet forums about the offline installation of Logstash plugins, but haven't found the solution that we can implement.
What I want to achieve is:
Install the following two logstash plugins:
My Limitations Are:
At my company, there is strictly no Internet connectivity on Linux servers. Therefore, I need a solution where I could download some off-the-shelf package on my Windows machine, and then unpack it on the Linux machine, which would install the plugins I require.
I have looked at the Logstash documentation, which advises on how to install plugins offline, but that also needs a 'Staging' server which has logstash source-code and has Internet connectivity - the latter is non-existent in my organisation.
I would greatly appreciate if you could advise how to approach this. At present, when I try to install the 'mutate' plugin, here's the error I see:
$ bin/logstash-plugin install --local --no-verify
Plugin not found, aborting
ERROR: Installation Aborted, message: Could not find gem 'ci_reporter_rspec (>= 0) java' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile or installed on this machine.
Thank you.
If you want to install a logstash plugin in offline.
First way ;
You must change gemfile in logstash directory. As an example, download plugin source in somewhere of your logstash directory then modify gemfile in logstash directory with plugin name and path.
gem "logstash-input-example-plugin", :path => "./plugins/logstash-input-example-plugin"
After that just run the below command
bin/logstash-plugin install --no-verify
You can follow this link :
Second way; using with gem file of the plugin. As an example;
bin/logstash-plugin install /path/to/logstash-output-kafka-1.0.0.gem
You can follow this link :

Marvel plugin not finding .properties file

I've been stuck on this for about a day. I downloaded and installed ElasticSearch 2.3.3 on my redhat vm. I am trying to follow the get started video on the site but not one of the installation commands from the video has worked for me, so I've tried following installation methods from the guide.
I downloaded the rpm and entered the following commands to install:
cd /usr/share/elasticsearch
bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install license
bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install marvel-agent
I then started my ElasticSearch node and went to localhost:9200/_plugin/marvel but nothing popped up.
I then thought it might be because I only downloaded the agent and not marvel, so I tried installing marvel from the cmd line, but I constantly getting a FileNotFound exception
bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install marvel
I then manually downloaded marvel-2.3.3.tar.gz and tried installing it manually
bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install --verbose file://.../marvel-2.3.3.tar.gz
but I'm told the zip is missing a plugin-descriptor.properties file
Verifying file:/home1/isuser/Downloads/marvel-2.3.3.tar.gz checksums if available ...
NOTE: Unable to verify checksum for downloaded plugin (unable to find .sha1 or .md5 file to verify)
ERROR: Could not find plugin descriptor 'plugin-descriptor.properties' in plugin zip
I then unzipped marvel-2.3.3.tar, added a .properties file, rezipped, and reinstalled. still got the same error.
I really need some help. This is very frustrating. I still need to install Kibana but if that installation is anything near as infuriating as this one I'm not looking forward to it...
I got past this error by moving the .properties file from within the marvel directory to the same level, but now I'm getting a new error. it keeps giving me a FileNotFoundException.
[root#den01ejm elasticsearch]# bin/plugin install -DproxyHost=www-proxy.us.oracle.com -DproxyPort=80 --verbose /home1/isuser/Desktop/up/marvel-2.3.3.tar.gz
-> Installing /home1/isuser/Desktop/up/marvel-2.3.3.tar.gz...
Trying https://download.elastic.co//home1/home1-isuser.zip ...
Failed: FileNotFoundException[https://download.elastic.co//home1/home1-isuser.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://download.elastic.co//home1/home1-isuser.zip];
Trying https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=/home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip ...
Failed: FileNotFoundException[https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=/home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=/home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip];
Trying https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content//home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip ...
Failed: FileNotFoundException[https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content//home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content//home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip];
Trying https://github.com//home1/archive/isuser.zip ...
Failed: FileNotFoundException[https://github.com//home1/archive/isuser.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://github.com//home1/archive/isuser.zip];
Trying https://github.com//home1/archive/master.zip ...
Failed: FileNotFoundException[https://github.com//home1/archive/master.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://github.com//home1/archive/master.zip];
ERROR: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information
cd /usr/share/elasticsearch
bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install license
bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install marvel-agent
This is all that needs to be installed in Elasticsearch 2.x to make Marvel monitor Elasticsearch. The Marvel Agent monitors the node, with a dependency on the license plugin, then ships the data where ever it's configured to go (to the same node, by default).
The third plugin that you're trying to install is the Marvel UI component. Starting with ES 2.x, the UI component is a part of Kibana and not Elasticsearch.
As such, you should be installing that plugin in Kibana. As you are trying to use Marvel 2.3.3, you should be using Kibana 4.5 (so Kibana 4.5.1 as of now). From Kibana, you can install it there:
bin/kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/latest
NOTE: The syntax of the plugin commands will change in Elasticsearch 5.x and Kibana 5.x and this will be greatly simplified to literally being the same file for both Elasticsearch and Kibana, but both applications will still be needed for both sides: monitoring and the UI.
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
bin/kibana-plugin install x-pack

Elasticsearch : Marvel and Sense Plugin Installation does not work

I have tried the online and offline instructions for installing marvel and sense, but nothing works. I have ES 2.2.1 and Kibana 4.4.2
I tried
plugin install marvel-agent
but i get
Installing marvel-agent...
Trying https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/release/org/elasticsearch/plugin/marvel-agent/2.2.0/marvel-agent-2.2.0.zip ...
ERROR: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information
same error for
bin/plugin install license
bin/kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/latest
so then i tried downloading the files and follow instructions on
i tried
plugin install file:///C:/Users/xyz/ElasticSearch/zips/marvel-agent-2.2.0.zip
but i get
-> Installing from file:/C:/Users/xyz/ElasticSearch/zips/marvel-agent-2.2.0.zip...
Trying file:/C:/Users/xyz/ElasticSearch/zips/marvel-agent-2.2.0.zip ...
Downloading ..DONE
Verifying file:/C:/Users/xyz/ElasticSearch/zips/marvel-agent-2.2.0.zip checksums if available ...
NOTE: Unable to verify checksum for downloaded plugin (unable to find .sha1 or .md5 file to verify)
same for
plugin install file:///C:/Users/xyz/ElasticSearch/zips/license-2.2.0.zip
and finally for
kibana plugin --install marvel --url file:///C:/Users/xyz/ElasticSearch/zips/marvel-2.2.0.tar.gz
i get
Installing marvel
Attempting to transfer from file:///C:/Users/xyz/ElasticSearch/zips/marvel-2.2.0.tar.gz
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "No valid url specified."
Please point out what i am doing wrong.
For me, the last installation instruction required a different format for the url.
file://c:/Temp/ElasticSearch/marvel-2.2.1.tar.gz. Basically, remove one of the forward slashes.
download the Sense tar file from the following link: https://download.elasticsearch.org/elastic/sense/sense-latest.tar.gz
open cmd form kibana\bin location
then you can install Sense using the following command:
kibana plugin -i sense -u file:PATH_TO_SENSE_TAR_FILE

elasticsearch marvel installation on windows

I have downloaded elasticsearch2.0 and it runs with no problems. I want to add marvel plugin and tried all instruction on the https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/marvel/current/installing-marvel.html and Install marvel plugin for Elasticsearch - it didn't help.
I am trying to install the plugin on windows8.1 64bit. When I typed
bin/plugin install elasticsearch/marvel/latest
from elasticsearch directory it says:
bin is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
when I typed
plugin install elasticsearch/marvel/latest
from elasticsearch/bin directory it says:
Failed to install elasticsearch/marvel/latest, reason: failed to download out of
all possible locations..., use -verbose to get detailed information
I also tried manual installation. I downloaded latest marvel (2.0) and put in elasticsearch/plugin/marvel directory then run
plugin install marvel -u marvelfilepath
It gives error
unrecognized option -u "-i , -u " commands are not recognized from cmd.
How can I install marvel plugin. Any help is welcome.
Try,copying extracted marvel binaries folder in ES_HOME/plugins directory and restart your node.Restarting the node will automatically pickup plugins available in ES_HOME/plugins directory.
